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教育督导是国家对教育实行指导和监督的有效机制和有力手段,但长期以来,我国的学前教育督导一直处于被忽视的地位。英国是世界上建立学前教育督导制度较早的国家之一,其有关学前教育督导方面制度建设的经验值得我们借鉴。比较中英两国学前教育督导制度,研究者认为,要完善我国的学前教育督导制度,需从以下方面作出进一步的努力。(1)进一步转变观念,提高对学前教育督导重要性的认识。(2)加强学前教育督导法制建设。(3)理顺督导机构设置关系,明确督导机构职责。(4)切实完善"督政"与"督学"相结合的学前教育督导与评估制度。(5)优化督导队伍,提高督导质量。  相似文献   

近年来,我国港台地区陆续出台并实施了不同程度上的学前教育免费政策。学前教育免费政策的实行,推动了幼儿园督导方式的创新发展,进一步提升了幼儿园的教育质量。2018年中共中央、国务院提出要深化学前教育改革规范发展,强化对幼儿园教职工资质和配备、收费行为、安全防护、卫生保健等方面进行动态监管,并将评估相关信息向社会公布。在此背景下本文采用文本分析法比较港台地区学前教育督导评估背景、督导评估的实施程序、督导评估人员、督导评估内容与方法、督导结果使用方式,以期为内地各省(自治区、直辖市)地方学前教育督导监管政策的制定以及学前教育督导评估工作的开展提供经验参考,进一步提高幼儿园的教育质量。  相似文献   

记者近日从教育部获悉,教育部2月12日发出通知,正式印发《学前教育督导评估暂行办法》,要求各地结合本地实际情况,制定本省学前教育督导评估实施方案,做好督导评估工作。办法规定,学前教育督导评估的对象为地方人民政府。督导评估的内容主要包括六个方面:一是落实政府责任和部门职责,完善管理体制,健  相似文献   

一直以来,英国相关教育部门都非常重视对学校工作的督导与评价。2017年,英国私立学校督导委员会颁布了新的《私立学校督导框架》,明确了私立学校督导机构、督导活动的基本类型及相关的法律法规执行情况督导明细单、教育质量情况督导明细单和注册早期教育机构督导明细单等内容。为此,我们要立足评估原点去思考民办学校督导,科学撰写民办学校督导报告,积极探索民办学校督导结果的有效使用。  相似文献   

国家治理体系的现代化体现在教育治理的严谨性,在教育治理现代化的进程中,教育督导不仅为我国教育管理活动保驾护航,还为我国学前教育质量起着监测作用;其责任可谓重中之重。进入21世纪以来,各国给予了学前教育事业充分地重视,英国是目前世界上较为发达的国家,英国学前教育的发展在世界上也是比较突出的。由于我国学前教育起步较晚,并且还在不断完善,所以英国学前教育督导制度在我国学前教育治理中有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

英国对学前教育的管理和取得的教育成果都十分显著,这在很大程度上得益于教育督导制度.其中,"英国教育及儿童服务与技能标准办公室"(以下简称教育标准办公室)在对学前教育整体质量进行监督,促使各类托幼机构不断提升办园水平方面,一直发挥着重要作用. 2009年9月,教育标准办公室颁布了新的学前教育督导评估指标,包括以下四个方面:幼儿发展情况、托幼机构教育质量、托幼机构领导和管理的有效性、托幼机构的整体效能.督导评价结果分为优秀、良好、一般和不合格四个等次.2011年教育标准办公室向国会递交的年度报告表明,2009年9月至2010年8月被督导的158所幼儿园中,59%的幼儿园达到了优秀的水平.  相似文献   

学前教育督导评估体系建设是提升学前教育质量的核心与关键,当下受到了人们日益广泛的关注与重视。上海市以发展性督导评估理念为指导,以教育科研为保障,建立了以多元评估机构为主体、以纵横向督评机制为特色的学前教育督导评估体系。在深入推进评估体制改革的过程中,需要进一步理顺机构间的相互关系及职责定位,加快学前教育督导评估体制机制的法制化建设步伐,深入开展督导评估的研究与元研究。  相似文献   

自治区教育厅、自治区人民政府教育督导室联合印发的《宁夏回族自治区学前教育督导评估实施方案(试行)》表明我区将建立学前教育督导评估制度。制度化、规范化的督导评估,必将有力推动学前教育的持续健康发展。一、建立学前教育督导评估制度的重要意义学前教育是人生起始的教育,对幼儿的身心健康、习惯养成和智力发展具有重要意义。2010年以来,加快发展学前教育,成为各级政府努力办好人民满意教育的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

英国和新西兰的学前教育制度完备、管理科学,教育督导评估指标设置全面、科学,对本国学前教育的监督和管理起到了积极的促进和激励作用。本文对两国学前教育督导评估指标进行了分析和探究,发现两国都重视儿童的安全和安全教育,强调儿童健康习惯的养成,关注其学习技能的培养,这些无疑都值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

一、建立学前教育督导评估制度的重要意义学前教育是人生起始的教育,对幼儿身心健康、习惯养成和智力发展具有重要意义。学前教育是国民教育的重要组成部分,是一项重要的社会公益事业,关系到广大人民群众的切身利益及教育现代化的程度和水平,推进学前教育的快速发展已成为教育改革和发展的战略性任务。但目前学前教育存在"入园难、入园贵"、"学前教育小学化倾向"及不规范等问题,严重制约了学前教育的发展。教育督导是保障教育法律法规和方针政策落实的重要机制。地方政府是发展学前教育,解决"入园难"问题的责任主体,为了督促地方政府认真履行发展学前教育的职责,全面落实学前教育三年行动计划,满足适龄儿童入园需求,规范办园行为,教育部在深入调研和广泛征求意见的基础上,研究制定了《学前教育督导评估暂行办法》,建立了学前教育的督导评估制度和工作机制,决定从2012年开始开展  相似文献   

The inconsistencies of regulation and inspection in UK early childhood services are examined. The rationale and regulatory requirements for daycare put forward by the Department of Health are compared with those currently operating within the Department for Education and Employment for schools and nursery education. The policy frameworks within the two departments are based on different assumptions about practice and lead to major inconsistencies of delivery. A more coherent policy is needed to resolve these inconsistencies.  相似文献   

美、英两国学前教育财政投入有三种共同的方式,即政府对学前教育机构进行财政投入、政府对大型学前教育项目直接进行财政投入、政府通过"教育券"和税费抵扣等方式补助学前儿童的家庭。较为灵活和多元的学前教育财政投入方式扩大了两国财政投入的受益面,也保障了其财政投入的有效性。  相似文献   

英国学前教育立法保障政府职责的背景与特点研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来英国政府对学前教育事业发展日益高度重视,特别是通过立法强化政府职责,促进部门协作。本文对英国学前教育立法保障政府职责的背景与特点进行了较深入的研究与分析,指出其具有以下主要特点:1.明确并不断强化各级政府特别是中央政府的职责;2.明确各相关部门职责,保障并促进跨部门协作;3.明确并强化相关重要部门负责人的职责与权力;4.增加学前教育财政投入并预算单列;5.完善学前教育国家督导制度,保证学前教育质量。  相似文献   

In March 2005, Barry Carpenter, OBE, Chief Executive and Director of Research at Sunfield, an education and residential care centre for children with severe and complex learning needs, gave his inaugural professional lecture at University College Worcester. This article is based on that lecture. In it, Barry Carpenter reviews international trends in early childhood intervention and relates these to changing patterns of childhood disability, family needs, practitioner-led service development and Government policy initiatives. He describes a political climate in the UK which is ripe for the development of a nationally cohesive programme of early childhood intervention and proposes a number of key factors hat are crucial to the consolidation of the plethora of initiatives that have taken place in the UK in recent years. These include: early interventions that are delivered from the point of diagnosis; practice that is transdisciplinary; and high quality training for professionals. At the heart of this process, however, must be the voice of the family - guiding, informing, sharing, engaging. The key to successful early childhood intervention, Barry Carpenter argues, is responsivity - to society, to its families, but most of all to its children.  相似文献   

英国布莱尔政府学前教育改革政策及其主要特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997年~2007年英国首相布莱尔执政期间,英国先后出台了多项学前教育改革政策,应对其学前教育发展、教育改革乃至社会发展的困境与危机.其中最重要的学前教育改革政策有:"确保开端"、"每个孩子都重要"、"儿童保育十年战略"及"早期奠基阶段",它们极大地推动了英国学前教育的改革与发展.布莱尔政府学前教育改革政策具有四方面突出特点:鲜明一致的价值取向与政治意图;注重各项政策间的连续性与稳定性;政策制定的战略性与前瞻性;持续增加财政投入以保障政策实效.  相似文献   

The first 2 years of the Labour government have seen unparalleled attention and resources devoted to early childhood services. However, behind the current flurry of activity, a larger opportunity may be slipping away: the opportunity to transform a neglected and incoherent confusion of services into an integrated and coherent early years service. Rather than thinking the unthinkable, government seems to have settled for a process of reform, opting for more and better of the same. Transformation required six major issues to be fully addressed: what constitutes early childhood: administrative integration; staffing; funding; the type of early childhood services that the UK needs; and identifying critical questions about early childhood and the purposes of early childhood services. So far, however, they have not been. Having waited years for change, it would have been better to have waited a bit longer for a White Paper setting out the vision of a transformed early childhood service and the steps needed to achieve that vision over the next 5 to 10 years  相似文献   

The National Statement on Technology Education will soon be released in Australia. The statement advocates adesign,make andappraise approach to technology education. The document includes Year One children and provides exemplars of curriculum activities for early childhood children. Although much curriculum development in technology education for primary and early childhood has taken place in the UK, little research has been conducted within the early childhood area in Australia. This paper describes a study which sought to investigate how thedesign,make andappraise approach could be implemented within early childhood using existing materials, procedures and teaching programmes. In particular, the pre-school programme was considered to see if the approach was suitable for young children, and if girls could be encouraged into this newly defined area of study. Specializations: early childhood science education, early childhood technology education.  相似文献   


This paper raises some of the key issues affecting the educational opportunities of children from birth to seven. These include: services for children under five, four‐year‐olds in primary school classes, equal opportunities, training and status of early years professionals. The paper emphasises the influence of concepts of early childhood and the need for UK policy makers to recognise babies and very young children as people, and to acknowledge their capabilities.  相似文献   

This edition of the journal explores some of the ideas about policy‐making in early childhood services. In this introductory article I review ideas about policy‐making processes and policy agendas and what processes shape them, with particular reference to the relationship between research and policies on early childhood services. I write as a researcher working within a child development framework, and as someone who has been a participant in such policy making processes at a European and at a UK level. In this introduction I also set a context for the other articles which follow.  相似文献   

The first phase of a small-scale, longitudinal study which is part of the Effective Early Learning (EEL) Project, a UK based, national, early childhood evaluation and improvement initiative is described. A key developmental proposition is that children who operate in a rich and stimulating learning environment and experience high levels of involvement and engagement in their learning will achieve enhanced learning outcomes. The EEL Project aims to investigate the validity of this proposition. In particular, it explores the relationship between one of the key process measures in the EEL Project, the Child Involvement Scale (CIS), and the outcome measures being used by early childhood settings to monitor academic progress in the UK, namely Baseline Assessment in English and Mathematics (BAEM) at 4 years of age, and Standard Assessment Tasks (SAT) at 7 years of age.  相似文献   

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