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Similar to counties such as the UK and Netherlands, second level schools in Ireland are free to decide how to allocate instruction time between curriculum subjects. This results in variations between the quantum of time allocated to teaching mathematics in different schools and between different class groups within the same school. This quantitative study builds a profile for both lower second level (Junior Cycle) and upper second level (Senior Cycle) mathematics instruction time in Ireland. The results of the study highlight that although the proportion of time is on par with the OECD average, there are many issues of concern regarding instruction time in Ireland. These include the short length of the school year, experimentation with new teaching approaches, the high number of subjects studied, variations between individual school and class group allocations and the number of classes that do not take place.  相似文献   

This article considers the relationship between policy and practice in the early childhood mathematics curriculum for reception-class (RC) children of five years in England. It explores what the policy requires RC teachers to do in terms of curriculum implementation; what RC teachers’ views and understanding of the early childhood mathematics curriculum are; how RC teachers implement early years mathematics policy; and how RC children respond. A case study design included interviews with elite participants who influenced the policy-making process, survey of RC teachers and a detailed investigation of RC classes on three school sites. As elite interviews underlined, international comparison studies have had an important influence on early childhood mathematics policies by creating top-down pressure for standards. Elites and practitioners drew attention to a tension between a play-based pedagogy and a standards agenda. Tensions in policy text were reflected in mixed and ambivalent views and reported practices by elites and practitioners. RC teachers did not merely receive and implement policy expectations but brought their own values and understandings to practice. The study reveals interplay between local and global influences in a context of changing views of early childhood, early learning and early years pedagogy.  相似文献   

One of the challenges of implementing a new curriculum is how to bridge the gap between the underlining principles of the curriculum and the cultural and social orientations of the society which includes teachers and students. This article reports on a study that explored how the cultural and social orientations of teachers and students can influence the implementation of a constructivist curriculum in mathematics classrooms. The data for the study came from 250 students and 41 mathematics teachers, using questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The results showed that inasmuch as mathematics teachers and their students acknowledge the importance of student’s active participation and teamwork, these practices have not been fully conceptualised into the Ghanaian mathematics classroom due to some cultural factors. Two main cultural factors were discovered from the analyses of the results. Firstly, the culture of acknowledging only correct answers in class has a negative impact on individual students’ confidence and participation during mathematics lessons. Also, the culture of teamwork is not fully accepted within Ghanaian classrooms as most students find it difficult working in groups and accepting and appreciating each other’s view. It was evident in all lessons that students were ridiculed by their peers when they provide a wrong answer to a question and this affected individual students’ participation in the classroom. Therefore, we suggested that teachers should be pro-active in promoting a classroom environment which is free from fear and intimidation to motivate students to be actively involved in the classroom discourse.  相似文献   

加强实践性教学有利于教师教学知识发展,有利于提升师范生的数学教学观念.泰山学院在数学教育类课程计划的编制、课程开设、教学组织形式等方面开展了实践性教学的实践和研究,通过加强实践教学内容、开展教师技能训练、教学设计、模拟数学教学活动、感悟教学理论知识的生成过程,积累教学经验、提高数学教学技能,提升师范生的就业竞争力.  相似文献   

Mathematics education aimed at empowering students for economic and democratic participation must address two critical issues: the long‐standing function of mathematics as a gatekeeper, and the complicated nature of designing and implementing systematic reform at the school department level. The study reported here examines a curricular redesign implemented by teachers in one US high school department. The department was redesigning its curriculum to remedy high failure rates in targeted courses disproportionately populated by students of colour. Using a case‐study methodology, this study examines the process of curricular redesign and its influence on these students’ access to more advanced mathematics courses. It describes redesigned courses and department characteristics that aided or challenged the redesign process, and discusses the significance of the identified challenges in constructing placement policies that did little to increase students’ likelihood of taking additional, and more advanced‐ level, mathematics courses. The analysis revealed a department that, despite its intentions, implemented a curriculum design which perpetuated inequities. This study discusses the teachers’ expectations of their students and perspectives about the nature of mathematics as a partial explanation for the department’s failure. The resigned curriculum failed to promote mathematics course‐taking because it created more defined tracks with less rigorous courses for students in low‐level courses.  相似文献   

With the adoption of new content standards, teachers are often left without adequate curriculum resources. This study examined how educators used their curricular resources to teach new mathematics standards in the USA. Analyses of open-ended survey responses from 257 teachers and teacher–leaders in Grades 3 through Grade 5 indicated that every educator reported supplementing their districts’ or schools’ primary curricular resources with other materials. These supplements primarily included resources found for free on websites and resources that claimed to be aligned to the new standards, but varied in terms of alignment to national standards for effective mathematics curriculum. Implications for this study include further research on how teachers make decisions regarding curriculum resources as well as increasing teachers’ access to quality curriculum materials that can support students’ mathematical learning.  相似文献   


This randomized, controlled field trial estimated the causal impact of a technology-based geometry curriculum on students’ geometry achievement, as well as their attitudes toward mathematics and technology. The curriculum combines learner-centered classroom pedagogy with individualized, computer-based student instruction. Conducted over a 3-year period in eight high schools within an urban fringe district, the study found that students assigned to the treatment curriculum scored 19% of a standard deviation lower on the geometry posttest than their counterparts assigned to the district's standard curriculum, but found no statistically significant impact on students’ attitudes toward mathematics and technology. Researchers also collected observation and interview data on teachers’ instructional practices. These data suggest that many teachers had difficulty implementing the treatment curriculum's learner-centered pedagogy. In fact, observed levels of learner-centered practices were only modestly higher in treatment classes than in control classes. In both treatment and control classes, however, higher levels of learner-centered pedagogy were associated with higher student achievement in geometry.  相似文献   

课堂话语作为思维与交往的媒介影响着学生的学习,不同特征的话语会对学生学习成就产生不同的作用和效果.本研究以OECD官网公布的GTI视频研究的中国上海数据为基础,探析上海课堂话语基本特征及其对学生的数学学习成绩、学习兴趣及一般自我效能的影响.研究发现,课堂话语的质量而非数量影响学生学习成就,高质量的教师提问能够促进学生认...  相似文献   

中美数学课程基本思想比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国《全日制义务教育数学课程标准》的"基本理念"和美国《学校数学的原则和标准》的"原则"为基础进行比较,同时也比较了中国《普通高中数学课程标准》,得出它们在六个方面的共同点,表明它们在基本思想方面有本质的一致性。还得出中美两国的课程标准存在着三方面的不同:阐述的范围不完全一样、行文的风格不同、对教师的要求不尽相同。"结语"中探讨了在数学教育中如何发挥自己的特色和如何"博采众家、发展自己"的问题。  相似文献   

戴文英 《天津教育》2021,(3):99-100
随着新课程改革的不断深入,小学数学教师也应转变传统的教学观念,创新数学教学方法,以达到新课程改革对小学阶段数学教学目标的新要求。小学阶段的数学教学能为学生未来更好地学习数学知识打好理论基础,在这一段时间内培养学生的良好学习习惯能使学生的学习达到事半功倍的效果。因此抓住这一关键期对学生进行教育,对帮助学生形成数学思维、提高学生运用数学知识解决实际问题的能力有重要作用。基于此,本文将研究在新课改背景下小学数学教学方法的几种创新形式。  相似文献   

通过实证研究、调查研究及比较研究法,对2011年以来四川大学大学数学课程教学班级、教师及学生人数、学生成绩等相关数据进行分析,发现教学班级数量不断增加,班级人数不断减少,但是距离30人的小班教学还有较大差距;大班、小班中学生成绩受课程及其难度的影响较大;师生对小班化教学的期望存在差异,“大班授课,小班研讨”的实施出现异化。建议正确认识适合中国国情、适合大学数学课程特点的小班化教学;加强高校教师教育,促进高校教师教学理念、教学方式方法转变;新进适量的教师,鼓励大学数学在职教师多上课,鼓励教授为本科生上课;有效推行“大班授课,小班研讨”,不断提升助教教学和管理能力。  相似文献   

In the last two decades Dutch primary school students scored below expectation in international mathematics tests. An explanation for this may be that teachers fail to adequately assess their students’ understanding of learning goals and provide timely feedback. To improve the teachers’ formative assessment practice, researchers, curriculum experts and teachers worked together to develop a model for classroom formative assessment (CFA). In three pilot studies, six teachers from three different schools implemented the CFA-model and evaluated its feasibility together with the researchers by means of checklists. The CFA-model was primarily changed with regard to the assessment techniques. Teachers indicated that classroom management and preparation time were preconditions for an optimal implementation. Analysis of covariance was used to explore students’ learning outcomes. The results showed that a correct implementation of the CFA-model might result in the enhancement of students’ mathematical performance. The implications of the three pilots for the implementation of the CFA-model on a larger scale are discussed.  相似文献   

培养学生的创造力是世界各地的课程改革也包括数学教育的一个重要目标。然而由于对创造力本身的界定有不同的认识,如何在教学中培养学生的创造力一直是困扰一线教师的难题。数学活动题作为一种开放性的问题,提供了丰富的问题情境,有助于学生探索和思考。学生在解决可操作的数学活动题时,表现出积极的情感体验,体现出多样的思维过程,并能对自己的解题思路进行反思和调整。利用数学活动题是培养学生数学创造力的一条可行的途径。  相似文献   

为了深入了解目前高中数学的教改现状,使得高等师范院校数学专业的课程设置与中学教改相适应,采用走访一线教师和问卷调查的方式收集有关资料,通过定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法,找出高师院校数学专业课程设置与中学教改数学教学内容间不相适应的方面,在此基础上提出了高师院校数学专业应该联系中学实际充实数学主干课,适应中学需要开好数学选修课,创造条件举办好数学专题讲座,采取多种形式开展好数学实践活动等教学改革的基本对策。  相似文献   

《新课程标准》指出:有效的数学学习活动不能单纯地依赖模仿与记忆,教师应该向学生提供充分从事活动的机会,引导学生主动参与、亲身实践、独立思考、合作探究。而现在的课堂往往忽视了学生的个性和思维的发展,过于强调知识的记忆与模仿,有时甚至为了追求分数,采取题海战术,严重压抑了学生的主动性和创造性,使数学课堂缺乏生命力。如果老师能利用儿童好动的天性,利用形式多样的活动促使他们积极地投入到数学学习中来,将取得事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

教育新课程标准的实施,越来越注重学生的创新能力的培养。作为学生创新能力培养的一个重要组成部分,教师应在讲课中注重培养学生的创新能力,特别是在数学教学中,要将创新能力的培养贯穿在讲课的始终。本文将结合高等数学教学中关于创新能力培养的相关介绍来探讨在数学教学中如何培养学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

Research that aimed to examine teachers’ experiences whilst implementing a reform approach to mathematics teaching in an Irish primary school forms the basis of this paper. In particular, factors that contributed to changing mathematics practice in this case study school are outlined. The school engaged in professional development (PD) that focused on using an instructional framework [Hiebert, J., T. P. Carpenter, E. Fennema, K. C. Fuson, D. Wearne, H. Murray, A. Olivier, and P. Human. 1997. Making Sense: Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Understanding. Portsmouth: Heinemann] in the school-identified strand units of length and weight. Four classes were tracked throughout the study and each class acted as a sub-case within the larger study. Data collected through lesson observations, teacher interviews, pupil work samples, and pupil focus group interviews were used to compare teachers’ experiences and to identify what supported and enabled them to change their practice, in addition to highlighting challenges that may have prevented such change. Findings were that shifts in practice were evident to different degrees in the four classes during the study. In relation to enabling factors, findings suggest that tailored PD, and the use and refinement of an instructional framework contributed to enabling teachers in changing their mathematics teaching. In particular, teachers reported that the 4Ts instructional framework was a very useful tool in supporting them to change mathematics teaching.  相似文献   

新课标要求数学教学要让学生学会“做数学”,做数学”的目的最终是要让学生学会“数学化”。“做数学”的实质是把重点从“教”转向“学”,从教师的行为转向学生的活动,并且从感觉效应转向活动效应,使学生在数学的活动中感知数学、认识数学、体验数学和应用数学。  相似文献   

The study examined the impact of curriculum reform on teaching practice in primary mathematics in mainland China. The participants included 58 fifth grade mathematics teachers from 20 schools. Thirty-two of the classrooms had utilized a reform curriculum for 5 years prior to conducting the study, and the remaining 26 had been using the conventional curriculum. Each of the 58 teachers was videotaped for 3 of his/her classes during a 3-day period and the videotaped class sessions provided the data source for the study. The focus of the study was on the instructional tasks that were implemented in the classrooms and on the teacher and student interaction. Results indicated that a greater proportion of high cognitive level tasks were implemented in the reform classrooms when compared to those in the non-reform classrooms. Numerical symbolic representation as well as single-solution strategies were dominant in the instructional tasks for both groups. However, in the reform classes a higher proportion of instructional tasks were used that involved visual illustrations and hands-on manipulation and multiple-solution strategies. An analysis of classroom discourse showed that most of the teacher questions were related to memorizing exercises and explanations of answers. However, the teachers from the reform classrooms were more likely to ask students to describe the procedure that led to an answer and to inquire further into students’ responses. The results indicated positive changes in classroom practice resulting from implementation of the new curriculum.  相似文献   

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