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Broken Promises     
“Sheesh!Give me a few points for self control!”Isnapped at my cranky husband.I wanted to stop at a sport-ing goods store“Going Out of Business”sale we passed inthe mall.“There's nothing we need”,his usual grumpymale comment.“It's all overpriced junk.If they had anythinggood they wouldn't be going out of business.”  相似文献   

钟翠频  黄连英 《求学》2023,(11):69-70
<正>Watching others eat junk food can make us feel full more quickly when we eat it ourselves, according to experts. We dig into the science of this “see food” diet.According to neuroimage studies, the mere sight of someone being hit by a hammer will fire up the neural networks in our brain that are associated with pain.  相似文献   

Do you enjoy eating hamburgers,hot dogs,French fries or chips?Are you fond of soft drinks,candy or ice cream?If your an- swers are"Yes",you'd better take care.Most of them are junk food! What is junk food? Junk food has lots of fat(脂肪),salt and sugar,but few nutrients(营养物质).Most sci- entists say junk food is unhealthy.  相似文献   

You hear it all along the river. You hear it, loud and strong, from the rowers as they urge the junk with its high stern, the mast lashed alongside, down the swift running stream. You hear it from the trackers, a more breathless chant, as they pull desperately against the current, half a dozen of them perhaps if they are taking up a wupan, a couple of hundred if they are hauling a splendid junk, its square sail set, over a rapid. On the junk a man stands amidships beating a drum incessantly to…  相似文献   

Vince 《新高考》2013,(2):48
What Makes Your New Year's Resolutions Fail? At the beginning of the New Year,are you already finding it hard to keep those resolutions to junk the junk food,get off the couch or kick smoking? There's a biological reason why a lot of our bad habits are so hard to break-it has something to do with our brains.  相似文献   

In the past,a large part of the American diet was made of convenience(方便)foods(or junk foods)such as pizza,cookies,potato chips,hamburgers,and some others.These days  相似文献   

Once I asked Bill: “What does American cui-sine feature?” At hearing this abrupt question,hewas somewhat dumfounded and after a while,heresponded:“Precisely speaking,I don't feelAmerica has a cuisine.All we have is what wecalled“junk” food,such as hamburger,hatdogand sandwich.”I was very much surprised at hisreply.  相似文献   

My cousin Henry is much healthier now. But he used to have some bad habits. For one thing, he was a couch potato. He is one of those overweight people who sit on a sofa and eat junk food while they watch TV.  相似文献   

微型化学实验的设计原理,必须充分体现“简”、“便”、“明”、“微”、“小”等特点。“简”是指装置简单;“便”是指操作方便;“明”是指现象明显;“微”是指用微型装置、微量试剂进行实验;“小”就是对环境污染小。基于微型实验的这些基本要求,笔者结合教育教学实践中的一些体会,谈谈医用废旧注射器在微型实验中的一些应用。  相似文献   

junk Food-How many hanburgers can you eat?-Well,four or five.I live on junk food.-You shouldn't eat that much.Junk food will make you unhealthy!解密汉堡、薯条、炸鸡腿虽然美味,但都是低营养高热量的食品  相似文献   

<正>面包是英美等西方国家人们的主食,面包的重要性也体现在语言里。人们用bread来统称“食物、营养品”,如beg one’s bread指“乞食、讨饭”;bread还用来指“生计、谋生之道”,如one’s daily bread指“每日的粮食”,earn one’s bread指“自食其力”,out of bread指“失业”,in bad bread指“处境不妙”,eat the bread of idleness指“不劳而食”,live on the bread line指“难以糊口”,take the bread of one’s mouth指“抢某人的饭碗、使某人衣食无着落”。  相似文献   

1._______the end of last term, I had learned twelve u-nits of this book.A.At B.In C.Since D.By答案为D。by the end of last term指“到上学期结束时为止”,所涉及的时间概念正好与谓语所用的过去完成时相吻合。At the end of last term指“在上学期末”,谓语应使用一般过去时。如要选择since,表示“自从上学期末起”,谓语则应使用现在完成时。in the end表示“最后,终于”,其后不能跟of…短语.  相似文献   

The Chinese diet is the healthy in the world.It contains much fruit and green vegetables.It's high on fibre and low in sugar and fat.But the western diet contains too much fat and sugar in form of creams,cakes and so on.Because of they are junk food,all of them very easily put weight.As a result,scores of people die for heart illness.Some suffer from bad teeth.So the doctor suggests that we won't do that.We'd better to eat the healthy food.(下转第64页)答案与简析:1.healthy→healthiest。从全文…  相似文献   

将废旧电感镇流式日光灯的主要部件镇流器、启辉器、灯管变“废”为“宝”,并利用这些电子元件制作一些物理教具,让废旧“日光灯”重见“光明”.  相似文献   

1.教室的前面有一张讲桌。【误】There is a teacher’s desk in front of the classroom.【正】There is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom.【析】in front of指在某物或某个范围之外的前面;in the front of指在某物或某个范围之内的前部。“讲桌”应在教室内,故用in the front of。  相似文献   

1.I was standing in front of thelibrary.in front of的意思是“在……的前面”,是指在某个范围之外的前面;而in the frontof的意思是“在……的前部”,是指在某个范围之内的前部。例如:There are some apple trees in front ofthe house.这栋房子前面有一些苹果树。(苹果树在房子外面)He is sitting in the front of the bus.他正坐在公共汽车的前部。(坐在公共汽车里面)【中考题】The boy sitting Tina was sotall that she couldn’t see the film clearly.(2005安徽省)A.behind B.in front ofC.beside D.next to【解析】选B。从句意来判断,应用infront of,意思是“在……的前面”;而behind的意思是“在……的后面”,beside的意思是“在……旁边”,next to的意思是“紧靠”。2.While the boy was walking downthe street...  相似文献   

★either和anyeither和any都有“任何一个”的意思。指“两者中的任何一个”时,用either;指“三者或三者以上中的任何一个”时,用any。例如:T herearegreentreeson either side of thestreet.街道两旁都有绿树。Jenny in C lass2istaller than any girl inC lass3.二班的珍妮比  相似文献   

孙绍振先生的“还原法”为中学教学理论与实践的结合提供了一套文本解读的可操作性程序.所谓“还原法”,按孙先生的说法,就是“依靠抽象能力把构成艺术形象的原生状态想象出来,找出其间的差异,作为分析的起点”的方法.它包括六个方面:1.“艺术感觉的‘还原’,是指把作者省略了的、被感知和想象排除了的东西,用推理和想象还原出来;2.“情感逻辑的‘还原’”,指的是把经过主观情感或智能变异而形成的情感逻辑还原为客观、冷静的理性逻辑,并加以比较;3.“审美价值的‘还原’”,这就是要区别实用价值和情感的审美价值,寻求超越实用价值的审美价值;4.“历史的‘还原’”,指的是要把作品放到产生的时代背景中去,特别是还原到产生的艺术背景中去;5.“流派的‘还原’”,指的是必须分析作品所属流派的艺术特征;6.“风格的‘还原’”,即把同一流派的作品加以比较,分析出特殊风格.  相似文献   

1.everyone/every one everyone表示“每人、人人”,只能指人,并且后面不能接of短语。例如: Everyone likes sandwiches.大家都喜欢吃三明治。every one表示“每个”,指人或物皆可,后面可以接of短语。例如:  相似文献   

思想品德课的“做”,就是“知行结合”。为了达到这个目的,我们引导学生把爱国主义之情转到效国之行。针对学生的心理特点和兴趣爱好,开展了下列活动。①拾废旧。发动学生拾废旧物品,建立了“节约箱”。学生把拾来的废纸、废铜铁、碎玻璃等积聚起来,共卖四十六元六角八分,支援了祖国的四化建设。②小储蓄。召开“学习雷锋好  相似文献   

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