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在我国当今课程改革中,“研究性学习”课程越来越被人们所重视,然而在开发和实施时,人们对什么是“研究性学习”课程以及这种课程与传统的课程的类型有何不同,仍然感到难以把握。有的人直接将素质教育的内涵套到“研究性学习”课程的界定中;有人主张研究性学习课程可以作为一门独立形态的课程来开设等等。这种对“研究性  相似文献   

论基于研究性学习理念的"研究性教学"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究性学习课程是新一轮课程改革中的重要内容,但研究性学习课程没有赖以存在的具体学科领域,它的实施必须以学科教学为基础。只有将研究性学习理念渗透于学科教学中,以课堂教学为主渠道,实施“研究性的教”,研究性学习才能实现其功能目标。本阐述了基于研究性学习理念的“研究性教学”的构建意义,提出了实施研究性教学的基本要素。  相似文献   

1 对研究性学习内涵的认识“研究性学习”与“研究型课程”是目前在各类教育报刊中出现频率较高的词汇 ,但是对于“研究性学习”的认识各异。有“课程说”、“学习方式说”、“教学模式说”、“课程与学习交互说”等等 ,更有不少文章中有关“研究性学习”的语焉不祥。很多学校在课程说的影响下 ,认为开设了“研究性学习”课程 ,就是开展了“研究性学习” ,这样做割断了它与各门学科教学的联系 ,结果“研究性学习”仅仅成了教这门课的老师的事 ,学生在“研究性学习”课上学的是“研究性学习”的理论 ,在学科学习中仍搞应试教育 ;还有人认为…  相似文献   

信息技术课程中开展"研究性学习"教学模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国家基础课程改革实验中,大力倡导教学中开展研究性学习的教学方式,来提高学生的创新能力。本文从研究性学习教学模式的理论基础、信息技术教学中开展研究学习的教学设计原则、教学设计、注意问题四个方面探讨了在信息技术教学活动中开展研究性学习的教学模式。  相似文献   

论"研究性学习"与小学教师教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在小学教育专业开设“研究性学习”课程,目的就是为了把所有的学生都培养成个性健全发展的能够胜任小学素质教育的合格教师。为此,必须转变教育思想,尊重学生的主体地位;抓住“研究性学习”的根本特征,有的放矢地安排研究性学习课程,体现其自主性、综合性、实践性。  相似文献   

赵瑞芬 《中学生物学》2007,23(12):21-23
1设计思路研究性学习分为"独立课程形态的研究性学习和学科渗透形态的研究性学习"2种类型。随着新课程计划的实施,新教材的使用,作为课程改革主要内容之一的"研究性学习"进入课堂势在必然,因此,教师应该努力将研究性学习的模式渗透到日常教学活动中,在常规教学中形成研究性学习氛围,促进学生在知识、能力和情感领域的发展。  相似文献   

论"研究性学习"的课程与教学论意义   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
“研究性学习”的意义不仅仅在于倡导一种新的学习方式,还在于其实现了课程与教学的概念重建。“研究性学习”课程是一种体验课程、植根于生活的课程,在这种课程中,学生成为课程开发者,它是对以传递间接经验为核心的传统教学观的反动,倡导以尊重每一个学生自己的观念为核心的“研究性教学”。“研究性学习”课程走出了二元论,实现了课程与教学的融合。  相似文献   

研究性学习课程的产生和研究性学习方法在学科教学中的渗透和推广,无疑是新一轮课程改革最亮丽的最具魅力的风景线.而研究性学习中"问题意识"的培养,既是研究性学习中重要目标之一,又是能否有效进行研究性学习的关键之所在,动力之所在.  相似文献   

对"研究性学习"课程的几点理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国当前正在进行的新一轮基础教育课程改革中 ,“研究性学习”被作为“综合实践活动”的核心提了出来 ,这表明我国基础教育正式开始设立“研究性学习”课程。“研究性学习”课程在我国兴起的时间还不长 ,许多理论与实践问题尚待研究 ,因此笔者想就这么几个问题谈一谈自己的理解。  一、“研究性学习”课程的定义  “研究性学习”课程的定义很多 ,对其称谓也不一致 ,常见于各种书籍、杂志的主要有以下几种观点 :观点一 :研究型课程是以问题为基础 ,以探究活动为过程的一种综合性学习。观点二 :研究性课程是一种通过儿童对研究型课题作…  相似文献   

浅谈"研究性学习"课程管理   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
“研究性学习”作为一门必修课列入我国普通高中的课程计划以来,学校在具体实施这门课程时,感到它和现有的学科教学有非常大的差异。这种差异,在教育观念、教学内容、课程流程、组织实施、管理评价、教师的作用和地位等方面全方位地表现出来。尤其是在我国关于学校意外事故防范和处理的法律尚不健全的情况下,面对一些行为自控能力比较差的学生,要完全放手让学生独立自主地开展研究性学习,不少校长、老师忧心忡忡,非常担心。这种担忧,使研究性学习的课程管理这一问题的重要性凸现出来,成为整个课程实施中首先必须关注和解决的问题。…  相似文献   

开设研究性学习课程是我国本次课程改革的一个重要措施。然而 ,这一课程又同时被理解为一种学习方式 ,从而使人们对研究性学习与探究学习的关系产生了种种模糊认识。一些人认为 ,这两种学习方式是完全一样的 ,只是名称不同 ;而另一些人认为 ,研究性学习是比探究学习更加“高级”的学习方式 ,它应该包含探究学习。本文提出 ,应该将研究性学习看成是探究学习的特殊形式 ,主要用于面向跨学科的现实问题的研究性学习课程中 ;除了在研究性学习课程中促进学生探究学习以外 ,还应该在学科教学中采用灵活多样的方式促进学生开展探究学习  相似文献   

We developed a course, as part of our institution's core program, which provides students with a foundation in academic literacy in the social sciences: how to find, read, critically assess, and communicate about social science research. It is not a research methods course; rather, it is intended to introduce students to the social sciences and be better consumers of social science research. In this article, we describe the key learning objectives of this course, the basic content areas, and some of the innovative teaching and learning strategies used in the course. We also provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the course in meeting its learning objectives and of student responses to the course. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges in developing interdisciplinary core courses and offer suggestions for best practices for teaching social science literacy as part of the core curriculum.  相似文献   

Present-day students are expected to be lifelong learners throughout their working life. Higher education must therefore prepare students to self-direct their learning beyond formal education, in real-life working settings. This can be achieved in so-called hybrid learning configurations in which working and learning are integrated. In such a learning configuration, learning is typically trans-boundary in nature and embedded in ill-structured, authentic tasks. The goal of this study is to develop a set of design guidelines for an intervention that would strengthen students’ capacity for self-directed lifelong learning within a hybrid learning configuration, a one-semester elective course at a university of applied sciences in the Netherlands. The research approach was educational design research. An intervention was designed, implemented and evaluated during two iterations of the course. Evaluation methods included interviews with students and the course facilitator, questionnaires, and students’ logs and reports. We developed five intervention design guidelines that will promote self-directed learning. Our conclusion is that the intervention was usable and effective: at a basic level, the students did develop their capacity for self-directed lifelong learning. Further research is needed to investigate conditions for realizing higher levels of proficiency in self-directed lifelong learning throughout the curriculum and beyond.  相似文献   


In this case study, we first describe how teaching and research are linked in a master’s course on tissue engineering. A central component of the course is an authentic research project that the students carry out in smaller groups and in collaboration with faculty. We then explore how the students experience learning in this kind of discovery-oriented environment. Data were collected through a survey, reflective writing, and interviews. Using a general inductive approach for qualitative analysis, we identified three themes related to the students’ learning experiences: learning to navigate the field, learning to do real research, and learning to work with others. Overall, the students strongly valued learning in a discovery-oriented environment and three aspects of the course contributed to much of its success: taking a holistic approach to linking teaching and research, engaging students in the whole inquiry process, and situating authentic problems in an authentic physical and social context.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine how project-based learning in distance education can be seen to make a distinctive contribution to “improving student learning”. How has this approach to course design and assessment been put into practice in an Open University (OU) course and what assumptions about teaching and learning are involved in this course development process. The paper also looks briefly at how this project component has been evaluated by describing students’ and tutors’ experiences of learning and teaching in the form of “action research” so to reflect critically on practice and so initiate change.  相似文献   

数字图像处理课程作为电子信息类专业开设的专业课程,具有实用性特点。针对该课程特点,从应用型人才培养角度,提出基于研究性学习的数字图像处理课程教学改革方案。首先分析当前高校数字图像处理课程教学现状,并进一步阐述了将研究性学习引入人工智能大类课程下数字图像处理课程教学改革的观点,然后给出了基于研究性学习的数字图像处理课程实践措施。该教学模式能够有效提升学生的应用探究意识,引导教师在课程教学中重视应用需求、强化课题研究。  相似文献   

我国微课程研究现状述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
微课程是随着移动终端普及兴起的一种在线学习或移动学习资源。通过梳理分析我国微课程研究的相关文章,论述了目前微课程的研究现状及存在问题,以期为进一步的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between formal learning spaces and student learning outcomes. Using a quasi‐experimental design, researchers partnered with an instructor who taught identical sections of the same course in two radically different formal learning environments to isolate the impact of the physical environment on student learning. The results of the study reveal that, holding all factors excepting the learning spaces constant, students taking the course in a technologically enhanced environment conducive to active learning techniques outperformed their peers who were taking the same course in a more traditional classroom setting. The evidence suggests strongly that technologically enhanced learning environments, independent of all other factors, have a significant and positive impact on student learning.  相似文献   

This article reports on a one-semester Advanced Cell Biology course that endeavors to bridge the gap between gaining basic textbook knowledge about cell biology and learning to think and work as a researcher. The key elements of this course are 1) learning to work with primary articles in order to get acquainted with the field of choice, to learn scientific reasoning, and to identify gaps in our current knowledge that represent opportunities for further research; 2) formulating a research project with fellow students; 3) gaining thorough knowledge of relevant methodology and technologies used within the field of cell biology; 4) developing cooperation and leadership skills; and 5) presenting and defending research projects before a jury of experts. The course activities were student centered and focused on designing a genuine research program. Our 5-yr experience with this course demonstrates that 1) undergraduate students are capable of delivering high-quality research designs that meet professional standards, and 2) the authenticity of the learning environment in this course strongly engages students to become self-directed and critical thinkers. We hope to provide colleagues with an example of a course that encourages and stimulates students to develop essential research thinking skills.  相似文献   

With the development of the Internet in the era of knowledge‐driven economy, e‐learning is experiencing rapid growth. The online learning course websites are drawing more attention as well. This research combines the innovation diffusion theory and the technology acceptance model, and adds two research variables, perceived system quality and computer self‐efficacy to propose a new hybrid technology acceptance model to study students' behavioural intentions to use the online learning course websites. This research finds that compatibility, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived system quality and computer self‐efficacy were critical factors for students' behavioural intentions to use the online learning course websites. By explaining students' behavioural intentions from a user's perspective, the findings of this research help to develop more user‐friendly websites and also provide insight into the best way to promote new e‐learning tools for students.  相似文献   

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