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《聊斋志异》中"龁石篇"记载的是道士王嘉禄"啖石为饭"一事,其"本事"源于王渔洋的《池北偶记》。主人公王嘉禄史上实有其人,"龁石"的细节与中医书籍里所记载的"服云母"养生法完全吻合,王道士的"遍体生毛"又与古籍记载相映照。"龁石"篇是对道医体系中"服云母"养生法的记录。  相似文献   

小歌 《海外英语》2010,(7):61-62
Last time we talked about English expressions with paired words associated to our body parts, such as "head to head," "mouth to mouth," "toe to toe" .... Today, we'll follow up with a piece to explore further the richness of the "body language" in our daily English speech. In English, the expression "body language" means the gestures people make to indicate their intentions or feelings without speaking a word. For instance,  相似文献   

Eating is broadly conceptualized as food choice. Food choice is a complex activity with many dimensions. Food choice is multifaceted as it involves whether, where, when, how long, how, why, with whom, for whom, and under what conditions eating occurs. Food choice is contextual as it is situated within specific conditions and settings involving both individuals and institutions. Food choice is dynamic as it unfolds and is embedded in eating episodes over lifetimes within historical eras. Food choice is multilevel as physical, biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors operate simultaneously and interact. Food choice is integrated as people coordinate many considerations to construct specific eating activities. Food choice is diverse in its broad scope of distinct and unique eating activities. Food choice can be examined using both multi‐perspective and multi‐purpose approaches, and it may not be possible to integrate different perspectives into a unified approach to understanding and changing food choice.  相似文献   

Chapter 6     

Participants in this study were 221 female undergraduate students who completed the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 and the Parental Eating and Weight Messages Survey. As predicted, the results indicate there is a perception by young women with elevated eating disturbance and concerns with weight and body shape, and greater dissatisfaction with current weight that their mothers communicated negative verbal messages about eating and weight. It was also found that young women with a lower level of eating disturbance perceived that their mothers communicated positive verbal messages about weight and eating. Additionally, there appears to be a relationship between the perception of negative messages made by fathers to mothers about their mothers' weight, and daughters' elevated disordered eating scores.  相似文献   

养而不教,上一次当,学一次乖  相似文献   

Eating disorders, disordered eating, and body dissatisfaction prevalence rates are on the rise among adolescent females. The present study examined the potential use of a commonly used social–emotional instrument, the Behavior Assessment System for Children‐Second Edition (BASC‐2), for detecting the presence of possible eating disorders in adolescent females in a school setting. Participants included 65 female adolescents aged 13 to 17 years from Midwestern public middle and high schools. The Eating Disorder Inventory‐Third Edition was used to determine eating disorder risk and level of body dissatisfaction. Those adolescents at risk for developing an eating disorder differed significantly on 12 of the 16 BASC‐2 scales, whereas four of these scales were also in the clinically significant range according to the BASC‐2 normative sample. A common profile of a female adolescent at risk for developing an eating disorder was explored. Implications of the findings and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Eating, drinking, locomotion, and rearing activities of rats, maintained under a 12:12-h dark:light cycle, were measured continuously over 24 h a day for 40 days in the KGbox-24. For 20 days, beginning on Day 11, the shocks were given through the grid floor of the box 1 h after the beginning of the dark phase (at 2100 h). The daily food and water intake decreased, and there was no further gain in body weight after the introduction of shocks. The 2100-h shocks had some associative effects: (1) Suppression of ingestion developed during the period of 2000–2100 h; (2) acceleration of general activity developed during the period of 2000–2012 h; (3) anticipatory suppression of eating developed toward the end of the light phase. The 2100-h shocks also had suppressive aftereffects upon eating and drinking, especially during the early stage of the 20-day shock phase. Compensatory drinking was observed during the light phase, but no such effect was found for eating. Some findings which are not usually obtained in short-session experiments remain to be explained. References to two timing systems are made.  相似文献   

吃西餐和吃中餐是不同的。每人都要用一只大盘子,在盘子的左边放一副叉子,在盘子的右边放一把刀和一把勺。在你看菜单的时候,服务生会给你端上一杯冰水和一些面包。  相似文献   

Counseling centers have been challenged to effectively treat the growing number of college students who struggle with disordered eating. In response to this critical issue, the authors have developed an Eating Disorder Assessment and Treatment Protocol (EDATP) to assist clinical disposition in the counseling center setting and identify treatment guidelines within a coordinated care approach. Practical applications of the EDATP and future research that can assess its clinical utility are addressed.  相似文献   

韩滔 《毕节学院学报》2012,30(7):108-113
"吃油茶"是黔北地区民间流传已久的一种生活习俗,作为一种饮食文化,它的产生、发展、存在形态以及长期存在于人民群众生活中的原因和价值值得探究。而作为一种地域文化个性,油茶又蕴含了黔北独特的人文风情及文化心理,同时成为黔北地域文化的重要组成部分,对它的深入研究意义重大。  相似文献   

“饮食”是一个与人类生活息息相关的基本范畴,早在上古时代,汉语的“饮食类”动词就很丰富。在众多的“饮食类”动词中,“尝”的词义演变轨迹很独特,它由饮食动词最终发展成了语气助词。认知语言学认为,语言并不是一个自足的孤立的系统,词义的发展演变与人类的生存活动息息相关,先民们早期食不果腹的饮食生活和频繁的祭祀活动推动了“尝”的词义演变进程。  相似文献   

吃饭是第一件大事,粮食问题是关系国计民生的第一号大问题。王船山对粮食问题予以极大的关注。粮食问题包括粮食生产、粮食价格和购销、粮食的运输和管理、粮食的征税和赈灾备荒等等,在这些方面王船山都提出了自己的真知灼见。  相似文献   

刘影 《黄山学院学报》2007,9(1):122-124
梁实秋以散文饮誉文坛。在雅舍系列散文中,梁实秋表达了深深的思乡之情,或对故朋旧友的回忆追思,或对故乡旧物人事的怀想,特别是《雅舍谈吃》不仅举玑列珠地叙说了故乡种种美食,更重要的是通过对这些美食的回忆寄托了梁实秋深深的思乡之情。梁实秋散文中的浓浓乡情是其流落异地思乡而不得归的真实写照。  相似文献   

Eating was measured in water-deprived rats when water was presented at regular intervals ranging from 30 to 240 sec. The temporal patterning of eating resembled that of schedule-induced behavior in that the probability of eating was high early in the interval and declined in the end of the interval. Additionally, (a) the number of pellets consumed was controlled by relative time in the interwater interval, (b) the pellets consumed per water presentation was inversely related to water rate, and (c) food-ingestion rate was directly related to water rate. These relationships parallel those found with behavior regarded as schedule induced.  相似文献   

This study compared the prevalence of eating disorder behaviors between female collegiate athletes (n = 206) and female college nonathletes (n = 197). Although female nonathletes had somewhat higher average scores on the Eating Attitudes Test 26, the proportion at risk for disordered eating was not different in the 2 groups. There was no significant difference among female athletes in different sports. Younger women were found to have more symptoms of disordered eating than did older women.  相似文献   

重复作为刘震云小说的叙述模式,体现出作家对于人生荒诞感的认知。《吃瓜时代的儿女们》和《我不是潘金莲》是刘震云荒诞书写的代表作品,但小说人物存在符号化、简单化倾向和"想当然"意味,偏离了五四"人的文学"的传统。同时,小说结尾将主人公的悲剧置换为另一批人的喜剧,具有较为强烈的悲观主义色彩,降低了作品的思想启蒙力量。《吃瓜时代的儿女们》和《我不是潘金莲》两部小说体现出刘震云在运用西方文学资源本土化方面的不足之处,对于中国当代作家的创作,具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

在民俗文化中饮食文化的现实表现最为鲜活,商洛地跨黄河、长江两大流域,物产丰富,其饮食结构和饮食习俗与商洛独特的地理自然环境有着质的联系。商洛人饮食结构简明,种类较多,菜肴较为简单。饮食习俗中三餐制是主流,也存在一日两餐的习俗。商洛饮食文化具有历史人文的流风余韵,主食和主要菜肴都具有明显的南北文化历史遗迹。商洛最有代表性的地方菜是商芝。商洛的许多饮食习俗都具有一定的符号意义,传递着丰富的文化信息,表达着美好的心愿和祝福。  相似文献   

重庆黔江区处武陵山腹地,峰壑拥抱,经风历雨,收容保护了一批又一批少数民族,储蓄了丰厚宝贵的民间文化遗产,在现代化前夜少受城市文明“污染”。今天,古风犹存的这个民俗文化遗产重地岌岌可危。郭道荣整理出版的《清早起来就上坡》,抢救了部分民间文学珍贵作品,是值得珍视的。本文略举该书载录《太阳出来喜洋洋》、《散花》、“鱼”歌、“吃”歌谣、《叙古歌》等,略作分析。  相似文献   

Eating disorders are a serious health and mental health problem on college campuses nationwide. This article describes an innovative treatment and prevention program for eating disordered college students. Peer educators are used to provide individual, informational sessions to students with eating disorder concerns and workshops on eating disorders to the campus community. They work with the counseling center by referring more serious eating disordered clients and through consultation with a staff psychologist. The roles and functions of eating disorder peer educators are described, and issues in recruitment, selection, training and ongoing supervison are highlighted. The counseling center's role in the management of eating disorders is also discussed. Specific case examples are presented to clarify the peer educator role in working with eating disordered college students.  相似文献   

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