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上世纪80年代末以来,为了改善公立学校存在的学生学业表现和学校财务状况不佳问题,美国开展了公立学校"接管"改革.本文根据波士顿学区、帕特森学区、纽瓦克学区和芝加哥学区的改革经验,总结接管改革取得的成效和存在的问题.  相似文献   

美国候任总统奥巴马于2008年12月16日提名芝加哥公立学校学区首席执行官阿恩·邓肯为新政府联邦教育部部长。邓肯20年前在篮球场上与奥巴马结识,后来成为奥巴马在教育领域的高参。他坚决改进芝加哥公立学校教育质量,在当地教育界树立了良好口碑。  相似文献   

在美国基础教育中,农村基础教育占有较大的比例。据有关统计,有800多万儿童进入美国农村公立学校,占到所有公立学校学生的21%,有24143所公立学校在农村,占美国所有学校的31%,有7832个农村学区,占所有公立学区的49.3%,有40多万教师在农村学校任教,占所有公立学校教师的31%。在以上数据现实的背景下,如何通过科学化路径建立一支具有高素质的农村教师队伍来推动美国农村教育的持续发展一直是美国政府需要解决的重要课题。  相似文献   

美国宾夕法尼亚州的兰开斯特学区正在进行一项重大的改革实验:这个学区的19所公立学校将按照国际标准化组织ISO9000管理标准进行验收.届时,这个学区将成为世界上第一个以企业管理标准实行管理的学区.  相似文献   

美国地方学区管理是美国独具特色的公立学校管理形式,也是美国民主的重要表现形式之一,为美国社会的发展做出了应有的贡献。随着社会结构和需求的变化,美国地方学区管理模式的合法性和有效性也受到诸多质疑与挑战。为此,本文从地方学区董事会成员组成、地方学区董事会与学监的运行机制、当前学区董事会面临的主要挑战以及为此所做的改革等方面...  相似文献   

投资组合管理模式是21世纪以来美国城市学区治理的新趋势,对美国基础教育,尤其是城市基础教育的影响方兴未艾。与传统的学区管理相比,投资组合管理模式的特征主要表现为:学区招标与学校多样化,标准化测试与学校问责,中心办公室的核心地位与学校自主权。该投资组合管理模式对于我国的基础教育改革具有启示意义:明晰政府权责边界,发展学校弹性自治;跨界协调构建伙伴关系,柔性管理促进改革实施;引导多元主体共同参与,促进公立学校个性发展;整合既有成功要素,探索有效改革创新。  相似文献   

美国实行的是十二年义务教育制,所有的公立学校一律采取就近入学,孩子接受免费教育的制度。美国没有户籍制度,在没有户口限制的情况下,是不是想上哪所学校就上哪所呢?技术上说还真的就是这样。美国的公立学校归属学区管理,学区有  相似文献   

"教育选择权"是当代欧美教育改革的潮流之一。这种权利,有别于传统上由政府强制将学生依其居住所在地分配至学区内的公立学校入学,并接受一致性教育内容的教育方式。本文主要谈谈美国的教育选择权。  相似文献   

美国宾夕尼亚州的兰开斯特学区正在进行一项重大的改革实验:这个学区的19所公立学校将按照国际标准化组织 ISO9000管理标准  相似文献   

尽管2000年人口普查结果表明美国种族和少数民族较之过去更富有多样性,但美国教育部2000-2001年从学校收集的数据显示,孩子们在学校里却因为多样性的增加受到了更为严重的隔离。哈佛大学一个关于公民权利的新报告对公立学校种族问题进行调研,在学区的层面上收集全国的数据,对种族隔离给美国青年带来的影响进行调查。该报告覆盖全国范围,根据2000年的数据,集中在239个中等和大型的公立学校学区(每个学区的入学人数超过25,000名学生)。报告认为,目前美国学校新种族隔离趋势表现明确,事实上所有接受调查的学区  相似文献   

School reform on a large scale has largely been unsuccessful. Approaches designed to document and understand the variety of organizational conditions that comprise our school systems are needed so that reforms can be tailored and results scaled. Therefore, this article develops a configurational framework that allows a systematic analysis of many school organizational forms. The approach is adapted from the logic of Charles Ragin's comparative method and qualitative comparative analysis; it allows researchers to analyse many schools while still preserving them as holistic entities. Each school is depicted as a particular constellation of coordination and control elements, and these configurations are linked to important instructional patterns. To demonstrate the approach, data on the elementary schools in the Chicago Public School (CPS) system are analysed. The distribution of the different configurations that comprise CPS is documented, and multiple regressions of the configurations indicate their varied instructional patterns. The results show that CPS schools exhibit a wide variety of organizational configurations, and these different configurations vary in patterned ways with respect to instructional coherence and academic achievement. Implications for tailoring reform efforts to distinct groups of schools so that results can be scaled are discussed.  相似文献   

各国科学教育改革一直提倡探究教学,但是缺少对实践者教师之认识现状的关注,更缺少国际比较的视域。以四节国内探究式高中物理课堂教学录像为载体,利用六点量表对中国上海和美国芝加哥高中各一百名物理教师收集数据,并进行量化分析,以期通过中美高中物理教师对探究教学认识的差异探寻我国科学教师探究教学实践之路。  相似文献   

This conceptual research paper explores educational reformation through the theoretical work of Appadurai (1996) and Castells (2000) in the flows and connectivity of global networks. It discusses the global, national, and local effects of the neoliberal ideological reformations in education and their effects on the African American student population from underserved communities, specifically drawing from the author’s experience as a high school teacher in Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Competition between nation-states and the creation of a so-called model minority have led to a rise in accountability measures in education, resulting in a high-stakes testing regime. The unintended negative consequences of these reformations belie the educational preparation for a student in the global sphere, leading to the further marginalization of African American students in underserved communities.  相似文献   

芝加哥大学当年曾依托新兴移民城芝加哥市强大的经济实力以及对高水平大学的渴望等后发性优势,创建不久就跻身于世界一流大学的行列。深圳市与十九世纪末的美国芝加哥市有极为相似的发展背景,探寻芝加哥大学当年迅速崛起的历程和经验,可给深圳高等教育的改革与发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Ten years ago community organizing as a form of educational change had only begun to challenge traditional models of school reform. Yet a decade later, community organizing has led to important changes in school and community relationships that have been documented by scholars in the areas of education, sociology, social work, and political science. Current US President Barack Obama, a former organizer who worked on the South Side of Chicago, has given new visibility to community organizing. The American Educational Research Association (AERA) has approved the creation of a new Special Interest Group (SIG) on the topic of community and youth organizing. This article traces the origins, spread, and impacts of community organizing on educational change, arguing that it provides an important repertoire of practices for change leaders.  相似文献   

美国20世纪80年代中期以来开展的新一轮基础科学教育改革,是60年代科学教育改革的继续和深化。其基本特点蕴含着值得我国科学教育改革借鉴的丰富经验,如科学教育改革得到全社会的支持,尤其是科学界和企业界的大力支持;科学课程改革具有系统性和配套措施;科学教育改革高度重视科学探究和科学教育的普及;尤其值得我们重视的是,美国科学教育改革有大量的科学教育理论研究的支持。  相似文献   

Student mobility is a topic that frequently surfaces in discussions about the problems of urban schooling. Surprisingly, it tends to fade from the agenda as discussion turns toward reform initiatives and school restructuring. Student movement, however, penetrates the essential activity of schools--the interaction of teachers and students around learning. Using data from Chicago public elementary schools, I first describe the extent of urban school instability. Many schools, in fact, do not have a stable cohort of students whose progress they can track over time. Second, I explore the causes of this high level of instability, connected both to residential mobility and to more school-related reasons. Distinctive patterns emerge that reveal clusters of schools that are closely tied by the students they exchange from year to year. Third, given this context, I examine the impact of mobility on students, schools, and urban education more generally. Recent school reform efforts that center on promoting greater local school autonomy implicitly assume that students will attend a specific school consistently enough that the school can "make a difference" in their achievement. In the unstable urban context, however, even improving schools lose their accomplishments as students transfer, and mobile students forfeit the benefit of continuity of school services. Thus, not only does mobility impact individual students who are changing schools, it has deep (though often hidden) consequences for the schools these students attend and for the systemic changes intended by local school reform.  相似文献   

时代发展呼唤小学与初中教师教育一体化。通过对中外小学教师教育课程方案与初中教师教育课程方案的比较分析,无论从培养机构、培养模式,还是从课程设置来看,实行小学与初中教师教育一体化改革都是完全可行的。它反映出我国教师教育体制改革和高等师范院校改革的基本趋势,适应我国教师培养模式和教师教育课程改革的需要,为教师职业发展奠定了坚实的基础。改革的总体思路是:以小学教师教育高等教育化为契机,以小学与初中教师教育培养机构一体化为平台,以教师教育课程体系改革为重点,重新厘定人才培养目标,调整课程结构,改革课程内容,培养九年一贯制义务教育的合格师资。  相似文献   

The development of the Finnish educational system has now reached an important stage. The establishment of the comprehensive [polyvalent] school has been completed. The new school system has been extended to the whole of Finland for the school year 1977-1978. A law defining the modalities of the reform of secondary education in the second cycle and technical and vocational education was promulgated in 1978. The planning of the implementation of this reform of secondary education has begun and will terminate in the middle of 1980. The reform of post-secondary education will be fully achieved by the school year 1988-1989.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情给学校教育带来深远影响,随着疫情形势持续向好,越来越多的学校已经分类分批、错时错峰返校复课,我国疫情也进入了“外防输入、内防反弹”的阶段,这意味着我国将率先进入后疫情时代。后疫情时代对学校教育带来诸多新挑战和新要求,同时也带来新机遇,学校教育变革的必要性和紧迫性再一次凸显。未来,学校教育将走向线上与线下混融共生教学,将走向家校合作共育,将更注重对生命健康的教育。学校教育面对疫情影响的挑战、变革转型趋势前瞻性的探索和分析,以期为我国后疫情时代学校教育的变革和发展提供相关启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

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