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Effective Classroom Organisation in Primary Schools: Mathematics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the greatest problems in teaching mathematics arises from the diversity of pupils' attainments. For decades, this has been managed by primary class teachers in England by adopting an approach of within-class grouping or differentiation according to attainment-level. During the last two years, however, government initiatives have increased the focus on a whole-class approach to teaching mathematics. This has led to an increase in the number of schools adopting a policy of grouping between parallel classes, or 'setting' by attainment within classes in order to contain the range of attainment in each teaching group and to make whole-class teaching a realistic possibility. Earlier research studies have outlined the benefits of grouping by attainment for subsequent learning in mathematics, especially for higher-attaining pupils; the results this article uses challenge the findings of earlier studies. Newly available data from a large-scale primary mathematics project are examined which indicate that the attainments of pupils taught in mixed-ability classes are at least equal to those of pupils in schools set by attainment.  相似文献   

当前国际数学教学中技术整合呈现着“技术两重天”的现状,通过对安徽省部分小学数学教师的调查,发现安徽省小学数学教学中技术整合状况与国际上的“技术两重天”是相似的.小学数学教师要在其教学中进行技术整合面临着内部和外部因素的影响,当前应该做好提高小学数学教师的数学KPCT知识和相应技能等方面的工作.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the discussion on mathematics teacher reflection. Reflection was included in a study of the didactisation practices of primary school mathematics teachers as one of nine didactisation practices. The study involved five volunteer primary school mathematics teachers. A qualitative design-research approach was designed which employed model-eliciting tasks to create new experiences for teachers. This article reports on the nature and development of mathematics teacher reflection. Teacher reflection was gauged at various times during the programme through written responses to open-ended reflective questionnaires. Teachers were involved in three types of sessions for a period of one year: 1) modelling sessions whereby they collaboratively solved a mathematical modelling task; 2) observing primary school students/learners solve the same problems; and 3) sessions discussing traditional and problem-centred teaching and learning. It was found that modelling tasks provided reflective platforms and a window to teacher resources, orientations and goals. It is recommended that further research into mathematics teacher reflection be conducted where teachers specifically implement modelling in their own classrooms.  相似文献   

智能时代,信息技术应用能力成为中小学教师必备的专业技能。在此背景下,文章首先介绍了教师信息技术应用能力、智慧课堂环境下的教学行为、事理图谱的研究现状。接着,文章选取25节智慧课堂环境下的小学数学优秀课例为样本案例,并对小学数学信息化教学行为进行分类与编码。随后,文章对智慧课堂环境下小学数学活动与师生行为之间的关系、小学数学显著性行为进行了分析。最后,文章构建了小学数学教师信息技术应用能力测评事理图谱,并评价了观察联想、归纳猜想、表达、验证与证明等活动中的小学数学教师信息技术应用能力,发现当前小学数学教师能有效将信息技术与学科教学进行深度融合。文章从课堂教学行为分析的角度,挖掘行为背后隐含的教师信息技术应用能力水平,可为教师能力测评提供新的思路与方法,并为教师信息技术应用能力提升给予有效指导。  相似文献   

Australia currently faces a skill shortage in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) professions unlikely to improve if the current trend of low enrolments in high-level mathematics in secondary school continues. Many factors seem to contribute to this trend, and amongst them, research recognises student attitudes towards mathematics and careers in STEM. Research also shows that teachers and classroom practices are key agents to change these attitudes. This paper examines teachers’ perceptions of students’ attitudes towards mathematics and careers in STEM, as well as classroom practices emanating from those perceptions. Combining data from two studies, a large-scale survey and an intervention, we argue three main points: (1) student attitudes and teachers’ perceptions of those attitudes quite clearly differ, (2) targeted interventions showing links between mathematics and careers in STEM can have an influence on students’ perceptions of STEM careers and (3) an implementation of classroom ability grouping based on standardised test scores can be disadvantageous to students who have a natural inclination towards STEM and positive attitudes towards mathematics.  相似文献   

The present study builds on teachers’ professional knowledge about mathematics learning difficulties. Based on the input of 918 primary school teachers, an attempt is made to develop an overview of difficult curriculum topics in primary school mathematics. The research approach builds on new conceptions about the professional identity of teachers and earlier conceptions that point at the critical relevance of teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. It is also found that the adoption of a specific commercially available learning package (CALP: manuals and exercise books used in the classroom) plays a mediating role.  相似文献   

This study examines how various teacher characteristics and contextual factors are related to early primary teachers’ beliefs about mathematical teaching and learning and teachers’ attitudes toward their own learning of mathematics. A total of 396 early primary teachers across Nebraska participated in the study. Teacher characteristics and contextual factors were grouped into four sets: teacher professional background, teacher mathematical knowledge for teaching, teaching contexts, and students’ experiences. Multiple regression analyses were conducted with each set of predictors separately, as well as with all four sets together. The results showed significant relationships between teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching and teacher-centered beliefs, motivation in learning mathematics, and anxiety toward learning mathematics. Teacher certification level, the number of college math courses taken, and perceived support from colleagues and administrators were also related to some aspects of teachers’ mathematical beliefs and attitudes. The findings suggest the potential role of teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching in improving teachers’ mathematical beliefs and attitudes.  相似文献   

The inequity of streaming as a method of organising classes was established by research conducted in the 1960s and 1970s. While the practice produces small advantages for limited groups of students, it hinders the academic and social advancement of the majority. Although streaming has declined, new forms of achievement grouping have emerged, with the intention of being more equitable. Recent research in the UK suggests, however, that these grouping methods have similar equity issues to streaming. Drawing on research in Australian primary schools, this article examines the practice of regrouping primary students in some schools into separate classes according to achievement levels for literacy and mathematics lessons. Results from a mixed method study collated through interviews with principals and teachers, student surveys, state-wide academic test results and classroom observations are examined in relation to equity. The findings suggest that the regrouping practice is no more equitable than streaming, albeit more politically palatable.  相似文献   

“数学化”是近年西方学者提出的一个概念 ,指师生在数学教学过程中共同努力、相互作用 ,使儿童准确理解各种数学表达或运算所需的规则和准则 ,最终形成儿童自身关于各种物体和情境的数学模式。本文以对数学课堂教学的大量观察为基础 ,阐述“数学化”的含义和过程 ,分析影响“数学化”顺利进行的社会因素和心理因素 ,并为数学教学提出一些建设性的建议。这对于我国数学基础教育中儿童数学能力的培养及思维的发展有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Mathematics pedagogical content knowledge (MPCK) of teachers cannot be easily defined but is a complex concept integrating generic pedagogical knowledge, mathematics teaching methodology as well as knowledge of the discipline of mathematics. It is the objective of mathematics methodology courses in teacher preparation programmes to begin the development of MPCK in their pre-service teachers. As part of a research study on the development of MPCK in primary school beginning teachers, a 16-item instrument was developed to measure some aspects of the MPCK for teaching mathematics at primary level. The instrument was administered to the 2003 Intake of the Diploma in Education student teachers at the National Institute of Education, Singapore just at the beginning of their programme. As they completed their methodology course in February 2005, the instrument was administered again. This paper will discuss the findings concerning their performance in these two tests, with reference to the overall performance as well as topic-specific and MPCK construct-specific performance. The findings indicate that student teachers at the beginning of their programmes are generally quite weak in their mathematics pedagogical content knowledge, as might be expected. There was significant improvement in some aspects of their MPCK on completion of their mathematics pedagogy course.  相似文献   

Understanding the knowledge bases of mathematics teachers is an important task in working towards the construction of adequate models for: (i) teacher education and development, and (ii) teacher operations in the classroom. To date, little systematic attention has been focused on this task. The primary aim of this study is to obtain a view from the field of mathematics teacher knowledge with respect to content knowledge in mathematics, content‐specific pedagogical knowledge in mathematics and curriculum knowledge relevant to teaching tasks. This study has used data obtained from a survey of primary teachers and secondary mathematics teachers. Analysis of the results has indicated that less than half of the teachers in the study believed that they were sufficiently prepared in mathematics content, and that almost two‐thirds of the teachers in the sample believed that their level of knowledge in contemporary teaching methodologies in mathematics is not sufficient for their role as school teachers. Key differences emerge between the primary and secondary sectors and also within the secondary sector. Implications for preservice and in‐service mathematics teacher education are drawn.  相似文献   

论数学教师课堂话语的本质特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师课堂话语是教师向学生传达信息的主要方式,也是教师调控学生课堂行为的重要手段,同时也为学生数学思维的发展起着关键的作用.数学教师课堂话语主要是指数学教师在课堂教学中,根据其知识储备和相关生活经历,结合学生在知识储备和相关生活经历等方面的特点,对数学教材话语进行双向解读的结果.包括:(1)自然性话语.具有通俗易懂、贴近生活等特点;(2)专用文字话语.具有层次性、逻辑性等特点;(3)专用符号话语.具有高度的概括性和精确性等特点.  相似文献   

课堂教学设计的好坏直接决定着课堂教学的效果。只有课前的精心预设,才有可能在课堂上实现精彩的生成。但多数小学数学教师的课堂教学设计仍停留在传统意义上"课本知识"的设计层面,缺乏对课程资源、学习情境、学习方式、教师角色、学习群体等多种因素的综合考虑。为此,作为数学教师,只有认真钻研教材,做好"教学设计",才能真正改进课堂教学,有效地提高教师专业水平。  相似文献   

This study, situated in a multilingual, English-medium educational context, draws on theory from mathematics and language education to capture teachers’ perspectives on the place of language in their mathematics pedagogy. The benchmark study explored this topic through surveying and interviewing teachers. Additionally, it sought to relate teachers’ views to their practice by focusing on observing three teachers’ mathematics lessons at primary one, three, and five. Findings are that mathematics teachers placed importance on teaching language, being specifically concerned with language as input and comprehension. They taught vocabulary and reading skills in supportive ways explicitly yet differently at the three grade levels. Particularly at the lower levels, teachers contextualised language in the concrete examples employed for mathematics teaching. At all three levels, prominence was given to teaching pupils how to read word problems as well as how to solve them. However, at primary three, a tension was observed between the two aims of teaching mathematical vocabulary and teaching the reading skills for word problems. This paper illustrates the tension and discusses its possible causes.  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(1):22-36

Grouping pupils by attainment is frequently practised in primary schools yet is associated with detrimental effects for middle- and lower-attaining children. Drawing on a mixed methods study, we find that attainment grouping practices at key stage 2 in primary schools are seldom straightforward. Although grouping by attainment appears to be the dominant form of grouping, the language used by teachers to talk about their classroom practice suggests a varied and sometimes complex picture. We explore how school leaders and teachers justify their grouping practices and conclude that primary school educators endeavour to strike a balance between their concern for the child and the need to respond to the demands of testing and assessment. In the wake of new reforms to primary education, the findings in this study are significant and timely in providing a picture of the types of grouping currently being carried out in primary schools across England.  相似文献   

本研究选取西藏地区353名中小学数学教师作为研究对象,通过问卷调查、访谈的方法,采用描述性统计、独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析等探索西藏中小学数学教师认识信念的现状和背景因素差异。研究发现:西藏中小学数学教师的数学认识信念总体上呈进步倾向,在教师自身认识信念上则存在显著的学校位置差异,并且职称对数学教师的数学认识信念、教龄对数学教师的学生信念、学历对数学教师的数学学习信念和数学教学信念均产生一定影响。  相似文献   

张蕾 《天津教育》2021,(5):109-111
在小学数学中融入数学文化,可以增强小学生学习的积极性和自主性,拓宽小学生的视野,培养小学生良好的学习习惯。数学教师要规避传统数学教学的弊端,将数学文化作为课堂教学的重要工作渗透到教学的各个环节中,发展小学生的思维,实现小学生德智体美劳全面发展。笔者根据实际小学数学教学案例,先分析了数学教学融入数学文化的意义,进而探讨小学数学教学中融入数学文化的具体措施,旨在为小学数学教师提供参考。  相似文献   

Internationally, reform efforts in teaching of mathematics have found it difficult to change practice. This study used classroom video stimulated recall interviews with Primary teachers in England to investigate their beliefs during implementation of a textbook-based South Asian mastery approach to teaching mathematics. The self-reported beliefs of the teachers showed their support for change in practice, from in-class grouping by prior attainment to whole class teaching with everyone exploring the same problem, and suggested conceptions of malleable intelligence in the specific domain of school maths.  相似文献   

The preparation of teachers to teach mathematics to primary school children differs across nations and cultures. This study used mixed methods to examine the basic content knowledge of trainee teachers in Australia and China. A simple test (30 questions) of content based on an international comparative study in mathematics teacher training found that many of the Australian trainee teachers struggled with material that they might be expected to teach, while the Chinese teachers largely demonstrated mastery. The significance of this finding is examined in the context of the teacher preparation programs in two teacher training institutions. Cultural commentary is added by leading academics in each institution. It was found that in the Australian teacher training institution there was a focus on generic skills and relatively limited opportunity to develop trainee teachers’ content knowledge or specific pedagogy. The relevance of the findings is discussed through the framework of different beliefs in the nature of mathematics and mathematics teaching that have been reported to dominate the different educational systems in China and Australia.  相似文献   

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