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大学教师发展作为高等教育领域重要的研究问题之一,正日益受到中外学术界的普遍关注。日本大学从上世纪90年代末开始有计划、有组织地进行有关大学教师发展问题的研究和实践,取得了较为明显的成绩。本文以名古屋大学为例,考察和分析日本大学开展大学教师发展活动的原因、实施过程、存在问题和改进措施等,并针对在中国大学推进大学教师发展问题研究和实践等问题提出政策性建议。  相似文献   

日本大学教师发展制度化探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来源自于美国的日本大学教师发展走上了制度化道路。日本大学教师发展制度化是在学生生源变化、基础教育的普及化和大学社会责任变化的基础上发生的。日本大学教师发展制度化是一个渐进的过程,在这一过程中呈现出其独有的特点并出现了一些问题。研究日本大学教师发展制度化的经验和教训对我国大学教师发展具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

日本大学教师任期制改革述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分析探讨了90年代日本大学教师任制期改革,认为《关于大学教师等的任期制的法律》的制定,以及部分学校的部分学科开始实行教师任期制是日本大学人事管理制度的一个历史性突破,虽然教师任期制改革在行中遇到不少大学教师工会、团体和大学评议会的反对,但是它的逐步实施必将对日本大学的发展产生深远影响。  相似文献   

日本大学的教师任用制度探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了日本大学教师任用制度的特点,阐述了该国大学教师任用制度历次改革的基本情况,指出日本大学教师任用制改革的经验在于通过建立公平的制度,增进大学教师群体的心理公平感,激发他们的工作积极性,以提高大学的效率,同时还指出了日本大学教师任用制改革中存在的教师身份变化和套用企业化管理方式对教师队伍建设产生的负面影响等问题.  相似文献   

作为日本第一所大学,东京大学的创建对日本大学早期的制度探索和精神酿制发挥了重要作用。东京大学在创建初期探索建立的治理机制、分科大学制度、讲座制、研究生院制度等成为日本大学制度的历史原点。这些具有本土化特色大学制度的成功建构,其背后蕴藏着的诸如追求卓越的品格、多元化大学职能观、嫁接与自主的文化发展逻辑等精神特质,影响了日本大学系统的历史发展,使得创办之初的东京大学成为日本大学精神的播火者。  相似文献   

日本促进大学教师专业发展的FD制度及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
日本的大学正在实施旨在促进教师专业发展的FD制度,其目的是唤起大学对教师教学能力更多的关注,树立教师的专业发展意识,提高教师的教学能力。FD制度的实施给日本大学教育力建设带来积极的影响,对我国大学教师专业发展具有启示作用。  相似文献   

文化的嫁接与自主是日本大学文化发展的基本逻辑,文化嫁接主要表现为文化反思和文化主动,文化自主主要表现为文化自信和文化坚守,嫁接与自主的相互促进实现了大学文化的自我超越。后发外生型国家大学的文化使命、传统文化的基本特征、大学教授的文化使命及面向世界的思维方式、学术权力表达机制的建构等是日本大学文化发展逻辑的基本生成动力。大学高层次科学创新能力的发展和形成是大学文化发展逻辑的必然,日本大学文化的发展逻辑对中国大学文化建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

陈丽萍 《教师教育研究》2007,19(1):49-52,35
第二次世界大战后的日本,荆棘遍地、百废待新。日本新宪法第23条“学问自由予以保障”的原则,奠定了日本大学教师学问自由、管理自治的法律基础。依据宪法精神,《教育基本法》、《学校教育法》、《教育公务员特例法》等与大学教师相关的系列法律相继出台,以此为基础确立了日本大学教师管理制度。中国改革开放以来,在教育立法方面,全国人大及其常委会先后通过了《教师法》、《教育法》、《高等教育法》等与大学教师管理相关的法律,使中国大学教师管理步入了有法可寻、有法可依的轨道。但是与日本等发达国家相比,中国的教育立法迟滞了30多年,大学教师内部管理制度的法律基础还相当薄弱。学习、借鉴日本等发达国家大学教师依法管理的先进经验,对于建设具有中国特色的大学教师管理制度的法律基础具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

大学教师评价制度能够反映出国家、社会以及大学对大学教师职业素质的具体要求,具有较强的时代性。大学教师评价的根本目的就是要按照以人为本的促进教学与学术发展的理念,通过行之有效的评价体系。使评价过程和评价结果与大学的教学科研以及人事分配制度紧密结合起来。通过对日本大学教师评价制度的确立过程、具体特征、评价指标、评价实施过程以及存在的诸多问题进行宏观描述和案例分析,对日本大学教师制度评价做出综合评述,为我国高校教师评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

日本大学公开讲座作为日本大学开放的一种形式,努力践行着终身教育的理念,并为成人教育开创了新的学习渠道。本文通过介绍日本大学公开讲座现状,总结了日本大学公开讲座:费用低廉,增加民众参与的可能性;内容丰富,切合社会需求;宣传多样,提升大学知名度;受众广泛,利于不同群体的发展;充分利用大学资源来服务社会等的五个特点,并由此提出对我国大学创办公开讲座的启示。  相似文献   

Overview A Profile of Community College Faculty Full-Time Faculty Part-Time Faculty Conclusion Faculty Work in the Context of the Community College The Community College's Missions and Students Role Expectations for Full-Time Faculty Members Role Expectations for Part-Time Faculty In-Service Training and Professional Development Job Satisfaction Conclusion Dimensions of the Community College Faculty Career Preparation to Become a Community College Faculty Member Entry Requirements The Search Process Career Stages Conclusion Institutional Factors Affecting Community College Faculty Work Life Background Collective Bargaining Faculty Involvement in Shared Governance Other Institutional Factors Extrainstitutional Factors Affecting Work Life: Legislative Actions Conclusion Looking to the Future: The Status of Community College Teaching as a Profession Characteristics of a Profession and Professionalization Is Community College Teaching a Profession? Possible Future Influences on Faculty Professionalization Conclusion A Fresh Look at Community College Faculty Challenges in Understanding Community College Faculty Conclusions Note References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

Kosovo emerged from a period of conflict with Serbia only after an extensive NATO bombing campaign against Serbia. While the final political status seems settled with its declaration of independence in 2008, much remains to be determined. Preceding the declaration of independence and following it, Kosovo is an emerging democracy which is actively developing its own distinct institutions. In support of teacher development in Kosovo is the Kosovo Educator Development Program (KEDP) which was to act as the lead agency for teacher training in the region. The KEDP was an $8 million development initiative funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). As the lead agency for teacher training promoted a major reform of preservice teacher training, and in particular the establishment of a new Faculty of Education for the University of Prishtina (UP). By the end of 2004, the consensus was that the new Faculty of Education seemed to be a success but that it was still in a very fragile state. Fragile indeed – the reform process has been seriously challenged as the initial and reformed-minded Dean was replaced in controversial (allegedly illegal) decanal elections which installed a more conservative and anti-reformist Dean and Pro-Deans. Each side has strong views, but what are they? What are the issues of the antagonists and protagonists in this dispute? To answer these questions the authors will discuss the changing context of Kosovo teacher education, and using a reflective narrative as a methodology will frame the perspectives key sources and their views of the reform challenges facing to new Faculty of Education. This is followed by a discussion seeking a greater understanding of these conflicting perspectives.  相似文献   

美国高校教育信息化组织结合美国各高校现行优秀教师发展案例,提出了包含三个阶段的"大学教师发展五年计划",第一阶段为博士研究生提供大学教师资格证培训,第二阶段是新教师入职培训,第三阶段是教师督导和反向辅导.每个阶段有不同的大学教师发展项目,成功的大学教师发展项目具备十大因素,同时应该注意五大问题.美国高校教育信息化组织对...  相似文献   

崔军  孙俊华 《高校教育管理》2019,13(4):108-116,124
本研究以创业心智作为创业教育的影响指标,考察不同类型的创业教育(创业课程、课外活动)如何通过创业情感因素(创业灵感、创业激情)作用于创业心智。本研究通过对来自江苏省15所高校的1428份有效问卷的数据进行研究发现,创业教育对大学生创业心智的直接影响因不同的学习经验具有差异性:创业课程学习对创业心智没有直接影响,而创业课外活动对创业心智具有直接影响;创业灵感、创业激情在创业课程学习与创业心智之间起完全中介作用,但它们在创业课外活动与创业心智之间起部分中介作用;创业灵感对创业激情具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

《Assessment Update》2013,25(5):1-16
Through the Rearview Looking Glass: Collaborative Writing and the Accreditation Self‐Study Call for Contributions Editor's Notes: Another Glimpse of Evaluation in China Assessment is Not a Spectator Sport: Experiencing Authentic Assessment in the Classroom Faculty Development for Online Institutions Developing Meaningful Collaborations with Faculty to Sustain Assessments From the States: Wherever They Go: WICHE's Multistate Student Tracking Project Recommended Reading  相似文献   

日本高校开展ISO14001认证工作始于私立大学,1998年10月28日武藏工业大学(现东京都市大学)环境情报学部第一个通过ISO14001认证,截止2006年共有49所国立大学、公立大学和私立大学通过了IS014001认证.日本高校把自觉认证IS014001作为人才培养、科学研究和提升社会影响的主要功能(重要途径之一),并在实践发展中形成了有效的运转模式,这些经验对我国高校实施ISO14001认证具有重要的参考价值和借鉴意义.我国高校开展ISO14001认证不仅可以按照国际化标准对自身的环境(实验室)进行管理,而且有利于构建节约型、环境友好型校园,在培养具有环境保护意识的人才和体现高校的社会责任方面具有重要意义.  相似文献   

美国国家教师发展和多元化中心是一个独立于高校之外的服务于高校教师发展的机构,它为美国诸多学校的教职员、博士后及研究生提供专业的培训。对该中心的理念、服务对象、人员设置以及开展的项目活动进行介绍和分析,总结归纳其特点和优势,可以从中学习借鉴其发展经验,吸收其良性运营的精髓,为完善我国高校教师发展中心的建设提供有益启示。  相似文献   

Rethinking faculty development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Faculty development is designed to forestall facultyobsolescence, but determining how to provide for thedevelopmental needs of a diverse faculty isproblematic. At the University of Cincinnati aFaculty Development Program was organized aroundcompetitive proposals and university institutes. The developmental grant proposals were for individualfaculty, groups of faculty, and departments and alsoprovided funds for institutes for collaborative groupsof faculty who had shared developmental needs andgoals. More than 800 faculty members (42% of thetotal faculty) applied for these funds over athree-year period. Nearly 400 faculty were funded. The question remaining, following this initial cycle,was ``Did this support for faculty development make asignificant difference in the way learning,scholarship, and research was conducted?'' To betterascertain the extent of the project's influence on theinstitution, a survey was distributed to all 1,925faculty at the university -- regardless of whether ornot they received support. The returns of the surveywere sufficient to allow for an analysis. The results held both anticipated results (e.g.,upgraded skills and increased use of technology) andunexpected results (e.g., cooperation among facultyfrom diverse disciplines and multiplier effects onscope and nature of the projects). The results of thesurvey, regarding the Faculty Development Program'simpact, clearly show that it has changed the wayinterdisciplinary faculty collaborate and it hassignificantly facilitated the ability of faculty toaddress specific developmental needs.  相似文献   

Why Should Higher Education Be Concerned with the Identity Development of Diverse Students? Development of Identity Definitions Organization Theoretical Frameworks of Identity Development Theory: Foundational Theories Foundational Theories of Identity Development Evaluation of Foundational Theories Dominant Cultures, Oppression, and Other Societal Issues Affecting the Identity Development of Diverse Populations Cultural and Societal Issues That Impact Identity Development Theory of Oppression The Social Oppression Matrix Social Identity Development Theory How Oppression Impacts Privileged Groups White Identity Theories Conclusion Theoretical Frameworks of Diverse Identity Development Theories: A View Through a Different Lens Multigroup Ethnic and Racial Identity Models Racial and Ethnic Identity Theories Pertaining to African American Students Racial and Ethnic Identity Theories Pertaining to Native American Students Acculturation to the Majority Culture Racial and Ethnic Identity Theories Pertaining to Latino and Latina Students Racial and Ethnic Identity Theories Pertaining to Asian American Students Multiracial Identity Conclusion Multiple Identities: Acknowledging the Interrelationship Among Roles Integrating Multiple Layers of Identity Development Sexual Orientation Identity Formation Women and Gender Identity Implications Integration of Identity Development Theory into Practice Campus Culture Implications for Administrators Implications for Faculty Members Conclusions and Future Implications Appendix A. Case Study: Defining Academic Diversity at Reflective College Considerations in Addressing This Issue References Index  相似文献   

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