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学习情景识别是个性化学习资源推送、学习伙伴联接以及学习活动建议的前提。本文首先分析了学习情景识别所需的六种要素,即学习者模型、学习目标空间、学习活动模型、领域知识模型、时空模型与情景模型,然后提出了一个学习情景识别的概念模型,包含了信息采集、动态建模和情景推理三个模块,并在此基础上讨论了学习者建模、学习活动建模、情景推理等方面的研究进展与关键技术。  相似文献   

本文在理解个人学习环境定义的基础上,分析了个人学习环境的构成要素,讨论了PLE的价值指向。文章通过对需求、目标、任务、资源、工具、活动、共同体、评价等构成要素的分析,以期为学习者个人学习环境的建构,支持个性化学习、独立学习、终身学习和非正式学习提供有效指导。  相似文献   

很多学生总要等到临近检查时才匆忙“赶作业”,平时不复习.等到考试前一晚才熬夜恶补……很多学生都知道学业拖延的弊端。但还是无法克服。学习拖延是一种包含认知、情感和行为成分的复杂心理现象。学习拖延的含义分为直接定义和间接定义。少数研究者将学习拖延直接定义为:学习者有意而无必要地推迟启动或推迟完成学习任务的行为  相似文献   

论小学教师的学习活动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师作为一个学习者,具有学习理论描述的与其他学习者共同的行为特征,而作为一个以促进他人学习为职业使命的学习群体,其学习行为又表现出某些特殊性。小学教师群体的学习活动主要表现为“观摩”与“交流”、“实践”与“反思”、“培训”与“阅读”。小学教师的学习动机主要有三类:一是自我动机,二是交往动机,三是成就动机。小学教师的学习活动是基于实践共同体背景的、情景性的学习,是通过理论知识与实践经验对接的个体主动建构的学习,是过程反思的学习。  相似文献   

网络时代的教学设计理论发展应关注的几个问题   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
教学设计理论的一个最基本的前提假设是 :学习的发生和维持存在着充分条件。教学设计理论的第二条假设是学习发生和维持的充分条件由以下几方面构成 :学习者自身的学习准备 ;有效的学习动力维持系统 ;有效的学习外部行为和活动系统 ;有效的学习环境 ;有效的信息传递。教学设计理论的第三条假设是 :教学设计的设计对象有三 :学习活动、学习环境和媒体传递 ,并且这三个设计对象构成了层次关系。根据网络在活动、环境和媒体传递这三个设计对象中所能发挥的作用 ,该文作者认为至少以下这些问题需要理论研究者关注 :网络环境下协作学习策略的研究 ;如何设计基于资源和工具的学习任务 ;完善学习目标和学习者特征的分析框架 ;如何根据电子信息对教学问题进行诊断  相似文献   

开放教育学习者在线学习力是指在线学习环境下,能够有效促成学习者心理动力、认知能力、学习结果相互作用的动态能力系统。从学习动力、学习毅力、学习能力、学习转化力四个要素及原发、内化、拓展三个层面构建开放教育学习者在线学习力同心圆结构模型。根据对教与学理论的研究,分触发、形成、提升三个阶段构建开放教育学习者学习力培养模式的框架。  相似文献   

角色规定了CSCL中学习者所承担的权限和任务,是CSCL研究关注的核心要素。本研究将角色引入问题解决协作学习中,从协作任务和问题解决认知加工两个维度构建了角色设计框架。研究将角色设计框架应用于具体问题解决协作学习中,部分验证了框架包含角色的有效性。研究结论认为,问题解决协作学习活动所采用的三类角色能够增强学习者在线问题解决学习的效果,并提升学习者对学习的主观感知。  相似文献   

高职英语任务型教学是以"任务"为核心,从学生出发,通过再现模拟现实交际活动的一种教学模式。在任务前、任务中和任务后三个阶段中,应注重需求分析,将英语学习和职业岗位要求、个人需求和潜在发展相结合,以便学生在语言交际过程中,有效运用学习策略调节和控制自身的语言交际行为,从而在有限的时间内有效提高语言运用和交际能力。  相似文献   

在线学习作为信息化时代一种有效的学习方式,已成为教育领域研究的热点,如何在网络学习环境中激发学习动机和学习参与度,以提高在线学习的效率与效果就显得尤为重要。在分析在线学习和Jigsaw教学模式的基础上,提出一种基于Jigsaw模式的在线学习活动设计方法。该方法将在线学习活动设计分为三个阶段,先由教师完成学习者分组、细化任务及设计制作教学资源;然后学习者通过专家组的交流互动,完成分享学习;最后由教师参考学习者间的互评结果,对学习者进行评价。经实验验证,该方法能够激发学习者的参与热情,在线学习的效率明显提升。  相似文献   

数字图书馆开始侧重教学服务,慕课教学平台也加强课程资源建设,二者功能正趋于融合。智慧时代下在线学习资源组织模式以“知识内容”为核心,包含学习者、教师和辅助者3个行为参与者,涉及问题获取、问题分析、资源聚合、资源优化4个过程的资源聚类整合。将其应用于《写作与交流》慕课课程教学,发现辅助者反馈活动与学习者成绩提高度呈正相关,建设完善的课程资源库能有效促进学习者自主学习行为的发生。  相似文献   

关于活动学习几个问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一类学习方式的活动学习源远流长。它是学生在教师的指导下,借助于特定情境的创设和一定问题的牵引,以追求知识能力情感多方面发展为旨趣,通过丰富多彩的具有自主性、实践性、探索性的主体活动,促进学生整体发展的学习方式。活动学习应坚持活动是学生学习与发展的基本手段、学生是活动的主体、教师是学生活动的促进者、任务驱动是有效活动的关键等理念。活动学习的实施策略有:认知与体验协调发展,内部活动与外部活动相互促进,尊重个体差异,关注活动生成,活动形式多样整合。  相似文献   

课堂学习活动有外显和内隐两种辩证统一的表现形式,课堂学习活动设计主要包括对学生预习、参与、体验、探索、练习、实践等各类学习活动进行的选择、组织、指导和改进等规划和安排。笔者以建构主义学习理论和教学设计研究为指导,提出了课堂学习活动设计必须具有目标性、民主性、真实性、整体性、人文性和开放性。  相似文献   

认知结构理论的扩展化时期,众多认知心理学家不断扩充认知结构理论,对认知结构的过程和机制进行了具体而细微的研究,为真正的课堂教学提供了广泛而具体的指导。自我调节学习近20年来得到了广泛关注,成为教育心理学的研究热点,自我调节学习是有效地进行学习和解决问题的主要方面,能够促进学习在新情景中的迁移。学生的自我调节学习过程中存在三个影响因素即个人、环境和行为。自我调节学习的建构主义理论是认知结构理论在扩展化时期发展的重要代表之一,是指在学习活动中建构自我调节学习的理论。这些理论包括四方面的内容:即自我能力理论、努力程度理论、学习任务理论和学习策略理论。  相似文献   


The European Higher Education Area has promoted reconsidering the role played by teachers at universities. Faculties are expected to design learning activities that promote the acquisition of competencies among students. In this context, technologies have garnered prominence as they contribute to creating student-centred learning environments. This study answers these research questions: (1) To what extent has university teaching changed with the implementation of digital technologies in university classrooms? What technology-based learning activities are incorporated in instructional designs by the teachers? (2) How does the faculty describe the integration of technological knowledge into pedagogical content knowledge when designing and developing technology-based learning activities? (3) According to university teachers, which other factors (intrinsic or extrinsic) determine the use of digital technologies in their learning designs? To answer these questions, we have collected data from two differentiated samples of university teachers using the Inventory of Learning Activities with Technology at the University and semi-structured interviews. First, the results reveal that teachers use technologies to carry out learning activities focusing on the content and the teacher. Student-centred learning activities are only timidly being incorporated. Second, the extent to which such activities are implemented is linked to the teachers’ techno-pedagogical content knowledge. Third, the factors that facilitate or inhibit teachers from using technologies in the teaching–learning process respond to intrinsic aspects, such as teachers’ knowledge and beliefs, but also to extrinsic and contextual issues, such as the discipline taught or institutional policy at the university regarding the use of educational technologies.  相似文献   

合作学习的效果取决于教师对于合作学习理念的理解与方法的掌握。在教师培训过程中,通过合作学习活动让教师掌握合作学习方法,是一种十分有效的途径。这一活动通过对合作学习五个基本问题的个体学习、同桌学习、小组学习、全班共享学习的不断推进,不仅让学员形成关于合作学习的理性认识并转变其观念,而且让教师参与式体验了合作学习的过程与方法。此项活动所形成的学习模式,不仅可以运用到教师培训的其他方面,而且可以通过教师的迁移运用到其课堂教学活动中学生的合作学习过程之中。  相似文献   

合作活动学习能够营造较为轻松的教学氛围,对体育教学改革起到了很好的推动作用,并有助于学生合作意识和团队精神的培养,进一步促进了学生综合素质的提高。文章首先对合作活动学习进行了相关概述,之后论述了合作活动学习应用于高校体育教学的意义和高校体育教学应用合作活动学习的现状,最后提出了高校体育教学应用合作活动学习的改善措施。  相似文献   

The discovery or re-construction of scientific explanations and understanding based on experience is a complex process, for which school learning often uses shortcuts. On the basis of the example of analyzing real seismic measurements, we propose a computer-facilitated collaborative learning scenario which meets many of the requirements for authentic learning, knowledge construction, and collaboration. The implementation of the learning environment called SeisModes is based on a general platform for supporting collaborative modeling activities. SeisModes provides a tool to allow students collaboratively learn about earthquakes and thus reduce the fears they might have concerning them. First formal evaluations showed the approach motivates students.  相似文献   

The tools used in learning processes are in a continuous state of flux. One of the most significant changes is the application of Information and Communications technologies (ICTs) to educational contexts. This provides new possible ways to carry out learning activities, new learning services, the possibility to use new kinds of contents and activities, etc. However, ICTs have not provided as many advantages as they were supposed to, so changes are necessary. In this context, a new set of tools, Web 2.0, offers a new way to understand the Web, in which the user is the centre. Further, users can cooperate in order to define contents. This concept is also applied in technology-mediated learning but there are important problems when one tries to integrate such tools and concepts with existing systems. This paper explores the integration of these tools in traditional learning environments, the various possibilities and their advantages and drawbacks. After that, an interoperability scenario is described and two experiences are presented to show how 2.0 tools can be integrated in learning activities, and its effect in educational process.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses the findings of a research project, the main objective of which is to identify curriculum components that promote personal development as a nuclear part of teacher professional identity formation through pre-service teacher education. Curriculum is viewed as an ecological scenario with different subsystems and both as formal and informal. Identity formation is conceived as an ever-provisional result of a double transaction: the biographical one and the relational one. The curricula of four different historical periods of pre-service teacher education in Portugal and the professional identity of teachers trained within them were characterised through collection and analysis of documents and biographical narratives. Crossing results from the four periods, the quality of school climate emerges as an important variable to the quality of the teachers’ identity. The lifelong learning ethos seems to emerge when the training curriculum connects everyday learning with everyday life, namely by urging the students’ involvement in school life, peer learning activities and peer and teacher educators’ informal learning activities.  相似文献   

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