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针对敦煌彩绘艺术品数字化保护采集和再现色彩不准确问题,提出了敦煌彩绘艺术品色彩控制色卡方法。通过对敦煌彩绘文物制作使用的颜料及胶料的类型与种类、敦煌彩绘文物的制作工艺及设色技法调查,制作了敦煌彩绘模拟样本并建立对应色彩数据库。通过对模拟样本进行色彩控制测试挑选和完善,为敦煌彩绘艺术品的色彩控制提供了一个参考色卡。测试结果表明,使用自制色卡对敦煌彩绘艺术品的色彩控制能力优于标准色卡。  相似文献   

约在五、六千年前,我国母系氏族公社逐渐发展起来,新石器时期的仰韶文化就反映了这一时期的社会情况。母系氏族公社时期,出现了农业、家畜饲养、纺织、制陶等经济部门。陶器的制作,是远古文化史上划时代的发明创造。仰韶文化时期的陶器,普通用泥条盘筑法,小型陶器则直接用手捏成。烧制以前,在陶器表面涂一层白色或红色陶衣,其上用赤铁矿和氧化锰作颜料绘出动、植物或其他花纹图案。这种彩绘的陶器,就是彩陶。  相似文献   

秦汉绘画颜料考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦汉时期处于中国封建社会的上升时期,绘画,雕塑和印染工艺都得到了长足的发展,秦汉时期对色彩的认识有了很大程度的提高,彦是彩绘的物质基础,中国绘画彦制造的五大原料来源,在汉代已经齐全,其绘画颜料的制作应用的成熟,对我国绘画颜料发展起到了承前启后的作用,并为我国古代绘画处于世界绘画史领先地位奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

彩绘在中国古代被称为丹青,常用于绘制在传统建筑上,对木建筑有防水的作用,也是权利的象征.还有陶器彩绘、木雕彩绘、人体彩绘、门神彩绘等形式.而在现代,兴起服饰彩绘、汽车彩绘、墙体彩绘等更多的彩绘形式,它们以独特的个性装点着我们的生活. 彩绘创作要求孩子有一定的绘画基础,包括对特殊形的构图能力,在凹凸面上绘画的控制力,色彩的搭配能力等.彩绘因为表现物品的形和质感不一样,需选择不同功能的彩绘颜料和画笔:室内建筑面可用丙烯颜料,服饰及配件可用纺织颜料,玻璃器皿可用丙烯、陶瓷颜料和立体笔等.孩子是天生的彩绘大师,他们拿着彩笔到他(她)认为可以画画的地方随意涂画:墙、沙发、小手、衣服……那么,不妨就给孩子一些彩绘的空间,让他们尽情涂鸦吧!  相似文献   

磁山文化的发现和确立,是20世纪70年代中国新石器时代考古较重大的收获之一。它不仅从年代上突破了已知仰韶时期诸文化距今不超过7000年的大关,从文化面貌上跨出了所谓“彩色陶器”或黑、灰等“单色陶器”的界限,而且,为新石器时代早期文化的起源、内涵、区系类型的研究及社会经济、文化艺术、宗教祭祀等领域的探索提供了新的资料。本文对学术界较关注的磁山遗址的定性、灰坑的用途等问题,谈了自己的看法。  相似文献   

2001年12月,文物爱好者反映在沿巢湖湖滨大道护坡底部露出水面的河床上,发现有大量的陶片堆积,怀疑那里有窑址.据当地村民介绍这里地下文物异常丰富,每年都有大量的文物给潮水淘洗出来,被附近村民捡拾.巢湖市文物管理所工作人员到现场检拾了一些有代表性陶片,根据遗址上大量出现的汉代陶器残片,初步认定这是一处汉代居住遗址.2002年7月巢湖市文物管理所在公安部门和当地政府的配合下,从遗址表面和村民手中征集了陶器、铜器、铁器、玉器、银器共260件文物,最早的是新石器时代的玉斧,最晚的是王莽时期钱币.  相似文献   

我国新石器时代的彩陶工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶器是原始社会后期(新石器时代)重要的文化特征之一。考古学家往往根据出土陶器的特点来解决确定遗址的文化性质和年代等问题;历史学家也常常依据出土陶器的特定品种、组合规律来勾画一定历史时期人民的生活面貌;艺术史家更将原始陶器中优秀品种和作品视为造型艺术发展史上幼  相似文献   

甘肃玉门火烧沟遗址出土颜料分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
火烧沟文化属中国早期青铜文化 ,其年代经14 C测定距今 35 90± 1 0 0~ 334 0± 1 0 0年。 1 976年的发掘中 ,出土六种块团状和粉末状颜料。经过偏光显微镜等仪器分析确定它们为赭石 (FEO2 3 )、硫磺 (S)、朱砂、石膏(HgS ,CaSO4 ·2H2 )。另外红外光谱表明两种团状赭石颜料中有很多有机官能团 ,当时是否已经使用胶结材料 ,尚待进一步研究。  相似文献   

吴燕文 《现代教学》2011,(7):149-150
福泉山遗址坐落在青浦区重固镇中心地段,它完整地保留了6000年以来的各个时期文化叠压遗存,内有丰富的新石器时代的崧泽文化、良渚文化与战国时代的遗存。特别是福泉山出土的陶器,由黑土制作,可谓形态各异、制作精良,具有很高的艺术价值,是古人智慧的结晶。因此,引导学生探寻“福泉山”悠久的陶器文化是一项非常有意义的活动。  相似文献   

妯娌遗址出土的方格纹陶器,当为距今约5000年前黄帝时代遗物.它印痕浅显,纹理粗犷,在全部陶器纹饰中所占比例很小,是对史言黄帝方田的图案化,也是"田"字的原始形态.深入研究妯娌遗址陶器方格纹存在情况,将有助于对黄帝方田文化的研究.  相似文献   

乌江丹砂开发史考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌江流域是我国丹砂资源极为丰富的地区之一,从很早的时候起,当地人民如濮人、巴人、楚人、土家族、苗族、仡佬族等就对之进行了积极的开采和开发,从而,使丹砂的开采成为乌江流域最为古老的产业之一,涌现出了巴清一类的著名采丹实业家。乌江流域的先民们对丹砂的开采,成果显著,并以此为栽体,形成了极为丰富的乌江丹砂文化。  相似文献   

汉武帝置涪陵县于郁山,三国时置涪陵郡,以至唐置黔中道,使彭水地区成为道、州、县三级治所的要地。开发盐、丹地方产业为特征的"黔中文化",源头在郁山。几千年年来郁山积淀了丰厚的历史民族文化,仅先后修建的庙宇就有"九宫十八庙"的种种传说,对应考证不同版本的地方志,有关说法并非子虚乌有。  相似文献   

沅陵的巫傩文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巫傩文化是我国古老的文化系统 ,它影响辰州 (今沅陵 )万年历史 ,给沅陵蒙上了一层神秘色彩。辰州三绝、辰州符和以辰砂为主要原料的炼丹术 ,替巫傩文化增添了腾飞的翅膀 ,在沅陵积淀了厚重的历史文化根基 ,筑就了沅陵巫傩文化博物馆。傩有跨越人类多种社会制度的漫长历史 ,有处于各种时间、空间的表现形式 ,有丰富的历史文化内涵和至今尚未破解的历史文化信息 ,而今民间仍传承着若干神奇的傩技 ,群众喜闻乐见的傩戏和一些令人费解的特异功能 ,被旅游部门开发为亮丽的景观。  相似文献   

建立了微波辅助提取、HPLC-ICP-MS联用分析中成药中二价汞和甲基汞的方法。分别比较了提取液中盐酸和L-半胱氨酸含量、提取温度和提取时间对提取结果的影响,得到了微波辅助提取的最优条件:体积分数为1%的盐酸10mL和质量分数为5%的L-半胱氨酸1mL作为提取液,控温70℃,微波辅助提取1h。该方法测得的二价汞和甲基汞的精密度分别为1.7%和4.4%,加标回收率分别为80.7%~99.5%和93.7%~95.8%。并应用该方法分析测定了20种、共49批次的含朱砂的中成药中可溶性汞的形态。  相似文献   

"臊子面"应为"(月肃)子面",这可以从许多古籍记载中看得出来。蟾酥的制作通常是于夏秋捕捉癞蛤蟆,后去内脏,撑开晒干,用瓷匙刮癞蛤蟆的表面,促使其分泌浆液,再盛于瓷器内,干燥后就称为蟾酥。上古至清,"的"字的含义指姬妾宫人来了月经,不用口说,以红色丹砂、胭脂或其它红、绛、玄、蛾黄色颜料点在额中,意即避开房事。  相似文献   

Although theories of early social development emphasize the advantage of mother-infant rhythmic coupling and bidirectional coordination, empirical demonstrations remain sparse. We therefore test the hypothesis that vocal rhythm coordination at age 4 months predicts attachment and cognition at age 12 months. Partner and site novelty were studied by recording mother-infant, stranger-infant, and mother-stranger face-to-face interactions in both home and laboratory sites for 88 4-month-old infants, for a total of 410 recordings. An automated dialogic coding scheme, appropriate to the nonperiodic rhythms of our data, implemented a systems concept of every action as jointly produced by both partners. Adult-infant coordination at age 4 months indeed predicted both outcomes at age 12 months, but midrange degree of mother-infant and stranger-infant coordination was optimal for attachment (Strange Situation), whereas high ("tight") stranger-infant coordination in the lab was optimal for cognition (Bayley Scales). Thus, high coordination can index more or less optimal outcomes, as a function of outcome measure, partner, and site. Bidirectional coordination patterns were salient in both attachment and cognition predictions. Comparison of mother-infant and stranger-infant interactions was particularly informative, suggesting the dynamics of infants' early differentiation from mothers. Stranger and infant showed different patterns of vocal rhythm activity level, were more bidirectional, accounted for 8 times more variance in Bayley scores, predicted attachment just as well as mother and infant, and revealed more varied contingency structures and a wider range of attachment outcomes. To explain why vocal timing measures at age 4 months predict outcomes at age 12 months, our dialogue model was construed as containing procedures for regulating the pragmatics of proto-conversation. The timing patterns of the 4-month-olds were seen as procedural or performance knowledge, and as precursors of various kinesic patterns in the outcomes of 12-month-olds. Thus, our work further defines a fundamental dyadic timing matrix--a system that guides the trajectory of relatedness, informing all relational theories of development.  相似文献   

The proportion of students enrolled at university from the lowest quartile of socio-economic position has remained static at around 15% for at least the past 15 years (DEEWR, Transforming Australia’s higher education system, 2009). This paper argues that the apparent lack of progress towards equity of access has been exacerbated due to how socio-economic position (SEP) is measured within higher education. Three major methodological issues are identified: (a) the use of socio-economic indicator for areas (SEIFA) at an inappropriate unit of geographic area (postcode), (b) an inappropriate choice of index (education and occupation), and (c) using the index of education and occupation as the sole indicator of SEP thereby increasing the risk of misclassification of individuals through the operation of ecological fallacy. This paper argues that to address these methodological deficiencies, alternative methods of determining SEP are required at both the aggregate and individual level. Possible options are proposed for use as replacements for the geographic area (postcode) and index (education and occupation) as well as additional measures at the individual or household level.  相似文献   

Four goal areas were identified by the Project Synthesis research team, including science for affecting daily living, science for resolving societal issues, career awareness in science/technology, and science necessary for further study. In 1976 15 science educators across the U.S. agreed to administer a short, one-page assessment form to at least 50 members of service clubs or community groups in their respective communities. This survey asked the respondents about the relative importance for the four goal areas across the K-12 curriculum (K-3, 4–6, 7–9, and 10–12). The 1976 survey was repeated with similar respondents during 1980, 1984, and 1986. The results indicate that the view of the importance of science as preparation for studying science further is perceived as a most important goal which changes little across grade levels or time. During the 1976–86 period respondents rated the importance of science for improvement of daily living as significantly more important; in fact, its importance was perceived almost as great as academic preparation. Similarly, science for the resolution of societal issues and for meeting career-awareness goals were viewed as significantly more important in 1986 than was the case in 1976. The respondents survey in 1984 and 1986 ranked science goals for resolving societal issues as more important than those associated with information useful in daily living. There is no way of determining how much of this change of perception is caused by professionals and/or forces at work at a given point in time. Nor is it clear how the information can or should be used to plan school programs.  相似文献   

The goal of this longitudinal study was to explore whether early measures of attention and inattention would be predictive of later attentiveness and whether there was any evidence of stable individual differences in attentiveness. Both full-term and preterm children were observed at 1, 2, and 3.5 years in free play and in more structured situations. For the group as a whole, and for full-terms separately, quantitative measures of inattention at 2 years were predictive of comparable measures at 3.5 years. For preterms separately, quantitative measures of inattention at 1 year were predictive of both behavior and the mothers' rating on the Conners Hyperactivity subscale at 3.5 years. Global, qualitative ratings of attentiveness at 1 and 2 years were predictive of mothers' ratings on the Conners at 3.5 years for the group as a whole and for full-terms separately. For full-terms only, the global ratings of attentiveness at 1 and 2 years were also predictive of 3.5-year quantitative measures of behavior. These data provide an encouraging base for further investigation of early individual differences in attentiveness and of possible early precursors of later attention deficits.  相似文献   

In Ireland, policy on literacy now aims to expand the role that post-primary teachers of all subjects have in developing students' literacy skills. This paper draws on data from a wider research study carried out in secondary schools in 2010 and focuses on the classroom support with disciplinary literacy provided by subject teachers for students who have literacy difficulties. A brief outline is provided of the context and perspectives informing the study as well as the research methods used. Findings are examined against the backdrop of policy developments for literacy at second level and within the context of wider policy change. Teachers' lack of professional knowledge, combined with barriers at wider system level, is identified as a significant challenge to pedagogical change at classroom level. Implications for policy implementation, for initial teacher education and for cultural change at school level are discussed. It is argued that literacy must be repositioned as a central aspect of subject pedagogy and teachers, as subject experts, supported in unpacking and sharing with students, the discourse practices and ways of viewing and communicating about the world that are characteristic of their academic disciplines.  相似文献   

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