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田阳 《家教世界》2022,(30):43-44
<正>近年来,随着社会的进步、经济的繁荣、教育体制改革的不断深化和全民生活水平的提高,人们对幼儿教育的要求也在不断提高。社会中的性别教育缺失和部分家庭中的性别教育存在刻板印象等现象,引起了教育工作者的关注。绘本在幼儿教育的过程中起到了不可或缺的作用,基于绘本对幼儿进行性别教育的实践就成了一个值得关注的方向。一、幼儿性别教育现状中国知网、国家图书馆、万方硕博论文等数据库中检索到国外性别教育相关文献58663篇,其中瑞典、美国、日本等国家较早关注性别教育,并在学校中开设性别教育相关课程,但对3—6岁幼儿性别教育关注较少。  相似文献   

近年来,埃塞俄比亚在扩大教育规模方面取得了长足进展,但师资水平低、教育质量差仍是各级各类教育面临的最大挑战。为解决教育质量日益下滑的问题,埃塞俄比亚从提高教师质量着手,在制度层面上制定了全国教师专业标准。对该标准所涉及的基本理念、专业原则、专业发展阶段以及专业要素进行简要分析,可以了解埃塞俄比亚在提高教育质量方面所做出的努力。  相似文献   

浅谈埃塞俄比亚的教师在职培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
埃塞俄比亚政府以教育为突破口进行改革,以求摆脱国家经济的困境,这一举措大大带动了教师在职培训工作的开展。埃塞俄比亚的教师在职培训有三种模式,其中校本培训模式被证明是最为有效的。  相似文献   

埃塞俄比亚博士生教育于1987年由亚的斯亚贝巴大学起步后缓慢发展,2010年开始迅速扩张。期间,该国博士生教育在培养单位数量和招生人数上有了较大的进步,但也存在着教育项目发展失衡、培养单位间差距大、教育质量保障问题突出、教育经费短缺等问题。在中国与埃塞俄比亚教育交往背景下,埃塞俄比亚可借鉴中国博士生教育在多样化培养模式、多维质量保障制度和多元资助体系等三方面的发展经验,积极从调整博士生培养模式、完善质量保障制度和构建资助体系等方面改进博士生教育。  相似文献   

社会上存在的性别不平等现象很大部分源自认知,而造成这种认知的是文化环境对其的影响。教育塑造一种特定的文化环境,性别认知也会受到教育影响并在过程中塑造性别角色。本文试从性别与性别认知、性别不平等和教育改造认知三个部分进行相关理论分析,并通过学校、家庭、社会三个主题分析教育是如何影响人们的性别认知的。  相似文献   

埃塞俄比亚职业技术教育规模扩张迅速,职教师资队伍整体素质制约着职业技术教育与培训质量的提高。因此,培养一支能力强、水平高、灵活、创新,适应技术进步,为不同目标群体提供优质高效的职业培训的师资队伍是职教改革和发展的根本保证。埃塞俄比亚教育部重视职教教师教育,制定了相关政策,采用了多元化的师资培养模式。  相似文献   

目前,中国的基尼系数已经达到0.48,超过了收入差距过大的警戒线。居民收入差距过大会从三个方面影响中国经济的增长:通过减少消费需求和投资需求来减少有效需求;影响教育投资和人们从事科研的积极性,影响经济发展的动力;容易导致社会不稳定,影响经济发展的外部环境。  相似文献   

自从1974年以来,埃塞俄比亚社会发生了革命性的变革。在这一变革的过程中,为了提高社会生产力,国家试图将教育与农村的发展结合起来,以教育促进农业和农村的发展,扫除文盲,提高农村人口的素质。国家为此成立了专门的领导机构,指导这一实践活动。本文就埃塞俄比亚教育与农村发展的实践及经验作以简要说明。一、转变教育职能,使教育与农村发展密切结合  相似文献   

社会性别理论是女性主义的学术基础和理论核心。社会性别不同于先天存在的生物性别,而是后天的经济、政治、文化、教育等多重因素的社会建构。本文着重从教育形态的视角,探讨家庭教育、学校教育和社会教育三种基本教育形态对社会性别形成的作用和影响,以及社会性别理论对于教育形态的导向和要求。  相似文献   

正幼儿园教师应提高性别教育行为水平河南大学教育科学学院副教授王峥在《学前教育研究》2014年第2期上撰文认为,幼儿园教师应在教学中提高性别教育行为水平,以培养"兼具两性优良特质"的儿童,使其人格发展更加完善。提高性别教育行为水平可从以下方面着手:(1)在创设环境和准备材料时应提供多样化选择,如创设更多适合男女幼儿一起玩、没有明显性别差异的游戏区角,让更多幼儿参与其中;减少隐含在材料中的性别倾向意识,尤其注意那些已经  相似文献   

This paper explores young people’s understandings of gender and sexual violence in New Delhi, India, based on multi-method research conducted with young people (aged 15–17) in three co-educational secondary schools. Fieldwork took place shortly after the 2012 Delhi gang rape that sparked widespread debates about violence against women in India, and so sexual violence became an important frame for students’ discussions around gender and sexuality. Young people’s understandings are considered within gender narratives – of ‘can-do’ and ‘vulnerable’ girlhood, and of ‘hero’ and ‘good boy’ masculinities – which already shaped their day-to-day experiences of schooling. Findings suggest that tensions arising from these often contradictory narratives led to frustrations among girls, while the dominance of conversations about sexual violence led to confusions in both girls’ and boys’ understandings of sexuality. Reflections are offered on ways schools can better support young people as they learn about gender and sexuality from diverse and contradictory sources.  相似文献   

In 1897, four French Franciscan sisters arrived in Ethiopia, having been summoned there by the Capuchin missionaries. In 1925, they ran an orphanage, a dispensary, a leper colony and 10 schools with 350 girl students. The students were freed slaves, orphans and upper-class Ethiopian and European girls. After providing a brief background to the relations between the Ethiopian government and the missionaries, this article describes the general activities of the Sisters, the importance they dedicated to education, and their religious and political motives. In the second part, it analyses the sociological backgrounds of the female students and the way in which education intersected with gender, class and race. Third, it reconstructs the multiple power relations within which the Sisters’ educational work was embedded. Finally, it demonstrates how schooling girls in a class-based manner – in conformity with the Franciscan Sisters’ perceptions about what lower-class and upper-class women should be – enabled them to secure relations with Ethiopian political elites. These relations both benefited the Ethiopian elites and furthered the cause of French imperialism.  相似文献   

自《科尔曼报告》公布至今已经过去了半个世纪,但对于学生学业成绩来说,学校投入与家庭投入哪个更重要的问题在国内外学术界依然没有达成共识。本文利用我国东部和中部5省16个城市中小学校大规模测评数据,采用广义教育生产函数方法,运用两水平线性模型,分析了学校投入和家庭投入要素对教育产出(以学生学业成绩为代理变量)的影响效应。同时,采用Shapley值和Owen值分解技术,识别出对学校教育产出有较大影响的投入要素,得出以下4个方面结论:第一,除生师比之外,办学条件和教师质量等学校投入要素对教育产出结果有显著的正效应。第二,父母参与、父母教育期望等家庭投入要素对教育产出结果有显著的正效应。第三,对于小学平均学业成绩而言,来自家庭的相关投入更重要;对于初中平均学业成绩而言,则是来自学校的相关投入更为重要。第四,相比学校办学条件,教师质量对中小学校平均学业成绩变异的贡献度更大;而且,相比小学,教师质量对初中学校平均学业成绩变异的贡献度更大。基于实证研究结论,提出提高我国中小学教育生产效率的5点建议:一是调整义务教育资源配置结构,优先保障初中阶段学校教育投入;二是改善义务教育阶段教师的工资待遇和工作环境,以吸引更多高素质人才投入义务教育事业;三是通过校外教师专业发展培训、校本教研合作等途径切实提高教师队伍的教学策略水平,尤其要重视提高初中教师的教学策略水平;四是政府和相关部门应尽快出台有关家庭教育的制度规范,强化父母在家庭教育中的主体责任,督促父母积极参与子女教育生产过程;五是学校和社区应广泛开展家庭教育讲座和家庭教育实践培训活动,引导家长树立正确的家庭教育观,掌握科学的养育子女的方法,以提高学校教育和家庭教育联合生产的效率。  相似文献   

Many girls are not sent to school in Yemen, despite basic education being free as well as compulsory for all children aged 6–15. Aiming to improve girls’ enrolment by increasing parental and community involvement, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) offered a technical cooperation project in June 2005 called Broadening Regional Initiative for Developing Girls’ Education (BRIDGE). Phase 1 of this project ran for three and a half years, piloting a participatory school management model supported by school grants in six districts of the Taiz Governorate in the Southwest of Yemen. To find out how successful this approach has been in a traditional society, the authors of this paper analysed the gender parity index (GPI) of the project’s pilot schools. Based on data collected at three points in time (in the initial and final years of the project, and two years after the project’s end), their findings suggest that interventions in school management which strongly emphasise girls’ education can be effective in improving gender parity rather quickly, regardless of the schools’ initial conditions. However, the authors also observe that the pilot schools’ post-project performance in terms of gender parity is mixed. While the local government allocated budgets for school grants to all pilot schools even after the project’s end, training and monitoring activities were cut back. The authors further observe that the variation in performance appears to be significantly correlated with school leaders’ initial perceptions of gender equality and with the number of female teachers employed. These findings point to the importance of providing schools with continuous long-term guidance and of monitoring those which implement school improvement programmes.  相似文献   

Inasmuch as Muslim governments all over the world dissociate themselves from despicable acts of terror, few can deny the brutality and violence perpetrated especially by those in authoritative positions like political governments against humanity. Poignant examples are the ongoing massacre of Muslim communities in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan by those government or rebel forces intent on eliminating the other whom they happen to find unworthy of living. This article attempts to map Islamic education’s response to violence and terror often perpetrated against people considered to be in vehement disagreement with another, for instance, Muslim rebel forces assassinating Christians in Syria and destroying ancient monasteries, Muslim jihadist fighters kidnapping and assassinating people in revengeful acts of terror and Muslim government militia quelling resistant forces that oppose the government’s so-called reformist agenda. In arguing against any form of violence, we show how Islamic education cannot and should not be associated with any act of violence. Put differently, we take issue with any act of violence even if minimally applied to disrupt acts of violence. On the contrary, we argue that Islamic education is intimately connected to the practice of public deliberation that engenders a community of becoming that will always undermine violence. We develop our argument in the following way: firstly, we give an account of a maximalist view of Islamic education in relation to the notion of a Muslim community in becoming; secondly, in relation to Agamben’s seminal thoughts on potentiality and becoming, we show that a Muslim community in becoming is averse to violence; finally, we argue as to how forgiveness, risk-taking and civility as instances of deliberation can counteract terror, more specifically on the part of a Muslim community in potentiality and becoming.  相似文献   

Girls in Tigray region in North Ethiopia have over the past decade started to outnumber boys up through primary and secondary education in terms of enrolment rates. But underage marriage still hampers rural girls’ pursuit of education. Left unchallenged by governmental efforts to address marriage of underage girls is the female virginity ideal and the burden of sexual morality which girls continue to shoulder, and that sustains the practice. It is also a fact that despite positive enrolment rates, girls score on average lower than boys on the national exams. This article explores whether the modesty that girls are socialised into through the virginity ideal in order to acquire respect in the community impinges on the assertive drive and energy necessary for educational success. This ethnographic study, which focused on gendered processes of social reproduction and change by utilising education as the site for investigation, is based on long-term involvement in the administrative district Asgede Tsimbla Wereda in north-western Tigray from 1993 to the present. What will be addressed here are gender norms that continue to be reproduced in spite of the significant changes in Ethiopia’s laws and policies to amend former gender injustice, and which have brought unprecedented numbers of Ethiopian girls into school.  相似文献   

Despite the social equity work that still needs to be done in schools and society, many researchers, politicians, and social commentators claim that gender equity work in schools has been accomplished. These people assume that actions in school lead to gender equity outside it. But, there may be two problems with this assumption: 1) achieving equity in academic work may mask still‐inequitable gender work in schools and 2) girls’ and boys’ equal academic achievement does not promise social equality, inside or outside schools. The following study offers evidence from a recent middle school study that reveals how children’s gender identities are naturalized as neutral “student” identities, making the effects of children’s gender identity work invisible. This author argues that schooling at best maintains the inequity of the American gender status quo, and perhaps may work to actually lessen chances for women and men’s equitable life opportunities.  相似文献   

兰炼中小学总校的教学质量能否在移交后持续提高,波及面大,关注度高,须着力做好。文章认为,作为质量的载体兰炼中小学总校,应积极探索,研究影响教学质量的内外因素,尽量发挥已有管理优势,主动适应地方政府的管理。作为管理主体的地方政府,应求同存异,促成企业办学优势的发挥,以此为契机发展兰州的基础教育。  相似文献   

This article is based upon a full‐time study of masculinity and singing funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Empirical work was conducted with boy performers and ‘peer audiences’ for those performers in schools. The article focuses on girls’ attitudes to boy singers and reveals a significant difference between primary and secondary schooling. In primary schools, girls are the more responsible for discouraging boys but in secondary schools the male peer group becomes more critical whilst girls increasingly perceive boy singers as ‘cute’. It is possible to construct a strong case for single‐sex groupings but the empirical work suggests this may turn out to be misguided. The article concludes that there is an urgent need for girls and boys to learn mutual respect in the context of the music class. The evidence suggests that teachers require a significantly enhanced level of gender‐related subject knowledge, gender awareness and interpersonal skill.  相似文献   

审美教育是国家推行素质教育、实现学生全面发展的重要环节。当前中小学审美教育普遍存在认知偏误、情感虚空、行为失范等现象,致使中小学生身心发展处于失衡状态。究其原因与中小学教师审美能力分裂片面、中小学校审美教育实践应付、中小学生家庭审美教育环境薄弱无力等有着重要关系。为提升中小学审美教育质量,培养拥有美好心灵和丰富精神世界的学生对象,需要:中小学校突显美育地位,加强美育师资素质培训;中小学教师转变教育观念,重视教育过程人本化;家庭和社区加强美育资源开发利用,构建合力互助的美育机制。  相似文献   

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