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终身学习"立交桥"是构建终身教育体系、建设学习型社会的重要内容,其适用范围是继续教育,最终目标在于促进各级各类教育的纵向衔接和横向沟通。借鉴国际上关于学习成果认证等方面的实践探索,我国当前搭建终身学习"立交桥"应重点解决好学分、学习成果认证与学分转换、学分转换与积累的标准与框架、质量保证四个关键问题,其中学分研究是基础,学习成果认证与学分转换、积累及兑换是核心和难点。学分虽然有工作量和学习成果两种计量方式,但以学习成果进行学分计量,更有利于学分的互认与转换。事实上学分主要用于学习成果的量化、记录和积累,而学习成果才真正在学分体系中起互认和转换的作用。非正式学习成果认证旨在认定学分,正式学习成果重在学分转换,两者面临的共同问题是质量保证。非正式学习成果的真伪鉴别和正式学习成果的透明度与学分价值对等是质量保证的难点。两者的共同基础或可行途径是以学习成果为导向的、基于标准课程体系或资格框架的课程认证。课程认证应作为终身学习"立交桥"搭建的重要突破口。  相似文献   

我国终身教育学分银行试点建设以来,各地区相关教育部门积极参与,大胆实践。目前,上海、广东、江苏、浙江等省市的终身教育学分银行建设实践取得了突破性的进展。但是仍然存在相关法律不健全、投入不足、标准体系不完善、各级各类教育机构间沟通不畅以及学分银行分部覆盖不广等问题。因此,今后的终身教育学分银行建设需要加快终身教育立法进程,健全终身教育学分银行保障机制;采取政府主导的方式保障终身教育学分银行建设的投入;同时制定和完善区域终身教育学分银行资历框架;不断优化终身教育学分银行的组织框架,以实现终身教育学分银行的有效运行。  相似文献   

The United Kingdom is gradually moving to develop national frameworks of qualifications, with the aim of identifying all publicly-funded qualifications according to level, focus and, where appropriate, size or credit volume. Existing frameworks designed for use in higher education and occupational contexts reflect assumptions concerning things such as the nature of knowledge, the academic or occupational context of the learner, and the nature of access and progression within education and training. These assumptions do not hold for the full spectrum of qualifications, and need to be challenged if a fully inclusive framework is to emerge that is coherent while supporting requisite variety.  相似文献   

完全学分制是以学分作为计算学生学习量的单位,以学分衡量其学业完成情况,并以学生取得最低必要学分作为毕业标准的教学管理制度。完全学分制教学管理制度对传统学生教学管理工作模式造成较大的冲击。  相似文献   

The current move towards outcomes or competence‐based qualifications within the education and training arenas begs many questions about the processes of learning as well as the measurable results. This paper explores how far the principles embedded in the andragogic approach to adult learning through the accreditation of prior learning are at odds with a qualification system predicated on the measurement of performance. It proposes a model of student‐controlled reflection that can lead to the identification of a range of prior achievements which may then form the basis for claiming credit, thus creating a bridge between two apparently opposed frameworks.  相似文献   

职业教育学分银行是职业院校将学生的学习数据与学分进行收集、归纳整理,鼓励学生在毕业之后仍可通过自身学习,将所产生的学分进行存储、兑换。职业教育学分银行对于职业院校学生的成长发展及专业能力的提升都具有重要意义,同时会促进我国职业教育的进一步发展。但在实践中,由于对学分银行的重视程度不足、作用了解不全面、定位模糊、学习成果认证标准不统一以及覆盖范围不明确等问题,在一定程度上影响了学分银行运行的推进。应加强对于职业教育学分银行的宣传,提升学分银行的重视程度,进一步明确职业教育学分银行的覆盖范围,促进学习成果统一认证标准的建设,推动职业教育学分银行全面运行与发展。  相似文献   

严格学业标准是《深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案》的重要目标指向,也是立德树人与素质教育的重要举措。正向积分教学法将“正向”与“积分”相融合,是提高学业标准的有效课堂教学方法,具有课堂表现数字化、平时积分学分化、积分设计科学化三大特征。实施正向积分教学法,要始终重视只加分不减分、反复清晰告示、培育活跃因子、人人参与体验、挂钩学分、打开“心门”、发挥“催化”作用、突显文化价值、遏制“唯分主义”和教师言行合一等十个关键环节。比较分析的结果显示,采用正向积分教学法的课堂活跃度、理论学习质量和知识内化度均有明显提升。  相似文献   

追求中高等职业教育培养目标统一、学分互认以及职业教育最大化效益是中高等职业教育衔接必须遵循的基本原则 ;采用模块化课程衔接、学分衔接、资格衔接和学校衔接是中高等职业教育衔接的主要形式 ;提供高度的认同理念、系列的相关法规和政策、完备的组织体系和制度以及有效的服务体系是中高等职业教育衔接的必要保障条件  相似文献   

Both students and employers, the main users of the higher education system, need to have confidence that qualifications attest accurately to past achievement and current ability. The standards represented by higher education qualifications need to be explicit and, in an employment market that is increasingly global, qualifications must have a universal currency. The frameworks of higher education qualifications published recently in the United Kingdom provide explicit benchmarks, and do so in a manner that enables international comparisons to be drawn.
Users need assurance that the programmes of study leading to qualifications are effective in enabling the learner both to achieve, and to demonstrate achievement of, the standards embodied in intended learning outcomes. Students in particular want to know that the education in which they are investing will meet their expectations. However, proposed changes in quality assurance of higher education suggest an unwillingness on the part of institutions to demonstrate that the standards embodied in the qualifications framework are being delivered. The interests of the providers appear to be given supremacy over those of the users.  相似文献   

在教育国际化与信息化融合发展的背景下,推行国内外高校间的学分互认已成为全球教育改革的重要方向。跨国修读学分互认是基于学分制的一种制度安排,是实现高等教育多元化、开放式发展的重要载体。中国高校跨国修读学分互认起步晚,发展不均衡;跨国学分互认尚缺乏相关法律及配套政策支持;学分设置及质量考核不规范,缺乏统一标准。文章借鉴国外跨国修读学分互认的典型模式及其特点,基于"以人为本"理念对中国高校跨国修读学分互认机制及实施路径进行制度设计,并从政府和高校等层面提出相应的管理对策:制定统一的学分设置标准,构建校际学分互认平台;推行融合互联网的"学分银行"制度;加强师资队伍建设,提升教务管理国际化水平。  相似文献   

以学分制代替学年制已成为当前我国高等学校教学改革的一种趋势。但学分制的顺利实施需以较高的师生诚信水平作保障 ,而目前许多学校师生的诚信水平并不尽如人意 ,这势必对学分制的实施构成负面影响。为保证学分制的顺利实施 ,应从多方面着手提高师生的诚信水平。  相似文献   

智能时代教育生态体系正在不断变革中发生重构,教育基本理论被赋予新的内涵,智能时代的教育公平从群体教育机会转向个体学习机会,教育过程均等转向学习路径适合需要,追求个体自觉下的多元教育结果。资历框架是智能时代教育公平的制度保障,为不同群体生命历程中成长成才提供基础,为各级各类教育衔接和学分互认提供标准,为面向未来完全学分制教育改革提供支撑。智能时代教育公平需要教育管理者、教育研究者及教育实践者多方协同共同努力实现。  相似文献   

Both students and advisers often assume that a lighter academic load during the first year of college will result in greater student success. This article examines that assumption. Academic load is measured in terms of credit load and course difficulty; success is measured in terms of GPA and retention. The experiences of a sample of first-year students at a comprehensive regional university are examined. While the credit loads for which students register are related to academic ability and prior academic success, the difficulty level of courses for which these students register is not. Variation in student credit loads is reduced because weaker students are required to take developmental courses but do not drop a corresponding number of college-credit courses. Contrary to common assumptions, students who register for more credits tend to earn higher GPAs and have greater retention even after controlling for academic ability, prior academic success, on-campus employment hours, and other background characteristics. Students who register for more difficult courses, however, tend to earn lower GPAs and experience lower retention. Any effect of credit load on retention appears to work through GPA. While much of the effect of course difficulty on retention also works through GPA, course difficulty does have a separate negative effect on one-year retention. While the possibilities that weaker students might be more successful with lighter credit loads or that stronger students might be more successful with more difficult courses were investigated, no significant interactions between prior academic success, academic load, and success were found.  相似文献   

On paper, Scotland has a highly permeable, unified system of lifelong learning underpinned by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. Recent reports suggest that the reality is less positive. This paper examines credit transfer in Scotland across three interfaces: between general and pre-vocational learning and vocational education and training (VET); within VET; and between VET and university degrees. It finds that credit transfer across the first two interfaces is limited; credit transfer at the third interface is more frequent but often problematic. One explanation is that the system is designed around credit accumulation rather than credit transfer; this, together with other features of the Scottish system, means that a degree of permeability is built in without the need for formal credit transfer. But a second explanation highlights the epistemological, institutional and political barriers to a unified system. The paper illustrates the importance of distinguishing among different types of credit system and the limitations of credit and qualifications frameworks as agents of change in the face of the institutional logics of national education and training systems. The capacity of cross-national credit systems to support mobility between national systems should not be exaggerated.  相似文献   

终身教育体系建设的本质是制度创新,核心任务是建立一套鼓励终身学习、支持终身学习的制度,其中资历框架是最基础的制度,只有以资历框架为基础,其他制度才能逐步建立起来。我国目前尚未建立系统完整的国家层面的资历框架,虽对资历框架建设作了政策准备,但颁布的政策主要提出继续教育的学分累积与转换制度的重要性,并未明确资历框架的核心制度、运作机制、管理模式、实施主体等;国内关于资历框架的研究主要是国外经验介绍以及对资历框架中关键制度"学分银行"的探索,而对资历架构整体的认识及其对终身学习体系建设的重要意义还有待进一步深化;我国的资历框架相关实践已经积累了大量的宝贵经验,但实践探索的范围还非常有限,尚未形成完善的学习成果认证机制和组织机构,无法从根本上构建完整的"学分转换体系"。从国际经验看,建立资历框架也是破解当前我国终身教育的制度瓶颈,切实推进我国终身教育实践的关键。资历框架的建立应列为重点工程尽快开展,立法和质量保证是资历框架顺利实施的法律保障和质量保障。  相似文献   

资格证书框架体系在二十世纪后期的欧洲发端发展,日臻走向成熟。它向人们描绘出新世纪义务教育后教育的发展方向,即政府通过政策和投资,强力介入教育;资格标准实现全社会统一;注重创新能力和就业能力;职教普教彼此互通;学习成果学分化和证书化,学分和证书实行累积并互认互换等。本文拟通过简要回顾该体系建构的过程,对其实质内容进行剖析,从而揭示其背后所展现的这种教育发展趋势。  相似文献   


Today, many full-time students spend one, two, or more additional years completing a 2-year associate or 4-year bachelor degree. In order to reduce this time frame, many institutions are utilizing a 15 to Finish campaign to encourage full-time students to enroll in 15 credits each semester. The first purpose of this study was to examine if there is a relationship between the number of credit hours enrolled in the first semester and the number of credits earned at the end of the first year. Concurrently, it examined how a student’s initial academic momentum (i.e., the number of credit hours earned in the first year) relates to student persistence and degree completion. The second purpose was to determine if there was a relationship between a student’s socioeconomic status and the number of credit hours enrolled in the first semester—and if it is feasible for low-income students, who primarily attend community colleges, to afford additional credit hours. The results showed that more students who earned 30 credit hours in the first academic year persisted to the second year and earned a degree than students who did not earn 30 credit hours. Also, the results showed that the majority of low-income community college students had enough Federal Pell Grant funds to pay for the additional tuition cost. Given these results, practical and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

高等学历继续教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分。自2010年以来,普通高等学历教育与高等学历继续教育每年毕业生人数维持在6∶4的大致比例。虽然目前我国高等学历继续教育发展势头强劲,但由于行政管理缺位、办学主体失责和教育教学失当等诸多原因,其发展一直面临着办学规模大但办学机构实力不强、发展势头好但政策支持力度不够、社会影响面广但学历的社会认可度较低的尴尬局面,亟需建立自己的专业教学标准,统一形式类别、完善学分机制、规范专业教育,以促进高等学历继续教育健康规范发展。  相似文献   

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