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This study estimates the value of the private and public benefits that accrue to Minnesota residents from state government subsidies to higher education. In 2005, the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system received $832 million from Minnesota's state government to support educational programs. These subsidies allow these institutions to offer lower tuition rates, increasing the number of Minnesotans with bachelor and graduate degrees. We calculate that removing these subsidies would eventually lead to 14,000 fewer graduate degree holders in Minnesota, and reduce those with bachelor's degrees or “some college” by 42,000. The annual economic cost of these subsidies is about $326 million; this is less than annual state appropriations because most of those appropriations are income transfers from taxpayers to students, not an economic cost. We estimate that the annual value of the benefits of these subsidies is between $531 and $786 million ($381 and $570 million) when a 3% (5%) discount rate is used. We also discuss some of the income distribution consequences.  相似文献   

为适应高等教育发展需要,根据国家教育和培训政策的相关条款,在充分酝酿和准备的前提下,埃塞俄比亚政府自2003年起在公办高校开始推行"成本分担"计划.根据该项计划,学生将承担学习期间的全部食宿费用和15%的学费,在毕业一年后以"毕业税"的形式交纳.虽然计划的推行曾引起过不同的反响,实施计划的保障机制还需完善,但毕业税的顺利实施将促进教育公平、增强教育财政的后劲,使埃塞俄比亚高等教育走出发展的困境,其积极意义已逐渐被社会所认识.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the enrollment responses of traditional undergraduate students to the introduction of government-provided tuition subsidies, but far less attention has been devoted to the elasticity of demand for graduate education. This paper examines how the tax code and government education policies affect graduate enrollment and persistence rates along with the ways in which students fund their graduate education. Our empirical methodology is based on exogenous variations in the availability of an income tax exemption for employer-provided tuition assistance for graduate courses. We find that graduate attendance among full-time workers age 24–30 is higher when the tax exemption is available, mostly due to higher persistence in public universities and vocational course work. The use of employer aid for individuals enrolled in full-time and public part-time graduate programs also increases. We present some evidence that universities may adjust tuition to capture part of the incidence.  相似文献   

本文尝试运用规制经济学中的收费理论来讨论如何合理地确定高等学校的收费水准。首先分析了确定高校收费水准时应当遵循的六大管理目标,在此基础上讨论了四种可能的高校收费水准的决定方式,最后指出,在高等学校中,只能采取以公正报酬率计算方式为主的平均成本定价策略,同时辅之以混合型定价方式。此外,高校与政府之间应当加强相互信赖和信息公开。  相似文献   

论我国普通高等学校个人学费成本的确认   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育收费一直是社会关注的焦点问题,那么,如何科学、合理地确定高等教育学费呢?本文从个人学费成本确认的必要性出发,探讨了个人学费成本确认的原则、个人学费成本归集的对象和口径,并运用多因素分析法从实证研究的角度对普通高校个人学费成本的计量进行了详细的探讨。  相似文献   

This article examines recent research on the private returns to investment in baccalaureate and sub-baccalaureate postsecondary education, the social returns to investment in higher education, and student responsiveness to prices and subsidies (e.g., tuition and financial aid). The analysis focuses on the implications of recent research on the economics of attending college for policy and practice in a variety of specific areas such as enrollment management; the role of community colleges and other sub-baccalaureate institutions relative to welfare-to-work programs, tuition taxcredit legislation, and the value of investing in credits even without credentials; the development of effective high-tuition, high-aid, and other state and institutional pricing strategies; and the inequities in the distribution of access and choice in higher education that is evident in the widening gaps in participation rates of white and minority youth and higher- and lower-income students, as well as in the growing concentration of lower-income students at-and the flight of middle- and upper-income students from-community colleges.  相似文献   

Utilizing resource dependence theory, this study investigates the relationship between institutional reliance on net tuition dollars as a source of revenue and institutional expenditures for education and related activities at public, four-year institutions of higher education in the United States. Drawing on an 11-year panel of university-level data and utilizing an instrumental variables approach which acknowledges the potential endogeneity of institutional revenue structure, I find that institutional expenditures are quite responsive to changes in revenue patterns. This is a finding that is discussed within the context of the longstanding trend of decreased state support for public higher education, as well as the increasing popularity of market-oriented approaches to the management of public higher education systems observed in the United States and abroad.  相似文献   

公办高校学费制度历经了"免费"、"双轨制"、"并轨"和"并轨"后的规制四个阶段。公办高校学费制度的变革由政府以渐进式的方式主导;其动因是经济体制和高等教育需求的转变,高等教育的发展;其目标是实现高等教育的有效供给,基于"利益获得原则"进行高等教育成本分担,政府分担高等教育成本的依据由培养"国家人才"转变为补偿高等教育的正外部性。  相似文献   

The funding of higher education in South Africa has in the recent past been a subject of animated debate. This debate has ranged from the adequacy of government funding of higher education, the suitability of the funding framework, to protestations against frequent tuition fee increases. At present, the debate is mainly about “free” higher education. Unlike most African countries, South Africa has an established history of cost sharing. But, for a while now, students, especially Black students, have been demanding tuition free higher education even though the country has a student financial aid scheme to support talented but poor students. The demands for tuition free higher education suggest, among others, the possible existence of financial barriers to higher educational opportunities. This paper is a sequel to the debate on free higher education in South Africa. It seeks, in the main, to understand and examine the rationale and drivers for the students’ demand for “free” higher education. What are the financial barriers to higher educational opportunities that the current funding architecture has failed to address? Secondly, why are students demanding free higher education when there is a scheme to support talented but poor students? Is cost sharing inconsistent with the country’s post-apartheid transformation policy in higher education? Finally, is “free” higher education the panacea to the access and participation challenges facing Black students?  相似文献   

研究生教育是准公共产品,基于准公共产品第二种定义所提出的方案主张研究生学费定价和财政补贴可分立操作.研究生学费可首先单独建立在研究生教育是私人产品基础上,学费是学校根据学生需求和劳动力市场需求所确定的市场化价格,生均成本在市场中确定并且不高于学费;同时,针对不同学校、不同专业所产生的不同外部性,政府有针对性地单独用财政进行补贴以保证某种外部性的充足供给.竞争市场对私人收益和外部性的恰当反映成为确定学费与财政资助的依据.此方案将学费和生均成本决定权交给市场(学费等于生均成本),而将财政资助决定权保留给政府,财政资助成为对成本的分担.本文以比较的方法对美国华盛顿州正在实践中的宏观研究生学费定价政策进行了分析.  相似文献   

Uganda faces severe financial constraints which have resulted in a serious decline in the quality of higher education and the government faces an urgent need to find new sources of finance for higher education. At present virtually all tuition costs and students' living expenses are financed from public funds, whereas families must bear a substantial part of the costs of primary and secondary education. This inverted pyramid is inequitable and results in substantial transfer of income from poor tax payers to rich parents and their children. This article considers arguments for increased cost recovery and the introduction of student loans and also considers obstacles to student loans in Uganda.  相似文献   


In the last decade, a majority of states has developed legislation or centralized policy directives which encourage the participation of older adults in institutions of higher education through tuition‐reduction or tuition‐waiver. However, very little research has been conducted to assess their impact on participation and program development. This paper is intended to analyze the awareness and impact of tuition‐waiver policies among older adults and institutions of higher education in the state of Virginia. In addition, this paper is intended to provide an expository framework for the synthesis of secondary data sources which address state policy issues in gerontology and higher education.

Results from the analysis indicate a high level of awareness among administrators at the institutional and state level in higher education and among state legislators, while somewhat less awareness is evident among older adults. In terms of impact, results indicate that older adult participation remains extremely low, and the priority of cost in participation decisions is not well understood. The actual financial burden on institutions is still relatively small; however, with no tuition or state reimbursed funds, the incentives for program development remain insufficient.

Several additional policy and research questions follow from the analysis. Questions must be raised concerning who is benefitting from the legislation and who should be benefitting, what kinds of incentives are necessary for institutions to develop programs, and what role the state should play in facilitating program development. Additionally, a re‐evaluation of tuition‐waiver policies versus other kinds of financial incentives is recommended.  相似文献   

研究生“全面收费”政策的合理性在萨缪尔森的“公共产品理论”和约翰·斯通的“成本分担理论”里得到充分的理论论证。研究生教育规模扩张、国家财政性教育经费紧张、收费试点工作的顺利推进为“全面收费”政策提供了现实基础。然而政策隐含的逻辑错位、高校新奖助制度配套改革滞后以及普通院校执行困难等问题不容忽视。为了更好地贯彻落实研究生全面收费政策,政府要及时调整外部问责方式,高校要积极推进内部改革协同,同时有关方面还要对偏远地区院校、冷门学科专业以及贫困家庭学生等弱势群体利益予以政策补偿。  相似文献   

论高等教育的学费   总被引:101,自引:0,他引:101  
:基于高等教育机会的公平和收益 ,受教育者应缴纳学费。作为准公共产品的高等教育服务 ,其学费不是高等教育服务的价格 ,而是高等教育服务的成本分担。高等学校培养学生的成本 ,大多数居民收入水平决定的支付能力 ,是确定学费标准的基本依据。学费听证会是政府确定学费标准的有效形式。当学费达到一定水平时 ,学费减免。助学金、奖学金、学生勤工助学和学生助学贷款等形式的学生资助政策 ,是缓解高等教育机会不公平的重要手段  相似文献   

As the borders between higher education systems continue to erode and competition for qualified students increases, many institutions are exploring variable pricing options, known in the USA as “tuition discounting.” The goal of tuition discounting is to use institutional funds to attract and retain desired students while maximizing net revenue to the institution. Recent changes in higher education funding and tuition structures in non‐US countries have led to interest in how to most effectively allocate institutional aid. This article outlines the basic concepts of tuition discounting, and shares insights for institutions that might be considering this option.  相似文献   

俄罗斯公立高等教育经费多元化改革实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联高等教育经费模式被学者普遍认为是纯粹的由国家包办的官僚控制模式的典型代表。苏联解体以后的二十年来,由于经费的急剧短缺,俄罗斯高等教育领域进行了经费多元化改革。联邦政府的市场方式拨款、地方政府加大的成本分担、学生学费的缴纳、高等学校的企业性活动以及国内外社会的捐赠资助成为俄罗斯高等教育经费的多种来源。  相似文献   

美国学术界对高等学校成本和学费问题的研究成果,在制度上仅表现为NACUBO提供的成本分析模板和两份国会报告,但是,如果站在制度推进和成本分析对治理结构的影响角度来分析这些成果,则会发现这些研究成果的重要理论和社会意义.美国十年来的高等学校成本和学费分析至少获得了三个重要结果:一是改变了民众对高等学校收费水平不断飚升的情绪性反应;二是推进了高等学校成本分析水平和成本控制能力的提高;三是,美国高等学校的成本分析是否可以成为撬动高等学校成本控制改革的杠杆,虽然是一个未知的结果,但是,已经有一些现象正在发生.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss some financial aspects of the future development of higher education in Africa entering the 21st century. Two main aspects can be distinguished: first, problems that concern the economy as a whole, the macroeconomic problems; second, questions that apply to the individual institutions of higher education. The former group includes questions such as: How much will the future expansions of higher education in Africa cost? How large is the capacity of African economies to finance this expansion and to what extent can tuition be applied? The article makes three recommendations to Africa's higher education: flexible tuition fees; a well-designed loan scheme; and a proactive measure to promote access and quality.  相似文献   


Through increased international student tuition revenue, internationalization provides public Canadian higher education institutions opportunities to offset the effects of stagnant provincial operating grants or earmarked governmental allocations. Pathway colleges, institutions that are either operated by host institutions or as private corporations, offer international students alternative routes to bachelor’s degrees, pathways that are intended for students who do not meet the entrance criteria of Canada’s public sector universities. While beneficial for some students, our analysis shows that pathway colleges tilt the public university towards an academic model that eschews collegial governance structures, privileges a consumerist vision of education, and relies on contract and precarious academic labor.We presenta typology of pathway colleges, providing examples of this trend across Canada. Our study examines the potential increase of human vulnerability that these colleges both produce and rely upon for staff and student recruitment.


对我国高等教育实行教育成本分担制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对我国传统的高等教育以绝对低于成本的方式为社会服务,所带来的高等教育需求膨胀等一系列弊病进行了剖析,对在目前高等教育改革中实行教育成本分担制度的可行性、必要性进行论述,并对实行教育成本分担制度下如何避免可能引发的教育机会新的不公平的情况提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

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