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小型5人制足球的战术打法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小型5人制足球是国际上最普及的小型足球运动,每四年一届由国际足联主办的室内5人制足球世界杯赛,是影响较大的正式国际比赛。我国80年代开始开展5人制竞赛,从1988年开始在甲级队之间开展比赛,有些省市常年举办青少年5人制比赛。5人制足球多采用"2-2"比赛阵型,即两个后卫队员,两个前锋队员,另设一守门员,5人制足球有明确  相似文献   

通过“5人制’比赛法教学模式在女子足球教学中实验研究表明:在普通高校女子足球选项课中运用“5人制”比赛法教学模式可以极大地提高学生的学习兴趣,提高学生掌握足球技术的速度和质量。同时也提高了足球选项课的教学效果。  相似文献   

论在中国开展室内5人制足球运动的益处   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邓芳 《体育科研》2001,22(3):21-23
室内5人制足球是国际足联重大赛事之一,它有其自身的特点.开展5人制足球运动,对提高运动员的技术、意识、体能很有益处,对足球教学、培养后备力量、全民健身运动起着积极的作用.中国室内5人制足球已走向世界,只要进一步开展,深入研究,参加国际比赛,取得名次会比11人制快、好.  相似文献   

  五人制足球是足球的一个变种。在五人制足球中,每支球队只有5名队员比赛而不是通常的11名。五人制足球与普通足球不同的是:使用场地小、使用的球门小、使用的足球小、比赛时间短。五人制足球与十一人制足球一样有自己的洲际杯和世界杯。  相似文献   

通过比赛录像对本次比赛进行了记录、统计分析和研究,希望可以了解亚洲球队在5人制比赛中射门技术和运用情况,找出其基本规律和特点,探究如何提高和改进,为提高我国足球运动员射门技术水平和实战能力提供参考和建议。1研究对象参加2004世界杯室内5人制足球足球比赛亚洲区入围赛射门情况统计了所有的韩国、中国、日本、伊朗、科威特、黎巴嫩、泰国、中国台北、关岛、马来西亚、乌兹别克斯坦和吉尔吉斯坦12支球队。  相似文献   

皇甫尚锋  史明 《湖北体育科技》2004,23(4):541-542,545
遵循现代教育教学思想和体育技战术教学基本规律,通过将“5人制”比赛法纳入足球课教学过程,设计出一套新的足球技战术教学过程模式,成功进行了2轮完整教学实验,并对不同教学效果进行了较深层次的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

小型三人制足球   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小型三人制足球是近几年在国际上十分盛行的一种足球比赛形式。三人制足球对场地器材要求不高,每队参赛人数较少,与其它形式的小型足球赛相比,主要的不同点是没有守门员。三名比赛队员一般呈“一二”或“二一”的三角形站位,有一定的位置分工。国际上很多足球发达国家都重视在青少年中开展三人制足球,近年,我国的一些省市也开始在群众和青少年中推广这项比赛活动。三人制足球非常适合在我国中小学的校内开展,无论是学生自发进行的体育锻炼和游戏,还是学校组织进行班际间的竞赛活动,都可以选择三人制比赛形式。由于不需要很大的场地,加上这种…  相似文献   

<正> 足球教学比赛是足球课中不可缺少的重要教学形式。但以往足球教学比赛时常因人多场地少,达不到足够的运动量,学生不仅兴趣低,而且学习效果也差。对此,我进行了试验改革,采用“多人双球制”的比赛方法,收到了良好的教学效果。现将这种方法介绍如下: 一、队员人数:每个队的人数为15-25人,参加一场比赛的双方队员为30-50人。二、球:在比赛时用二个不同颜色的球。三、裁判员:每场比赛设置二名主裁判员,用不  相似文献   

五人制足球是足球的一个变种。在五人制足球中,每支球队只有5名队员上场比赛。五人制足球与普通足球的其他不同包括在较小的场地比赛,使用较小的球门,以及缩短了的比赛时间,比赛通常在室内进行。  相似文献   

刘铭扬 《新体育》2023,(12):29-32
十一人制足球和五人制足球都是足球比赛的重要形式之一。目前,五人制足球和十一人制足球在学校体育以及大众体育中开展的如火如荼,深受广大民众喜欢。本文运用文献资料法、文献资料法等研究方法,对盐城市医药类高校青少年五人制足球队伍与十一人制队伍在身体形态、身体素质,技战术等方面进行比较和分析,从而提高选材成功率,以期为基层教练员的训练和选材提供借鉴。通过在体力、视野、比赛节奏中考察测试形态、身体素质、技术测试等,发现五人制足球队伍中球员需要具有更强的快速攻防转换和快速突破,而十一人制队伍中要求球员具有更强的团队精神和战术服从能力。  相似文献   

通过对巴西五人制足球竞赛体制研究并结合相关研究成果发现:在组织体系方面,联盟体现出了组织机构的实体性与独立性、职能部门化严谨性、指挥链的完整性等方面特点;在竞赛活动体系方面,具有竞赛活动的丰富性、层次性与衔接性等特点。在组织制度层次上体现出了稳定性和连贯性、合理性等特点,而这些特点正是我国五人制足球竞赛体制需要完善之处,研究巴西的五人制足球竞赛体制,是我们探索建设五人制足球竞赛体制建设的内部规律,促进我国五人制足球运动发展的需要。  相似文献   

通过对2007~2008两年间在南宁市开展的比较具有影响力的五人制足球赛进行调查与分析,结合文献资料法、问卷调查法和实地访谈法对南宁市五人制足球赛开展过程中存在的问题,如五人制足球场不规范合理、五人制足球队的构成、五人制足球比赛的规则及足协对五人制足球赛的重视程度等方面进行分析和研究,并提出建议对策,以吸引社会各界人士的关注和参与,改进目前五人制足球比赛开展中存在的不足,更好地开展五人制足球赛和推广全民健身活动。  相似文献   


This study investigated compound spatial and temporal measures of interpersonal interactions purported to constrain the emergence of affordances for passing direction in the team sport of futsal. For this purpose, attacker–defender interactions in 37 sequences of play from a futsal competition in which 24 male professional players participated (M=30.04 years, SD=4.10) were filmed and analysed using TACTO software. Relative angle data were used as measures to study coordination tendencies that emerged between players during performance. Results showed that the direction for a pass emerged from relative angles between: (1) the vector from a ball carrier to ball receiver and the vector from the ball carrier to the nearest defender (70°) (p<0.01) and (2) the vector from a ball carrier to ball receiver and the vector from the ball carrier to a ball receiver's nearest defender (31°) (p < 0.01). Furthermore, passing direction was also constrained by temporal information from the emergence of both angles, since the pass was performed to attacker–defender dyads with the highest velocities of these angles (p < 0.05). Results suggested that decisions on selecting the direction of a pass in the team sport of futsal emerged at critical values of these key compound motion measures.  相似文献   


This article analyses the offensive phase of the national team than won the 2010 UEFA Championship. More specifically, the observational sampling includes all plays in which the Spanish national futsal team managed to “shoot” in the competition in question. This data was obtained by adapting an observational and recording tool typically used for football to the technical specifications of futsal; the SOF-CODER (Jonsson et al., 2006). Two types of analysis have been performed. One statistical analysis using the SPSS programme, version 15.0, the most relevant results from which refer to the significant differences found on linking: the zone from which the shot is made and the type of shot (χ² = 55.821, P = 0.006); and the contact surface used and the type of shot (χ² = 30.293, P = 0.017). And another, using the Theme programme, version 5.0, through which regular behaviour structures (temporal patterns) have been detected within the plays that include shooting. The temporal patterns obtained – in addition to elaborating on the relationship between the area from which the shot is made, the contact surface used and the type of shot – enable a tactical interpretation of the technical actions that support the development of the offensive phase of futsal.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of utilising futsal balls during physical education lessons via a comparison with traditional and indoor (felt) footballs. A total of 423 5th grade pupils (197 female and 226 male, age range 10–13 years, mean age 10 years 11.5 months) took part in a series of conditions designed to assess the bearing different football types (i.e. felt, leather and futsal) have on technical playing ability and game awareness. The results indicate that utilizing futsal balls is associated with improvements in most areas of assessment. In particular control of bouncing balls is significantly faster with futsal balls when compared to traditionally used leather or felt footballs. An increase in the number of ball contacts for each player and improvements in the quality of offensive play were also observed and participants appeared to have markedly less fear of the futsal ball in comparison with other types of balls. In conjunction, these findings lend strong support to the concept of making greater use of futsal balls when playing indoor football with young people.  相似文献   

This study investigated how learning a passing skill with futsal or soccer task constraints influenced transfer to a new task. Futsal (n?=?24, 13.6?±?1.2 years old, 7.0?±?1.6 years of experience) and soccer (n?=?24, 13.6?±?1.2 years old, 6.8?±?1.2 years of experience) players performed two 5v5?+?goalkeeper modified games – a futsal-like task (small playing area with the futsal ball) and soccer-like task (large playing area with the soccer ball). Participants’ passing accuracy and their orientation of attention were assessed during the two tasks. The futsal group improved their passing accuracy (ES?=?0.75?±?0.61) from the futsal-like to the soccer-like task, and they were more accurate than soccer players (ES?=?2.98?±?2.96). Conversely, the soccer group’s passing accuracy remained stable across the two tasks (ES?=?0.10?±?0.52) and it was similar to the futsal group in the futsal-like task (ES?=?0.58?±?1.93). This indicates a higher magnitude of transfer (and adaptability) from performing passes in a small playing area with short time to act – futsal task constraints – to a larger playing area with longer time – soccer task constraints – than vice-versa. Furthermore, the futsal group showed a higher adaptation of attention orientation to the affordances that emerged with the soccer task constraints, which is suggested to be one of the main mechanisms promoting skill transfer. These results encourage soccer practitioners to introduce futsal task constraints to fast-track players’ ability to functionally adapt perception–action coupling.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of players’ dismissals on the outcome of attacks in elite futsal matches, and to establish the performance profile of the attacks made in numerical superiority by elite futsal teams. One hundred and twenty five attacking game situations in numerical superiority (dismissal of opponents from defensive team) were analysed from the regular season of the Spanish professional Futsal League. The effect of contextual-related variables (quality of opposition, match-location, match-periods, opponent team’s fouls, match-status, attack-duration and match-type) on goal effectiveness was analysed using binomial logistic regression and two-step cluster analysis. Results from the binary logistic regression showed that the highest attack effectiveness was achieved when the teams play at home, perform the attack during minutes 33–36 and the opposing team has 3 fouls. Secondly, the two-step cluster analysis technique allowed identifying four types of attacks when the teams were playing with numerical superiority. The results showed the great importance (in order) of match-type, match-status, attacking team’s fouls, match-period, quality of opposition, opposing team’s fouls, match-location, goal situation, and attack duration. The identified trends may help coaches to design the superiority/inferiority scenarios more specifically during training and to monitor them during competition.  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate why futsal players decide to dribble. For this purpose, we analysed 396 trials comprising the dribbles (n = 132), passes (n = 131) or shots (n = 133), performed by 70 male futsal players. Passing and shooting angles, and interpersonal distance, including their rates of change (velocity and variability), were regarded as measures of interpersonal coordination tendency and a comparison was made among dribbling, passing and shooting situations. In addition, the variables identified as constraints on deciding to dribble were analysed in relation to age categories, dribbling outcomes and futsal court zone. Results revealed that passing and shooting angles, and interpersonal distance showed higher variability in dribbling than in passing and shooting situations. The findings allowed us to conclude that decision-making on dribbling was influenced by the variabilities of passing angles as well as shooting and interpersonal distance, and that success in dribbling was affected by the variability of interpersonal distance. Such variabilities were interpreted concerning their meaning of risk and/or uncertainty in the execution of motor skills.  相似文献   

Abstract This study investigated effects of manipulating the number of action possibilities in a futsal passing task to understand the representativeness of practice tasks designs. Eight male senior futsal players performed a passing task in which uncertainty on passing direction for the player in possession of the ball was increased in four conditions and compared with passing data from a competitive match. Performance during a passing task and competitive futsal performance was compared using ball speed and passing accuracy data. Ball speed data were analysed by approximate entropy (ApEn) to capture their regularity in each of the four conditions and during competitive performance. Significantly high levels of regularity were observed in predetermined passes in comparison with emergent passes (i.e., passes with high number of possibilities for action). Similar results for ball speed regularity were observed between practice tasks with a high number of possibilities for action (i.e., emergent passes) and competitive performance. Similar results were observed for passing accuracy in practice tasks with a high number of possibilities for action compared to competitive performance. Increases in the number of action possibilities during practice improved action fidelity of tasks in relation to competitive performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the type of offensive sequences that result in goals in elite futsal. Thirty competitive games in the Spanish Primera Division de Sala were analysed using computerised notation analysis for patterns of play that resulted in goals. More goals were scored in positional attack (42%) and from set pieces (27%) compared to other activities. The number of defence to offense “transitions” (= 45) and the start of offensive plays due to the rules of the game (= 45) were the most common type of sequences that resulted in goals compared to other patterns of play. The central offensive zonal areas were the most common for shots on goal, with 73% of all goals scored from these areas of the pitch compared to defensive and wide zones. The foot was the main part of the body involved in scoring (= 114). T-pattern analysis of offensive sequences revealed regular patterns of play, which are common in goal scoring opportunities in futsal and are typical movement patterns in this sport. The data demonstrate common offensive sequences and movement patterns related to goals in elite futsal and this could provide important information for the development of physical and technical training drills that replicate important game situations.  相似文献   

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