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Principals from N.S.W. government and non‐government schools were surveyed to elicit their attitudes towards the integration of individual disabled‐children and the support services currently provided. Attitudes forwards mildly intellectually handicapped students in particular were also examined. Analysis of principals’ ratings for each educational/behavioural disability specified indicates that they are positive only about integrating children who demand neither extra competencies nor extra curricular duties from the regular class teacher. Results also suggest that principals are dissatisfied with the quality and quantity of support services routinely provided and now seek resource personnel with the expertise to directly assist the regular teacher in the classroom. Sub‐group variations among principals on both issues are also reported. Data on mildly intellectually handicapped students indicate little attitudinal change since a study undertaken in 1978, although knowledge of the most effective support services for this population appears to have increased. Implications of these findings for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the characteristics of ‘play’ within the conceptual framework of early education for intellectually disabled children, suggesting that early intervention programs and strategies may have transformed ‘play’ for these children into ‘work’.  相似文献   

大力开展残疾儿童少年随班就读是普及残疾儿童义务教育的需要。它既符合国情,是发展残疾儿童少年义务教育的主要形式,也符合国际上残疾儿童少年教育发展的大趋势。“七五”中期至“八五”期间,北京市在开展盲、低视力、聋和重听以及轻度弱智儿童随班就读方面进行了较为广泛的实验。这次对随班就读工作的全面调查和分析,为贯彻北京市特殊教育“九五”发展规划中提出的“巩固、发展、完善、提高”一方针,使北京市残疾儿童随班就读工作发展到一个新的水平,提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

An examination was made of the case records and special educational placement decisions for a sample of 40 children, all of whom had been tested and/or reviewed by school psychologists during the year preceding the study and classified within one of the traditional special educational categories: intellectually handicapped, mentally backward, physically handicapped, hearing handicapped, visually handicapped, and emotionally maladjusted. It was found that very few children receiving special education were being returned to regular classes, and that factors other than the child's ability and/or learning/behavioural characteristics were strongly implicated in special educational decisions for mentally backward (mildly retarded) children, but to a lesser extent in decisions reached for children in other special educational categories. The study highlighted a difficulty likely to arise in a wide range of situations involving parents and children, where research access to case information must be balanced against parents’ rights to privacy and confidentiality of information disclosed in casework. Implications for the present results are considered, together with the need for alternative research strategies in this and related areas of enquiry.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the services required by students in special education programs and to estimate the cost of adequately funding special education in Taiwan. Questionnaires were administered to 300 special education teachers at the elementary school level to identify the services required. Thereafter, two focus group interviews were organized to determine the service categories and their cost. The results show that the costs for special education programs vary significantly according to severity of disability, and the weighting for mildly, moderately, and severely disabled students was found to be 3.7, 4.5, and 5.2, respectively. The costs also vary significantly according to the category of disability, and the weighting was found to range from 3.6 for emotionally disabled students and to 5.9 for hearing impaired students. These findings suggest that the current special education funding formula in Taiwan, which ignores these cost differences, should be revamped.  相似文献   

在我国义务教育入学率达到99.8%的背景下,农村残疾儿童的入学率仅为71.4%.这与到2020年,农村适龄残疾儿童少年和残疾人家庭子女受教育状况达到当地平均教育水平的目标仍有很大差距.特殊教育经费投入不足,特殊教育法律体系不完善,特殊教育管理体制不健全,残疾儿童家庭贫困、家长观念落后是主要原因.建议通过增加特殊教育投入、加快特殊教育立法、完善特殊教育体系、加强师资队伍建设、转变家长观念、构建社会支持体系等途径保障农村残疾儿童受教育权的实现.  相似文献   

Guidance officers who received referral information in which a child's sex, age, reason for referral, attainment and IQ levels were systematically varied, were asked to indicate the likelihood that the child was emotionally disturbed (ED), learning disabled (LD), mildly intellectually handicapped (MIH), or perceptually‐motor impaired (PMI). There was inconsistency in their identification of children as ED, LD and PMI; most cases were classified as MIH with IQ as the main influencing factor. The least exceptional children were the most likely to be categorized as PMI.  相似文献   

中国特殊教育发展面临的六大转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国特殊教育纵向比较确实取得了令人瞩目的成就,不仅接受义务教育的残疾儿童数量显著增加,残疾学生学前教育、高中教育、高等教育、职业教育等也都取得了很大的发展。但面对日益发展的中国经济、日益提升的中国国际地位、国际特殊教育发展的新趋势和国内残疾人日益多样化的特殊需求,中国特殊教育要想健康发展,须完成六大转变:(1)在政策层面由特殊教育条例向特殊教育法律法规的转变;(2)特殊教育由三类残疾儿童教育向特殊需要儿童教育的转变;(3)特殊教育投入由单纯重视硬件投入向满足残疾儿童需要的转变;(4)教育形式由特殊学校教育逐渐向随班就读学校教育的转变;(5)学校教育建设重心由东部发达地区向中西部地区的转变;(6)师资培训方式由单一的特殊高校师资培养向普通大学开设特教专业培养方式的转变。  相似文献   

This paper is about mothering an intellectually disabled child identified with special educational needs. It specifically looks at the parent partnership rhetoric that has dominated UK government policy and directives for nearly three decades and yet research suggests parents and more often mothers have to battle to be recognised as legitimate experts. This paper engages with sociological analysis as it highlights via qualitative narratives that mothers are weighed down by the sheer number of professionals involved in their day-to-day life. Moreover, mothers whose children are not identified in the early years are often blamed in the first instance for playing a part in their child’s difficult behaviour. This research ultimately suggests that partnership work is important and necessary for practice within health, education and social work professions, not least of all because the emotional roller-coaster that mothers experience during the assessment and statementing process is disabling.  相似文献   

中国特殊教育社区工作的发展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
中国政府及有关部门历来注意到残疾人的教育工作是全社会系统工程,它需要动员全社会各方面的力量支持与合作。自1988年起,国务院及有关部委制定的残疾儿童教育、康复、就业等文件均包含社区参与的政策与法规,及设立社区管理网络体系和发挥其作用的内容。在一些城市、农村积极进行了这方面的尝试  相似文献   

This article discusses the special education placement and instruction of language-minority children identified as mildly disabled, personified by "Rosemary," in the context of a curriculum guide recently developed in California. The Optimal Learning Environment (OLE) Curriculum Guide: A Resource for Teachers of Spanish-Speaking Children in Learning Handicapped Programs. The guide was written in response to the growing number of such children and to the lack of direction given to special educators in meeting the educational needs of this population. The instructional principles in the guide are based on research with language-minority students and on those with learning disabilities. The guide incorporates existing, promising materials and techniques for use with language-minority populations.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the impact of an Irish schools link programme on the attitudes of able-bodied young people towards their severely/profoundly intellectually disabled peers. Eradicating the misconceptions and stereotypes often associated with severely/profoundly intellectually disabled young people can be particularly difficult in an Irish context as these young people attend Developmental Day Centres under the auspices of the Department of Health rather than a regular school. Within the remit of this paper, it is proposed to focus on the effects of structured contact on the attitudes of mainstream pupils towards their counterparts who have severe/profound intellectual disabilities. Findings would suggest that involvement in the link programme had enabled the mainstream pupils to develop and retain over a two-year period positive pro-social attitudes towards their severely/profoundly intellectually disabled peers.  相似文献   

为促进我国残疾儿童教育的权利与机会公平,针对我国残疾儿童教育现状,作者建议制定特殊教育法、加大执法力度,从而保障残疾儿童教育权利的平等;建立特殊的教育财政投资制度,全面普及残疾儿童义务教育,优化教育结构,从而促进残疾儿童教育机会公平。  相似文献   

从世界范围内来看,残疾儿童的教育安置是一个不断发展的话题与不断变迁的实践,对这个问题的思考和探索贯穿了整个特殊教育的发展历程。整体来说,它经历了制度化特殊教育之前的个别教育阶段、独立设置的隔离式特殊学校阶段、由单一到多元的融合运动阶段。而全纳教育的出现,则为残疾儿童教育安置提供了一种新的转向。  相似文献   

让更多残疾儿童接受教育是实现教育公平的必要前提。本文通过分析指出日益完善的政策与法律、法规体系为更多残疾儿童接受教育提供了保障;特殊教育学校教育经费逐渐增加,为更多残疾儿童接受教育提供了有力的经济基础;不断提高的入学率和就学率标志着残疾儿童教育公平进程不断加快;特殊学校专任教师学历层次不断提高,为更多残疾儿童接受教育提供了良好的教师资源。  相似文献   

本文通过对河北省特教学校开展学前教育现状的调查,发现在对残疾儿童学前教育的认识、评估、师资等方面存在着问题,这些问题影响了残疾儿童学前教育的进一步发展,通过对这些问题的分析,最终为特教学校和有关部门提出了解决问题的可操作性的建议和对策。  相似文献   

我国残疾儿童教育存在不公平的现象,造成这一现象的主要原因有如下几点:(1)在法律法规方面,残疾人教育法律法规不完备、执法不到位,导致残疾儿童受教育权没有得到充分保障;(2)在经费方面,残疾儿童教育经费投入不足,并且残疾儿童教育教师薪酬水平比普通儿童教育教师低;(3)在教育管理方面,不仅残疾儿童教育管理体制不健全,而且残疾儿童教育督导不力;(4)在社会、文化方面,社会支持保障体系不健全,传统文化对残疾人的偏见也对残疾儿童教育存在着消极影响。  相似文献   

THE APARTHEID POLICY in South Africa has legally separated its 35 million inhabitants into four official racial groups. Political power and privilege have been vested entirely in the white group (i.e., 14% of the population), while the blacks are sociopolitically disadvantaged. The systems of education and special education strikingly reflect, and are a product of the divided, inequitable society. The majority of black South African students are academically retarded due to the inadequacy and inequity of the educational and sociopolitical system. Moreover, facilities for black handicapped children both within and outside the mainstream are extremely limited. For whites, there are far better facilities for disabled children, but their education system tends to be conceptually antiquated and narrow‐minded. The past decade has seen some improvements in the provision of special education facilities and in the approach to education generally. Significant political changes are now occurring in 1990, which are heralding the downfall of the apartheid system and are likely to produce a major overhaul of the education and special education systems for all children. However, the enormity of numbers involved remains a major problem and calls for innovative solutions.  相似文献   

论特殊教育教师的作用和素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特殊教育体现了社会对残疾儿童的关怀,可满足残疾儿童的特殊教育需要。没有特殊教育的教师,残疾儿童的潜能和对社会的价值就很难体现。  相似文献   

The social participation during free play activities of intellectually handicapped children in regular preschools was compared with that of their non‐handicapped age‐mates in the same preschools, and with that of intellectually handicapped children in a special preschool. While both groups of intellectually handicapped children showed, significantly lower levels of social participation than the non‐handicapped children, the intellectually handicapped children attending the special preschool were significantly lower in terms of social participation than those attending the regular preschools. The results were discussed in terms of the probable advantages of regular preschools as social learning environments for intellectually handicapped children.  相似文献   

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