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The present study builds on research that indicates that teachers play a key role in promoting those interactional behaviours that challenge children’s thinking and scaffold their learning. It does this by seeking to determine whether teachers who implement cooperative learning and receive training in explicit strategic questioning strategies demonstrate more verbal behaviours that mediate children’s learning than teachers who implement cooperative learning only. The study also sought to determine whether students who receive training in explicit questioning strategies demonstrate more explanatory behaviour than their untrained peers, and, as a consequence, do these same students demonstrate more advanced reasoning and problem-solving skills on follow-up reasoning and problem-solving tasks. The study involved 31 teachers in two conditions, the cooperative + strategic questioning condition and the cooperative condition, and two groups of students from each teacher’s classroom. The results show that the teachers in the cooperative + strategic questioning condition used significantly more mediating behaviours than their peers in the cooperative condition. The study also showed that the children in these teachers’ classes engaged in more elaboration and obtained significantly higher scores on the follow-up reasoning and problem-solving tasks. The study demonstrates the importance of explicitly teaching strategic questioning strategies to children during cooperative learning.  相似文献   

In this study, a one-year program was conducted to investigate the relationships between students’ perceptions of mobile learning and their tendencies of peer interaction and higher-order thinking in issue-based mobile learning activities. To achieve the research objective, a survey consisting of eight scales, namely, usability, continuity, adaptive content, collaboration, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity, was developed. A total of 658 students from 38 high schools in Taiwan filled in the questionnaire after experiencing issue-based mobile learning activities. From the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, it was found that the questionnaire had high reliability and validity. The structural equation model further revealed that the provision of adaptive content in the mobile learning had positive impacts on the students’ tendency to interact with peers (i.e., collaboration and communication), which further affected their tendency to engage in higher-order thinking (i.e., problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity). The findings of this study provide a good reference for researchers and school teachers who intend to promote mobile learning in school settings.  相似文献   

当今的素质教育,是以人为本的教育,是以学生为本的教育,促进学生的全面发展。转变教学方式,给学生更多的主动性,而不是教师控制其言行。在一种和谐的教学氛围中,教师能够充分尊重学生的想法,做到教学具有启发性,这样才会有利于学生的身心健康。教师的霸权现象会造成恶性循环,以致阻碍了学生思维的创造性和发散性,不利于学习和成长。  相似文献   

This study describes teachers’ experiences in a preschool professional learning community (PLC) in order to gain understanding of the role of documentation in group learning. A central underlying assumption of PLCs is that teacher learning involves talking with colleagues about teaching and grappling with the issues embodied in everyday classroom life. We utilized a qualitative case study design in order to emphasize the situated and contextual nature of teachers’ professional learning in context. Data sources included the following: observations of PLC sessions, interviews with participating teachers, and the classroom documentation teachers shared during the sessions. We found that the incorporation of documentation in the PLC made implicit assumptions about children visible in order to be scrutinized. In addition, the teachers’ reflections on the documentation highlighted conflicting notions about teaching as either technical practice or inquiry. In contrast to traditional delivery approaches to teacher learning, we argue that PLCs focused on documentation encourage teachers to problematize practice rather than simplify it. The process of reflecting on children’s work made shifts in thinking about the nature of teaching possible.  相似文献   

We examined to what extent children’s development of arithmetic fluency and mathematical problem-solving was influenced by their math self-concept, math self-efficacy, and math anxiety but also teacher competence, specifically: actual teaching behavior, self-efficacy, and mathematical teaching knowledge. Participants were 610 children and 31 teachers of grade four. Multi-level analyses showed children’s math self-concept to be a positive predictor of arithmetic fluency and actual teaching behavior to be a negative predictor. The development of mathematical problem-solving was predicted: positively by mathematical teaching knowledge; negatively by actual teaching behavior and teachers’ self-efficacy; and not at all by the child factors of math self-concept, math self-efficacy, or math anxiety. Promoting the self-confidence of young children is essential for their mathematical development. More research into the relationship between teaching behaviors and children’s math development is needed.  相似文献   

The use of problem-solving in science instruction implies a change in the teacher's role from dispensing content information to encouraging critical reflective thinking in the student. For problem-solving to become an integral part of the science curriculum, teachers must make it the focus of their instruction. This study investigated the extent to which pre-service primary teachers used the problem-solving approach in their science instruction. It also identified the factors affecting their efforts to teach science using this approach. The issues considered are important in whether problem-solving becomes part of the science curriculum, as teaching behaviour influences student learning outcomes. Specializations: science eeducation Specializations: educational measurement, research methodology.  相似文献   

方法多样化,体现的是教师对学生独立思考的尊重和鼓励,体现的是教学的民主和开放,体现的是学习方式的转变。"方法多样化"理念下的数学教学,教师要引导学生运用已有知识和经验主动探寻问题解决的方法,引导学生在方法交流中展示思维过程和体验方法的多样性,引导学生在方法的比较和感悟中理解和自觉接纳解决问题的一些基本方法。  相似文献   

Within US teacher preparation programs, critical pedagogy and a desire for social change can lead teacher educators to prioritize transformation of prospective teachers’ beliefs through self-reflection. In pursuit of effective critical pedagogies, teacher educators also need to examine their own practices and beliefs. This self-study, a manifestation of teaching as inquiry, reframes evaluations of teaching away from what students do toward what teachers do. Here I undertake a reflexive examination of my own recursive practice as a teacher educator in children’s literature. Drawing upon a complex notion of teaching and learning, I argue that student learning outcomes are unpredictable, and as a result, successful teacher education should model self-inquiry as a vital part of teaching. Findings show that teaching choices (and omissions) in response to students’ responses led to unintended outcomes that undermined my motivations. I conclude that teacher educators’ self-inquiry and reflection in broader social contexts offers access to critical ways of thinking that underlie their work toward developing similar capacities among their prospective teacher students.  相似文献   

在初中数学解题教学中,怎样培养学生的思维品质直接影响着教学的成败。笔者认为,在初中数学解题教学中,除了让学生熟练解题的一般步骤,学会解题的一些通法与利用认知理论做解题后反思外,还应让学生不断感受数学的思维过程,学到思维方法,培养思维品质,从而学会独立探索,有所发现,有所创新,以便更好地掌握和应用知识。思维品质是衡量数学思维质量的指标,它包括思维的广阔性、敏捷性、深刻性、批判性等。  相似文献   

当前普通高校行政管理专业教学中存在严重的"格雷欣"现象,严重扭曲行政管理专业人才培养目标。消解"格雷欣",高校管理部门要转换管理思维,出台有利于教师安心教学的管理制度;教师应树立教书育人的事业心,采取建构主义教学模式创新专业教学;学生要正确看待专业学习的价值,积极提升专业素养与能力。  相似文献   

Historically, content preparation and pedagogical preparation of teachers in California have been separated. Recently, in integrating these areas, many mathematics methodology instructors have incorporated children's thinking into their courses, which are generally offered late in students’ undergraduate studies. We have implemented and studied a model for integrating mathematical content and children's mathematical thinking earlier, so that prospective elementary school teachers (PSTs) engage with children's mathematical thinking while enrolled in their first mathematics course. PSTs’ work with children in the Children's Mathematical Thinking Experience (CMTE) may enhance their mathematical learning. Preliminary study results indicate that the sophistication of CMTE students’ beliefs about mathematics, teaching, and learning increased more than the sophistication of beliefs held by students enrolled in a reform-oriented early field experience and that experiences considering children's mathematical thinking provided PSTs with increased motivation for learning mathematics.  相似文献   

许明明 《天津教育》2021,(11):142-143
提高学生的解题能力是初中数学教学的重点。初中数学习题灵活多变,解题方法多种多样,为促进学生解题能力更好地提升,教师会为学生讲解相关的解题思维。其中侧向思维是一种迂回思维,既能帮助学生更好地破题,又能简化解题步骤,提高解题效率,因此,教学中应结合具体例题,为学生讲解侧向思维的具体应用,给其以后的解题带来良好的指引。  相似文献   

Effective teacher-student learning relationships can propel students to advanced ways of knowing and acting. In much arts based higher education learning, dynamic and fluid interplay of cognitive, meta-cognitive and aspirational aims and goals are prevalent and passed to students in a learning relationship that can be described as a cognitive apprenticeship. Interpretative phenomenological analysis is used to explore four conservatoire teachers and their musical improvisation students. Investigating in the lesson experiences reveal pedagogical applications of modeling, scaffolding, coaching, reflection and developing mastery and expertise in students. A cognitive apprenticeship model can provide a framework for teachers to understand how to develop increased student control, ownership of learning, and contextually situated instructional strategies that brings cognitive and creative thinking, action and reflection to the forefront of learning and teaching. The study reveals how educators can develop trajectories of learning and problem-solving concepts that draw students into a culture of expert practice.  相似文献   

This article reports a multiple-case study project into early childhood teachers’ thinking and reflection on their teaching interactions with children in three New Zealand early childhood education centres. Using stimulated-recall interviews, teaching teams viewed video-recorded episodes of their teaching and discussed their thinking and reflections, during and after the episodes. Key findings included teachers’ emphasis in their thinking and reflection on children in comparison to their teaching intentions, beliefs and practices. The article concludes by presenting a model for understanding New Zealand early childhood teachers’ thinking and reflections on teaching and learning and the implications for practice emerging from this research.  相似文献   

工程地质的教学目的是培养学生在掌握基础知识上能合理有效的运用知识解决实际问题的能力。从认知心理学的角度分析认知过程与工程地质的要求,探讨了教学中应注意的问题,提出培养学生能力的具体内容,即善于学习、观察、思考并总结。  相似文献   

周建华 《教育研究》2012,(2):147-152
以国培计划(2011)——中小学骨干教师研修项目人大附中高中数学班学员为研究对象,从高中数学骨干教师专业发展、有效教学行为及有效教学行为归因三方面进行研究。结果表明,被试的专业理念较为先进,但专业成长途径、专业知识还不能很好地支撑教师的专业发展;有效教学行为中数学学习、数学教育、数学情境与问题创设及教学艺术四个因子的得分均处在高位,但在实践层面是否与此相吻合,还有待进一步研究;从有效教学行为的归因看,外因得分较低,学校领导应为教师的专业发展创设良好的评价导向和团队影响。  相似文献   

课堂话语作为思维与交往的媒介影响着学生的学习,不同特征的话语会对学生学习成就产生不同的作用和效果.本研究以OECD官网公布的GTI视频研究的中国上海数据为基础,探析上海课堂话语基本特征及其对学生的数学学习成绩、学习兴趣及一般自我效能的影响.研究发现,课堂话语的质量而非数量影响学生学习成就,高质量的教师提问能够促进学生认...  相似文献   

深度学习能够最大程度地彰显幼儿的主体性,使幼儿获得更高的自我价值感,并在内部动机的激发下形成良好的学习品质与思维习惯。由于当前幼儿园教师对绘本的解读缺乏深度,对绘本教学目标的设置过于浅显,绘本教学过程缺乏层次性,绘本教学方法比较单一,致使绘本教学难以帮助幼儿进行深度学习。要改变这一现状,实现绘本教学对幼儿深度学习的促进作用,教师应深度研读绘本,准确把握绘本内容与幼儿发展之间的内在关联;明确以促进幼儿深度学习为绘本教学目标,增强幼儿深度学习的目的性与方向性;引导幼儿反复阅读绘本,增进幼儿对绘本内容与意义的多重理解和自主建构。  相似文献   

后现代教育理念对数学教育目的观、课程观、教学观的反思和批判产生一定的影响。关于数学教学观的反思主要体现于数学教学行为的改变:构建数学认知结构,强调学生个体的"意识的建构";呈现静态知识方式,创设学生个体的"认知的情境";重构思维发展模式,塑造学生个体的"茎块式思维";培养问题质疑能力,强化学生个体对"问题的反思";突破师生交往方式,注重师生之间的"对话的互动"。  相似文献   

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