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时间压力是影响决策的重要因素。本研究引入时间压力和任务类型变量探讨两者对决策策略的影响。结果显示:(1)高时间压力明显低于非时间压力信息搜索的深度,而重要任务决策的信息搜索深度要高于非重要任务的搜索深度;(2)无论在高时间压力还是非时间压力下,被试在进行重要任务决策时,倾向于采用代偿决策策略,即基于选项的加工;而在进行非重要任务决策时,被试所采用的策略是非代偿的,即基于属性的加工。  相似文献   

本文通过实验研究不同程度的时间限制对中学生决策的影响.在实验中要求被试完成主观经验评估问卷,探索被试对决策任务的外显认知.研究结果表明:时间压力对决策有显著影响,高时间压力和中等时间压力条件下,决策质量都显著降低;决策过程中既包含内隐情感偏好的作用,也包含外显认知的作用.  相似文献   

时间压力是影响决策的重要变量。研究者对此也进行了深入的研究,结果却出现了严重的分歧:一种是时间压力严重降低了决策质量;另一种是时间压力提升了决策质量。针对上述问题,本研究引入时间压力变量(高时间压力、中等时间压力、低时间压力),以管理中遇到的问题为决策任务,继续考察时间压力对决策的影响。  相似文献   

运动决策就是运动者在运动情境中感知信息、加工信息和采取行动的全过程,它不同一般决策任务的主要特点是决策者可利用的信息少、时间压力大和结果的不确定性.对于像篮球这种复杂的、开放性的运动项目来说,运动决策的水平直接影响着运动员技术水平的发挥和运动成绩的好坏.因此,对运动决策的研究是体育运动领域中的一个重要研究项目.  相似文献   

本文论述了学习时间决策的差异性分配和充足性分配。分析了作为学习任务特征的学习目标和学习情境及作为学习者特征的元认知和动机对学习时间决策的影响,对有关学习时间决策的研究结论进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

本研究采用决策过程研究方法中的信息板技术,以模拟现实生活中的购车事件为实验任务,探讨时间压力和属性数目变化对个体决策中信息加工的影响.结果表明,属性数目的增加提高了决策任务的复杂性,在时间压力情形下,被试更多的使用选择性策略和基于属性的信息搜索策略来应对严格的时间限制.  相似文献   

综述并讨论了在决策行为的研究过程中时间压力的形成机制、时间压力下决策行为的研究方法以及时间压力对决策行为的影响理论,最后对该领域未来的研究做了展望.  相似文献   

自主游戏情境指幼儿通过自主游戏建构起来的游戏情境。教师通过观察幼儿的游戏情境发展脉络,能够了解幼儿的游戏状态和水平。在高质量的自主游戏中,幼儿能对同一个游戏情境进行深入体验和探究,并从一个游戏情境迁移到相关的其他游戏情境,或在不同游戏情境间自如穿梭,幼儿的想象力、创造力等在游戏中获得充分发挥。幼儿园游戏时间制度对幼儿自主游戏情境有着重要的影响,固定的游戏时间节点、碎片化的游戏时间安排、不充分的游戏持续周期会导致幼儿自主游戏情境质量的降低。因此,幼儿园管理者要赋予教师和幼儿制订和调整游戏时间制度的权限,弹性实施幼儿园游戏时间制度,以支持幼儿自主游戏情境更深入发展,提高幼儿游戏质量。  相似文献   

分析梯级期望理论中决策过程的一些模型并具体以时间泛化任务、不完全时间泛化任务以及时间二分任务为例,探讨在这些任务中被试的心理决策机制以及一些量化的决策模型,我们可以看到:三个量化的决策模型都有一个相似的模式,就是阈限-标准化差异模式。也就是说,它们都要用到两个时距之间的差异,这个差异要被某些量标准化,然后与一个阈限值相比较。最后,文章提到了在以往研究中发现的单独影响决策过程的两个因素。  相似文献   

通过模拟网络化学习实验,探讨网络化学习环境中影响认知负荷的主要因素,发现任务特征中的任务复杂性、时间压力和个体特征中的作业自我效能、状态元认知对认知负荷均有显著影响。其中,任务复杂性、时间压力均对心理努力、注视时间、主任务反应时、主任务正确率存在显著影响;作业自我效能对心理努力、瞳孔直径、主任务正确率存在显著影响;状态元认知则对心理努力、注视时间、瞳孔直径、主任务正确率存在影响。  相似文献   

任何决策模式总是明示或者隐含着决策主体的某种价值取向,一定的价值取向支配着决策主体的某种决策模式偏好。由于受到集权本位、工具本位、激进本位等三大偏颇的价值取向影响,我国高等教育决策模式长期不尽合理,甚至有过严重失当的教训,这影响了高等教育的科学发展。因此,要提高决策质量,有必要对决策模式进行价值反思,调整偏颇的价值取向,形成合理的价值取向,即重构和坚持集权与分权相结合以分权共治为主、内在和外在价值相协调以内在价值为本、激进和渐进相统一以渐进稳健为重的价值取向。  相似文献   

毋庸讳言,决策过程是决策者追求个体效用最大化的过程.教育个体在对自身收益与成本进行计算后,对其职务利益与寻租利益进行选择.在不同决策体制下教育决策者有着不同的收益模式与决策责任:在私人决策体制下,其收益是直接的,既承担公共责任也承担决策风险;在行政决策体制下,其收益是间接的,承担公共责任不承担决策风险;在民主决策体制下,其收益完全取决于决策意见的统计概率,不承担公共责任也不承担决策风险.  相似文献   


This paper charts the experiences of a group of young people and their involvement in a local government initiative to engage young people in public decision-making. Activated through a youth leaders’ council that sought to influence and inform local government decision-making, the participating young people were given responsibility for enacting focus projects in collaboration with local government personnel. However, this method of simply bringing young people together with local government decision-makers did not automatically alter the way that decisions came to be made and ironically resulted in interactions that went some way to further reinforce existing perceptions of young people as incapable in situations of public administration. This paper reports on a case example detailing an interaction between the youth leaders and local government councillors, and will suggest that the experience of the young people involved in the youth leaders’ council can be understood against a dynamic of ‘constraint’.  相似文献   

介绍不确定型决策分析,并用不确定型决策分析的几种方法对生活中的实例进行了全面探究,通过对决策者的各方面因素进行分析以做出科学性决策,使利益达到最优。  相似文献   

The effects of students’ attitudes on time devoted to a course (i.e. time‐on‐task), and the subsequent effects of this time‐on‐task on their performance in the course and their overall grade point average (GPA) were studied. Over a three‐year period, engineering students (N = 231) were surveyed in weeks one, three, seven (after midterms) and 10 (before finals) of a 10‐week quarter in six sophomore and junior engineering classes (eight different sections). Results of this study show that most students are optimistic about their future performance in a new course, regardless of their previous overall GPA. All students appear to devote a relatively high and equal amount of time‐on‐task during the first week of the term. The students who earned grades between ‘B+’ and ‘A’ appear to optimise this time by the third week. Students who earned a final grade of ‘B’ study similar to ‘A’ students before midterms but significantly increase their efforts after midterms while the ‘C’ students decrease their time devoted to the course. This study finds that ‘A’ students know they will earn an ‘A’ as long as they do the work. In contrast, ‘C’ students are resigned to the fact that they will earn a ‘C’ and, thus, devote far less time to a course. The ‘B’ students want better grades and will devote the most effort towards achieving these grades.  相似文献   

金融会计核算应以权责发生制为基础,以现金收付制为补充,坚持稳健性原则;银行应引入作业成本会计制度,为管理决策服务,并从实务的角度考虑会计特殊性与统一性、操作性与前瞻性的协调。  相似文献   

Because research has shown that controlling parenting is related to general and school-related maladjustment in children, there is a need to examine antecedents of controlling parenting. In this study, we addressed the role of two sources of pressure (i.e., social pressure eliciting ego-involvement and child failure) on parents’ situational use of control. 124 parents worked with their 5th or 6th grade children on a puzzle task. The two sources of pressure were induced experimentally in a 2 × 2 design, with parents receiving instructions eliciting either ego-involvement or task-involvement and with children either failing or succeeding in the task. Following the task, there was a free choice period in which dyads could choose whether or not to make additional puzzles. In both phases of the experiment, we coded parents’ controlling interaction style, dyadic reciprocity, performance, and parents’ and children’s engagement. Additionally, in the free-choice period the dyads’ degree of persistence was registered. While induced child failure was related positively to parents’ controlling style during the initial puzzle activity, induced social pressure was related to parents’ controlling style in the free-choice period. In turn, a controlling style was related negatively to performance, reciprocity, and engagement. The findings confirm that parents’ use of a controlling style is a multi-determined phenomenon affected by different sources of pressure and undermining children’s performance and engagement.  相似文献   

职业决策困难已经成为大学生求职过程中的普遍现象。师范生作为一个特殊的群体,其就业压力日益增大,相当一部分师范生出现职业决策困难的现象。师范生职业决策困难的影响因素既包括决策者自身具有的内部因素,也包括其所处的外部环境因素。针对师范生职业决策困难的影响因素宜采取如下应对措施:培养良好的心理品质和兴趣爱好;树立正确的就业观念;学校提供实习基地和职业教育;国家、地区的政府和教育部门应调整招生结构、制定有利的就业政策。  相似文献   

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