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采用文献资料法、录像观察法和数理统计法等,对2021年东京奥运会女子高低杠决赛的成套动作编排进行分析。结果显示:2022年版新规则的变化会对新周期高低杠成套动作的编排产生一定的影响;东京奥运会高低杠成套动作的编排特点,上法和下法较为单一,国外运动员杠中动作以飞行类为主,而中国运动员以转体类为主,换杠动作以帕克空翻和shapo类动作为主,动作连接以二连接、三连接为主,仅有少部分运动员采用五连接的长串;中国运动员成套动作的难度价值较国外运动员有一定的差距;成套动作的连接价值国外运动员正在不断赶超中国。建议:摸透规则,创新编排,要以规则为导向,以运动员的竞技能力为基础,利用高低杠器械的特点进行编排;减少成套中屈伸上摆倒立、大回环转体180°等过渡动作,使成套动作趋于流畅、省力;我国运动员在自身竞技能力范围内增加空翻类、换杠类动作的难度,提高我国运动员高低杠成套动作编排的难度系数。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,从动作难度、连接难度、难度动作组合以及难度动作分值等方面,对我国高水平女子长拳自选套路难度动作的编排特点进行分析。结果表明:运动员参赛套路中编排的动作难度均为跳跃类;连接难度以动静连接为主,并且以B级和C级连接难度居多;编排动动连接难度组合、动静连接难度组合的次数不存在显著性差异;难度动作组合的顺序有一定的规律性。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、录像观察和数理统计等方法,分别对影响运动员最终成绩排名的D分与E分两者之间的关系、成绩结构、难度动作选择以及编排特征等指标进行分析。结果表明:(1)上法动作单一,大多采用安全系数大、符合规则要求的A组上法,趋于简单化,充分体现出运动员求稳的心态;(2)选用舞蹈动作难度较大的运动员逐渐增多,都想以此来提高自己的竞争实力;(3)技巧动作以向前、向侧单个动作为主,向后类动作多以连接形式出现,且连接串呈现多样性的特点;(4)下法的主要特点均为后空翻一种类型,大多数运动员都采取提高后空翻类型的下法;(5)木上动作呈现出单个动作难度价值高,且动作连接以两个或三个动作连接为主;(6)合理处理难度与完成的关系、难度动作连接直接化、增加连接串、加强心理素质训练,则成为运动员夺冠的关键。  相似文献   

当前世界女子高低杠项目成套动作难度特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以第39届世界体操锦标赛的女选手为研究对象,对新规则实施后世界女子高低杠发展特点进行研究。结果显示:成套动作的平均难度为6.638分,位居4项之首,仍有继续提高的空间;其中飞行动作的难度变化不大,连接价值提高;从低杠换握高杠大多以B组动作为主,从高杠换握低杠则以D组为主;上法开发了挺身跳起成低杠手倒立的D组难度,且有连接动作加难的趋势;下法动作继续呈现多样化特征:今后的主要任务是提高完成动作的成功率和动作质量,重点提高动作细节和下法的稳定性。  相似文献   

新规则实施以来吊环项目的发展特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用录像观察统计、现场观察统计等方法,对新规则实施以来吊环项目发展特点进行研究。结果显示,新规则实施以来,吊环成套动作中力量静止动作比例上升;成套动作中5种动作结构组齐全,动作完成、连接形式呈多样化。其中,环绳交叉类动作已从比赛中消失;成套动作总体难度上升,动作技术及其连接继续向高难方向发展;D组以上高难力量静止动作及其直接连接已成为吊环成套难度发展的主流;动作完成的质量、规格不断提高。  相似文献   

通过录像统计和文献资料法,对第38届世界体操锦标赛吊环比赛前8名运动员的起评分、比赛成绩、成套动作难度和编排及完成情况进行统计,分析了世界优秀男子吊环运动员成套动作的编排特点和发展趋势。结果表明:在动作难度的使用上主要以D组以上高难度的摆动到静止力量动作与4个以上由静止到静止用力性动作的直接连接来获得加分;成套动作的连接编排趋于加长;成套动作的难度和完成质量尚有提高的空间。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、录像观察法、统计分析法、分析归纳法,以参加42届、43届世界体操锦标赛和伦敦奥运会单杠决赛的运动员为研究对象,通过对他们成套动作的D分价值和连接特点、飞行类动作特点、下法特点以及完成情况进行研究,分析当前世界大赛中男子单杠发展新趋势。认为:未来男子单杠技术运动员通过提高十个动作的难度价值以及充分利用动作的连接来提高D分;成套动作中包含4个飞行动作将成为编排趋势;下法动作将以后直两周720°旋下为主流动作发展趋势。  相似文献   

蒙鹏君 《安徽体育科技》2009,30(3):17-19,35
通过录像观察、数据统计,以参加第29届奥运会平衡木单项决赛比赛的8名选手为研究对象。对中外优秀运动员的成套动作编排情况进行对比分析和研究,发现中国运动员在单个动作的编排选择缺乏均衡性;连接类动作难度较大,但完成质量不高;上法采用难度较低,稳定性较高的静力性单动作;下法难度的选择等方面存在的相关问题。为运运员以后的参赛提供理论经验。  相似文献   

以参加第41、42、43届体操世锦赛及第30届奥运会高低杠决赛运动员完成的32套动作为主要研究对象,通过观察记录法和数理统计法对当前高低杠连接加分、难度分及最后得分进行统计,用Excel统计分析出连接加分与难度分、最后得分高相关性,并对连接加分动作组合的趋势和特点做了全面分析,结果显示:高低杠成套动作中连接组合数量在逐年增加,难度也在不断提高;E、D组别难度动作是连接动作的主流,并将持续很长一段时间;换杠类动作与杠上动作连接及长串动作连接将会是以后提高难度分值突破口。  相似文献   

世界女子自由体操发展趋势及我国女队存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对参加第36届世界体操锦标赛女子自由体探决赛前8名运动员完成的技巧串难度、连接加分进行了统计,分析了当今世界女子自由体操的发展趋势。研究结果表明:继续加难和创新仍然是女子自由体操发展方向之一;难度发展及连接均以向后空翻类动作为主;高难度动作的空翻与空翻的连接应是今后的一个发展方向,我国运动员在动作质量与稳定性,艺术表现力、力量与耐力等方面还有待努力提高。  相似文献   

以专业群建设为引擎的中国特色“双高计划”高职校建设工作,是全面推进高职校办学水平和育人质量提升的国家重要教育制度设计,积极打造与高水平高职校相媲美的学校体育工作水平,是“双高计划”建设高职校广大体育工作者的时代使命和责任担当。以文献资料、数理统计和逻辑推理等研究方法,通过对浙江省入选“双高计划”的15所高职建设校在学校体育工作整体评价、学生体质健康促进、运动竞技能力展示、示范基地引领和运动竞赛风貌彰显等方面在省内外同类院校的比较优势和分析,提出了进一步提升浙江省“双高计划”建设高职校体育工作水平的若干建议。  相似文献   

行动研究"情境化"、"以人为本"的研究特点为后现代主义所提倡,拉近实践与理论的距离、及时解决现实问题成为行动研究的优势所在。文章对体育行动研究这一问题从其类型、特点等方面进行探讨,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

边缘化学生日渐成为矛盾突出的教育现象。在界定边缘化大学生的概念基础上,认为产生原因有教育对价值判断、规范和世界观的依赖;教育中的自由问题;高等教育技术和教育评价的影响;独立学院在高等教育中的现实地位和形势。德育教育过程中要根据边缘化大学生的类型科学选择的德育教育内容和手段;要转换思路,强调"知行合一"的德育实践;要重视校园德育环境建设,发挥校园德育环境对边缘化大学生回归的隐性作用。  相似文献   

本文着力于挖掘道家休闲观的核心内涵及其对中国传统休闲体育的影响,诠释道家"自然无为"、"天人合一"和"贵人重生"的休闲观与中国传统休闲体育的关系,进而全新认识中国传统休闲体育的休闲文化价值,促使中国传统休闲体育健康发展。  相似文献   

Background: Critical inquiry approaches have been presented as one way of enhancing relevance in school-based education, and there have been calls from academia for its systematic use within health and physical education (HPE).

Purpose: This research explored how three Secondary HPE teachers co-constructed and enacted a unit of work (Take Action) that was underpinned by critical inquiry approaches. Drawing on the work of Stephen Ball we focus here on the different ways in which the three teachers interpreted, translated and enacted ‘Take Action’, and negotiated a shift away from the performative pedagogies of traditional HPE. Take Action is a co-constructed, inquiry-based unit of work that sought to provide an alternative to traditional and often exclusive HPE.

Data collection and analysis: A participatory action research approach was undertaken. Data were uncovered from qualitative interviews, classroom observations and field notes before, during and after the enactment of Take Action. Data were analysed using the qualitative data analysis software ‘Dedoose’ which facilitated coding. Data were analysed inductively across all sources utilising a constant comparative method. Analyses consisted of three phases of coding: open, axial and selective. Open coding involved the categorisation of data into themes and axial coding considered connections across the themes. Selective coding involved a refining and development of the previously identified themes, and then bringing the themes/codes together to tell a story about the teachers and their perspectives on the enactment of Take Action.

Findings: Three teachers co-constructed, translated and enacted Take Action, and whilst some challenges were universal, the process and outcomes unfolded quite differently for each. The two contextual factors that emerged as most influential were: (i) the structural support available for teachers and learners and (ii) the time available for the unit to be enacted, and for the teachers’ philosophies to be challenged and transformed. Take Action was one way of supporting teachers in responding to calls from policy-makers for more critical inquiry in HPE. Interpreting, translating and enacting Take Action challenged how teachers viewed their role in the learning process, the nature of HPE, and the breadth of their pedagogical repertoire.

Conclusions: The findings confirm that curriculum and policy are volatile and rarely mobilised as the creator/s intended. They highlight that the ‘fluidity’ of curriculum mobilisation persists, irrespective of whether the teachers have mental ownership over the process and/or are involved in its co-creation. The complexity that accompanies a shift towards ‘alternative’ ways of understanding and teaching HPE, however, means that calls from academia and policy-makers are unlikely to be fruitful unless: (i) there is an appreciation for each teacher's philosophies; (ii) each school culture is fully understood; (iii) the inevitable challenges are viewed as spaces to learn, reflect and move forward; and (iv) support comes in many forms depending on the teacher and the school. The findings confirm that whilst policy creates a particular context, it is the ideologies and histories that permeate teachers’ philosophies and school context that will ultimately dictate the policy process. This is not a problem to be solved but a process which we can learn in, through and about.  相似文献   

孙喜和  邱谦 《体育与科学》2012,33(4):100-104
基于马丁·布伯的"我—你"理论和米德的"自我"理论,并参考我国台湾学者刘一民的论述,提出了体育教学"主体—主体"的"双主体"教学关系理论,并认为"知的共同体"构建、"经验形成"的教育和"运动学习"的教育等理论的运用,是"双主体"关系得以实现的基本保证,差异性教学的具体运用是"双主体"实现的根本所在。  相似文献   

跳高教学常见的错误动作有抬头倒肩、撇脚尖放脚、向异侧肩摆腿等。本文主要从解剖学和力学方面对这些错误动作进行分析,以便加深对错误动作发生、发展及变化规律的认识,以便能更好的在教学和训练中纠正这些错误动作。经过分析,指出提高教师专业素质、激发学生学习的积极性和主动性、及时进行教学方法改革等,都是减少错误动作出现的有效途径。  相似文献   


Physical inactivity is associated with a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes and is an independent predictor of mortality. It is possible that the detrimental effects of physical inactivity are mediated through a lack of adequate muscle oxidative capacity. This short review will cover the present literature on the effects of different models of inactivity on muscle oxidative capacity in humans. Effects of physical inactivity include decreased mitochondrial content, decreased activity of oxidative enzymes, changes in markers of oxidative stress and a decreased expression of genes and contents of proteins related to oxidative phosphorylation. With such a substantial down-regulation, it is likely that a range of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent pathways such as calcium signalling, respiratory capacity and apoptosis are affected by physical inactivity. However, this has not been investigated in humans, and further studies are required to substantiate this hypothesis, which could expand our knowledge of the potential link between lifestyle-related diseases and muscle oxidative capacity. Furthermore, even though a large body of literature reports the effect of physical training on muscle oxidative capacity, the adaptations that occur with physical inactivity may not always be opposite to that of physical training. Thus, it is concluded that studies on the effect of physical inactivity per se on muscle oxidative capacity in functional human skeletal muscle are warranted.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对竞技体育的基本组织类型及其表现特征进行分析。指出:我国竞技体育主要有职业竞技体育、业余竞技体育、专业竞技体育3种基本组织类型。中国竞技体育蓬勃发展,竞技体育成绩不断提高,均离不开其各个基本组织类型的发展。每一个组织类型发挥其重要的价值,并且相互之间存在着联系和作用。研究竞技体育的各个基本组织类型,对竞技体育各个组织类型之间一系列问题的分析、总结,对竞技体育的发展具有重要的意义和影响。  相似文献   

Marketers are charged with the responsibility of attracting consumers and encouraging loyalty for their brands. Double jeopardy, a marketing law observed across numerous product and service settings, contends that loyalty is largely influenced by a brand's market share. There have been suggestions that sport may be one of the few areas immune to such effects, providing researchers with an opportunity to test how sport brand loyalty may be impacted by market share. The current research capitalises on this opportunity by assessing the effects of market share on attitudinal loyalty reported by a sample of 794 Australian sport fans. ANOVA tests revealed that fans of high market share brands displayed higher levels of attitudinal loyalty towards their favourite teams in comparison to small market share team fans. Further tests revealed that differences existed in terms of the brand association perceptions held by high and small market share team fans, and how these contributed to predicting attitudinal loyalty. Consequently, sport marketers should be cognisant of double jeopardy effects when evaluating sport brands and formulating marketing strategies, though future research is needed to determine the full applicability of double jeopardy within the sport context.  相似文献   

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