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家庭教育是学校教育的延伸,是学校教育的重要补充.开展合理的大学生家庭教育,是家长和孩子、家庭和学校的共同要求.在大不生思想政治工作中,需要加强辅导员队全建设,充分发挥家庭教育的作用.  相似文献   

家庭教育异化对学校教育的冲击及对策探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭教育在青少年教育与成长过程中具有至关重要的地位,但现代家庭教育的异化不仅使家庭教育本身面临着严峻的挑战,对学校教育也产生了不容忽视的冲击。促使家庭教育朝着健康的方向发展并与学校教育有机结合、形成合力,是关系青少年健康成长成才的大事,是家长们的义务和责任,也是全社会共同的使命。  相似文献   

学校教育,社会教育和家庭教育共同担负着造就新一代新人的任务。家庭教育是学校教育和社会教育的基础。科学地进行家庭教育已越来越成为家长们的迫切要求。有效的教育必须适应社会发展规律,符合儿童身心发展规律。本文试从心理学角度,提出一些家庭教育的原则,与大家共讨。  相似文献   

学校教育与家庭教育有着不同的教育优势,学校教育必须与家庭教育相结合,才能取得成效。家校合作是实现教育目标的基础,越来越多的学校和家长认识到家校舍作的重要性。然而,在实践过程中仍存在着一定的问题。如,对家校合作认识上不统一、家长的教育能力不强、家校合作实效性低等等。只有加强家庭教育指导、构筑有效的学校——家庭交流平台,加强家校之间信息的沟通,取得相互的理解和信任,才能使家校真正形成合力,最终促进孩子的健康成长。  相似文献   

孙娜 《现代教学》2014,(4X):26-28
<正>教育是一种由学生、家长、老师多方共同参与的特殊"动态运动过程",学生的健康成长离不开家庭教育和学校教育的密切配合。著名教育家马卡连柯曾说过:"没有对孩子们的统一要求,就不可能有任何教育。"所以我们要想对孩子实施有效的教育,就必须做到家庭教育与学校教育保持高度一致。一个班级往往有几十个学生,而家长的职业、价值取向、受教育程度以及孩子的教育观念也都不尽相同,因此想让家庭教育与学校教育"步调一致",  相似文献   

家庭教育、学校教育和社会教育共同构成了国民教育体系。作为一种实践活动,与学校教育和社会教育相比,家庭教育具有先导性、连续性、亲和性与权威性的特点,在儿童的健康发展中发挥着不可替代的作用。针对"城中村"家长在家庭教育中缺乏教育方法和教育策略的特点,理论联系实际,从学生成长的角度,提出了指导家长有效进行家庭教育的四点策略。同时强调家庭教育是在整个教育体系和孩子成长中不可分割的部分,学校应该构建便捷管理方式,引导家长在家庭教育中以孩子的成长和品格形成为导向,增强家长对孩子问题行为的辨识与校正能力,为孩子的生长经历赋予正向感知与信念。  相似文献   

教师的家访是学校德育工作的一项重要内容,是加强和改进学生道德建设,推进学校教育与家庭教育、社会教育紧密结合的有效途径。因此,学校教师,特别是班主任必须搞好家访工作,促进家长和学校的信息交流,统一家长和学校认识,实现家庭、学校教育的有效结合,达到共同教育学生,取得最佳教育目的。  相似文献   

实施素质教育,培养21世纪所需要的人才,仅靠学校教育是不够的,必须动员各方面的教育力量,特别是家长的力量。家长、家庭教育是学校实施素质教育中一个不可替代的资源宝库。学校教育必须敞开大门请家长共同参与,教师与家长密切合作,站在同一高度,携手并肩,成为教...  相似文献   

学校教育必须与家庭教育、社会教育密切配合,协调一致,共同育人。我们根据农村小学的特点,对家长进行家庭教育,帮助家长端正教育思想,改进教育方法,提高家庭教育水平,六年来,凡毕业生家长,学校都要召开家长会进行有关指导,家长则都要进家长学校学习。循环往复,持之以恒。另外,学校还进行评选“好家长“活动,至  相似文献   

在多元教育的背景下,家庭和学校作为教学中最重要的两个教学场所,共同承担着教育学生的作用。学校教育离不开家庭教育,而家庭教育离不开学校教育的指导,只有两者互相配合才能更好地提升教学的效果。本文首先阐述了家长配合学校工作的重要性,之后探究了阻碍家长配合学校工作的因素,最后提出了校方引导家长配合学校工作的策略,以更好地促进学生在各方面的发展。  相似文献   

Strategies in Home and School Collaboration among Early Education Teachers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this study, the strategies teachers use in home and school collaboration were surveyed. The subjects were early education teachers in Helsinki, Finland. Questionnaires were used for the data collection. Factor analysis resulted in the extraction of six strategy types. Strategies representing parents as the recipients of information were most frequently used. Strategies representing two‐way communication were also quite often in evidence. The most rarely used strategies included parents as decision makers, volunteers, or resources in the elaboration of learning. Teachers who had children who were approximately the same age as their pupils were more active in using strategies involving teachers as supporters of parenting and parents as a resource for the elaboration of learning. The strategies found and the implications of the Finnish data are discussed.  相似文献   

The present article explores home–school relations by analyzing how Swedish teachers and parents negotiate responsibility for children's education and rearing through school letters. It draws on participant observations using a video camera in families, interviews with parents, and analysis of school letters written by teachers to parents. The division of public and private responsibility for children is negotiated in terms of expertise. Teachers position themselves as ‘educational experts’, and are able to prescribe how parents are supposed to be involved in children's education. Teachers construct parents as ‘rearing experts’, and ask them to take responsibility for their children's behavior in school by disciplining them at home. The prescribed parental subject is adopted by parents, particularly mothers, as they position themselves as involved parents.  相似文献   

在近十年内,我国的小学英语教育从无到有,得到了氏足的发展。这得益于我国各级教育部门的重视,英语教师结构的优化以及家氏的重视。目前小学英语教育引来学生和家长的置疑和指责。分析我国小学英语教育的从属地位,教师的整体素质和小学英语课程存在的问题.探讨相应的解决办法,以期促进我国小学英语教育的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和访谈,了解教师、领导、家长对特殊学生的看法及对开展融合教育的态度和需求.结果发现教师和学校领导尽管认为特殊学生可以顺利地与普通学生交往,但对融合教育的开展仍持中立态度;家长工作和政策支持分别成为教师和学校的首位需求.根据调查结果,本文从政策经费支持、师资培训、家长工作、资源教室建设等方面提出促进融合教育发展的建议.  相似文献   

Thao  Yer J. 《The Urban Review》2003,35(1):25-42
This article examines how home and school factors affect the education of Mong students in the U.S., a group that, by in large, is not faring well academically. The study is based on related research and interviews with teachers, students, and the parents of a group of Mong elementary school students in northern California. The findings reveal that Mong students' negative schooling experiences are exacerbated by the mismatch between the home and school culture, by misconceptions and labeling by parents and teachers, and by issues pertaining to their attempts to assimilate into American society. Therefore, Mong students experience a culture clash at home and at school. Conversely, Mong students are empowered by a culturally relevant curriculum, and a school environment that values their culture, and that utilizes their parents as resources. Hence, they need more support from both parents and teachers.  相似文献   

在家庭中实施素质教育,家长必须充分认识到素质教育不仅是学校教育的重要工作,也是家庭教育的重要任务,在家庭教育中要开展科学教育,从而培养良好的学习习惯和思维方式,重视对孩子创新精神和初中能力的培养,同时,在教育子女的过程中家长要不断提高自身素质,以利于推进素质教育的实施。  相似文献   

Twenty-five years since the onset of HIV/AIDS, young people aged 15–24 now make up half of new HIV infections. This paper advocates for comprehensive sexuality education as an effective panacea to reverse this, with teachers stepping up and embracing their role as sexuality educators. The exploration of this challenge is informed by a small-scale participatory study of teacher responses in a rural primary school in Nakuru district, Kenya. Dialogue was held with 18 teachers (11 females, seven males) on the challenges they faced in teaching sexuality education and teachers emerged as disorientated and embarrassed in conversations about sexuality issues with the pupils. Because sexuality education lacks a curriculum, teachers have found it challenging to integrate it into regular subjects; they also observed that parents seem resistant to addressing this at home, and thus this task falls to them.
In the study, a process of self-awareness of the need for them to step up and teach sexuality education emerges among the participants. A key finding is that participatory and dialectical interventions that can prepare teachers and develop their confidence in teaching sexuality education are required.  相似文献   

社会发展呼吁素质教育,作为实施素质教育的主渠道之一的英语教学改革势在必行,而中学英语老师的教学观念、教学原则是改革的首要内容。因为它是教师的教育教学行为不发生偏离的根本保证。  相似文献   

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