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Successful aging and lifelong learning are value-laden concepts that are culturally determined. To this effect, people with different value systems and cultural backgrounds may perceive and understand these two concepts differently, resulting in different definitions and conceptualizations by people in diverse cultural contexts. There have been studies of successful aging and lifelong learning that considered what role culture plays in these two constructs separately. However, there is a lack of research studying successful aging and lifelong learning alongside each other, using the same culturally relevant approach to examine the impact of culture on how these two constructs are understood and conceptualized. The aim of this paper is, therefore, two-fold. First, it will examine the concepts of successful aging and lifelong learning and consider the role that culture plays in the understanding of these two constructs. Second, it will present a culturally relevant theoretical framework to theorize and explain older people's own value systems and the predominant cultural values that have influenced their understandings and conceptualizations of what successful aging and lifelong learning mean to them in old age. Considering and examining the theoretical framework from the perspectives of elders themselves is necessary if we are to understand the ways in which culture shapes the experiences of aging and learning in later life.  相似文献   

This study examined and compared the legal inputs, structural settings and implementation process of lifelong learning policy in Thailand and Japan focusing on street-level agents. The findings demonstrated that while both countries had legal frameworks that provided a legislative platform to promote lifelong learning among the elderly based on a bottom-up implementation of policies, three major differences existed that equated with different outcomes of lifelong learning among the elderly in both countries. First, the promotion of lifelong learning for the elderly in Thailand mirrored complex administrative structures of several host organizations and multiple legal frameworks; whilst Japan’s lifelong learning policy had been promoted based on the Social Education Act under a single ministry. Second, while Thailand based its policy implementation on government agents at the regional and local level in policy delivery, Japan developed a community-based multilayered platform that promoted the policy with active involvement from various local players. Finally, lifelong learning policy for the elderly in Thailand reflected the personal initiatives of policy promotion by government agents at the local level; whereas, lifelong learning policy for the elderly in Japan was pursued based on the interests of the elderly and the community in which they lived.  相似文献   

The concept of ‘lifelong learning’ or shōgai gakushū has rapidly become one of the topmost priorities in Japan’s education policy agenda. This was considerably evident in December 2006 when the term ‘lifelong learning’ was added to Japan’s educational charter, the Fundamental Law of Education. This paper explores, as a means to develop Japan’s new lifelong learning policy, the lessons that can be learnt through an examination of the European countries’ efforts to build a knowledge economy, where lifelong learning is regarded as the key solution in overcoming several important social and economic concerns. In this paper, I first examine the current situation of lifelong learning in Japan, employing the ethnographic data that I have collected since 2001. Second, I provide a brief review of the European lifelong learning policy, which is one of the priority guidelines in the European Union. Under the Lisbon Strategy, for example, the argument on European lifelong learning theoretically centres on developing human capital in order to survive in the global knowledge economy. Lastly, referring to the European experience over the past decade, I propose to directly connect Japan’s latest policy development regarding lifelong learning with the trend of building human capital through lifelong learning in order to enhance its competitiveness in the era of globalisation.  相似文献   

Preparedness for disaster scenarios is progressively becoming an educational agenda for governments because of diversifying risks and threats worldwide. In disaster-prone Japan, disaster preparedness has been a prioritised national agenda, and preparedness education has been undertaken in both formal schooling and lifelong learning settings. This article examines the politics behind one prevailing policy discourse in the field of disaster preparedness referred to as ‘the four forms of aid’ – ‘kojo [public aid]’, ‘jijo [self-help]’, ‘gojo/kyojo [mutual aid]’. The study looks at the Japanese case, however, the significance is global, given that neo-liberal governments are increasingly having to deal with a range of disaster situations whether floods or terrorism, while implementing austerity measures. Drawing on the theory of the adaptiveness of neo-liberalism, the article sheds light on the hybridity of the current Abe government’s politics: a ‘dominant’ neo-liberal economic approach – public aid and self-help – and a ‘subordinate’ moral conservative agenda – mutual aid. It is argued that the four forms of aid are an effective ‘balancing act’, and that kyojo in particular is a powerful legitimator in the hybrid politics. The article concludes that a lifelong and life-wide preparedness model could be developed in Japan which has taken a social approach to lifelong learning.  相似文献   

Kaori Okumoto 《Compare》2008,38(2):173-188
This article provides a comparative analysis of the development of lifelong learning in England and Japan, while addressing the multi‐dimensional nature of ‘lifelong learning’. The article argues that ‘lifelong learning’ is a concept which has unusual adaptability and legitimacy, and for these reasons has been subject to multiple translations over the last twenty years in both England and Japan. These translations can be identified: a) through discourse; b) in the development of policy; and c) as the shift in the political ideology. Drawing on the insights generated from the three strands, the article concludes that lifelong learning is being translated to accommodate various agendas and has been adapted in diverse contexts.  相似文献   

从国际实践比较来看,不存在一个"终身学习"的公认概念或权威理解,各国在实施终身学习战略时都表现出鲜明的特色.如欧盟强调终身学习的目的是培养公民的欧洲精神,促进欧盟一体化,将终身学习作为经济社会发展的综合战略;日本强调终身学习是为满足人们休闲的需要和精神的提高,其推行仰赖于垂直式的机构管理和"由中心带动"的做法;美国的终身学习更强调经济和功利的一面,其运行机制是市场机制.  相似文献   

童素霞 《成人教育》2011,31(7):74-75
农村终身教育体系的构建具有有利于和谐社会的构建、学习型社会的构建等重要的价值,但是目前农村终身教育体系构建存在一些诸如农村终身教育理念淡薄等问题,因此需要在推进终身教育立法进程、资源建设,为农村终身教育体系构建奠定社会基础等方面寻找对策。  相似文献   

终身学习理念与日本当代社会教育的新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
终身学习是当前日本教育改革的中心课题之一,而与之联系最为密切的是日本社会教育。本文从日本终身学习产生的背景及基本理念、终身学习体系中社会教育的地位、日本振兴终身学习事业对社会教育产生的影响等三个方面,来论述日本终身学习理念与当代日本社会教育的关系。  相似文献   

为了推进终生学习事业的发展,自20世纪80年代以来,日本都道府县和市町村等地方自治体相继建立了“生涯学习中心”。它是日本特有的综合性设施,除了与传统的社会教育设施如公民馆、图书馆、博物馆等一样举办讲座、培训人员外,它还向需要学习者提供全地域各种教育、学习机构的学习信息,进行学习咨询,研究、设计课程,评价、认定社会学习的成果,尤其注重于与各种学习机会提供机构的联合、协作,构筑地方居民能够随时随地学习的社会网络。  相似文献   

Lifelong learning is realized in different ways in different countries. Socio-economic and cultural factors are important determinants of implementation. Japan is a self-styled ‘maturing’ society with an ageing population. It is wealthy, but undergoing rapid social, economic and technological change that poses a threat to its sense of community. Its economy is faltering for the first time since reconstruction after World War II. In the author's view, based on desk study and a visit to relevant agencies in Nagoya and Tokyo in June 1999, lifelong learning is seen to be a key means for addressing these three central issues - ageing, community and economic change. National bodies have deliberated on the problems and informed themselves of needs and options for development. They have articulated policies to promote and celebrate learning of all kinds at any point of life through adult, vocational and community education. Initial education is perceived to have a key role in inculcating aptitude for, and positive attitudes towards, learning over the lifespan. This paper argues that, in Japan, lifelong learning is viewed as a ‘lifeline’ i.e. a vital means of communication on these issues between the national ‘think tanks’, bureaucrats and the Japanese public. The Bureau of Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (Monbusho) seeks to develop and implement policies to achieve these goals.  相似文献   

与国外发达国家终身教育法制化的现状相比,我国仍然处在滞后状态。即使有个别的地方性法规。也存在法律效应的局限性。因此。我国终身教育缺乏实质性的措施。研究和梳理国外终身教育立法经验,对我国国家层面终身教育立法具有重要意义。美国《终身学习法》没有刻意构建一个庞大而完整的终身教育体系,而是将“终身教育”的推动放置于某一个接近的范畴,以避免法规“空泛”的弊端,但此举削弱了终身教育在国民教育体系中的地位。日本《终身学习振兴法》被置于产业振兴的层面,但国家与政府为民众提供公益性的学习机会等涉及终身教育本质理念的内容,仍然没有得到应有的体现。韩国《终身教育法》是目前世界上比较完整的法规,但对于国民在终身教育中的主体地位重视不足。我国终身教育立法需要解决的主要问题是:保护公民的终身学习权,坚持以政府为主导,建立终身教育体系,架构终身教育“立交桥”,建设学分银行,设置终身教育机构和专职教育管理人员,将终身教育经费列入国家教育经费预算。  相似文献   

日本终身教育发展至今已有50年的历程。第五届国际成人教育大会后,日本的终身教育取得了很大的发展,形成了网络化的终身教育体系,包括以公民馆为中心的社会教育、日趋开放的学校教育、持续发展的职业教育和指导实践的终身教育研究机构。探讨日本终身教育发展的特点,对我国终身教育的发展有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于电大平台的城乡一体化社区教育模式个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区教育是社会发展到一定阶段的产物,参与社区教育是基层电大未来发展的必然选择。电大在近30年的教育实践中形成了自己完善的系统网络、丰富的远程教育经验、广博的教学资源。基于这样的优势,电大在构建社区教育网络平台,实现社区教育的整合优化中具有不可替代的地位。嘉兴城乡一体化进程走在全国的前列,依托电大平台大力发展社区教育是城乡一体化背景下开展社区教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

This article argues that contemporary professions are facing a continuing struggle for legitimacy and explores the implications of this for lifelong learning. The article commences by exploring a range of theoretical perspectives on professionalism - the trait approach, the functionalist approach, the power school and postmodernist approaches. Drawing on the power and postmodern perspective the implications for lifelong learning in the professionals are considered. The Macpherson Report on the death of Stephen Lawrence in the United Kingdom is utilised as a case study which demonstrates some of the pressures on modern professionalism. It is argued that lifelong learning for the professions must operate in the context of social change, working with diverse populations and the need to constantly renew their claims to expertise.  相似文献   

孙伟 《成人教育》2012,(1):127-128
日本的终身学习体系经过政府与民间团体30余年的共同努力,已经初具规模且日臻完善。观察和思考日本有关终身学习的政策、内容、设施及社会的发展变化,对建设我国终身学习社会具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

在日本,高等教育领域的奖学政策是一项重要研究课题。日本的大学,特别是私立大学的学杂费保持较高水平,已造成一些学生家庭经济负担沉重,因此日本正在调整奖学政策,对大学生和研究生采取不同的奖学政策。另外,社会人入大学本科课程和研究生课程学习,带来了终身学习的费用负担问题,目前日本正在对这一问题展开研究。并采取了一些解决对策。  相似文献   

王国辉 《教育科学》2008,24(2):82-87
本文根据日本对终生教育与终生学习理解的变化,将其分为四个阶段,即构想立案期、部分试行期、由终生教育到终生学习的转换期、全面展开期。进而指出日本的终生教育与学习政策是适应现代技术革新的需要而展开的劳动力开发政策的一环,是作为市场政策的一环的终生学习的体系化,是作为新的社区建设的终生学习的体系化。最后明确了重视教育立法及设置相应的研究与管理机构等日本终生教育与终生学习政策展开的策略特征。  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Lifelong learning is recognized as an important tool to reduce social exclusion, but out of the many investigations into the provision of lifelong learning in Europe none has yet sought to examine the specific situation of mental health care service users. This study examines the provision of lifelong learning for this disadvantaged group; it identifies current policies and explores the access to, and nature of, lifelong learning practices for mental health care service users in eight European countries. Data have been collected through a literature and policy review and through questionnaires completed by mental health practitioners in the eight countries. The study found broad compliance amongst the eight countries with the Lisbon policy goals on lifelong learning, but evidence of specific lifelong learning provision for mental health care service users is patchy and sporadic. The study identified the main benefits of, and the barriers to, the participation in lifelong learning for mental health care service users from the viewpoint of mental health professionals and practitioners. The implications for practice were described, and suggestions for actions were made for improving the lifelong learning provision for the target group.  相似文献   

This article examines an important and yet neglected aspect of the relationship between higher education and the labour market in contemporary China. It does this through a detailed case study of student motivations, quality and status in adult higher education (AHE) in the city of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. This is a region which has seen major economic and social changes as China makes the transition from a centrally planned to a market‐oriented economy. The case study is placed in that context. Using the theoretical perspective of human capital theory, the article examines the role of education in labour markets. It then considers the relevance of lifelong learning to the research and provides an account of the methodological approach used in the study. The findings of the research are then presented according to the key research questions. These are that the utilitarianism which exists in AHE provision and demand in China has had an impact upon the quality of provision and learning in this sector. This will definitely not help to develop a lifelong‐learning‐based society and promote citizens’ all‐round development as suggested by government regulations on lifelong learning.  相似文献   

终身教育视野下的日本老年教育   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在人口老龄化日趋严峻的形势下,日本老年教育事业也有了长足发展,成为终身教育的重要组成部分。老年教育的施行是终身教育"教育机会均等"宗旨的有力体现,有利于终身教育终极目标——人的全面发展的实现,有利于终身教育实施范围的扩展。但仍应在老年期的第一阶段适当加大职业教育的投入,同时调动农村老年人和老年妇女的受教育积极性。  相似文献   

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