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聋儿听力语言康复教学方法很多,情境教学法是聋儿听力语言康复教学中的一种重要模式,通过模拟带有情绪色彩、生动具体的情景,让聋儿身临其境,强化对学生的感官刺激。鉴于此,本文对基于情景教学法的聋儿听力语言康复教学进行深入研究。  相似文献   

科学研究表明,0-6岁是儿童语言发展的关键期.在这个时期如能及早发现孩子听力障碍,进行听力补偿或听力重建,及早对孩子进行听力语言训练,大部分听障儿童是可以掌握有声语言的.实践证明,随着康复技术与手段日趋先进,聋儿语言康复效果越来越好.家庭是孩子的第一所学校,父母是孩子的第一任老师,如何提高家长素质,让他们有效参与到聋儿语言康复中来,已成为聋儿语言康复工作要解决的重要问题.笔者经过多年实践,从亲职教育入手找到了突破口.  相似文献   

聋儿有声语言困难,对数的概念、意义难于理解,也不易掌握.如何在对聋儿进行计算教学的同时进行语言训练,我们进行了一些尝试,并取得了一定的经验.  相似文献   

如何教授学前聋儿识字能力?如何掌握训练聋儿学习语言的技巧与方法?如何借助文字识读来辅助聋儿教学?本文从汉字的主要特征、聋儿识字学语的基本条件切入,提出了识字学语的依据,分析了其方法操作的可行性,并且就教学过程具体实施方法作了探讨。  相似文献   

纵观美国聋人海丝·怀特斯通不同寻常的成长教育历程,我们可以从中总结出如下的成功教育经验:回归主流社会,进入普通学校学习;挖掘残余听力,坚持早期语言矫治训练;重视家庭成员的参与和配合,促进口语能力提升;重视行为规范教育,与普通孩子同等对待;长期坚持,正确开展听力、语言康复训练.海丝的成长历程对我国聋儿教育的启示有:尽快出台《特殊教育法》,保障教育公平;推行全纳教育,理性看待聋人文化;加强聋儿早期口语训练;重视聋儿家庭教育,将聋儿康复融于日常生活;培养聋儿良好的行为习惯与独立坚强的品质.  相似文献   

语言形成于生活,运用于生活。由于听力障碍,聋儿语言发展迟滞,不少聋儿父母将康复的希望寄托于学校,希望通过教师的教授使孩子语言得到康复。其实不然,孩子的语言是在生活使用、沟通交流中发展起来的。父母是和孩子朝夕相伴的人,特别是在孩子成长的婴幼儿阶段,他们往往代表了整个世界。因此,父母才是聋儿康复的主力军,是聋儿康复的最佳实施者。  相似文献   

范海燕 《林区教学》2011,(1):100-102
聋儿早期家庭康复教育环境对聋儿听力语言发展起着至关重要的作用。好的社会大环境,造就聋儿好的语言环境,是听力言语康复不可缺少的基础。听力补偿效果对聋儿的听觉语言康复水平起着决定性作用。通过实例比较总结融合教育的重要意义。  相似文献   

众所周知,语言是人类最重要的交际和思维工具。聋儿由于先天或后天因素造成听力障碍,不仅使其掌握有声语言变得异常困难,往往还会造成其心理上的某些障碍。因此,聋儿语言康复工作十分重要,刻不容缓。只有对聋儿进行有效的语言学习和训练,才能使其学会说话,不断缩小与健听儿童语言水平之间的差距,真正融入主流社会。  相似文献   

范素荣 《考试周刊》2013,(26):190-191
当前聋儿家长在聋儿康复教育中发挥的作用越来越重要,但是,许多聋儿家长在康复教育中存在着错误观念和盲目行为,影响了聋儿康复教育的质量,甚至阻碍了聋儿的身心健康发展。为此,作者针对聋儿家长在康复教育过程中存在的一些问题提出了解决方法和对策,为聋儿家长更好地配合康复教育工作,更好地促进聋哑儿童健康发展提供了理论指导和帮助。  相似文献   

大部分聋儿在接受早期语言康复以后,具备了一定的口语基础,但如果不进行有效的口语训练,他们的口语就会滞步不前,甚至退化,使早期康复功亏一篑,因此有效培养语言康复后期聋儿的口语交际能力显得很重要也很必要。其实,在聋儿的实际生活中,蕴含着大量的口语交际的现实情景,如何捕捉、挖掘和利用好这些现存的口语交际教学资源,  相似文献   

This study focuses on comparing the creative thinking and reasoning abilities of deaf and hearing children. Two groups of deaf (N = 210) and hearing children (N = 200) were chosen based on specific criteria. Two instruments were used in the study: theTorrance Tests of Creative Thinking‐Figural, Form A and Matrix Analogous Test. Canonical Correlation analysis and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were used to analyze the data. The canonical correlation analyses revealed one significant dimension in both deaf and hearing children. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed that there are some similarities and differences between the deaf and hearing samples regarding creative thinking abilities.  相似文献   

和健听儿童相比 ,听觉障碍儿童的认知发展水平要低 ,主要表现为抽象逻辑思维水平低。造成这一结果的主要原因通常被认为是语言的发展不良。我国聋教育主要是以口语教学为主。但是 ,单纯的发展口语是不是最适合听力障碍儿童的认知发展 ?听力障碍儿童使用手语对他们认知发展有何影响 ?本文试从理论剖析和现实中的事例来说明 :对那些不能通过听觉通道来获得口语的听力障碍儿童来说 ,手语的使用在他们的认知发展中有积极的作用  相似文献   

聋校学生的书面语言能力主要通过语文课的教学获得。然而 ,经过多年语文课的学习 ,很多聋校学生的书面语言能力仍然很低下 ,成为提高文化知识的一大障碍。其根本原因在于 ,聋校的语文课基本上是参照普通中小学的语文课经过一定调整而来 ,但普通中小学学生是在已经获得了基本的口语能力之后开始语文课的学习。由于聋生缺乏相应的口语基础 ,现行语文课的教学并不能保证根本改变聋生书面语言水平低下的状况。发展聋生基本的语言能力应该通过语言课。在开始语文课的教学之前先开设语言课是解决问题的途径。语言课与语文课具有不同的性质和任务。语言课应选择适合自身任务的教学内容 ,并遵循适合聋校学生语言发展规律的教学原则  相似文献   

本文以手语语言学研究成果为基础,在反思传统聋教育现状的前提下提出了一种全新的聋校语文教学法———通过手语和汉语互译训练,帮助中高年级聋生提高汉语书面语水平,并在教学实践中初见成效。本课程的核心理念为:聋童的第一语言是自然手语,聋校语文教学应当从二语习得理论中借鉴方法;明确聋童的汉语学习实质上是从自然手语到书面汉语的转换过程,教学中要严格区分自然手语和汉语这两种不同的语言。  相似文献   

Two representational abilities, expressive and receptive language and symbolic play, were assessed in multiple formats in hearing and deaf 2-year-old children of hearing and deaf mothers. Based on maternal report, hearing children of hearing and deaf mothers produced more words than deaf children of hearing mothers, hearing children of hearing mothers more words than deaf children of deaf mothers, and deaf children of deaf mothers more words than deaf children of hearing mothers. Based on experimenter assessments, hearing children in both groups produced and comprehended more words than deaf children in both groups. By contrast, no differences emerged among these groups in child solitary symbolic play or in child-initiated or mother-initiated child collaborative symbolic play; all groups also increased equivalently in symbolic play between solitary and collaborative play. Representational language and symbolic play were unrelated in hearing children of hearing mothers and in deaf children of deaf mothers, but the 2 abilities were associated in children in the 2 child/mother mismatched hearing status groups. These findings are placed in the context of a proposed developing modularity of verbal and nonverbal symbol systems, and the implications of hearing status in communicative exchanges between children and their mothers in diverse hearing and deaf dyads are explored.  相似文献   

Language facility and theory of mind development in deaf children   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Deaf children with signing parents, nonnative signing deaf children, children from a hearing impaired unit (HIU), and oral deaf children were tested on three first-order theory of mind (ToM) tasks--a subset was also given a second-order task (Perner & Wimmer, 1985). A British Sign Language (BSL) receptive language task (Herman, Holmes, & Woll, 1999) and four nonverbal executive function tasks were also administered. The new BSL task allowed, for the first time, the receptive language abilities of deaf children to be measured alongside ToM abilities. Hearing children acted as controls. These children were given the same tasks, except the British Picture Vocabulary Scale was substituted for the BSL task. Language ability correlated positively and significantly with ToM ability, and age was correlated with language ability for both the deaf and hearing children. Age, however, underpinned the relationship between ToM and language for deaf children with signing parents and hearing children but not for nonnative signing, HIU, or oral deaf children. Executive function performance in deaf children was not related to ToM ability. A subset of hearing children, matched on age and language standard scores with signing deaf children, passed significantly more ToM tasks than the deaf children did. The findings are discussed with respect to the hypotheses proposed by Peterson and Siegal (1995, 2000) and Courtin (2000).  相似文献   

随着教育的改革以及新课程标准的发展与升级,作文作为语文课程中的重要组成部分,对学生表达能力与逻辑思维能力的发展有着促进作用,并且受到了专家和学者的高度重视与关注。然而聋生由于先天在生理上就失去了听觉能力,从小就没有形成健全的语言表达系统,在与人交流的过程中,也常常采用手势以及动作。在生活中由于大部分的人还不是很懂手语,所以聋生的交流也要逐渐依靠书面语言。因此,只有不断提高聋生的写作能力,才能保证他们能够熟练地与人进行有效交流。本文就中学聋生写作能力分层教学的策略进行探讨与分析,以供参考和评价。  相似文献   

The study investigated whether rotating three-dimensional (3-D) objects using virtual reality (VR) will affect flexible thinking in deaf and hard of hearing children. Deaf and hard of hearing subjects were distributed into experimental and control groups. The experimental group played virtual 3-D Tetris (a game using VR technology) individually, 15 minutes once weekly over 3 months. The control group played conventional two-dimensional (2-D) Tetris over the same period. Children with normal hearing participated as a second control group in order to establish whether deaf and hard of hearing children really are disadvantaged in flexible thinking. Before-and-after testing showed significantly improved flexible thinking in the experimental group; the deaf and hard of hearing control group showed no significant improvement. Also, before the experiment, the deaf and hard of hearing children scored lower in flexible thinking than the children with normal hearing. After the experiment, the difference between the experimental group and the control group of children with normal hearing was smaller.  相似文献   

Perspectives on academic and social aspects of children’s school experiences were obtained from deaf and hearing children and their (deaf or hearing) parents. Possible differences between (1) the views of children and their parents and (2) those of hearing children and their parents compared to deaf children and their parents were of particular interest. Overall, parents gave their children higher school friendship ratings than the children gave themselves, and hearing children and their parents were more positive about children’s friendships than were deaf children and their parents. Both children and parents also saw deaf children as less successful in reading than hearing children. However, deaf children having deaf parents, attending a school for the deaf and using sign language at home all were associated with more positive perceptions of social success. Use of cochlear implants was not associated with perceptions of greater academic or social success. These and related findings are discussed in the context of parent and child perspectives on social and academic functioning and particular challenges confronted by deaf children in regular school settings.  相似文献   

听觉障碍儿童随班就读作为融合教育的创新形式,丰富了听觉障碍儿童安置于聋校之单一形式。历经口语教学与手语教学纷争的聋校语言教学模式影响了听觉障碍儿童随班就读的教学模式。综观国内外听觉障碍儿童融合教育的语言教学模式,主要包括听语教学模式、视话教学模式、手语教学模式与综合语言教学模式。本文通过对这些语言教学模式的解析,以期为我国听觉障碍儿童的随班就读提供可资借鉴的参考体系。  相似文献   

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