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主体创生取向课程实施认同障碍对创生取向课程实施有极大的弊端,是影响创生取向课程实施能否深入推进的重要因素之一。主体创生取向课程实施认同障碍是指课程实施主体没有认识到自己与所推进的创生取向课程实施的同一性,对所推进的创生取向课程实施不认可与不赞同,具体表现为主体对所推进创生取向课程实施的心理拒斥和漠然避离两个方面。其成因是多方面的,其中主体对研究者和策动者的信任缺失、心理超载及其对创生取向课程实施价值认知不足更显重要。  相似文献   

韦冬余  赵璇 《中学教育》2011,(3):64-67,81
创生取向课程实施是课程实施的理想、未来与最终归宿,但目前实践中遭遇到了阻抗。教师创生取向课程实施认同障碍是其中非常重要的原因。增强教师创生取向课程实施认同,要做好如下工作:研究者和策动者通过转变角色,转变交往方式,提高自身素质来提高自己被教师信任的信任度;研究者通过提高创生取向课程实施理论的价值性,增强可行性,提升可操...  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的逐步推进,课程创生取向成为课程实施研究中的新兴取向,教师创生取向课程实施越来越受到广大教育研究者的关注。本文主要侧重于从教师的角度出发,就教师创生取向课程实施的涵义、价值、特点三个方面进行阐述,以期为进一步探究教师创生取向的课程实施提供参考。  相似文献   

课程创生取向对教师在课程实施中的角色提出了新的要求和挑战.文章通过对部分高职院校教师进行问卷调查,就目前存在的高职教师对课程实施的"创生取向"认识不够等问题,提出了促进创生取向课程实施中教师角色转变的建设性建议.  相似文献   

基础教育学校教师在实施国家课程的过程中存在着忠实和创生等价值取向。除了教师的学科教学知识等内在因素以外,课程方案、课程标准和教科书等对课程实施的规定与限制是导致教师课程实施采取忠实取向的主要原因。课程方案、课程标准和教科书在规定与限制的同时也给教师留下了一定的创生空间,教师可以从课程标准的诠释、课程模块的衔接和教学内容的重构等方面发掘自身的创新能力,逐步实现忠实取向与创生取向的融合,同时进一步提高课程目标的达成程度。  相似文献   

STEAM教育理念下综合实践活动课程的特点决定了其课程实施以创生取向为主,并且呈现出主动建构性、动态生成性、多元性的特征。创生取向下综合实践活动课程实施秉持教育回归生活世界的理念、创设真实的问题情境、建立平等对话的师生关系、保持生成与预设的动态平衡四个主要原则。STEAM教育理念下,综合实践活动课程创生实施取向策略主要有四个方面。第一,激发学生科学探究兴趣、引导学生主动生成学习经验是课程创生实施取向的前提;第二,开放课堂教学内容与空间、转变教师角色是课程创生实施取向的基础;第三,改进课堂教学方法、变革教学评价方式是课程创生实施取向的核心;第四,构建学习共同体、提升教师课程创生能力是课程创生实施取向的保障。  相似文献   

教师的课程创生:意蕴与条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,教师的课程理解决定着教师的教学行为.教师创生课程是与"忠实执行"课程政策相对的一种课程实施模式,是一种实践的课程立场."教师即课程"是一种基于生命立场、价值关怀、主体视野、过程取向的课程观.教师创生课程有利于发挥教师的专业权力,促进教学过程的个性化.但同时,教师的课程创生也存在局限性,受一定条件的限制.  相似文献   

课程实施的取向影响着中职课程实施的全局,而课程创生取向是课程实施的一种新的取向。本文针对当前课程实施取向中中职教师角色定位存在的主要问题及问题产生的原因,从创生取向视野角度探讨了中职教师的角色重塑。  相似文献   

在新一轮课程改革与推进中,教师适应性问题得到了人们的广泛关注。现有研究在澄清概念、建构理论模型、现状调查等方面取得了巨大成就,但也遭遇到了理论研究不足、研究方法单一、教师适应性研究中的"被适应"等困境。未来的研究应该加强教师适应性的理论研究、综合使用多种研究方法、推动教师的积极适应,并开展后期培训以实现创生的课程实施取向。  相似文献   

深化新课程改革,突破课程实施薄弱环节,依赖于教师主动地行动和真实地发声,而自愿的能动行为离不开教师身份的自我认同。教师身份自我认同分为认知、情感和行为三个层次,在新课程实施上,依次表现为忠实取向、相互调试取向和创生取向。提升教师身份认同层次,深化新课程实施,应明晰教师身份存在的根本,在新课程实施纵深行进中帮助和支持教师,关注教师生存境况,考量教师利益诉求。  相似文献   

教师课程创生的缘起、涵义与价值   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
李小红 《教师教育研究》2005,17(4):24-28,23
“教师的课程创生”源于但又超越“课程实施的创生”。它主张作为课程主体的教师自觉地主动地变革课程的各要素以达到促进课程完善、教师成长和学生发展的目的;强调教师在整个课程运作过程中都应该充分发挥主体性和创造性;具有自觉性、批判性、全程性和持续性等特征。倡导和认可“教师的课程创生”这一命题,将使:我们的课程观念由单一封闭静止转向多元开放和动态建构;教师的课程角色由忠实执行者转向反思性建构者;课程运作的价值取向由追求技术理性转向追求实践理性和解放理性。  相似文献   

Revisiting curriculum inquiry: the role of visual representations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Curriculum materials and knowledge about curricular purposes and structures are valuable tools that teachers often draw upon to organize instruction and facilitate student learning. Careful analysis of teachers’ curriculum implementation and the decision-making that undergirds their curriculum use is critical for fully understanding enactment. This paper compares how integrity analyses of implementation of curriculum materials and actor-oriented analysis of teachers’ curriculum use can help researchers, teacher educators, and curriculum designers interpret teachers’ decisions about what aspects of new materials to use and how to use such materials. Drawing on evidence from teacher interviews and observations, we compare two teachers’ enactments of a new elementary-level environmental biology unit. Our analyses of integrity point to differences in teachers’ adaptations with respect to their consistency with the purposes and structures of curriculum materials as construed by designers. By contrast, our actor-oriented analysis explain how the teachers’ different approaches to interpreting the goals and structures of the curriculum unit partly account for patterns in their enactment in ways that can inform refinements to materials and the design of professional development supports for teachers. In so doing, we show how implementation integrity and actor-oriented analyses offer complementary perspectives to inform curriculum research and development.  相似文献   

教师课程实施程度是衡量课程实施品质的重要指标。教师课程实施程度的操作性定义是指教师在理解、运用特定课程方案中所展现出的课程认知、课程行为、课程反省以及学生学习的水平。检测这一概念主要基于三点:第一是检测什么,基于相互调适的实施观,本研究采用自上而下的编码分析国家课程方案,自下而上地分析教师对课程实施的观念,形成包含10个维度的课程评估框架;第二是如何确定教师课程实施的水平高低,根据教师课程决策的内在机制,提出划分教师课程实施水平的L-CRB架构和实施的6个水平;第三是如何检测教师的课程实施水平,本研究设计了基于L-CRB问卷和分叉型访谈工具。本研究选择10个维度中的学习方式组进行工具检验与实地检测,并基于问卷结果提出三项干预策略。  相似文献   

学前教育课程创生是指幼儿园教师根据一定的价值取向或幼儿的兴趣需要,优化整合幼儿园内外资源,在课程的开发、实施、评价过程中,通过不断的反思批判,主动地、创造性地建构适合幼儿全面、和谐而又富有个性发展的课程的过程,实践性、生成性、建构性、反思性、动态性、开放性是其主要特征;学前教育课程创生具有巨大的现当代价值。  相似文献   

"金课"建设是一流本科教育建设的立足点和突破口。推动"金课"建设必须依靠育人前线和教学一线的教师。目前,高校本科教育"金课"建设面临的最突出问题也是教师的教学认知问题,即教师是否能够认识到"金课"建设的重要性和必要性,是否愿意采取相应的教学调整和变革。本质问题则是教师能否实现自身角色快速转换,进而在"金课"建设中贡献自己应有的智慧和力量。因此,建设一流本科教育"金课",必须破解教师存在的课程育人主责角色不清晰、课程教学主动角色不明显、课程变革主要角色不到位、课程研究主体角色不显著等角色认知和行为障碍,实现教师角色转换,推动一流本科课程教学质量提升和本科教育人才培养质量提高。  相似文献   

A growing need for utilizing school-based HIV/AIDS interventions the world over has been acknowledged as the most cost-effective means for arresting the spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic among the vulnerable youth. However, the question on how teachers as educational change agents and cognitive sense-makers of HIV/AIDS curricula situated in a complex web of systemic social interactions are faring in mediating these interventions has not received much attention in curriculum theorization. There seems to be an underrepresentation in the literature, of post-modernistic approaches to the problematizing and explanation of teacher enactment of such complicated yet important curricula. This article sought to highlight the Adaptation Approach to education and Honig’s model and teacher cognition as an example of a post-modernistic approach to analysing teachers’ enactment of school HIV/AIDS curricula. It sought to enhance our understanding of the interplay of a myriad of factors endogenous and exogenous to teachers in shaping and framing teachers’ individual responses to the HIV/AIDS curriculum policy. We thus contend that one of the major reasons why teachers’ efforts to effectuate purposive mediations are so elusive is the failure by theoreticians and policy-makers alike, to consider the myriad of human-generated antecedents in different venues and how these impact teachers’ adaptation of HIV/AIDS interventions.  相似文献   

A potential method for teaching geospatial thinking and reasoning (GTR) is through geospatially enabled learning technologies. We developed an energy resources geospatial curriculum that included learning activities with geographic information systems and virtual globes. This study investigated how 13 urban middle school teachers implemented and varied the enactment of the curriculum with their students and investigated which teacher- and student-level factors accounted for students’ GTR posttest achievement. Data included biweekly implementation surveys from teachers and energy resources content and GTR pre- and posttest achievement measures from 1,049 students. Students significantly increased both their energy resources content knowledge and their GTR skills related to energy resources at the end of the curriculum enactment. Both multiple regression and hierarchical linear modeling found that students’ initial GTR abilities and gain in energy content knowledge were significantly explanatory variables for their geospatial achievement at the end of curriculum enactment, p < .001. Teacher enactment factors, including adherence to implementing the critical components of the curriculum or the number of years the teachers had taught the curriculum, did not have significant effects on students’ geospatial posttest achievement. The findings from this study provide support that learning with geospatially enabled learning technologies can support GTR with urban middle-level learners.  相似文献   

Enactment of scientific inquiry in classroom has attracted a great attention of science educators around the world. In this study, we examined two competent teachers’ (one Grade 9 chemistry teacher and one Grade 4 science teacher) enactment of scientific inquiry in selected teaching units to reveal the characteristics of enacted inquiry at different grade levels by analyzing lesson sequence videos. The coding schemes for enacted inquiry consist of ontological properties and instructional practices. Pre-topic and post-topic teacher interviews and the two teachers’ responses to a questionnaire were adopted to identify the factors influencing teacher’s enactment. The results indicate that the two case teachers’ enactment involved a range of inquiry activities. The enacted inquiry at fourth-grade level covered all the inquiry elements, tending to engage students in the whole procedure of inquiry. The ninth-grade chemistry class placed emphasis on the elements “making plans” to solve problems in authentic context. Important factors influencing the enactment include teacher’s understanding about scientific inquiry, textbooks, assessment, students and resource. Implications for inquiry enactment and instruction improvement have been provided.  相似文献   

课程实施水平是"关注为本采纳模式"中从行为维度测量与促进教育变革中教师课程实施行为的工具。通过使用这一工具测量我国新课程改革中教师的课程实施水平,并根据课程实施水平量表的层级水平评定教师行为,可以呈现我国课程改革中教师的课程实施水平与专业成长历程。  相似文献   

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