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从存取模式角度考察了国内45个机构知识库(IR),认为我国IR目前存在的主要问题是:存储模式单一;存取政策缺失;回避版权.对国内45个IR的发展水平进行了三个层级的划分,提出建立复合型存储模式,施行标准化的开放授权模式,并建议通过制定存取政策来明确IR各方的权利义务关系,通过服务政策促进IR的持续发展.  相似文献   

本文针对作者与出版商签订的版权转让或排他性授权许可协议对IR收录期刊论文的影响,立足现有著作权法规,深入分析学术期刊的著作权问题,明确其整体著作权和局部作品著作权的权利归属.对国内外期刊出版商的自存储版权政策及政府资助研究成果的强制性开放存取政策进行调查研究,提出通过机构资助获得出版商对机构作品开放的整体授权、作者保留IR存储作品的原有著作权、作者有权撤出IR已存储作品等基于出版商版权政策的IR期刊论文存储方案.  相似文献   

学术期刊开放存取(Open Access)模式约略可分为四种:"直接开放存取"、"延迟性开放存取"、"部分开放存取"及"复合式开放存取"。本研究以此四种归类执行台湾人文与社会学期刊开放存取模式之主编调查与"复合式开放存取"政策访谈,相较于欧美之发展,2013年研究发现台湾人文与社会学的开放存取期刊模式并非主要型态,社会学类期刊尤为明显。问题显现台湾学者与政府对开放存取期刊政策不明朗,这对于学术出版产业与学界而言,利弊互见。  相似文献   

基于开放存取的机构库版权协议问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解决好版权问题是机构库可持续发展的重要条件,版权法和合同法是机构库制订有效的版权政策的法律依据。文章通过对机构库相关利益方版权关系的分析,认为版权协议可以成为调整作者、作者所在单位、机构库、出版商、社会公众之间版权权利和版权义务的法律规范,它们相互之间法律关系可以通过存储许可协议、版权转让协议和知识共享协议来调整。强制开放存取政策的实施有利于机构库版权问题的解决。  相似文献   

2035年全球开放存取事业回顾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文总结了2005年全世界开放存取的发展特点大学支持开放存取、资助机构的开放存取政策过渡到实践阶段、作者积极参与开放存取、自存储不会影响期刊的发展、开放存取期刊快速发展、公共资助的研究成果强制性开放获取草案出台、科学数据开放存取、商业行为试图封杀开放存取未果、Wiki涉足开放存取、联机学术信息社会索引、开放存取图书大规模问世、开放存取面临的障碍、图书扫描和数字化、教科书价格危机与开放存取、"开放存取"使用面扩大.  相似文献   

国内三大高校机构知识库开放存取政策涉及:开放存取政策显示方式、相关机构的开放存取政策、内容政策、提交政策、使用政策、格式和版本要求、法律依据、退出政策和隐私政策九个方面的内容。经过比较,上述政策既值得肯定,也有需要完善的地方。  相似文献   

文章提出"开放存取"(OA)发展战略的政策研究和制定是我国国家信息化战略的组成部分,制定和实施我国开放存取战略政策具有必要性和可行性,并在借鉴和总结前人研究成果的基础上对制定我国开放存取发展战略政策的模式与理论架构进行了探讨.  相似文献   

本文将循证政策方法引入到开放存取政策制定中,通过系统收集开放存取领域的相关证据,对其进行分级与分类,以此为依据,对是否制定开放存取政策,政策是自愿还是强制,以及开放存取的实现方式这三个关键的结构性问题进行证据综合。在此基础上,考虑中国的情境,初步得出我国开放存取政策的思路与框架:①制定国家层面的受公共资助研究成果的开放存取政策,并采取自顶而下的途径;②制定强制性的以自存档为主导的开放存取政策,并制定相应的惩罚性措施。本文展示了循证政策方法应用于开放存取政策制定的可行性,以及进一步深入利用的可能。图1。表2。参考文献28。  相似文献   

随着国际范围内开放存取运动的发展,自存储受到了国际范围内的政策支持,在作者中推广很快.但自存储的发展与期刊出版的版权政策产生了一定的冲突.在调研版权政策冲突表现的基础上,为了协调二者之间的关系,提出应正确看待自存储对期刊出版的影响;期刊应制定允许自存储的版权政策;可以在涉及自存储的版权政策中设置一定限制措施以维护出版者利益;制定相关作者版权协议维护作者权利;期刊可以与开放仓储开展合作等.  相似文献   

国内开放存取的研究热点:基于共词分析的文献计量研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以CNKI期刊全文数据库作为数据来源,在对关键词进行一定程度人工干预的基础上,采用共词分析法探索国内开放存取的研究热点。研究表明,2003—2009年间国内学者对开放存取的研究热点集中在七个方面:OA期刊出版、自存储和OA知识库、OA期刊的质量评价、OA资源的长期保存、开放存取的发展对策、开放存取对图书馆的影响、开放存取与学术传播的关系。研究认为,目前的研究仍停留在形态研究层面,未来应在受众分析和效果研究两个层面加强力度,针对国内的科研人员和学术传播体系开展扎实的本土化研究工作。图1。表4。参考文献67。  相似文献   

针对研究者自存储到机构仓储意愿低的问题,介绍研究者所属机构、研究出资方和出版商制定的自存储政策,分析政策三方尊重、协商与合作的关系。总结自存储政策制定应该注意的问题,包括:自存储政策的强与弱问题;存储位置唯一问题;存储与出版的关系问题;版权问题;存储与开放的时间问题等。  相似文献   

The Information Age is characterized by new ways of information generation, managing, and dissemination because of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) (Moahi, 2003; Paul, 2007). Institutional Repositories (IRs) play a fundamental role in centralizing, preserving, and making accessible institution's intellectual capital and, at the same time, they form part of a global system of distributed and interoperable repositories that provide the foundation for a new disaggregated model of scholarly publishing (Johnson, 2002; Nagahban, 2010). A study of nine libraries in the National Capital Region of India was conducted to: identify benefits of IRs, learn the satisfaction level of users with respect to IR facilities, identify the incentives for publication in IRs, and identify the appropriate policies to be adopted by institutions for implementing IRs. The results of the responses from the 496 respondents indicate that: 1) Most Faculty members and Research scholars in this study indicated that they do not publish their research in IRs. 2) Opinions about benefits of IRs are user-specific. For instance, a substantially large percentage of those Faculty members and Research scholars in the study who do use IRs are Most satisfied with potential benefits of IR while a relatively higher percentage of Students fall in the Satisfied category. 3) The benefits of IRs ranked most highly, although this varied by the different user groups was wider readership. Students ranked this and "quality aspect" – the opportunity to improve the quality of one's work through the provision of feedback from other researchers. 4) A serious concern about publishing in IRs is the potential for plagiarism and overall lower control over one's work. A second concern is the potential loss of content in IRs, which are often not archived as well as scholarly journals are. The findings suggest that institutions need to give due attention to policies related to two aspects of publication, especially those related to quality and copyright issues and to the academic value of research output. Other policy-related topics include citation in other publication with due acknowledgement, inclusion in indexing systems for retrieval, interoperability with other IRs, and Permanent storage.  相似文献   

The Information Age is characterized by new ways of information generation, managing, and dissemination because of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) (Moahi, 2003; Paul, 2007). Institutional Repositories (IRs) play a fundamental role in centralizing, preserving, and making accessible institution's intellectual capital and, at the same time, they form part of a global system of distributed and interoperable repositories that provide the foundation for a new disaggregated model of scholarly publishing (Johnson, 2002; Nagahban, 2010). A study of nine libraries in the National Capital Region of India was conducted to: identify benefits of IRs, learn the satisfaction level of users with respect to IR facilities, identify the incentives for publication in IRs, and identify the appropriate policies to be adopted by institutions for implementing IRs. The results of the responses from the 496 respondents indicate that: 1) Most Faculty members and Research scholars in this study indicated that they do not publish their research in IRs. 2) Opinions about benefits of IRs are user-specific. For instance, a substantially large percentage of those Faculty members and Research scholars in the study who do use IRs are Most satisfied with potential benefits of IR while a relatively higher percentage of Students fall in the Satisfied category. 3) The benefits of IRs ranked most highly, although this varied by the different user groups was wider readership. Students ranked this and "quality aspect" – the opportunity to improve the quality of one's work through the provision of feedback from other researchers. 4) A serious concern about publishing in IRs is the potential for plagiarism and overall lower control over one's work. A second concern is the potential loss of content in IRs, which are often not archived as well as scholarly journals are. The findings suggest that institutions need to give due attention to policies related to two aspects of publication, especially those related to quality and copyright issues and to the academic value of research output. Other policy-related topics include citation in other publication with due acknowledgement, inclusion in indexing systems for retrieval, interoperability with other IRs, and Permanent storage.  相似文献   

科技计划项目数据汇交政策是保证科学数据有序汇交的前提。在调研国外科技计划项目管理机构、学术期 刊机构、相关数据组织等三类机构的现有数据汇交政策,并对比美国自然科学基金会(NSF)与我国科技部国家重点基 础研究发展计划(973 计划)资源环境领域项目数据汇交的政策差异的基础上,指出国外科技计划项目数据汇交在数据 汇交政策制定、数据质量控制、数据产权保护、数据共享服务等6 个方面对我国的启示。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 立足国家科技信息资源管理的整体效益,以增强国家科技信息资源综合治理能力为目标,调查科学数据与科研档案管理协同的发展现状,探索相关推进策略。[方法/过程] 综合运用实地调查法、网络调查法、文献研究法、比较研究法和行动研究法,收集中、美、英、澳4个国家的科技主管部门、档案主管部门、科研资助机构、科研机构、科学数据管理机构、档案机构及相关国际组织的相关政策文本和实践材料,展开内容分析和后续研究。[结果/结论] 在政策层面,科学数据管理政策中与档案相关的规定集中体现在将档案馆视作存储基础设施及将归档视为科学数据管理活动;科研档案管理政策中与科学数据相关的规定集中体现在承认科学数据的档案属性,并将其纳入归档范围;科研资助机构的政策要求明确科学数据的归档和保存问题。在实践层面,国外在组织、政策、业务、服务等方面形成相对丰富的协同实践,国内的协同实践则刚刚起步。最后,从体制机制、政策体系、协作模式、业务融合、服务支撑、人才培养等方面提出推进管理协同的发展建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对大数据背景下数据挖掘所面临的版权政策问题,作为高校科研院所文献信息中心的研究型图书馆应当构建灵活的数据挖掘版权政策。[方法/过程]综合分析研究型图书馆面临的版权政策环境,从国家立法和出版商政策两个角度,分析版权许可和法定例外这两种政策构建方式。[结果/结论]我国研究型图书馆应该积极推动建立数据挖掘版权例外制度,同时完善内容采购的版权许可机制,提高与出版商的谈判能力;从宏观和微观的角度为科研人员开展数据挖掘提供灵活全面的政策支持。  相似文献   

This article is the fourth in a series of six emanating from the UK JISC‐funded RoMEO Project (Rights Metadata for Open archiving). It describes an analysis of 80 scholarly journal publishers' copyright agreements with a particular view to their effect on author self‐archiving: 90% of agreements asked for copyright transfer and 69% asked for it prior to refereeing the paper; 75% asked authors to warrant that their work had not been previously published although only two explicitly stated that they viewed self‐archiving as prior publication; 28.5% of agreements provided authors with no usage rights over their own paper. Although 42.5% allowed self‐archiving in some format, there was no consensus on the conditions under which self‐archiving could take place. The article concludes that author–publisher copyright agreements should be reconsidered by a working party representing the needs of both parties.  相似文献   

图书馆版权政策是图书馆尊重版权的宣示,也是图书馆工作者和用户规避版权风险的指南性规章。鉴于国内制定版权政策的图书馆比率偏低、政策构建体系不完善等现状,文章通过网上调查,对大陆、香港、台湾部分高校图书馆版权政策进行比较与评估。认为香港图书馆版权政策形式更为灵活,结构更为完善,管理机构更为健全;而台湾图书馆版权政策在宣传力度、执行绩效上具有更大优势;港台经验值得大陆高校图书馆借鉴。  相似文献   

Professors contribute to Institutional Repositories (IRs) to make their materials widely accessible in keeping with the benefits of Open Access. However, universities' commitment to IRs depends on building trust with faculty and solving copyright concerns. Digital preservation and copyright management in IRs should be strengthened to increase faculty participation.  相似文献   

Institutional repositories aim to capture the intellectual output of a specific institution. Previous scholars explored the content and disciplinary breakdowns of IR holdings; however, these studies often exclude the creative output of the arts, especially performing arts. This study uses a systematic content analysis of collection development statements or similar policies to understand whether IRs accept creative works. A review of IR collections shows the presence of performance output in a sample of 30 repositories at doctoral universities with very high research activity. Many IRs name creative work as acceptable content, and many of the sample IRs include content from performance-based disciplines. While many institutions collect performance materials in some way, text-based documents continue to be the primary method of performing arts representation in IRs. Shared examples of the successful inclusion of performance in IRs would further promote IRs as a platform for hosting all types of performance content, while also assisting others in outreach to artist-scholars in performing arts disciplines.  相似文献   

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