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本文介绍现代化企业销售管理的特点和要求。采用C/S和B/S两种模式实现对销售管理信息系统的设计 ,从而达到销售管理的规范化、自动化、高效化  相似文献   

以现代啤酒企业销售管理为研究对象,根据销售管理的特点和要求,提出了一种基于UML建模的迭代式开发方法。通过C/S和B/S相结合的解决方法,实现销售管理信息系统设计。实践证明,用上述方法为企业建立销售管理系统可以很好地处理需求和技术风险、进行软件质量控制,大大缩短开发周期,使得开发出来的系统功能强大、易维护、可扩展。  相似文献   

以现代啤酒企业营销管理为研究对象,根据营销管理的特点和要求,提出了一种基于UML建模的迭代式开发方法.通过C/S和B/S相结合的解决方法,实现销售管理信息系统设计.实践证明,用上述方法为企业建立销售管理系统可以很好地处理需求和技术风险、进行软件质量控制,大大缩短开发周期,使得开发出来的系统功能强大、易维护、可扩展.  相似文献   

周巧 《考试周刊》2009,(13):238-239
销售终端作为企业销售渠道的最后环节,在整个销售渠道链中起着尤为重要的作用,但在现实企业当中,大多数企业的销售终端却被外部的企业所控制,导致企业本身销售渠道的不顺畅。本文归纳了销售终端的垄断类型,并针对各垄断类型的特点给出了突破销售终端垄断的建议。  相似文献   

我国中小企业销售人员流失对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国中小企业的发展面临的诸多问题中,销售人员的流失是导致企业经营困难的重要因素之一。中小企业销售人员流失,轻则造成企业经济利益的损失,重则会使企业销售管理陷入困境,甚至使企业销售工作瘫痪,使企业走向衰落。对此本文提出应从建立健全激励机制、加强管理制度建设、完善用人机制、培育企业文化等方面入手,提高中小企业销售人员管理能力,减轻销售人员流失对中小企业带来的损害。  相似文献   

销售漏斗是能够科学反映机会状态以及销售效率的一个重要的销售管理模型,不同的企业可以根据自身业务的特点加以改造或发展。本文从销售漏斗模型与IT软件行业的销售特点相结合出发,针对IT软件行业销售管理中存在的问题,探索销售漏斗模型对IT软件企业销售流程加以优化重组的途径,以提高软件企业的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

企业的营销之道可分为销售之道和经营之道。企业的销售之道以企业经营之道为基础,因此影响企业销售业绩的最终决定因素不是企业的销售策略,而是企业的经营策略。而企业的竞争优势是企业经营成败的核心因素。  相似文献   

CXO即医药外包,是受制药企业或者生物科技公司委托,为其提供药物研发、生产工艺开发、药物生产、药物销售等服务的过程.CXO 主要包括 CRO(研发注册外包)、CMO/CDMO(生产工艺外包)、CSO(销售外包)三大环节.  相似文献   

为解决企业分销管理中销售信息滞后、信息丢失和信息反馈不及时等问题。文章在分析分销体系中分销管理的主要问题的基础上,基于Internet的ASP模式,结合"浏览器/服务器"和"客户/服务器"模式,建立了集中式管理的分销管理系统。该系统可以使管理者及时了解企业信息,迅速做出决策,对企业进行有效的管理,提高企业运营效率,最终提升企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

郭凤 《华章》2012,(15)
当今社会客户是企业的利润之源,企业需要在销售环节开始做好客户关系管理,销售人员应如何做好客户关系管理呢?本文通过对客户关系理论的概述,阐述了作为企业的一线销售人员如何去做好客户关系管理,论证了客户关系管理在维护企业与客户关系时的重要性,得出销售人员应在销售中主动做好客户关系管理的方法.  相似文献   

Although most courses are offered in the traditional synchronous way where teaching and learning mainly take place in the classroom, the Internet has proven to be an effective tool in learning. The demand of online courses is constantly growing, however, there is a paucity of research of online delivery success factors, especially of accounting courses. The aim of this paper was to investigate'the factors that contribute to student satisfaction from online teaching and learning of an accounting course. This study was conducted at a university in the United States (U.S.) amongst 80 students enrolled in an online accounting course over a period of two semesters. The quantitative data are based on the students' course evaluation forms of the instructor's teaching and overall satisfaction with the course. The findings suggest that the students found the asynchronous online teaching and learning interesting and challenging. The factors that mainly contribute to student satisfaction include the instructor's preparation for the course and her availability to students, the clear grading criteria, the assignment which they found useful, and the other resources that were available online. They value the least the development of writing skills. Additionally, this study proposes that there is a positive significant correlation between the instructor's overall performance and the overall student satisfaction from the course. The instructor's performance, availability, and easy to use technology enhance the learning and teaching from online pedagogies.  相似文献   

境内外学生对网上学习环境的评价之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球范围内网上教学越来越成为主要的教学模式之一.然而,我国内地和境外的高等院校建构了怎样的网上学习环境呢?本研究邀请具有网上教学经验的四所内地高校和七所境外高校参加,采用问卷调查和比较研究的方法,通过学生对网上学习环境的评价,比较我国内地和境外高等院校的网上学习环境.本调查收回有效问卷2,311份,内容包括八个方面:技术支持、教学设计、内容设计、网站设计、灵活性、学生互动、教师支持,以及学习评估.研究表明,我国内地和境外高校建立的网上学习环境都注重到了以上八个层面的主题,然而,内地的高校提供更多的是技术支持,而境外高校在教学设计、课程设计、网站设计、灵活性等方面则给予了更多的重视.作者希望,本研究结果能有助于远程教育机构改进网上学习环境,增进网上教学的效果.  相似文献   

网上书店(Electronic Commerce)是在Internet开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,实现消费者的网上购书、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付的一种新型的商业运营模式。对基于ASP.NET技术网上书店的设计与实现进行了阐述,可以使更多的人对网上购书的实现过程得到进一步的了解。  相似文献   

Online self-help may help increase the reach of mental health services for college students, but little research has examined students’ actual interest/use of these resources. An online survey of 389 college students examined intentions and use of online mental health resources as compared with other support options. Findings indicated the highest intentions/use of informal supports (e.g., parents, friends) for mental health problems and lowest intentions/use for online self-help. However, a subset of students showed a preference for online self-help over other forms of support. Participants were also more likely to request online self-help resources (21%) than in-person therapy resources (9%) when offered these options. Reported barriers were also identified for using mobile applications (apps) specifically (e.g., stigma, credibility, privacy). Overall, results suggest mixed findings and relatively low interest for use of online self-help among college students, while highlighting potential barriers that might be addressed to increase engagement.  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展,以网络教育为主的现代教育和远程教育方式已经成为一种重要的教学方式,网上考试是现代教育和远程教育必不可少的学习考核辅助工具,网上考试具有的操作简单、可靠性强,方便检索,信息存储量大等特点是传统的考试方式无法比拟的。当前网络考试系统主要有B/S和C/S两种。B/S网络考试系统有着广阔的发展前景,对传统的考试管理模式有着深远的影响。这两种模式的考试系统各有各存在的优点和缺点,都难以同时满足现代网络教育和远程教育对考试环节的需要。本文通过对当前现行网络考试系统的应用现状进行分析,提出了网络考试未来即将可能的发展大方向。  相似文献   

大学生网络购物动机的实证研究——以北京大学为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究关注在大学生中日益普遍的网络购物现象。采用焦点团体访谈以及问卷调查的方式,获得了大学生网络购物的现实状况,通过因子分析,将大学生网络购物动机归纳为交际/娱乐动机、求便动机、权力动机、兼顾动机、成功动机以及独特/新奇动机。通过聚类分析,将调查的参与网络购物的大学生群体进一步细分为追求自我掌控、看重成功体验类型;追求互动亲和、看重省时便利类型;以及追求独特新奇、看重并行工作类型。从研究的结果来看,大学生的网络购物动机既体现了普通消费者的消费动机,又凸显了后现代社会、数字化时代青年学生的独特文化特征。  相似文献   

针对测试技术教学中存在的学生实践能力较差问题,建立一套基于Web的测试技术课件,课件在进行基础理论教学的基础上加强了锻炼学生实践能力的环节。提出建立案例分析数据库、在线实验和在线数据分析单元,并介绍了其中应用的关键技术,即采用CORBA/SOAP WebService技术实现"瘦"客户端在线数据采集,采用MATLAB的COM/DCOM接口实现在线数据分析。  相似文献   

This article reports on the findings of research seeking to understand the informal dimensions of online learning in the labour movement. It draws on analysis of online learning workshop participation in specially initiated sessions amongst labour activists/educators from across Canada. Findings are based on the analysis of original interview data and survey data as well as content and interaction analysis of online postings. Barriers to effective participation are discussed, as are possible functions of online learning/communication in the labour movement. I argue that there is strong evidence to suggest that online learning can be a valuable addition to the education capacity of the labour movement, and that an important part of this contribution revolves around a recognition of informal learning, the linkages between the online and the offline world, and the unique goals of the labour movement.  相似文献   


Online interaction creates a desirable learning situation. Transferring traditional instruction to an online environment usually does not generate effective interaction for learning. This paper discusses theories and practices for an interactive collaborative learning community in an online environment. Three theoretical constructs-interactivity, social context, and technologiesare discussed to provide a theoretical foundation. Effective online interactive strategies and activities, communications, online discussions, technology selections, peer evaluations, team moderations, team projects/presentations, and online learning specialists are recommended to maximize online learning interaction.  相似文献   

The 21 st century classroom requires instructors with more advanced skills and competencies to deliver materials in a way that engages students both traditional and non-traditional. Traditional students have come to expect the incorporation of technology into their classrooms because they have grown up with it and can see its usefulness, while non-traditional students may need additional resources online in order to reinforce new concepts. By employing Web 2.0 technologies, like online video and discussion boards, into both the online and traditional on-campus classrooms, instructors can address both isolation and different learning styles, as well as address issues relating to problems with understanding concepts being taught and respond positively to feedback provided by both the students and administrators. In addition, utilizing Web 2.0 technology in the online classroom can reduce the isolation that many students feel in these classrooms by ensuring students can communicate with other students as well as the instructor.  相似文献   

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