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上课铃响后"同学们都端端正正坐在教室里#随着一阵脚步声"王老师走进了教室#王老师朝我们了笑"我们也朝他笑了笑#谁知王老师忽然沉下脸"严肃地对我说$%姚特麒"请你站到教室外边去! 我心里一惊"看老师又不像在开玩笑"只得红着脸站了起来#同学们不知道发生了什么事"都莫名其妙地望着我#%快点! &老师又催促了#师命难( ) * + ,哗地流了下来#啦"大家竟然都笑嘻嘻地看我"难道’’%下面请大家看仔细了"姚特麒同学今天究竟穿的是什么衣服"&王老师笑着高声问家#不是要教育我吗"怎么说起我的穿着来了"我抬起头好奇地看了看大家"又望了望老师#王老师了"…  相似文献   

一年级的孩子们:经过一年的学习,相信你们已经成为了爱学习的好孩子了!一定和我们充满儿童文学韵味的北师大版语文书交上了朋友吧。小朋友也许会说:"老师,书中要求我们认识好多汉字,有些字又没有戴拼音帽子,好困难。"别怕,老师今天告诉你们一个最快的和不认识的字交上朋友的小秘密,有了这把"金钥匙"你们读书就容易多了。这把  相似文献   

在校园里遇到学生打架斗殴,任何一个老师都应该挺身而出,立即上前制止.有的老师,只是因为"一些学生除了直接教他课的老师外,对其他老师的话往往置之不理,惹急了甚至还会有过激行动",所以"发现别班学生有过错行为也就视而不见",其实这种想法和应对问题的方式是错误的.《中华人民共和国教师法》第八条规定,教师应当履行"制止有害于学生的行为或者其他侵犯学生合法权益的行为,批评和抵制有害于学生健康成长的现象"的义务.  相似文献   

吴燕蓓 《教育》2022,(6):37-38
在"上海市语文德育实训基地",跟着于漪老师学习了三年,听到很多于老师的金玉良言,我特别有感触的就是:"教育需要教师拥有滴灌心灵的睿智,将'真、善、美'一滴一滴地灌入孩子的心中,让这些种子慢慢地孕育、生长,慢慢地具有'人'的样子:有人心、有人性、有情有义……"  相似文献   

在杭州举行的"千课万人"全国小学数学生本课堂教学研讨观摩活动中,于萍老师执教了"问题的解决"一课.于老师从一道练习题入手,在探究情境、探究过程、探究反馈时进行了有效引导,生成了精彩的课堂教学,实现了有限课堂空间的无限"升值".  相似文献   

(一) 五月的傍晚,飘着几丝煦暖的风. 眼镜老师吃过晚饭后,又习惯地踱到寝室门口,他想要摸摸班里的情况.眼镜老师是学校教导处主任兼初三"尖子班"班主任.  相似文献   

欧美国家,许多中小学的社会科学老师常用一种被称为"不断扩展的视野"模式组织课程,从学生最为熟悉、身边的环境开始学习,然后逐渐向外扩展到不太熟悉的情境和主题.这一课程模式起源于德国,发展成熟于美国,盛行于欧美. "不断扩大的视野"模式在英美等欧洲国家的使用不仅体现于课程标准,也体现在地理课堂上.  相似文献   

2014年,教育部推出了"一师一优课、一课一名师"部级优课评选活动,极大地激发起了一线教师的晒课热情,涌现出了一大批优秀的课例,但是对于很多老师,提起上优课,仍然是心有余而力不足,鉴于此,我们试想研究已经被评为部级优课的课堂,从中找出不同课堂的共同之处,给以后上优课的老师提供借鉴.  相似文献   

有一天自然课上,章老师给我们上"磁铁的奥秘",我们知道了磁铁同性相吸、异性相斥等知识.后来,老师用磁铁在电脑屏幕前晃了几下,屏幕上顿时出现了五颜六色的小雪花.我们都大吃一惊,老师说:"这就证明了磁铁带有磁性,对电器是有损害的.你们千万别用磁铁去碰自己家的电脑哟!"  相似文献   

有天自然课上,章老师给我们上"磁铁的奥秘",我们知道了磁铁同性相吸、异性相斥等知识.后来,老师用磁铁在电脑屏幕前晃了几下,屏幕上顿时出现了五颜六色的小雪花.我们都大吃一惊,老师说:"这就证明了磁铁带有磁性,对电器是有损害的.你们千万别用磁铁去碰自己家的电脑哟!"  相似文献   

我曾经对我的弟子们这样讲: 发展自己——我们每个人真正的大事。 给自己多储备一些知识,让自己多增长一些学问,逼自己多培养一些能力。  相似文献   

观察现代社会服饰,服装时髦在女性的表现上远胜于男性,其明显特征即是追求一定程度上能裸露形体曲线的服装。现代服装时髦在性别差异上的不同表现,既有内在的生理、心理诸多因素的差异,又有外在的社会因素对两性不同影响的结果。女性追求时髦是人权自由,人类文明进步的标志。  相似文献   

本文从“四王”与“四僧”山水画的产生,以及所处的时代,形成的相关因素,思想意识,审美取向,和存在的两种不同的个性特征进行了刍议。以引发我们在今天山水画的继承和发展中,启迪一份感悟。  相似文献   

Making of errors is an inevitable and indeed necessary part of the learning process.We should have positive attitude towards errors and the policies towards error correction should be flexible and adaptable.Teachers should have different policies towards different errors.For example,pre-systematic error should be tolerated.The immediate correction is ineffective.The systematic error should be corrected immediately,with the help of the teacher.And the teacher should encourage the student to discover and correct the post-systematic error by themselves.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an exploratory study of students’ knowledge about scientists and countries’ contributions to science, aiming at answering two research questions: “In which ways are students aware of the history of scientific development carried out by different people in different places of the world? What can be influencing and shaping their awareness?” Thus, this study aimed at depicting students’ knowledge about History of Science (HOS), focusing on what they know about science being done by people and communities from different parts of the world and on how this knowledge is constructed through their engagement with school science. An exploratory research was carried out at two multicultural state secondary schools in London, UK, involving 200 students aged 12–15 (58.5% girls, 41.5% boys) and five science teachers. The method involved an initial exploration of students’ knowledge about HOS through an open-ended survey, followed by classroom-based observations and semi-structured interviews with the participants. Results showed a disconnection between remembering scientists and knowing about their work and background, hinting at an emphasis on illustrative and decontextualised approaches towards HOS. Additionally, there was a lack of diversity in these students’ answers in terms of gender and ethnicity when talking about scientists and countries in science. These findings were further analysed in relation to their implications for school science and for the fields of HOS, science education and public perception of science.  相似文献   

There are many kinds of corrective feedback for SLA learners, which include explicit feedback, recast and prompts. Since teacher plays a very important role in SLA teaching, we should carefully use corrective feedback. From the book A Research Agenda For Second Language Acquisition Of Pre-literate And Low-literate Adult And Adolescent Learners' s examples and my own real teaching experience, I assume that teacher should choose different corrective feedback to different students. Their learning abilities, English levels as well as their characteristics and personalities should be all taken into account when you are giving a corrective feedback to students. In other words, as a SLA teacher, we should teach students in accordance with their aptitude. And teachers better use different corrective feedback when they are going to response or react to their different students.  相似文献   

语言是文化的一部分,它就像文化的基石。语言反映着一个民族的特征。它不仅包括着该民族的历史和文化背景。而且蕴藏着该民族对人生的看法、生活方式和思维方式。语言与文化相互影响,相互作用。了解语言必须理解文化。理解文化有助于我们更好地了解语言。  相似文献   

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