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叶莹 《海外英语》2012,(9):199-201,205
随着国际间交流日益频繁和经济全球化时代的到来,作为交际能力重要体现之一的口译能力越发重要。译者有必要将外域文化的特色与表达方式移植到本族语言文化中,介绍给本族语言者,丰富本族语言。而达到这一点,要求译者充分了解源语言与目的语使用者的思维差异,才能使译文更加趋于精确、完善、和谐。从中西方思维方式入手,窥探中西思维方式的差异,及这种差异对口译的影响的研究至关重要。在口译过程中,通过思维方式的转换,使译文地道、自然、符合目的语的表达习惯是口译员不断奋斗的目标。  相似文献   

许华蓉 《海外英语》2014,(15):251-252
Vagueness is a natural character of language. Vagueness of journalistic English exists in lexical level and syntactic level as well. Lexical vagueness in journalistic English is usually resulted from the indefinite meaning of words, while in syntactic level, it may be resulted from the combined use of vague words or the employment of some sentence patterns. This thesis aims to help readers to understand journalistic English from the perspective of vague language.  相似文献   

对于文化负载词的翻译,在译入语中很难找到完全对应的词汇,从而给翻译工作带来了困难。本文从文化翻译观出发,通过对比分析中国伟大诗人屈原《离骚》两个英译本中涉及到植物文化负载词的翻译,主张将直译、意译及注释等方法有机结合去对待这类问题。  相似文献   

首先重点讨论了现代汉语中常见概数的表示方法,以及概数助词"来""多"各自表示概数的特点、用法,然后分析这两个助词在语法分布上的相同点、相异点,最后总结了它们的整体语法分布以及制约它们分布的因素。  相似文献   

英汉词语的文化内涵差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从传统文化观念、社会文化背景及社会价值取向等方面阐释了造成英汉词语文化内涵差异的原因,并提出翻译的对策:直译、直译加注释,借用的语中带有文化色彩的词语取代原语中带有文化色彩的词、意译  相似文献   

篇章表述理论(Discourse Representation Theory,简称DRT)是动态的自然语言意义的形式语义理论,由篇章语义的构造算法和语义的正确性验证两部分组成,它是在MG(Montague Grammar)的基础上起来的而又克服了MG的局限性的语义理论。文章从与MG的对比研究中探讨DRT的理论意义及其对自然语言部分语句系统的句法构造及其语义解释的方法论意义。  相似文献   

日本室町时代的汉籍抄物不仅是具有历史价值的日语语言资料,同时也是中国古典文献的日本注释资料。其中囊括众多日本学者"三体诗"注释学说的"三体詩幻雲抄"是现存"三体诗"抄物中首屈一指的精品。该抄物中卷首绝句《華清宮》的注释可以作为研究该类问题的个案。经与原注比较,可以得出:该抄物注释内容广泛,尤其侧重对于诗句或诗文的意义以及事或物的注释;注释对象涵盖原典中全部要点,着重注释原文并同时关注原注;注释时大量引用其他中国文献,其中包括以唐人诗文居多的单篇类和以宋人撰著居多的著作类。因此,该抄物具有与原注不同的注释角度与方式,能够为学界更深入细致、更多角度地诠释"三体诗"提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

意义范畴的相关理论表明:一个多义词就是一个语义范畴,包括原型意义、非原型意义和隐喻意义,它们都可以通过各自潜在的意象图式予以解释。因此,大学英语教学对常用词不能满足于字面的局部意义,要有全面的认知,要从词义、搭配和语体等方面指导学生充分挖掘其潜在的交际价值;在教学中要适当运用认知语言学的相关知识,以引导学习者化抽象思维为形象思维,促进其词汇习得;要让学生认知英语常用词汇的词义特征,以帮助其有效运用,并促进其自然朴实话语风格的形成。  相似文献   

作为语言中的活跃因子,文化词语的特殊性在于其所承载的文化特质,这种特质是文化词语意象的底蕴。在跨文化翻译,尤其是文学翻译中,意象移植一向为译者所关注。文章拟从跨文化语义的角度就文化词语的意象进行概述。进而在不同文化关联性制约下对文化词语翻译的意象构建进行探讨,以明确意象移植的“度”。  相似文献   

翻译是一种交际过程,在这一过程中起作用的不是一个个孤零零的词或句子,而是这些词句组成的语篇,词句的交际功能只能通过语篇得以实现,因此,我们必须将原语与目的语的研究扩展到语篇层次,突破以词论词,以句论句的研究方法.  相似文献   

无意性歧义是英语中较为复杂的一种自然现象,主要是由语音、词汇和句法结构引起的。这种歧义在语言交际中很容易造成误解。将其与交际教学结合起来研究有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

淡泊:人间有味是清欢 美国巨星罗斯顿陨落前的警语:“你的生命需要的仅仅是一颗心脏!”时时在我耳畔回荡。然而,叹大千世界,悲恨相续,无数人依然竞相为生命背囊增重。或许,我们真的需要一个安静的夜晚,思考,生命需要的是什么?我听到一个声音传来:生命的需要,是一颗清净淡泊的心。  相似文献   

依存语法主要研究语言中词汇间的依存关系为主线,进而分析语句的深层语义关系.日语是一种与语义联系较为紧密的语言,因此利用依存关系分析日语句子结构和自动转换则显得行之有效.本文根据日汉语言的特点及差别,浅谈利用依存语法来处理在日汉机器翻译中遇到的一些问题,提出了两种解决方案,很好地解决了在语言转换过程中的语义分析和句法转换问题.  相似文献   

Deaf individuals usually face more challenges in reading and writing, because they are often deprived of adequate spoken input from their infancy. Research on the language features of deaf individuals’ writing is abundant. However, their language structures have as yet been unexplored. In order to address this subject, this article uses the holistic approach of complex network theory. This study builds three syntactic dependency networks, the intent being to capture the macroscopic linguistic features in writing of deaf individuals. Three networks are constructed: one is created from a treebank of texts produced by deaf individuals, and the other two are created from two treebanks of spoken and written language samples produced by hearing people. A dependency‐based theory of syntax is used. The results indicate that the language system of individuals with deafness is structurally similar to that of hearing people, especially to that of their spoken language, but individuals with deafness tend to have lower language proficiency in both syntactic and lexical aspects. The rigid use of function words and less diversity of vocabulary might be part of the reason for the observed differences.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid development of information technology, web‐based learning has become a dominant trend. That is, learners can often learn anytime and anywhere without being restricted by time and space. Autonomic learning primarily occurs in web‐based learning environments, and self‐regulated learning (SRL) is key to autonomic learning performance. Moreover, sustained attention to web‐based learning activities can be challenging for students. Therefore, a web‐based reading annotation system with an attention‐based self‐regulated learning mechanism (ASRLM), which is based on brainwave detection, is designed to enhance the sustained attention of learners while reading annotated English texts online, and thereby promote online reading performance. In total, 126 Grade 7 students in four classes at a junior high school in New Taipei City, Taiwan, are the participants. Among the four classes, two classes are randomly distributed to the experimental group and the other two classes are randomly distributed to the control group. The experimental group utilizes the ASRLM to support their reading of annotated English texts online, whereas the control group is not supported by the ASRLM while reading annotated English texts online. Experimental results show that sustained attention and reading comprehension of the experimental group are better than those of the control group. Moreover, the web‐based reading system with ASRLM support promotes the sustained attention and reading comprehension of female learners more than those of male learners while reading annotated English texts online. Additionally, learners with high‐SRL ability in the experimental group have better sustained attention and reading comprehension than those learners with low‐SRL ability. Furthermore, the sustained attention and reading comprehension of the experimental group are strongly correlated, and the duration of sustained attention strongly predicts their reading comprehension performance.  相似文献   

We used an immediate recall paradigm to study the effects of list organization and semantic and grammatical features of printed stimuli on working memory capacity in deaf students with differing English language abilities. Thirty lists of five organizational types (random words, semantically related words, semantically paired words, scrambled sentences, and grammatical sentences) were presented to two groups of deaf students who differed in their proficiency in the English language. The students were required to recall the lists in writing. The results indicate that, overall, the students with higher levels of English language proficiency recalled significantly more than those with lower levels. Additionally, semantic and syntactic organization of the lists had different effects on the two groups of students. Semantic pairing aided the low-level group significantly more than the high-level group, whereas the syntactic organization of the grammatical sentences aided the high-level group significantly more. Implications for assessing language ability in deaf students are discussed.  相似文献   

通过研究一名5岁的轻度弱智儿童在自然情境中的自发性语言,从词类、语法结构、句子的平均长度、句法结构以及语用等方面分析其语言发展状况,探讨造成被试语言能力不足的原因。结果发现:被试使用的词汇中,大量为实词;被试的平均句子长度为2.07,仅相当于2岁左右正常儿童的水平;被试的交流、沟通技能明显不足;被试语用能力尚未形成,仍停留在自我中心的语言阶段。被试本身的认知水平不高和给予个案的语言刺激不够是造成其语言能力不足的主要原因。为个案营造一个良好的语言环境,加强亲子间的交流对于其语言能力的提高十分有利。  相似文献   

程度副词一般跟表示性质或状态的词语结合表示某种程度。每种语言的程度副词大都具有这种句法、语义功能,不过每种语言也都有各自的特点,因此,在语法功能和语义特点上也有一些差异。汉语中表示比较程度的"更"和与之对应的韩国语中表示比较程度的"■"也是如此,在句法功能上,有不少相同的地方,但也并非完全重合。  相似文献   

特征映射型N1+N2概念合成名词中的N1是起描写作用的修饰词,凸显的是陈述性意义即性质意义;而其中心词N2是提供整个词范畴结构的词,构成整个词的认知基础。该构式所体现的思维、语义与句法关系的创造性和灵活性是极其丰富的。空间复合理论为自然语言现象的解释提供了很好的处理方法,而非范畴化不但是语言变化与发展的重要途径,更是人类认知的一种重要方式。因此,将空间复合理论与非范畴化结合,对特征映射型N1+N2概念合成名词的识解具有良好的解释力,也具有良好的操作性。  相似文献   

浅谈电视新闻播音中的审美意象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新闻播音在向受众传递信息的同时,更要注重审美空间的延伸与拓展,其中,对播音中审美意象的把握尤为重要.审美意象是蕴藏于播音作品之内的联接播音员和受众的一座桥梁.对于播音员而言,把握好审美意象、构建好审美意象、传达好审美意象是播好一件作品、传递一种感情和拓展审美空间的关键一步.好的电视播音作品通过画面、声音这些介质把新闻的内核、语句的思想和播音员的情感一同传达给观众,向受众传达一种审美意象,赋予有声语言以灵动的生命,让观众在观看中产生愉悦的审美感.  相似文献   

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