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自我表露是心理咨询与辅导活动中的一个重要技术。在心理健康教育课中,恰当的教师自我表露能更好地构建和谐的师生关系,有效地调节课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,进而提高课堂教学的效果和质量。在心理健康教育课的不同环节中,教师自我表露发挥的作用是不同的,教师应自觉培养自我表露的意识,注重提高自我表露的技巧和运用智慧,真正发挥教师自我表露的积极效果。  相似文献   

教师在课堂中的自我表露是指教师有意或无意地与学生分享个人的私人信息、想法和观点等。恰当地运用好自我表露,能调节课堂气氛、提高学生的学习兴趣和融洽师生关系,对课堂效果起到事半功倍的作用。同时,教师在自我表露时应注意分寸、把握时机,并不断提高自我表露的水平和智慧,以免起到相反的作用。  相似文献   

陈彦 《中学教学参考》2011,(22):104-105
课堂提问是英语课堂教学的重要组成部分,它是教师传授知识、训练技能,师生进行课堂交流的一种重要途径。教师有目的地设计课堂提问,不仅有助于教学效果和教学质量的提高,有助于学生深入了解教学内容,而且有助于培养学生学习兴趣、激起学生深究知识的愿望,对提高学生的英语应用能力有着积极的意义和作用。  相似文献   

苏炫 《浙江教育科学》2007,(4):43-44,46
具备隐蔽性、安全性特点的网络,能够激励学生自我表露的行为,避免了师生面对面交流时可能产生的尴尬或冲突。并且,随着学生自我表露的广度和深度的增加,师生间加深了对彼此的了解和信任,从而推动了师生关系的发展。  相似文献   

运用访谈对12名大学英语教师进行课堂教师自我表露调查。结果显示大多数教师是无意识、随机进行教师表露,只有两位教师有意识在课堂里展示自己。教师自我表露多少与教师的教学理念、性格特征和教师倦怠问题有关。本研究提示教师在课堂里多应用教师自我表露,提示教育主管部门对教师进行教师自我表露能力的培养,提示教师和研究者在多个方面对教师自我表露进行进一步的研究。  相似文献   

当前已有不少研究分析跨国远程教学的文化差异或讨论如何提高不同学科面授课堂的教学效果,但从多元文化教育角度对不同文化的师生如何在实时网络环境合作以取得更好教学效果的研究却不多.本研究基于温州医学院和美国太平洋大学教学研究合作系列研究课题"跨太平洋网络实时互动课堂"(Trans-Pacific Interactive Classroom,以下简称TPIC项目)第三期,旨在以辨证建构主义观(Schunk,2004)和多元文化教育的五个重要方面(Banks,2002)为理据,探讨用"讲练交互式教学模式"建构多元文化网络实时互动课堂需要考虑的重要因素.本研究主要采用定性研究方法,数据来源包括中国研究者从美国课堂直接观察中美双方师生在整个教学过程中的表现,中国远程课堂师生给在美国课堂的中国研究者的电子邮件,美国课堂的中国研究者和美国师生就教学方法效果等的交流,中美学生在美国校园网BBS非实时互动学习平台上的发帖,以及美国TPIC项目负责人在2006年1月课程结束时到中国对学生学习效果的评估和部分调查结果.研究结果表明,能否成功地用"讲练交互式教学模式"进行网络实时多元文化教学取决于能否处理好中美学习者之间在原有文化和课程知识、教学风格、语言能力和学习认识观等方面的差异.  相似文献   

所谓情感教学,就是指教师在教学过程中,在充分考虑认知因素的同时,充分发挥情感因素的积极作用。以完善教学目标、增强教学效果的教学。施情于教可以融洽师生关系,增强学生学习的积极性,有利于教育教学的顺利开展。和谐、活泼的气氛有助于学生的创新意识得到发展:专制、压抑的课堂氛围则给学生与教师之间的信息交流带来障碍。  相似文献   

本文立足高三生物教学实践,采用"活动单导学"复习模式,仅就课堂交流这一教学环节的有效性谈些粗浅认识,与同仁们切磋交流. 1确立新型师生关系,营造和谐的"课堂交流场",是课堂有效交流的前提 平等、和谐的师生关系是进行有效课堂交流的前提.有效的课堂交流是师生共同参与、相互作用的过程,为了实现有效的课堂交流,教师必须转变观念,重新定位师生关系:学生是主体,是发现问题、学习知识、接受信息的知识探求者;教师则是集学生学习的促进者、引导者、组织者、合作者和教学工作的反思者为一身的新型角色.  相似文献   

新课程改革视野中的课堂对话意识与师生关系重构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新一轮课程改革是在全面推进素质教育的背景下实施的,课程改革的目标是围绕着人的培养目标来设计和确定的,强调教学过程是教师与学生积极互动、共同发展,通过对话交流,创设能引导学生主动参与的教育环境,在知识的分享中达成知识的自我构建,坚持宽容精神,强化理解意识,开展创造活动,重构师生关系,通过教师的价值引导与学生的自主构建,在自我中发现他人,在他人中发现自己,把课堂改造成为师生对话、沟通、探究的舞台。  相似文献   

谢苗苗 《考试周刊》2013,(96):34-34
<正>一线教师只有在课堂上积极采用小组合作的方式引导学生相互学习、交流、讨论,取长补短,才能培养学生的合作意识与竞争意识,师生共同提高。近几年,我校进行了"阳光高效课堂"教学改革,突出了"小组自主合作学习"的地位和作用,并且成为教师指导课堂教学的重要思想,甚至把它作为学生的  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative instrumental case study was to continue looking at the differences in classroom environments for different levels of teachers. Specifically, we wanted to focus on teacher perspectives of classroom management, relationships with students, motivating students, student risk-taking within the classroom, and student self-regulation. The three levels we looked at for this study included highly effective teachers, proficient teachers who have taught for more than 3 years, and new/developing teachers. The results found three major themes with differences in how teachers at each level approached classroom management, relationships with students, and student behaviors within the classroom. The student behaviors within the classroom included self-regulation and risk-taking. The results of this study provide researchers more information regarding the different stages of teaching, information to schools on ways to mentor teachers at each level of teaching, and information to teacher preparation programs on ways to help preservice teachers prepare for the classroom.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of an innovative assignment in which preservice teachers’ mental representations were examined through drawing floor plans of an “ideal middle-level mathematics classroom.” The 41 middle-level mathematics preservice teachers created two floor plans, one at the beginning of the semester and the other for the course final. An essay was also submitted describing how the final floor plan addressed the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics principle of Teaching. Participants designed and described floor plans that encouraged the use of inquiry and hands-on activities and technology as instructional strategies, focused on student learning styles and individual needs, established a comfortable, organized and safe learning environment, demonstrated flexibility in grouping strategies, and encouraged communication between peers and with the teacher. The essays also suggest that the preservice teachers’ emerging teacher identity was influenced by professional experiences such as field placements and peer lessons.  相似文献   

In this article we explore the use of teacher professional standards in an initial teacher education programme and preservice teacher perceptions of their preparedness for teaching using a survey of 54 first- and second-year preservice teachers in a graduate-entry programme. The survey asked the preservice teachers to respond to 16 questions based on professional standards as well as their knowledge of student learning, professional identity and teaching as a career path. The preservice teachers’ responses were analysed using a mixed methods approach that relied on quantitative methods, but was supplemented by qualitative analysis of short-answer responses. Our analyses hypothesised about possible links between the preservice teachers’ responses and the extent to which they perceived they were classroom and career ready. The themes of teachers, teaching and student learning are used to present and discuss the results, while the notion of agency as achievement is used to deepen possible understanding about their meaning and implications. We conclude that the preservice teachers appeared to benefit from learning about professional standards throughout their programme but appeared to lack confidence in: engaging professionally with others such as parents/carers; setting objectives for all students with different backgrounds; and implementing lesson sequences that engage students and promote learning. Most doubted teaching as their future career. Finally, we discuss implications for: adopting standards-integrated initial teacher education programme approaches; preservice and early-career teacher professional learning needs; and future research opportunities, which include using innovative methodologies and conceptual frameworks.  相似文献   

This study investigated preservice and inservice teachers' perceptions of appropriateness of teacher self-disclosure. A sample of 180 preservice teachers and 135 preK-12 teachers participated in the study. Results showed statistically significant differences between the groups of teachers in their perceptions of appropriateness of teacher self-disclosure in the three dimensions: Uncommon Topics, Uncommon Purposes, and Consideration of Students. No significant differences were found in the two dimensions: Common Topics and Common Purposes. This study makes an excellent contribution to the theoretical framework of the study of teacher self-disclosure and also provides implications for teaching and teacher education.  相似文献   


Learning environment research has a long history of significant relationships between the learning environment and student outcomes. This study investigated relationships between the learning environments of mathematics courses in a teacher education program and two outcomes, mathematics teaching self-efficacy and beliefs about mathematics. These two outcomes have been repeatedly shown to influence the future teaching practices of preservice teachers but, to date, their relationships with learning environment have been investigated neither with preservice teachers nor at all in the United Arab Emirates or wider Gulf region. The learning environment was found to be significantly related to preservice teachers’ mathematics teaching self-efficacy and beliefs about mathematics. Learning environments perceived more favourably by preservice teachers were associated with higher self-efficacy for teaching mathematics, but also with more-traditional beliefs, making these findings important for higher education institutes and teacher educators.


In many teacher preparation programs, student teaching serves as a culminating event that bridges academic coursework and the realities of classroom teaching. Therefore, it represents a significant aspect of preservice teacher education. This study explored student teaching as it was experienced by 13 middle and secondary science preservice teachers. Qualitative techniques were used to analyze individual interviews, group seminar sessions, and written reflections to construct a phenomenological account of student teaching as experienced by the preservice teachers. The aim was to construct a picture of the shared experiences of these student teachers to help understand how they struggled, succeeded, and learned as a part of their classroom practica. These findings are then used to draw implications for science teacher education.  相似文献   

This study explored the influence of university-based teacher education courses on preservice teachers as they engaged in the field-based portion of their preparation. Forty-two preservice teachers contributed reflective writings about the successes and challenges they faced during field experiences in light of knowledge and skills learned during their university-based coursework. Participants’ self-reflective writings were coded and analyzed for emerging themes that cut across all responses. The results indicated a shift from concerns about performance of teaching tasks in the classroom to concerns about the performance of students in terms of learning. This shift was consistent with a goal of the preservice program, namely, helping preservice teachers focus on student learning.  相似文献   


Previous studies have indicated that, although some teachers have substantial expectation effects on student outcomes, the effects for most teachers are only small. Furthermore, teacher expectations are associated with key pedagogical differences related to teacher beliefs about providing instruction and support for learning. The aim of this study was to explore (a) teacher-level differences in the level and differentiation of expectations, (b) associations between teacher differences in expectations and teacher background and beliefs, and (c) relationships with subsequent student performance. Secondary analyses were performed on data for 42 teachers and their students in New Zealand. The results were supportive of the notion that some teachers were differentiating more between students in their expectations than others. Teachers who differentiated more perceived students generally as more competent, but felt less related to the school team, and perceived more classroom stress. Differentiation in expectations was negatively related to end-of-year mathematics scores.  相似文献   

This writing describes a literacy project between preservice teachers enrolled in a small university in Montana and an inner city school classroom in Kansas. It shows how the preservice teachers and children negotiate meaning at the beginning of the project as well as what the preservice teachers were learning from the children and from their teacher, Scott. Twenty-three third grade children exchanged letters, cards, drawings, autobiographies, and writing about shared literature with 24 preservice teachers for 10 weeks. Scott, the third grade teacher who assisted with the project, was a former student in Rita’s university language arts classroom and was strongly committed to demonstrating to preservice teachers the rewards of teaching in an inner city classroom ... particularly those coming from communities where people of color or linguistic diversity were few. Through shared written responses and the negotiation of meaning between two age groups, this project opened pathways for greater insight into the cultures and lives of children that the university students might otherwise not have known. It also provided myriad glimpses into the lives of real children, each with his or her own interests, life experiences, and expressive modalities thus shaping the perceptions of the preservice teachers about their role as teacher in supporting and responding to the individual strengths of each child.  相似文献   


Educational theorists and researchers have often overlooked potential links between successful teaching and a teachers personal qualities. This investigation explored associations among three psychological characteristics and classroom performance ratings of prospective teachers. Fifty‐three students enrolled in a teacher education program participated in the study. The students were assessed on personality style, creative thinking, motivation, and classroom performance competency during student teaching. Correlational statistical analysis found significant relationships among three creativity measures and ratings of preservice teachers’ classroom performance. Further, regression analysis revealed originality, one subscale of creativity, was a significant predictor of effective student teaching. Findings indicate that creative constructs may have potential value in assessing teacher education candidates.  相似文献   

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