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The Australian colleges of advanced education have been developed since the mid-1960s mainly on the initiative of the federal government with the aim of creating a separate sector of higher education parallel to the universities. They illustrate well what has been referred to in the literature as academic drift, a process whereby non-university institutions aspire to become more like universities. Academics in the colleges of advanced education have contributed to the process of upward drift. Academic drift in turn has produced important changes on some key characteristics of college academics.  相似文献   

Changing attitudes of Australian academics   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This article reports on the changing work-related attitudes and demographics of academic staff in Australia, in four universities and four former colleges of advanced education (CAEs, comparable to polytechnics), surveyed in 1979, 1984 and 1990. The surveys were of all academic staff in each institution, with response rates averaging 47%. As in other countries, the former binary system of education has recently been ended by reconstituting colleges of advanced education as universities. Differences in work-related attitude are examined, and shown to differ consistently between the types of institution, across the elapsed time, and between the sexes, ranks and academic disciplines of the respondents. In particular, each institution has shown a sustained increase in academic staff alienation and dissatisfaction over the eleven-year period. The differences in demographics and in work-related attitudes between original universities and former colleges of advanced education remain after the ending of the binary system. The differences are discussed in relation to a number of current policy issues, including the ending of the binary system of higher education. Since similar policy changes and similar pressures are occurring in a number of countries, the findings of the study have implications beyond Australia.  相似文献   

Recently scholars have called for more detailed historical study of the teaching lives of academics across countries, systems and institutions. This article contributes to the research on the professoriate in its widest sense. The article focuses on the disciplinary perspectives and cultures of academic staff employed in one of Australia’s oldest colleges of advanced education during the period 1965–1982. It examines official beliefs, slogans, and truisms, which formed part of these perspectives. Disciplinary perspectives include the academics’ views of the subject, the important problems for the subject, and the criteria of utility of the subject. Australia’s Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Advanced Education saw colleges of advanced education compared to universities enrolling students with different interests, stressing part‐time studies, concentrating on applied courses rather than humanities, being closely attuned to the labour market and workforce needs and being principally teaching institutions. They were to be equal but different to universities, but came to be viewed as equal but cheaper. A crucial issue is the extent to which the disciplinary perspectives of college of advanced education academics matched those that the legislators envisaged.  相似文献   

Universities in many countries are developing strategies to enhance the student experience. This focus has never been so important since the development of rankings and the use of student experience measures in institutional performance assessment. Australian government policies to link student experience measures to performance funding were a key driver to increase the prominence of the student voice between 2004 and 2008. This paper analyses the strategic plans of 33 Australian universities with the aim of outlining the extent to which the enhancement of student experience is embedded as one of their key priorities. This review comes at a time when universities in Australia and elsewhere are realigning their future strategies and directions to achieve government aspirations for tertiary education with the introduction of various policy instruments including the possibility of rewarding universities on the basis of student experience measures. The paper also provides a comparative analysis of government policies in Australia and the UK on the measurement and enhancement of the student experience.  相似文献   

University research in Australia has in the past been devoted primarily to basic curiosity-initiated research based on the English model. Most senior academic staff have had advanced degrees from British universities and the ethos of pure research has permeated their work. In 1984 68 per cent of all higher education research and development was classified as basic research. The impetus for change in the early 1980s has come largely from federal government. In particular shrinking per student grants have forced universities to try to supplement their incomes from other sources. This paper summarizes and analyses some of the new initiatives and concludes with an examination of future prospects.  相似文献   

大学开展老年教育,既是积极应对社会老龄化的重要举措,又是大学职能充分发挥的良好机遇,也是构建终身教育体系和建设学习型社会的重要内容。大学的老年教育责任包括共享大学教育资源、设置老年教育专业、开发老年教育课程、依托大学的继续教育机构和联合社会力量合作举办老年大学。当前,大学承担老年教育责任已具备相应的条件,但尚不成熟,主要受以下几方面的影响:对大学主体缺乏统一客观认识;老年学历教育有所欠缺;老年教育资源共享整合度低等。大学应以更加开放包容的姿态融入终身教育体系,优化大学老年教育资源结构,将老年学历教育视为己任,不断产出高水平的老年教育科研成果。  相似文献   

香港高等教育的急剧扩张第一次发生在20世纪80年代中期至90年代中期,政府对高等教育的资助是充裕的;第二次扩张发生在亚洲金融危机之后,此时政府大幅度削减对院校的资助,还要扩展专上教育,因而受到院校、学者对副学士学位课程私营化和政府履行高等教育资助承诺的质疑。最终,政府策略性调整了高等教育资助政策。  相似文献   

随着高等教育改革的不断推进,高校管理中的“行政化”问题日益突出,严重干扰了学术活动的活力和创造力,因此.推行高校管理的“去行政化”势在必行。我国目前的高校管理行政化的历史由来已久,探究我国高校管理“去行政化”的有效途径可以从以下三个方面着手:一是转变政府职能,理顺政府与高校关系,增强高校的自主办学权;二是民主管理高校,崇尚学术权力,处理好行政权力与学术权力的关系;三是以法律作为保障,坚持依法治校。  相似文献   

文章采用理论和事实分析的方法,对我国普通高校非学历教育的现状进行分析,普通高校的非学历教育虽有较快的发展,但从整体上看,普通高校主要偏重成人学历教育,非学历教育是普通高校中尴尬的存在。主要原因是普通高校在成人学历教育方面拥有丰富的资源,用较少的资源就能撬动大量的社会资源,而举办非学历教育则需要学校、社会、政府、社会组织、个人方方面面的资源。普通高校要办好非学历教育,必须拥有自己的核心资源——一支具有坚强的领导、专业素养丰富的队伍,通过这支队伍整合好方方面面的资源。  相似文献   

The history of universities in the twentieth century is, at least from the perspective of growth, a massive success. Australian higher education is no exception. Prior to the Second World War, Australia had six universities and approximately 10,500 students. Now there are in excess of one million students attending 39 institutions. In each phase of student expansion, governments have sought to make universities accessible to new segments of the community, a pattern that informs contemporary social inclusion initiatives. This paper focuses on two successive periods – the 1940s/1950s and the 1960s/1970s – during which university participation expanded. Comparing two universities which were at that time very different from one another – the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales – I consider the ways both universities approached admissions to understand what each institution hoped to achieve in attracting students beyond the traditional elite. This helps move beyond government strategy and rhetoric to consider what universities believed was at stake as they enabled new students to enter their communities.  相似文献   

A growing number of public colleges and universities in the United States have hired management consulting firms to help develop strategies aimed at increasing institutional effectiveness and efficiency. The purpose of this paper is to explore the frames and strategies of consultants in US public higher education reform efforts. Drawing upon a range of documentary evidence, the paper examines four consulting firms (Accenture, Bain & Company, Deloitte and McKinsey & Company) and their perspectives on higher education reform. The paper analyses the consultative process with two public universities and two state higher education systems to determine possible avenues by which consultants exert influence. Through reference to theory on academic capitalism and new institutionalism, the paper reveals the ways in which consultants circulate crisis narratives and diffuse private sector management ideas among public colleges and universities that are seeking both financial solvency and legitimacy.  相似文献   

以美国大学为背景的研究表明学术失信在大学生中很常见,并且有学术失信行为的学生有增长的趋势。学术失信是指在学术情景中蓄意进行欺诈与作弊的行为.美国学者通过研究提出了导致学术失信出现的个人因素和学校因素.并提出鼓励学术诚信应采取的策略。  相似文献   

Higher education (HE) systems around the world have experienced profound structural changes, particularly since the late 1960s to early 1970s, essentially driven by the need to expand access to tertiary education. This has resulted in a diversity of HE institutions (HEI) with different roles, missions and statuses, as well as academic staff with diverse perspectives and motivations. The present study is based on a survey undertaken in Portugal by a trade union, which aimed to collect faculty perspectives on a proposed HE reform sent out for public discussion by the government. Questions addressed the reorganization of the HEI network, the internal restructuring of HEI, the funding system and the binary divide of HEI (universities and polytechnics). The survey results showed a disparity of faculty perspectives about the proposed reform, closely related to the diversity of HEI. Respondents from lower academic categories and from smaller HEI were more opposed to reorganizing the HEI network. This reorganization was more widely accepted by university staff, who were also more in favour of a binary system than were polytechnic respondents. Although there was general agreement about the need to change the funding system, polytechnic respondents were strongly against a funding differentiation between universities and polytechnics. Despite an overall reformist trend, the enthusiasm for reforms declined substantially when the questions had a direct reference to the respondent’s region or institution. It is argued that HE expansion has driven the diversification of HEI, leading to a range of perspectives about the HE system and the way it should be changed. These conclusions may contribute to insights into other HE systems around the world where institutional diversification has been sought by public policies.  相似文献   

This paper traces the key periods, players and events which have contributed to the shaping of the current landscape of teacher education in Scotland. Starting with the Wheatley Report and the formation of the General Teaching Council (Scotland) in the 1960s through to the most recent Donaldson Review of Teacher Education, we examine ebb and flow amongst GTCS, government, colleges of education and universities. Following its own trajectory, Scottish Education resisted and rejected policies emanating from an ‘English’ ideology, capitalised on respect for and influence of the GTCS, and successfully moved teacher education’s base from autonomous colleges to high-status universities. At the core of teacher education in Scotland is the continuing desire for partnership-working amongst key stakeholders: local and national government, GTCS, schools, teacher education institutions, teaching unions, parents and pupils. A teaching profession of trained graduates, underpinned by university-led subject study, is now moving steadily towards Masters-level professional learning for all. Although having faced some troubled episodes, this period has also been characterised by remarkable stability and consensus and, although still tackling the improvement agenda suggested by the recent Donaldson review, teacher education in Scotland has retained a high degree of public and political trust.  相似文献   

梁茜  吴志强 《高教论坛》2012,(10):16-18
本文从美国政府的顶层设计、美国大学的诚信制度、美国大学的传统诚信教育等三方面分析了美国大学的诚信体系,认为美国大学弱化传统的道德诚信教育,转而从制度入手严格规范学生的学术诚信,对于学生的生活诚信则主要采用通识课程的方法,并从学术诚信、制度建设等方面推导出美国大学诚信体系,对我国大学生诚信教育有借鉴之处。  相似文献   

During the latter half of the twentieth century, Australia, like many countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, experienced rapid expansion in participation in higher education which was supported by government through increases in the number of publicly funded university places. However, in spite of this expansion, a disproportionately large share of the undergraduate student population is still drawn from higher socio-economic backgrounds. This paper seeks to understand the persistence of inequality in higher education by examining changes in patterns of participation in Australian universities since the 1970s. Using logistic regressions to analyse data collected by three Australian surveys conducted between 1987 and 2005, the authors examine the influence of having a university-educated parent on an individual’s chances of obtaining a higher education degree. They find that although the expansion of higher education has had some impact in terms of reducing inequality, having a university-educated parent continues to exert a direct effect on an individual’s propensity to graduate from university. The paper draws on the theories of maximally maintained inequality and relative risk aversion to interpret institutional and student behaviour. The policy challenges of addressing structural inequality in higher education are also discussed.  相似文献   

Israel's Planning and Grants Committee (PGC) was formed in 1974 to function as an intermediary body between the higher education system and the government in financing of higher education institutions. The PGC is largely composed of academics from universities. It was meant to guarantee both academic freedom of the higher educational system while providing for greater accountability. However, the PGC has increased its involvement in higher education and assumed also the role of planning the system as a whole and regulating the development of individual universities.This article analyzes the effects of PGC policies on Israel's universities in general and specific acts which have restricted institutional autonomy and might further limit their academic freedom.  相似文献   

W. Newman 《Higher Education》1986,15(1-2):165-174
Research conducted during the past twenty-five years has consistently indicated that Australian universities are subject to considerable overseas influence in their staffing. It is not known to what extent this influence also extends to the staffing of the country's more recently established colleges of advanced education. This study looks at overseas staffing influence in schools and departments of Education in a sample of ten universities and ten colleges of advanced education in Australia. It compares the extent of such influence in these two different types of institutions and analyses its nature and scope in terms of particular types of qualifications and particular countries.  相似文献   

学术权力合法性问题既是其本身存在意义或价值的表达,同时又从更本质的层面彰显了所属组织对学术权力的态度认同。高职院校的学术权力作为组织内部的合法统治力量,其合法性根源于高职院校的学术属性。在高职院校里追求符合高等职业教育特征的、以学术管理为导向的制度规则构成了其学术权力的形式基础,在学校系统内部成员之间的价值认同为其提供了实质基础。高职院校特有的发展背景模糊了高职院校的学术特性,学术领域的统治出现了合法性困境。  相似文献   

It is generally recognised that academic pay in the UK is no longer in line with market conditions. Although recent Government decisions have recognised the problem of uncompetitive salaries for a small number of internationally leading academics, there is no sign that the situation of the profession as a whole is likely to be tackled at Government level. The paper analyses the history of pay bargaining in the university sector since the Second World War, and argues that although national pay scales and national negotiating mechanisms may have worked to the benefit of the profession until the 1960s, during the last 20 years or more they have neither persuaded governments to reward the profession adequately, nor assisted the higher education system to manage salaries effectively with the limited resources available. The paper highlights the ambiguous role of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals (CVCP), and more recently of the Universities and Colleges Employers' Association (UCEA), as both the employer of academic staff and their representative in salary negotiations with government; and identifies a basic failure on the part of universities and their representatives to come to terms with the consequences brought about by expansion and differentiation of the system and economic change. The paper argues that there is a need for much greater flexibility and the ending of the national bargaining machinery in order to take proper account of both institutional and disciplinary differences, and to uncouple academic and non-academic salaries.  相似文献   

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