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陈农 《现代情报》2015,35(1):61-67
探索在线评论相关领域中的研究主题以及它们之间的结构关系.从Web of Science核心数据库提取2009-2013年共113篇文献,通过共词分析确定了41个关键词,然后运用社会网络分析法识别了在线评论内容分析、在线评论深度挖掘、在线评论服务响应、在线评论行为研究、在线评论系统与社交媒体、在线评论与消费者决策、在线评论质量研究7个研究主题,最后提出一个新的研究框架为当前的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

通过对金信项目内容和企业应用中的开发模式的讨论,分析了金信的项目需求和系统特性,利用MVC模式的特点,将MVC模式作为金信架构设计的基础,并依据应用系统的需求特性,对MVC框架模型进行了扩展。  相似文献   

We propose a topic-dependent attention model for sentiment classification and topic extraction. Our model assumes that a global topic embedding is shared across documents and employs an attention mechanism to derive local topic embedding for words and sentences. These are subsequently incorporated in a modified Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) for sentiment classification and extraction of topics bearing different sentiment polarities. Those topics emerge from the words’ local topic embeddings learned by the internal attention of the GRU cells in the context of a multi-task learning framework. In this paper, we present the hierarchical architecture, the new GRU unit and the experiments conducted on users’ reviews which demonstrate classification performance on a par with the state-of-the-art methodologies for sentiment classification and topic coherence outperforming the current approaches for supervised topic extraction. In addition, our model is able to extract coherent aspect-sentiment clusters despite using no aspect-level annotations for training.  相似文献   

李昆  时现  曾晓红 《科研管理》2012,33(8):106-112
针对项目工程审计的复杂性、非合作性特征,本文选择在非合作动态博弈分析框架下,应用信息集交互理论,结合各类审计效率影响因素,构建了项目审计的双目标策略反应模型。模型针对项目工程审计中的策略行为进行了动态博弈分析。研究所获结论为:审计方应适度控制审计计划中触及项目工程关键信息的规模;减少重复性、非关键性信息审计作业的关键在于优化审与被审双方的关系模式;项目方对审计方策略反应的实质目标是审计方信息搜索的动机水平;审计过程中对关键审计信息的搜索动机应该予以策略性控制或隐匿。  相似文献   

产业集群环境下生产性服务业集成创新模式分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现代生产性服务业不仅在产业集群创新系统中起着积极作用,其自身也存在着大量根本性或渐进性的创新.从创新动力出发,研究了现代生产性服务业创新模式的一些基本特征,并构建了一个基于动力机制的生产性服务业集成创新框架模型,提出了专业服务型、客户导向型、团队战略型和虚拟经济区等四种创新模式.  相似文献   

Language modeling (LM), providing a principled mechanism to associate quantitative scores to sequences of words or tokens, has long been an interesting yet challenging problem in the field of speech and language processing. The n-gram model is still the predominant method, while a number of disparate LM methods, exploring either lexical co-occurrence or topic cues, have been developed to complement the n-gram model with some success. In this paper, we explore a novel language modeling framework built on top of the notion of relevance for speech recognition, where the relationship between a search history and the word being predicted is discovered through different granularities of semantic context for relevance modeling. Empirical experiments on a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) task seem to demonstrate that the various language models deduced from our framework are very comparable to existing language models both in terms of perplexity and recognition error rate reductions.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】随着移动互联网的发展,微博的普及进一步加速了社会突发事件的传播。转发作为最重要的用户信息行为,在很大程度上预示了网络舆情的发展趋势。但是,鲜有研究关注微博内容中的心理语言使用与转发行为的关系。本研究拓展了心理语言学在社会突发事件情境下的应用领域,为政府或企业应急管理部门有效引导网络舆情提供了实践启示。【方法/过程】本文以九寨沟地震事件为例,基于LIWC文本分析工具研究了微博用户心理过程对于转发行为的影响,通过构建VAR向量自回归模型并进行格兰杰因果检验,确定了微博转发行为的心理语言影响因素,并进一步运用脉冲响应函数对转发行为进行了动态分析。【结果/结论】根据实证研究的结果,社会过程词和情感历程词对微博用户的转发行为具有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

图式是构建知识体系的一个有效手段,因此如何获取某一个主题的图式是建立该知识体系的关键.本文基于当前的英语语料库来获取某一个主题的主题词.以逻辑层和物理层相结合的方式并依据所得的主题词及关键主题词构建某一个主题的图式.这种通过双层模式所构建的主题图式能很清晰地表示某个主题的知识体系,对准确地表达主题思想具有指导作用.  相似文献   

Question categorization, which suggests one of a set of predefined categories to a user’s question according to the question’s topic or content, is a useful technique in user-interactive question answering systems. In this paper, we propose an automatic method for question categorization in a user-interactive question answering system. This method includes four steps: feature space construction, topic-wise words identification and weighting, semantic mapping, and similarity calculation. We firstly construct the feature space based on all accumulated questions and calculate the feature vector of each predefined category which contains certain accumulated questions. When a new question is posted, the semantic pattern of the question is used to identify and weigh the important words of the question. After that, the question is semantically mapped into the constructed feature space to enrich its representation. Finally, the similarity between the question and each category is calculated based on their feature vectors. The category with the highest similarity is assigned to the question. The experimental results show that our proposed method achieves good categorization precision and outperforms the traditional categorization methods on the selected test questions.  相似文献   

王煜  王正欧 《情报科学》2006,24(1):96-99,123
本文首先提出一种改进的X^2统计量,以此衡量词条对文本分类的贡献。然后根据模式聚合理论,将对各文本类分类贡献比例相近似的词条聚合为一个特征,建立出文本集的特征向量空间模型。此方法有效地降低了文本特征向量空间的维数。最后使用决策树进行分类,从而既保证了分类精度又获得了决策树易于抽取可理解的分类规则的优势。  相似文献   

倪春乐  王瑶  汤骁钰  任世丹 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):57-64,145
[研究目的]基于总体国家安全观视阈分析“安全发展”理念的生成脉络,明确内涵要义、时代价值和实现路径,为科学认识安全发展、激发安全发展动力提供理论依据。[研究方法]以党的十九届二中至五中全会公报文本为样本,使用ROST CM6、ROST NAT等分析工具,从语义学角度围绕“发展”“安全”进行关键词的词频分析、矩阵共词可视化图分析,梳理高频词、关联词的亲疏关系程度,分析“安全发展”的理念生成脉络,深刻揭示其内涵和价值。[研究结论]十九届二中至五中全会公报反映了从“发展”为中心、到“发展”与“安全”并重,再到“安全发展”融合性理念的生成,揭示了对发展与安全关系的哲理性深刻认知和准确把握;“安全发展”理念为审视和思考国家安全问题、统筹安全与发展、开展国家安全工作提供了新的理论框架。应以总体国家安全观为基础,充分汲取“安全发展”理念的思想动能,坚持系统思维,构建大安全格局,切实加强国家安全体系和能力建设。  相似文献   

李晓敏  王昊  李跃艳 《情报科学》2022,40(4):156-165
【目的/意义】为帮助科研用户快速准确地找到与自身研究兴趣相关的学术论文,构建了基于细粒度语义实 体的学术论文推荐模型。【方法/过程】将实验前期识别出的研究主题、研究对象和理论技术类语义实体作为学术论 文和核心作者的内容特征,分别利用TF-IDF算法、TextRank算法和LDA模型得到学术论文和核心作者的特征词, 利用Word2vec对特征词进行向量化,再计算核心作者和学术论文的余弦相似度,将余弦相似度值靠前的Top20推 荐给作者。【结果/结论】利用准确率、召回率和F值对基于三种算法得到的特征词生成的推荐结果进行比较评价,结 果表明,基于TF-IDF算法得到的特征词生成的推荐效果最佳,并对推荐结果进行了实例展示,可以看出本文提出 的推荐模型能够更为全面地为科研用户推荐与其研究兴趣类似的学术论文,提高科研效率。【创新/局限】本文主要 是从学术论文的内容特征入手,对类型细分后的关键词利用不同算法进行核心作者特征词筛选,进而实现学术论 文推荐,但是对学术论文中包含的网络关系并未涉及。  相似文献   

中外合资企业的控制演变及中方学习机制的构建   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文从控制角度来考察中外合资企业股权向外方集中的现象与过程,主要围绕中外合资企业中控制机制的现状、特征及演变方式,揭示这种转变的内在机理,并强调了学习在其中的重要作用。文章还从挖掘IJV作为学习平台的战略选择权入手,对中方如何通过有效学习机制的构建以避免被动及达到合资目标提出了相应政策建议。  相似文献   

Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to determine sentiment polarities toward specific aspect terms within the same sentence or document. Most recent studies adopted attention-based neural network models to implicitly connect aspect terms with context words. However, these studies were limited by insufficient interaction between aspect terms and opinion words, leading to poor performance on robustness test sets. In addition, we have found that robustness test sets create new sentences that interfere with the original information of a sentence, which often makes the text too long and leads to the problem of long-distance dependence. Simultaneously, these new sentences produce more non-target aspect terms, misleading the model because of the lack of relevant knowledge guidance. This study proposes a knowledge guided multi-granularity graph convolutional neural network (KMGCN) to solve these problems. The multi-granularity attention mechanism is designed to enhance the interaction between aspect terms and opinion words. To address the long-distance dependence, KMGCN uses a graph convolutional network that relies on a semantic map based on fine-tuning pre-trained models. In particular, KMGCN uses a mask mechanism guided by conceptual knowledge to encounter more aspect terms (including target and non-target aspect terms). Experiments are conducted on 12 SemEval-2014 variant benchmarking datasets, and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

面向信息检索的汉语同义词自动识别和挖掘   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高同义词自动挖掘的效率,本文提出了从词典释义中自动识别和挖掘同义词的方法,使用超链接分析算法和模式匹配算法,从不同的角度提取同义词:第一部分是把词汇之间注释与被注释的关系看成是一种链接关系。对给定的词汇进行分析,把与给定词汇具有链接关系的所有相关词汇构造一个词汇图,图中的每一个节点代表相关词,每条弧代表了词汇之间注释与被注释的关系。利用超链接分析方法并结合PageRank算法,计算词汇的PageRank值,把PageRank值看成是体现词汇之间语义相似性的衡量指标,最后为每一个词汇生成候选同义词集,并通过一定的筛选原则和方法,推荐出最佳的同义词。第二部分是利用词汇定义模式,对词汇的释义方式进行分析,归纳总结出在词典释义中同义词出现的模式,进而利用模式匹配方法识别和挖掘同义词。此外,利用模式匹配方法对Web网页和期刊论文中的同义词也进行了挖掘测试。测试结果表明,利用模式匹配和超链接分析方法来自动识别和挖掘同义词具有可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

In community-based social media, users consume content from multiple communities and provide feedback. The community-related data reflect user interests, but they are poorly used as additional information to enrich user-content interaction for content recommendation in existing studies. This paper employs an information seeking behavior perspective to describe user content consumption behavior in community-based social media, therefore revealing the relations between user, community and content. Based on that, the paper proposes a Community-aware Information Seeking based Content Recommender (abbreviated as CISCRec) to use the relations for better modeling user preferences on content and increase the reasoning on the recommendation results. CISCRec includes two key components: a two-level TransE prediction framework and interaction-aware embedding enhancement. The two-level TransE prediction framework hierarchically models users’ preferences for content by considering community entities based on the TransE method. Interaction-aware embedding enhancement is designed based on the analysis of users’ continued engagement in online communities, aiming to add expressiveness to embeddings in the prediction framework. To verify the effectiveness of the model, the real-world Reddit dataset (4,868 users, 115,491 contents, 850 communities, and 602,025 interactions) is chosen for evaluation. The results show that CISCRec outperforms 8 common baselines by 9.33%, 4.71%, 42.13%, and 14.36% on average under the Precision, Recall, MRR, and NDCG respectively.  相似文献   

基于问题情境的虚拟企业学习模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在卡尔·波普尔看来,科学知识的进化始于问题以及我们为解决它而付出的努力,这一过程包括:问题、尝试性假设、反驳或检测再到新问题。换言之,科学知识增长是一个试错过程,其中问题处于核心和优先地位。在阐述卡尔·波普尔知识进化图式的基础上,运用"猜想—反驳"这一科学知识发现、发展的基本逻辑,给出虚拟企业组织学习的新模型,并对如何在虚拟企业实施该模型作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

A Zipfian model of an automatic bibliographic system is developed using parameters describing the contents of it database and its inverted file. The underlying structure of the Zipf distribution is derived, with particular emphasis on its application to work frequencies, especially with regard to the inverted flies of an automatic bibliographic system. Andrew Booth developed a form of Zipf's law which estimates the number of words of a particular frequency for a given author and text. His formulation has been adopted as the basis of a model of term dispersion in an inverted file system. The model is also distinctive in its consideration of the proliferation of spelling errors in free text, and the inclusion of all searchable elements from the system's inverted file. This model is applied to the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE. The model carries implications for the determination of database storage requirements, search response time, and search exhaustiveness.  相似文献   

沈玉志  许晶 《情报探索》2021,(2):105-111
[目的/意义]旨在数量众多的评价中为消费者和商家以及平台筛选出有用的评价,发挥负面评价的价值.[方法/过程]采用爬虫爬取京东商城数据,以京东商城体验型和搜索型商品在线负面评价为主要研究对象,从内容质量、互动性和内容形式三个维度进行多元回归分析,对在线商品负面评价有用性的影响因素进行分析.[结果/结论]极端负评、商品类型...  相似文献   

信息管理系统的开发通常遵循分层体系结构,而数据层是多层体系中最为关键和重要的一层。数据建模是对数据进行分析和设计的一种有效手段。利用多年系统开发经验对数据层的开发过程进行总结,归纳出了一套有效的数据层开发框架,并对这个框架的实施步骤进行了描述。通过一个实例来说明如何运用这个框架将数据模型映射为关系数据库和代码,从而实现将3者有机地结合起来,快速地完成代码的编写和单元测试工作。最后对这个框架的适用范围和下一步的研究内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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