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组织机构视角下业务系统电子文件归档是一项参与主体多元的系统性工作,不仅需要处理多元主体之间的协同合作问题,还需要处理单一主体面临的分工作战问题。基于对档案管理域、前端业务域和信息技术域下的业务系统电子文件归档问题的识别,提出了应树立顶层设计、分类推进、数据资产管理、协同治理的归档理念。在归档理念指导下,构建了业务系统电子文件归档策略框架,认为机构整体域下应明确归档原则、建立协同机制、制订归档"三纳入"制度;档案管理域下应构建面向三态的归档标准体系、制订分类分步实施的归档计划;前端业务域下应实施以管促归和以用促归的归档策略;信息技术域下应采取技术供给和管理融合的归档策略。  相似文献   

当下的中国,构建一个整合环境福祉相关者的环境治理网络日渐迫切。基于"策略—关系"的分析路径,传媒应从治理网络不同于科层、市场的结构特征和运行机制出发,在环境治理信息的共享与流通、治理主体的对话与协商、治理网络的监督与约束等方面发挥积极效用,通过能动的策略选择和话语实践促进环境治理网络机制的出现与运行。  相似文献   

图书馆治理与数字化融合发展是新时期图书馆治理现代化的战略方向和重要内容。为推动图书馆治理实现高质量的数字化转型,文章基于共生理论,通过分析图书馆治理与数字化互动共生关系建构其共生机制模型。该模型由共生要素层、机制互动层、共生效果层3层构成,在共生要素层的作用下形成互动、选择、进化以及诱导4个机制。在此基础上分析图书馆治理与数字化融合发展面临的现实困境,进而探寻图书馆治理与数字化融合发展的突破策略。结果表明:图书馆应进一步优化共生模式,增强图书馆治理与数字化生态系统共生单元协同;强化共生界面,提升图书馆治理与数字化生态系统知识互动与选择;营造共生环境,助推图书馆治理与数字化生态系统高质量发展。  相似文献   

龙晓华 《兰台世界》2023,(S1):37-39
<正>一、乡村档案治理的内涵解析乡村档案治理是乡村党政机构、乡村档案部门、各类社会组织和个人等多个主体协同合作,基于一定的行动规则,共同对乡村档案事务进行科学、规范管理,实现乡村档案领域善治的活动和过程[1],是档案治理在乡村这一场域的具体应用,其内涵特征包括以下几个方面。在治理主体方面,乡村档案治理主体呈现多元化特征,具体可划分成领导者、执行者以及参与者这三种角色。县党委、乡镇党委、村党组织等为领导者,通过组织保障、政策引导、监督激励等手段支持乡村档案治理工作的开展;乡村档案部门为执行者,  相似文献   

全面提升我国文化软实力,推动全民阅读内嵌于文化强国之中,成为全面建设社会主义现代化的重要支撑力量.新发展阶段,2035年建成文化强国的战略目标为全民阅读构建了全新的"文化想象",具有政治、文化、生活三重意蕴.文化强国语境中的全民阅读以内嵌于国家治理的治理性场域、标志化超级符号的物理性场域和存在于技术变迁的功能性场域作为现实形态,形塑文化强国的文化空间生产和文化场景塑造.在文化强国建设中推进全民阅读,需要实施做好全面制度规划的治理策略、培育多元联动主体的行动策略和开发特色文化资源的整合策略.  相似文献   

党的十九大作出了实施乡村振兴战略的重大决策部署,其中推动乡村文化振兴是实施乡村振兴战略的重要内容。本研究在城乡融合的背景下,分析媒介参与乡村文化振兴中存在的问题,包括"文化治理机制不完善""文化传播机制不通畅""文化参与机制不到位",并在此基础上,从党和政府、媒体和农民三个主体层次提出相应的路径及措施,以此推动媒介参与乡村文化振兴战略的有效实施。  相似文献   

个人信用信息的完整性可以从两个角度加以考察:一是广度上的完整性;二是深度上的完整性.对于个人信用信息深度上的完整性的保障,其实施策略主要包括三个方面:一是灵活选择个人信用信息采集方式,方便信息交换与共享,扩大信息源;二是确定全面的个人信用信息采集范围,实现信息内容、来源和性质上的完整性;三是适当运用采集限制原则,保护个人隐私,保障信息时效性.三者共同构成以"前提一核心一条件"为线索的保障个人信用信息完整性的实施策略体系.  相似文献   

《十四五规划建议》提出"实施全媒体传播工程",涉及媒体深度融合、全媒体建设、人才培养等方面.版权保护和版权运用是事关全媒体内容创作与传播的重要环节.面对当前全媒体传播工程实施过程中遇到的各种版权问题及治理困境,要从顶层设计、著作权集体管理机制、新技术运用、执法力度和多元治理主体5个方面入手,加强全媒体版权治理,为全媒体传播工程实施提供良好的版权环境.  相似文献   

王志刚  度冉 《出版广角》2016,(19):34-37
华文出版"走出去"战略应该以文化传播为核心目的,其可以分为三个阶段:一是利用地缘优势占领华语文化圈;二是打造华文出版"中国"品牌,传播中华文化;三是利用文化影响带动华文出版经济.华文出版"走出去"战略实施应该强调五种策略,即国际化、制度化、专业化、品牌化和多元化.  相似文献   

国际视野:从交流与合作开始 中国记者:多年来,南方电视台通过各种节目对外宣传广东经济和社会发展;同时,利用南方卫视这个平台,积极实施走出去战略,既打造了南方电视品牌,也提升了广东的国际化形象.请谈谈一个地方电视台是如何具备对外传播这样的国际视野的? 区念中:加强对外交流与合作,是广东广播电视发展的一贯策略. 广东广播电视和德国广播电视机构,特别是和德国之声的合作和交流,包括专业培训、节目和业务交流、项目合作等等,从上世纪80年代中期就开始了.我分别在1992年和1996年两次在德国之声广播培训中心接受了"广播管理"等课程的培训.  相似文献   

As shared services organizations (SSO) become more popular as a service management and delivery option in government, properly defining and setting up the governance structure continues to be a key success factor. This paper explores the options and issues to consider when selecting and implementing shared services governance including topics such as oversight, accountability, culture, management of resources, and of day-to-day operations. Shared services organizations are increasingly common in private sector companies and the particular challenges involved in the governance of an SSO in a public service context are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

Boundary theory has assumed that two distinct organizations—scientists and policy-makers—can interface with one another via an external boundary organization, yet boundary management contexts often call for different strategies where a neutral third party is not involved. Recent scholarship has highlighted alternative models for boundary organizations, including the emergence of boundary organizations within universities. Most of these studies have taken an organizational perspective, yet as universities increasingly fulfill the role of boundary organizations by direct engagement with policy-makers, we need a deeper understanding of the roles scientists should play within this context. This study highlights the need to understand context before designing and implementing boundary management strategies, and considers the complexities of direct engagement between scientists and policy-makers. We draw from a case study conducted in Maine to argue that there are contexts in which scientists need to manage and span the science–policy boundary. The complexities involved in preparing scientists to engage more thoroughly in policy activities and the challenges in garnering institutional support for advancing the participation of scientists in boundary-spanning activities are explored.  相似文献   

This article investigates innovation in the media business models that some European minority-language news organizations are implementing in these times of economic crisis. It entails a shift in the underlying business and service philosophy which interpellates the community and pleads for a change in their mutual relationship. The research is based on the case studies of two private media companies from the Catalan and Basque language media systems that were experiencing economic and financial difficulties. Conducting inspirational advertising campaigns, the news organizations issued a call for readers and non-readers to make a funding commitment to the project, a pledge to provide new revenues and liaisons, while retaining and enhancing the standard income streams. In brief, it is about going back to the basics of active community projects and involvement.  相似文献   

张洋 《山西档案》2020,(2):131-137
业务过程数字化是机构为实现全面数字化转型,将无法以原生数字格式载体的信息进行数字化处理,纳入到业务信息系统,作为数据和证据与数字源信息在相同的程序中流转并实现电子文件归档管理。鉴于数字转型的重要性以及“混合状态”的长期存在,在传统档案数字化理论和实践的基础上,如何实施业务过程数字化是机构推动数字化转型的重要课题。在分析业务过程数字化的概念、益处和风险的基础上,着重研究了业务过程数字化涉及的可行性评价、元数据管理等重点问题,帮助机构制定业务数字转型策略。  相似文献   

国际图书馆组织对适用于图书馆的著作权例外方面的诉求与行动可以为我国图书馆界反映适用于图书馆的著作权例外诉求提供重要参照与依据。我国图书馆界应有效、及时地反映自身对适用于图书馆的著作权例外的诉求,为图书馆界著作权例外诉求的有效落实营建完善的立法机制,向有关立法机构提出网络环境下适用于图书馆的著作权例外的立法修订建议。  相似文献   

作业成本法在图书馆成本管理中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认为作业成本法是兴起于企业界的一种新的成本计算和成本管理方法。介绍作业成本法的来源、相关概念和原理,分析作业成本法在图书馆的适用性。图书馆实施作业成本法有四个步骤:识别主要作业及成本动因、归集员工时间到相关作业、归集员工工资和其它费用到作业成本库、确定成本分配率。  相似文献   

图书馆知识管理的特征及其实施策略   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40  
本文简要论述了知识管理的概念 ,阐述了图书馆知识管理的基本特征 ,并从构建新的组织架构、利用信息技术加强知识交流与共享、设立知识主管 (CKO)、加强人员培训、营造学习型组织、将知识管理贯彻于服务工作等方面 ,较为详细地提出了图书馆实施知识管理的具体措施  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过解析国际组织科学数据开放共享政策所定义的不同利益相关者的责任与作用来为完善我国《科学数据管理办法》和实施科学数据开放共享提供参考。[方法/过程]基于网络调查和文本分析,论述国际组织科学数据开放共享政策所定义的不同利益相关者在科学数据开放共享中的责任与作用。[结果/结论]国际组织科学数据开放共享政策定义了包括政府、研究人员、研究机构、研究资助机构、图书馆或档案馆、数据中心、出版商、专业协会或学会、用户、企业等在内的众多利益相关者及其在科学数据开放共享活动中所具有的不同的责任与作用。我国应该借鉴这些经验制定国内科学数据开放共享政策,进一步提升科学数据开放共享水平。  相似文献   


Media managers and journalists have responded to digitalization over time by implementing online journalism and by converging and de-converging print and online newsrooms. Drawing on complexity and uncertainty theories, this article develops a cycle model, which furthers the understanding of why and how news organizations change. Qualitative and quantitative findings in two European legacy media companies indicate that managers are constantly striving to minimize their own complexity and uncertainty, which, in turn, drives change in news organizations through different stages that are characterized by economization and integration or investment and specialization. More specifically, under lower external and internal complexity and uncertainty, managers are pushing news organizations toward more economization and integration. However, they invest and specialize if either their external or their internal complexity and uncertainty increase. Moreover, the findings reveal the mechanism through which the internal complexity and uncertainty arise, and they show differences depending on the ownership structure of a news organization.  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been suggested to have transformative potential for public sector organizations through enabling increased productivity and novel ways to deliver public services. In order to materialize the transformative potential of AI, public sector organizations need to successfully assimilate AI in their operational activities. However, AI assimilation in the public sector appears to be fragmented and lagging the private sector, and the phenomena has really limited attention from academic research community. To address this gap, we adopt the case study approach to explore three Saudi-Arabian public sector organizations and analyze the results using the attention-based view of the organization (ABV) as the theoretical lens. This study elucidates the challenges related AI assimilation in public sector in terms of how organizational attention is focused situated and distributed during the assimilation process. Five key challenges emerged from the cases studied, namely (i) misalignment between AI and management decision-making, (ii) tensions with linguistics and national culture, (iii) developing and implementing AI infrastructure, (iv) data integrity and sharing, and (v) ethical and governance concerns. The findings reveal a re-enforcing relationship between the situated attention and structural distribution of attention that can accelerate the successful assimilation of AI in public sector organizations.  相似文献   

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