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分析医学期刊编委会专家审稿组稿撰稿情况,为了解编委会专家职能发挥情况,加强编委会建设提供参考。依托中华医学会《中华烧伤杂志》稿件处理系统中的“专家审稿情况”模块,统计2013年7月1日—2017年6月30日第4届编委会任期内专家审稿篇数>70的审稿专家情况,包括出生年、学历、职称、工作单位、本刊职务等,并统计其审稿周期,在“稿件查询”模块里查询上述专家刊稿情况,通过每期责任编辑统计4年间上述专家组稿篇数。4年间审稿篇数>70的编委共20人,其中常务编委和普通编委均为10人,分别占41.7%(10/24)和14.3%(10/70)。编委多为60后,3/4的编委具有博士学历,所在单位大多为烧伤学科发展良好的知名院校附属综合性三甲医院。常务编委审稿数1133篇,平均审稿周期4.8d;普通编委审稿数946篇,平均审稿周期6.2d。常务编委和普通编委审稿情况差异不明显。常务编委组稿数101篇,刊稿数49篇;普通编委组稿数25篇,刊稿数27篇。编委在期刊审稿中发挥了重要作用,常务编委在期刊的组稿、刊稿方面,优于普通编委,但总体形势不容乐观,今后应加强编委在组稿和撰稿方面的职能。  相似文献   

易基圣 《编辑学报》2017,29(1):55-57
针对科技期刊编委会成员产生方式主观性较强、编委作用发挥不充分等问题,提出一种基于文献计量学的期刊编委遴选方法.从专家学术影响力、学术活跃度和编委贡献度3个维度选取H指数、前3年年均发表文章数、本刊投稿数、审稿数等4个指标进行统计分析,以《中国舰船研究》编委会换届为例给出了计量结果.结果表明,该方法可遴选出学术影响力较高、符合期刊发展预期的编委,尤其是遴选出处于学术研究上升期的中青年编委.  相似文献   

以清华同方中国知网CNKI下载与引证数据库、Elsevier公司的Scopus和Science Direct数据库、汤森路透公司的Web of Science数据库为数据源,选取《中国天然药物》2003年5月创刊至2010年发表的文章,对《中国天然药物》的高下载与高引证文章的作者进行分析,探讨编委对高引证、高下载文章的贡献,总结编委在提高办刊质量与期刊的影响力上发挥的关键作用,着重探讨编辑部应该做好编委服务工作。  相似文献   

郗向丽  于水  赵颖力 《编辑学报》2017,29(5):489-491
探讨科技期刊如何通过实行主编/副主编负责制来有效地发挥编委会在提升期刊学术水平和影响力中的核心作用.以《储能科学与技术》为例,介绍主编/副主编负责制的建设原则,分析主编负责制在提升刊物学术影响力、期刊推介、增强编委会凝聚力和激发编委办刊积极性等方面的主要作用.提出采用制定合理的考核制度、增强编辑部服务意识和合理的福利待遇等措施,以促进该制度的良性发展.实践证明:对于一种刚刚起步的科技期刊,实行主编/副主编负责制对快速提升期刊影响力产生了非常好的助推效果;坚持实行主编/副主编负责制,通过更细致、更专业的管理和良好的沟通等来保证该制度的可持续发展,对提高刊物的影响力至关重要.  相似文献   

科技期刊编务人员服务意识的强弱已成为衡量该编辑部工作质量好坏的重要标尺之一。本文以《热带作物学报》为例,就科技期刊编务人员的服务意识及其与期刊发展的关系进行探讨,以期为科技期刊的良性发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Most journals have editorial boards. Their composition, what the individual members do, and how they operate will vary, but they are generally recognized as having certain central roles. What makes a good editor? How can potential editors be identified and then persuaded to join an editorial board? Once on the board, what can be done to keep them happy, committed, and working productively for the journal? What sorts of problems can arise, and how can they be avoided? These are some of the questions dealt with in this article.  相似文献   

运用数据库定量分析遴选英文科技期刊编委   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
丁筠 《编辑学报》2018,30(4):392-395
编委会对科技期刊的发展起着至关重要的作用。组建一支优质而高效的编委会队伍可以为打造优秀科技期刊奠定坚实的基础。本文以《仿生工程学报》编委会换届筹备为例,借鉴国外同领域竞争期刊的编委会构成特点,探讨适合我国英文科技期刊的编委遴选的新方法。实践表明,灵活运用Web of Science、Scopus等网络文献数据库,不仅可以对备选编委的学术影响力、学术活跃度等进行定量评估,还可以挖掘有潜力的新编委。备选编委定量评价体系的建立能够为编委会换届改选提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

李禾  吕冬梅  周驰 《编辑学报》2013,25(5):448-451
《中国中药杂志》根据现阶段期刊发展需求,探索出一套特色化、全方位的绩效考核管理机制。将编辑分为纸质版编辑、网络与信息编辑2种类型,并分设了不同的管理考核标准。对纸质版编辑的考核综合了选题组稿,文章的下载频次、被引频次、刊用周期,举办或参加会议与培训,参与基金项目,创收等多个方面;对网络与信息编辑的考核则侧重于激励研发与创新。对于编委会,也打破常规,采取量化考核与竞争机制。通过对编辑部和编委会实行特色化的量化考核、绩效管理制度,将编辑和专家的个人贡献与期刊整体发展紧密结合,充分发挥了其潜能和资源优势,使期刊综合实力得到迅速提升。  相似文献   

With the passage of ownership of Curator: The Museum Journal from the California Academy of Sciences (CAS) to John Wiley and Sons, Inc., John Fraser has been appointed as the new Editor. His article summarizes the circulation growth of the journal since Wiley first began publishing the title. The expansion is visible in the number of libraries, the global distribution, and access at low or no cost to institutions in developing economies of the journal. The new editor envisions further growth, and plans a vibrant social media presence, enlarged editorial board, and a continuation of his predecessor's legacy.  相似文献   

身兼护理学术期刊多家编委的弊端及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王红丽  刘苏君 《编辑学报》2009,21(5):431-433
为组建好护理学术期刊的编委会,充分发挥编委的作用,调查了6种护理期刊编委的任职情况,对同一编委在多家期刊兼职的弊端进行了分析.身兼多家编委不利于发挥其应有的学术把关作用,提出了解决身兼多家编委问题的对策.  相似文献   

This paper presents an index that measures reviewer contribution to editorial processes of scholarly journals. Following a metaphor of ranking algorithms in sports tournaments, we created an index that considers reviewers on different context-specific dimensions, i.e., report delivery time, the length of the report and the alignment of recommendations to editorial decisions. To test the index, we used a dataset of peer review in a multi-disciplinary journal, including 544 reviewers on 606 submissions in six years. Although limited by sample size, the test showed that the index identifies outstanding contributors and weak performing reviewers efficiently. Our index is flexible, contemplates extensions and could be incorporated into available scholarly journal management tools. It can assist editors in rewarding high performing reviewers and managing editorial turnover.  相似文献   

高校学报编委会作用的最大化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王金莲 《编辑学报》2012,24(6):573-575
从高校学报的功能出发,运用效益最大化原则,对影响高校学报编委会作用最大化的若干因素进行分析。认为学报选用编委必须以有效性为准则,并建立相应的激励机制,只有当编委和学报编辑的工作都同时达到有效性时,才能实现高校学报编委会作用的最大化。  相似文献   

张福颖  倪东鸿 《编辑学报》2021,33(1):107-110
基于《大气科学学报》2016年第6期和2019年第1期2期专刊策划实践,发现数据挖掘可有效提升科技期刊专刊的学术影响力和社会影响力;基于数据挖掘,科技期刊专刊可实现特色化的选题策划、精准化的组稿策划和个性化的运营策划.通过数据挖掘策划专刊出版,应充分发挥编辑、编委(主编)和专家的作用与优势,并最终形成办刊合力.为此,要牢固树立编辑的数据挖掘思维、充分发挥编委会的主导作用、充分发挥专家论文撰写和专刊宣传的重要作用.  相似文献   

何永艳  梁倩  蒋巧媛 《编辑学报》2016,28(3):264-265
编委是期刊重要的学术资源,对于提高期刊质量和扩大期刊影响力发挥着决定性的作用.期刊编辑部既要强调编委的责任和义务,还要注重为编委提供人文关怀,充分肯定编委对期刊发展的贡献,激发编委参与办刊的热情,才能使期刊与编委达到双赢,营造共同发展的学术环境.  相似文献   

Since 1997, Zahava D. Doering has contributed to Curator: The Museum Journal. This is her last issue as Curator editor. The article highlights the key issues for which the journal has provided a platform to its global readership during her editorship. Issues include psychological and physical access, social roles and responsibility, health, museums without walls, crowdsourcing, environmental sustainability, and human rights and diversity. It also extends gratitude to the editorial staff (named), editorial board members, peer reviewers, and authors she has had the honor to have as colleagues in supporting new dialogues for museums and other cultural venues.  相似文献   

The effect on the editorial policy of a scholarly journal of its being published by a learned society rather than by an independent commercial owner can be examined through consideration of a number of questions that define possible influences on policy. The evidence from a look at the genesis of scholarly journals in learned societies and their evolution suggests that the answers can be many and that the qualities of scholarly journals depend more on the stage of a journal’s evolution, pressures for its profitability, and the editor’s decisions than on the question of a journal’s ownership. Some first–rate journals are non–society, commercially owned journals; some are society–owned and published.  相似文献   

在总结《中国天然药物》所编《编委通讯》的内容类型及实践心得的基础上,分析该举措对争取编委支持、推动期刊发展的作用.认为在目前国内期刊竞争日益激烈和编委实质参与度较低的状况下,办好《编委通讯》不失为一种服务编委、宣传期刊、提高编委参与度,从而推动期刊发展的举措.  相似文献   

科技期刊稿件遴选机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄锋  黄雅意 《编辑学报》2015,27(6):531-532
分析科技期刊稿件三审制中专家评审环节采用匿名审稿模式和公开审稿模式的利弊,以及编委推荐制对于科技期刊遴选优质稿件的突出优势.认为我国科技期刊在公开审稿模式尚未建立的现阶段,实行编委推荐制与同行专家双向匿名审稿模式相结合的综合稿件遴选机制是一种合理的选择.  相似文献   

There is evidence that national scientific journals are important for local communities despite their limited audience due to national languages and topics, like in pedagogy. However, it is not easy to assess the level of scientific rigour of local journals, as most do not have available scientometric data and are often published in minority languages. We hypothesize that a possible manifestation of a latent trait of inner authenticity of the scientific journal (meaning the journal is accepted by a community interested in developing the field which conducts internationally accepted research) could be H-index of the editorial board members. To test this approach, we evaluated H-index and gender of editorial board members (n = 490) from 17 Czech and Slovak national science-oriented scientific pedagogical journals which were not indexed or indexed in Erih+ or Scopus, and compared this with the five lowest-rated journals from the same field indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database. The H-index of editorial board members was somewhat higher in indexed journals with those from WoS showing higher scores, and the number of board members with no discernable H-index was far greater in non-indexed journals. Editorial boards of journals indexed in WoS were mostly male, compared to a dominance of women on boards of non-indexed journals. Acknowledging the limited sample, it appears that the H-index of editorial board members may be a way to value national scientific journals.  相似文献   

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