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来源原则与档案鉴定理论作为档案学的两大特色理论,在后保管时代有了新的解释.对于来源的新定义,使得来源原则力量,在电子文件管理中尤其是在维护电子文件的真实性方面重新被发展,而鉴定理论方面,原先注重文件内容和形式特征的鉴定的基础上,必须增加生成文件保管文件的技术鉴定,从而构成两大支点的鉴定理论.  相似文献   

本文认为,要认识后保管时代对档案学的影响,就要说明原有档案学逻辑起点存在着其逻辑极限,超出了这个极限,档案学理论就面临着体系上的重新构架;同时,理解后保管时代的档案学理论体系应具有的共同概念基础,如文件的构成要素、多维的文件运动,系统论与工程管理思想,三位一体的理论框架体系等.当然,从目前看,档案学界对于这种挑战也有一个适应过程,已基本上从仓促应战过渡到了从容应对的阶段.  相似文献   

本文从两个层次来比较 :一是就基本原则而言 ,文件连续体理论强调文件的可持续价值、逻辑联系、文件管理业务制度化和对于传统档案学理论的继承 ;而文件生命周期理论则是注重文件运动中的价值变化、强调对于文件实体控制与智能控制并重、文档管理的线性一体化以及对传统档案学理论的高度依赖。二是从内容具体表述看 ,文件连续体理论引用了文件保管轴、证据轴、业务活动轴和来源轴四个档案学的论题 ,同时每个轴又分文件的形成、捕获、组织与组合四个维作为时空运行环境 ,表现出多元素跨时空的互动关系 ;而文件生命周期理论则主要研究文件运动整体性与阶段性的关系 ,并在每个运动阶段中注重文件管理诸要素的关联研究  相似文献   

本文认为,由于文件生命周期理论是"三位一体"档案学理论框架的核心,而且描述的是文件运动本身,因而,在后保管时代电子文件管理的实践首先对它造成了冲击.从实践发展的需要看,文件连续体理论取代文件生命周期理论是一种必然,文件连续体理论将成为构成后保管时代档案学体系的基石.  相似文献   

陈洁  张晨文 《兰台世界》2017,(13):16-21
来源原则是档案学的核心理论之一。在后保管时代,来源原则面临新的挑战,具有新的内涵。文献调查表明,中外学者对后保管时代来源原则的研究聚集于:对来源原则中的"来源"进行重新定义、对不同来源档案整体分类研究、国家档案全宗在新时期的适用性、来源原则在档案鉴定中的综合应用、来源原则在保证电子文件凭证性方面的应用以及来源原则在档案信息系统中的应用。学者们积极探索、乐于交流,但是借鉴有余、创新不足,重视理论、疏于实践。  相似文献   

"来源原则"是档案工作得以存在的基石,其在档案界具有划时代的里程碑意义。但在电子文件时代,档案界个别学者对其内涵产生了不同于以往的理解,认为来源原则在不同阶段对文件有机联系性的控制是不同的,在档案实体管理阶段,来源原则关注的是档案实体的来源,而到了电子文件管理阶段则转向只关注文件的形成过程的管理。针对这种观点,笔者提出了自己不同的见解,以帮助广大读者深刻理解"来源原则"基本理论的精神内涵,并说明了"概念来源"的实质,同时阐述了在电子文件时代正确理解"来源原则"的缘由。  相似文献   

本文从档案学理论的最基本问题既档案概念着手,对文件、档案的本质与内涵进行了新角度的解读,在此基础上对文件和档案的关系加以重新审视并对其进行理论界定,以期为档案学基础理论研究提供一个新的视角.  相似文献   

后保管模式是近年来档案界十分关注的一个热点讨论问题.我们尝试着通过分析后保管模式的提出、理论来源,从角色定位的角度提出了电子文件的后保管模式是档案学的想象力的这一说法,并以后保管模式的三个组成作为切入点,重点剖析了后保管模式的内涵和本质.  相似文献   

本文从档案所蕴涵的社会价值意识、档案内涵及其形态演变的连续性、档案学研究的理论需要三个方面分析了“电子档案”概念的客观适用性,意在强调当前对电子文件的研究中,应倡导“电子档案”的使用,不能单纯以“电子文件”取代“电子档案”,含“电子档案”而不用。  相似文献   

文件运动理论模型机理分析--文件运动理论研究之三   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对文件运动理论模型的分析 ,指出文件运动的整体性与连续性必然导致对文件的“档案化管理” ,阐述“档案化管理”与“归档管理”的区别 ;剖析文件整体运动的动因和状态 ,指出来源原则和全宗理论是文件运动模型的理论支柱 ;探究文件价值变化及其影响下各种相关要素间的内在关系 ,突出模型的理论性和应用价值。  相似文献   

Tom Nesmith 《Archival Science》2006,6(3-4):351-360
Increasing interest amongst archivists in the history of records and archives leads to questions about how this historical knowledge may affect archival theory and practice. This article discusses its effect on the concept of provenance by suggesting that it indicates that records have what might be called a societal provenance. The article discusses some of the principal features of societal provenance and some implications for archival theory and practice of this concept. The article provides examples of the place of societal provenance in understanding Aboriginal-Euro-Canadian records by using the 1802–1803 birchbark journal of fur trader Jean Steinbruck, which has a provenance in fur trade society in northwestern Canada, and photographs from the late nineteeth century, which reflect a provenance in the new agrarian and urban society that ended fur trade society in the Canadian West.  相似文献   

In the context of Indigenous languages, archival science in Australia continues to move from a theoretical framework of considering record subjects as third parties to a ‘participants model’. In a participants model framework record subjects are considered co-creators and custodians of the intellectual property of the record. However, the shift from theory to practice is still an under-described challenge currently facing archival professionals. This article reports on an experience of applying guidelines developed by First Languages Australia (FLA) and National and State Libraries of Australasia (NSLA) aimed at enhancing the rights of Indigenous Australians over records that contain Indigenous language material. A team of researchers from the State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW) Indigenous Services branch and Western Sydney University engaged with four Indigenous language groups to evaluate records containing Indigenous language material held at the SLNSW. On viewing the archival records of Indigenous language material members of community groups expressed a diversity of opinions and suggestions. This feedback was grouped by the authors into the following themes: painful remembrance of the provenance of the archival record, evaluations of the value of the documents, custodianship and use of the language material, and access to the SLNSW records. The authors found that participants in the study substantially shaped the process of implementing the protocols.  相似文献   

在科技档案领域,文件生命周期理论和来源原则仍具备适用性.但全宗理论则不一定适用。文件连续体理论是对文件生命周期理论的修正和发展。  相似文献   

档案的“记录性”是档案理论与实践的核心根源。论文首先梳理了档案学界对“记录”的认识,从记录主体、记录客体、记录方式三方面对比分析了传统环境与互联网环境下政府档案记录的特点,并总结出演变的影响因素。在此基础上,结合文件连续体理论、档案第四范式及档案多元论,对互联网政务服务背景下的档案记录观进行了理论阐释,提出政府档案记录的客体化、扁平化、多元化趋势,并从微观事务证据和宏观历史叙述两方面反思了该现象对档案学理论的影响。论文最后指出,档案记录现象的变化从根本上而言是由来源记录的发展所致,从记录观的层面对这一现象进行分析,为我们深化档案来源原则研究提供了一种参考。  相似文献   

The contextual approach gives the impression that we are moving into the 21st century with three competing scientific traditions of interpretation. Another understanding is the systemic view, which indicates a paradigm with complementing traditions of interpretation, depending on ontological level. The paradigm of archival science is, like that of many other sciences, influenced by positivism, systems theory and hermeneutics. The relevance of the paradigm depends on personal beliefs. The hermeneutic understanding of archival science emphasizes the context and deconstructs central concepts. Hermeneutics emphasizes the influence of conceptual changes and technological advances on perception. Hermeneutics stresses the need for a socio-cultural and historical orientation of archival science. The positivistic tradition is coloured by the myths about an ideal science. This is reflected firstly in the analogy comparing archives with nature, and secondly in the deductive method. Positivism is instrumental in its demands for distinct definitions of concepts and its insistence on the record as the basis of archival science. The flexibility of systems theory highlights the complex relations between context and record. Systems theory can, at its best, serve as a meeting-place for researchers, archivists and users and accordingly form the basis for new knowledge and theory formation. Systems theory enables a materialistic/dialectic epistemology based in reality and inspired by other relevant sciences. The result may be the foundation of a systemic-functionalist archival science with activities, records creation and evidential values in focus.  相似文献   

Archival theory in Italy has a long tradition, going back as far as the second half of the nineteenth century, and with roots in the 17th and 18th centuries. Central theme in the theory is themetodo storico, the principle of provenance, for the first time expressed in the late 19th century by Bonaini and Bongi. In the following decades archivists like Casanova and Cencetti were among the leading authors. Elio Lodolini assigned himself the task to synthesize ideas and notions, within a clear distinctions between records (registratura) and archives. One of the overall characteristics of the rich Italian literature is the stressing of the cultural value of archives. I have twice treated before the theme of archival theory in Italy from the fifties up to the nineties. The first time on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of theScuola speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari dell'Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” di Roma in 1989, when there was an international round table on archival science in the State Archives of Rome. My essay,Italian archival science today, has been published in the proceedings of the meeting (cfr. Donato Tamblé,L'archivistica in Italia oggi, inStudi sull'archivistica, by Roma: Elio Lodolini, 1992). Some years later, in 1993, I published a book on contemporary Italian archival theory (Donato Tamblé,La teoria archivistica italiana contemporanea (1950–1990). Profilo storico-critico (Roma, 1993) which was the sequel to the volume of Elio Lodolini on Italian archival history — (Lineamenti di storia dell'archivistica italiana (Roma, 1991). The purpose of my book was that of locating and identifying the scientific object of archival science as it developed and was clarified in the thinking and in the lucubration of the contemporary Italian Archivists.  相似文献   

本研究从基础理论与具体操作两个层面对国内科技档案分类研究状况进行总结分析,发现目前国内科技档案分类研究中实践操作层面问题研究多,理论总结性研究少;基础理论认识性研究多,档案分类原理方面研究少;实体分类研究多,信息分类研究少;传统环境下分类问题研究多,新环境下分类问题研究少。加强科技档案分类研究需要各方面探索齐头并进,有效协调,共同发展。  相似文献   

Archival theory in Italy has a long tradition, going back as far as the second half of the nineteenth century, and with roots in the 17th and 18th centuries. Central theme in the theory is themetodo storico, the principle of provenance, for the first time expressed in the late 19th century by Bonaini and Bongi. In the following decades archivists like Casanova and Cencetti were among the leading authors. Elio Lodolini assigned himself the task to synthesize ideas and notions, within a clear distinctions between records (registratura) and archives. One of the overall characteristics of the rich Italian literature is the stressing of the cultural value of archives. I have twice treated before the theme of archival theory in Italy from the fifties up to the nineties. The first time on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of theScuola speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari dell'Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” di Roma in 1989, when there was an international round table on archival science in the State Archives of Rome. My essay,Italian archival science today, has been published in the proceedings of the meeting (cfr. Donato Tamblé,L'archivistica in Italia oggi, inStudi sull'archivistica, by Roma: Elio Lodolini, 1992). Some years later, in 1993, I published a book on contemporary Italian archival theory (Donato Tamblé,La teoria archivistica italiana contemporanea (1950–1990). Profilo storico-critico (Roma, 1993) which was the sequel to the volume of Elio Lodolini on Italian archival history — (Lineamenti di storia dell'archivistica italiana (Roma, 1991). The purpose of my book was that of locating and identifying the scientific object of archival science as it developed and was clarified in the thinking and in the lucubration of the contemporary Italian Archivists.  相似文献   

高畅 《山西档案》2006,23(3):18-20
档案馆参与现行文件开放,引起众多档案学者对档案学相关理论做出思考,作者总结了文件价值主论、文件生命周期理论和文档一体化理论中一些观点的分歧并进行简要评析,指出了这场争议的意义。  相似文献   

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