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卢庆林 《学周刊C版》2019,(4):170-171
幼儿园在对幼儿创新意识培养方面具有重要的作用,科学的探究活动和科学的教育方式更易引导幼儿获得创新能力。教师在教育幼儿中,一方面要多增加幼儿动手操作和表达语言的机会,另一方面要提高教师自身的创新精神,树立"创新型教师"的形象。幼儿园对幼儿的创新教育应该根据现代教育理念和创造学原理,按照幼儿学习经验自由组合的方法,激发幼儿的创新思维,促进幼儿创新意识的发展。  相似文献   

根据"纲要"精神,幼儿科学教育是科学启蒙教育,首先就要培育幼儿科学探究的热情和兴趣,教师要挖掘家长、社会和幼儿园内的资源,并通过各种活动形式让幼儿去探究。  相似文献   

幼儿园科学探究活动的形式主要是指"科学探究"本身的外显的行为与表现方式,体现为活动的流程或环节。幼儿园科学探究活动的实质是幼儿自主探究。当前幼儿园科学探究活动陷入徒有形式、缺失实质的困境。走出困境,教师需要确立幼儿在科学探究中的主体地位,观察了解幼儿的科学兴趣,创设宽松的环境支持幼儿的自主探究,使幼儿园科学探究活动回归其实质。  相似文献   

陈敏 《考试周刊》2013,(34):189-189
<正>陶行知先生说:"想造就一个科学民族,必须培植造就科学的幼儿,由此才有科学的中国。"可见,对孩子进行科学启蒙,培养孩子的科学探究意识,促进未来人才提高科学素养显得尤为重要。新《纲要》指出:"科学教育应密切联系幼儿的实际生活,利用身边的事物与现象作为科学探索的对象。"教育内容的选择要"贴近幼儿的生活",即提出幼儿园科学教育活动生活化的教育要求。为了让幼儿园的科学活动生活化,寻求更自然、更符合幼儿学习特点、更贴近幼儿生活实际的科学教育,我们可以采取以下策略。  相似文献   

我们知道,科学的本质在于人类的探究活动。在幼儿园科学探究活动中,对幼儿创新思维的培养具有重要的现实意义。因此,我们应该通过家园携手指导幼儿园科学活动中增长知识。首先,要提高幼儿教师自身的素质。其次,要家长积极的配合。这样,才能促进幼儿的健康成长。文章围绕如何开展家园携手指导幼儿的科学活动进行阐述,旨在提高教学效果。  相似文献   

王燕娇 《成才之路》2023,(10):93-96
幼儿科学教育是幼儿接触科学的重要途径。幼儿教师作为幼儿科学教育的组织者、引导者,要合理开展幼儿科学探究活动,以引导幼儿充分感受科学的奇妙,有效提升科学素养,实现全面健康发展。文章从找准课程起点、激发幼儿参与科学活动兴趣,搭建问题支架、提高幼儿科学探究能力,通过反复试验、强化幼儿科学品质意识,重视感知体验、帮助幼儿树立科学精神,结合幼儿生活、积极进行科学活动反思等方面对快乐生活视域下的幼儿园科学教育策略进行探究。  相似文献   

幼儿园科学活动中集体授课、知识传输的教学形式并不能完全满足激发幼儿科学探究主动性的要求,不利于幼儿科学意识、科学态度、初步科学探究能力的培养。高质量的户外建构游戏有助于丰富幼儿园科学活动形式,使幼儿在户外建构游戏中通过身体力行的参与成为学习的主人,能够促进幼儿“五育”融合协同发展。开展户外建构游戏应注意树立规则,强调安全;倡导合作,化解冲突;创生主题,优化内容;提升经验,适度指导;鼓励创新,尊重放手。  相似文献   

朱亚芬 《考试周刊》2013,(99):188-188
《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:“幼儿科学教育是科学启蒙教育。重在激发幼儿的认识兴趣和探究欲望。”教师要尽量创造条件让幼儿参加探究活动.使他们感受科学探究的过程和方法。在幼儿园。教师是科学教育活动的组织者和领导者,幼儿的自主学习能力和探究水平在很大程度上取决于教师的组织和领导策略。在科学教学活动中,教师要充分理解幼儿的特点,创造自然轻松的学习氛围,采取相应的组织领导策略,让幼儿在观察、操作、游戏的活动中主动与环境中的科学信息产生交互作用。  相似文献   

《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:“要尽量创造条件让幼儿实际参加探究活动,使他们感受科学探究的过程和方法,体验发现的乐趣.”近年来,我国很多幼儿园开展了“做中学”科学教育活动,但由于一直存在科学教育就是让幼儿学习科学知识的陈旧观念,而且幼儿园教师对科学教育活动宗旨的理解有偏差,局限在通过让幼儿动手动脑来更好地学习或掌握科学知识和技能,因而探究的过程和方法简单粗糙随意,不具有系统性,很难使幼儿“感受科学探究的过程和方法”.为此,作者在与美国科学教育进行比较的基础上,对我国幼儿园科学教育活动提出了一些改进的建议.  相似文献   

杨丽 《亚太教育》2023,(19):116-118
科学实践活动是体现幼儿园园本课程特色、培养幼儿科学意识的重要活动。问题驱动背景下的幼儿园科学实践活动能激发幼儿的探究热情,提升科学实践活动效果。因此幼儿教师要设计递进问题整合科学实践活动、创设问题情境激发幼儿探索兴趣、提出关键问题引发幼儿科学思考、巧妙设置问题引导幼儿探究思路、布置难点问题组织幼儿合作探究。教师通过以上创新设计,能够充分借助问题推进科学实践活动的开展效果。  相似文献   

Preservice teachers in a K–8 science methods course used guided video reflection to examine their interactions with children during science teaching. This inquiry approach helped preservice teachers identify and respond to gaps between their beliefs and intentions about teaching all children and their enactment of those beliefs. The experience of teaching a science lesson and then viewing it multiple times through a critical framework provided an opportunity for preservice teachers to recognize hidden assumptions, unexamined behaviors, and the unintentional meanings they may have conveyed to children. This encouraged them to think more critically about their roles as teachers in creating spaces where all children have access to quality science learning experiences.
Tamara Holmlund NelsonEmail:

Science Activities That Work: Perceptions of Primary School Teachers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many primary school teachers in Australia tend to be reluctant to teach science, partly because they are not confident in science and have limited science background knowledge. However, quite a number of primary school teachers still manage to teach some science. When they plan to teach science, many of them use the term science activities that work. Such activities seem to be related to science pedagogical content knowledge for some primary teachers. In order to better understand what the term activities that work means, twenty teachers from several schools were interviewed and asked what they understood by this expression. Themes that emerged suggest that activities that work are hands on, are interesting and motivating for the children, have a clear outcome or result, are manageable in the classroom, use equipment that is readily available, and are preferably used in a context where science is integrated into themes. Implications for curriculum and for preservice teacher education are considered.  相似文献   

This article reports on an innovative pedagogical approach devised to re-envigorate primary (elementary) teachers’ practice in the United Kingdom for older children. Learning science in elementary schools for 8–11 year olds (Key Stage 2 in England) has been constrained for several decades while teachers prepared them for national tests. The recent demise of these high stakes assessments (for the 11 year olds) has opened up creative space to enable re-development of the ways that science is taught and learnt. This article describes how an innovative approach to teaching science to more mature primary children can be developed through the application of theatrical techniques. Dramatizing science can offer a more lively, none traditional way to learn, that can appeal to and involve all children in a science classroom. In this study, 17 teachers from 12 Staffordshire schools experimented with these new pedagogical approaches to explore how they might enhance their practice and augment their children’s learning. Reflective journal extracts, field notes, informal discussions, interviews and classroom observations indicated how successfully the thespian techniques were applied. Findings indicate that dramatizing science learning through various means that encourage social interaction, improvisation and reflection on historical narratives appears to not only engage and motivate learners but also aid them in grasping more challenging conceptual and procedural ideas.  相似文献   

新的科学教育理念强调,幼儿科学教育重在"做科学"的过程,而非仅仅是对幼儿进行科学知识的灌输。适宜发展方案(DAP)、5E教学模式、提问策略是幼儿科学教育的三个关键。从理论上对这三个关键进行相关论述,并结合案例对其进行了具体分析,以期能够帮助幼儿教师为"做科学"创造一个更为丰富的环境。  相似文献   

科学课程是科学课程决定者以社会意识形态的媒介、个体看问题的特定视角来选择、组织科学知识而形成的。科学课程是与一定社会的意识形态、科学课程决定者看待科学知识的角度等密切相关的,是具有“价值性”、“社会性”和“选择性”的。这一新的阐释将使研究者、师生认识到科学课程是不可避免地要涉及到特定社会的价值因素以及个体看问题的“角度”的,科学课程知识并不完全代表人类探索自然的真实状况,而是具有局限性、境域性和片面性的,是需要不断完善、修正与发展的。只有放弃“客观”、“价值中立”、“普遍正确”的科学课程理念,不断反思和追问科学课程知识的真理性,才能真正深化科学教育研究、深入进行科学教育实验。对于师生而言,在科学课程面前是人人平等的,没有人掌握着永远正确、不容反驳的知识真理,由此促使教师在教学以及社会生活中以平等、宽容的态度对待学生,并在实践中尊重学生的个体差异,建立民主、平等的师生关系。  相似文献   

对中山市5个区和24个镇的48所幼儿园抽样调查,充分了解学前儿童科学教育家园互动的状况,发现人口统计学特征、家长的家庭背景、幼儿园的等级、学校和教师组织互动活动具体情况对家园互动效果的影响。对家园互动效果满意度影响因素进行回归分析,发现:家长和教师对学前儿童科学教育互动的认知是影响互动效果及满意度的重要因素,具体的家园互动活动过程的设计和幼儿园的性质是影响互动效果及满意度的主要因素之一。建议:幼儿教师思想上高度重视家园互动;活动设计上尊重幼儿的身心发展特点;加强家园沟通,挖掘家庭教育资源等。  相似文献   

小学科学课程承担着培养小学生科学素质的重任,早期科学教育对每个人科学素质的形成具有十分重要的影响。然而在调研中发现,小学科学课程实施情况不尽人意:专职科学教师数量极其缺乏;科学课程开设严重不齐不足,兼职教师挪课现象相当严重;设施设备投入不足,科学专用教室和设备严重缺乏。这些问题严重影响小学科学教育正常开展。因此,必须提高对科学课程开设重要性认识,配备专职科学教师,保证开齐开好科学课程,促进学生创新意识和实践能力的提高。  相似文献   

An important task for the preschool teacher is to create meaningful learning situations where children have opportunities to experience science. However, many teachers have both weak subject knowledge and a lack of confidence to teach science. The aim of the project presented in this article was to capture how nine preschool teachers developed their learning of and self-confidence in teaching science during a two-year professional development (PD) project while coplanning, coteaching, and coreflecting on their teaching activities. During the project, the preschool teachers’ self-confidence and attitudes played an important role for the their approach to science activities. Their collaborative learning and reflection became important for their PD and for the way science phenomena were included in the preschool context. As such, the project is based on opportunities for preschool teachers to develop their ideas about science and to reframe their work with the aim to stimulate children’s curiosity for science.  相似文献   

Museum Experience — a Resource for Science Teacher Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, the researcher included an extensive science museum experience for the pre-service secondary science teachers within a teaching methods course to enhance their learning to teach science. The extensive museum experience covered four aspects: the visit, discussion with museum educators, the development of lesson plans, and practising teaching in the science museum. Twenty-one pre-service science teachers attended this course. Qualitative methods were used for data collection and analysis. The data sources included field notes, reports, diaries, and interviews. The findings show that this course connecting museum resources and context had created a novel situation for pre-service science teachers to learn how to teach science. The discourses with the museum educators also provided them with innovations in education beyond the gains from traditional teacher education. Through developing and practising teaching activities, they improved their understanding of the meanings and effective ways to use museum resources in science teaching. Pre-service science teachers reported that getting feedback from peers and observing modeling teaching was helpful. This course provided an alternative way to view how scientific activities were developed for junior high students. In general, the use of museum settings provides a new profile of learning and teaching course for pre-service science teachers in Taiwan. Based on the findings, this study makes suggestions for those science teacher educators who would like to use science museum resources and contexts to nurture prospective science teachers.  相似文献   

促进幼儿园科学教育深入开展的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
幼儿园开展科学教育是适应时代发展的必然结果。为提高幼儿园科学教育的质量,必须从思想上提高认识,更新教育观念,加强幼儿园科学教育师资的培养,加快幼儿园的信息化建设,宣传和推广幼儿园科学教育资源方面的研究成果,为普遍提高幼儿园科学教育的水平服务。  相似文献   

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