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Educational under-achievement by a section of the Maori population is a persistent problem for New Zealand. This article is a theoretical examination of the practice and consequences of a culture-based curriculum that is promoted as the solution. We develop the argument that not only is the ‘cultural solution’ at odds with the complex social reality in New Zealand, but it is itself a contributor to educational under-achievement.  相似文献   

In the 1980s and 1990s the discipline of philosophy of education had an impact on schooling and the public service in New Zealand because of the contracted work of James Marshall and Michael Peters. This personal reflection by Robert Shaw is a tribute to James Marshall and provides insight into the relationship between Ministry officials, the community, and educational researchers.  相似文献   

The perspectives of indigenous science learners in developed nations offer an important but frequently overlooked dimension to debates about the nature of science, the science curriculum, and calls from educators to make school science more culturally responsive or ‘relevant’ to students from indigenous or minority groups. In this paper the findings of a study conducted with indigenous Maori children between the ages of 10 and 12 years are discussed. The purpose of the study was to examine the ways that indigenous children in an urban school environment in New Zealand position themselves in relation to school science. Drawing on the work of Basil Bernstein, we argue that although the interplay between emergent cultural identity narratives and the formation of ‘science selves’ is not as yet fully understood, it carries the potential to open a rich seam of learning for indigenous children.  相似文献   

Maori women teachers in nineteenth‐century New Zealand have been little acknowledged in educational histories, and indeed, in some instances their contributions have been explicitly nullified. Those who have taken leadership roles have been no more visible. This article examines the silencing and exclusion from educational history of a young Maori woman who was both a teacher and a community leader during this period. It identifies the various points at which her role was silenced and suggests that such silencing is a reflection of her position as woman and as Maori, in a missionary/colonial context. In telling her story, this article (re)instates Maata Patene to a position of leadership and agency in the history of New Zealand education.  相似文献   

Young women giving birth to children or teen mothers are often on the fringes of society. To facilitate the journeys of these young women towards higher education, a number of organisations have been established. Taking Indigenous knowledge as our theoretical lens, our qualitative data were based on interviews with Indigenous Māori teen mothers and teen parent organisations. Our empirical study investigated organisational practices which support teen mothers in their quest for higher education. We make a dual contribution, firstly by extending and enriching scholarship on teen mothers, specifically Indigenous teen mothers, to facilitate understandings of their journey; and secondly we develop a model representing the challenges and successes of their journey and present organisational practices to enhance transitioning to higher education. We suggest that the integration of Indigenous knowledge opens up new avenues for a more sophisticated understanding of organisational practices intertwined with the journeys of teen mothers.  相似文献   

Post‐Marxist critical sociology of education has influenced the development of indigenous (‘kaupapa’) Maori educational theory and research. Its effects are examined in four claims made for Maori education by indigenous theorists. The claims are: indigenous kaupapa Maori education is a revolutionary initiative; it is a cultural solution to Maori educational under‐achievement; it has reversed the decline of the Maori language; it provides a valid educational alternative for an ethnically and culturally distinctive population. The analysis suggests that the indigenous theory approach is representative of the position‐taking strategy that characterises post‐Marxist critical sociology of education, concluding that claims made in kaupapa Maori voice discourse are not supported by the empirical evidence which indicates a more complex social reality.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of the university system in New Zealand and explores the impact of colonisation on the development of research priorities.The paper covers four main areas. The first area discusses the question of identity and location in the early settler colonies and how early contact between Maori and Pakeha led to significant shifts in cultural codes; the second area concerns the historical foundations of higher education in New Zealand and the establishment of Victoria University of Wellington. It includes a discussion of colonial and indigenous identities in the academic context; the third area deals with the contemporary university with particular reference to Victoria University of Wellington; the final section offers some reflections on the ways in which colonisation and local identity are presently influencing educational research priorities.  相似文献   


The experience of researching as a Māori student within academia will often raise questions about how and whether the student’s research privileges Māori world views and articulates culturally specific epistemologies. This study offers some theorising, from the perspectives of a Maori doctoral student and her Maori supervisor (the authors of this study), on the metaphysical nature of research for Maori. It emphasises that there is a space for speculative, creative and responsive thinking as a central method in the student’s doctoral research and describes how access to free thinking has been only partly recognised in currently dominant methods of research. We describe this approach as ‘whakaaro’, and note its relationship to language itself, to the researcher and the interviewee, and in particular to the researcher’s intuitive and largely unknowable response to what an interviewee utters. In that act, the student envisages that she will expansively hint at (but not pretend to grasp) the deep expression of the profoundly mysterious. Here, our thinking resonates with various Western and indigenous writings about research and adumbrates the potential of the whakaaro method without foreclosing against its various permutations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review literature related to the impact of policy and legislation on Maori children with special needs. The historical perceptions of disability for Maori will be discussed and the impacts of western influences and policy will be reviewed. The article investigates relevant studies and literature, both national and international, previously carried out in these areas and other corresponding areas of research. It synthesises the main points relating to this review, enabling the reader to gain an awareness of a set of special needs and disability issues as they relate to a specific New Zealand population. These include concepts of disability, Maori and disability issues and special needs education and support provisions for Maori.  相似文献   

由于独特的地理位置和殖民文化特色,新西兰英语与英国英语、澳大利亚英语和毛利语(毛利语是新西兰当地土著毛利居民的语言)有着千丝万缕的联系,在语音、词汇、习语等方面都具有鲜明的特色。新西兰英语有着浓厚的地方语言特色和文化特点,是英语语言中的一个重要的区域变体。本文主要论述新西兰英语产生的历史背景及其语言特点。  相似文献   

大洋洲是在地理大发现的白银时代才呈现在欧洲人面前的,1788年和1840年分别是澳大利亚和新西兰被英国残民的开始时间,与此同时也逐渐开始了近代化,由于地处南半球,移民的奋斗等原因,殖民化与近代化同步发展,另外,新西兰的毛利人进行过维护土地权的战争,而澳大利亚的土几乎未作过积极的反抗,19世纪后期,这两个国家都有过社会改革的实验,加之移民劳动的努力,为20世纪初自治领的建立奠定了基础,此后两国实际走上了独立的道路并在亚太地区发挥着重大作用。  相似文献   

How do Asia Pacific educators make sense of culture in the curriculum in terms appropriate to the twenty-first century? With the advance of globalization, is the idea of a culture (whether national, ethnic, or indigenous) as a way of life sustainable? In such a paradoxical setting where global forces appear to both affirm and undercut local cultures, how can educators navigate and negotiate the global cultural interactions required to make the curriculum an acceptable path for cultural formation? This essay uses a cross-disciplinary form of historical analysis to focus on recent national curriculum reforms in New Zealand in order to explore the present contexts and concepts of culture.  相似文献   

个性化教育是在充分认识教育效果基础上所提出的一个热点话题.个性化教育对提高一个国家的国际竞争力存在深远影响.美俄等国通过实施个性化的课程设置、培养个性思维,使得个性化教育得到充分发展,个性化教育的内涵在于从人的主体性、创造性着手,使教育具有针对性.这种教育模式着眼现在、放眼未来.个性化教育、创新教育和素质教育三者是统一的,我国应该通过发展研究型教育推进个性教育的发展.  相似文献   

This article examines how certain contextual factors explain levels of education attainment and participation amongst youths in 30 European countries, whilst also exploring the scope for action of education policy when dealing with these issues. Through simple OLS regressions, we first evaluate the impact of a group of contextual indicators on the percentage of the population aged 20 to 24 having completed at least upper secondary education (education attainment) and the number of students aged 18 as a percentage of the corresponding age population (education participation). Secondly, through multivariate OLS analysis, we identify the net impact of some of these factors on the levels of education participation of 18-year-olds. The results show the significance of three factors: low-skilled occupation, the structure of public spending on education, and the importance of vocational education programmes in secondary education.  相似文献   

彭军 《平原大学学报》2007,24(2):98-101
教育供给与教育需求之间的严重失衡现象,导致教育竞争过度并诱发“应试教育”现象,使得教育竞争向更加无序和背离教育目的的方向发展。扭转“应试教育”现象的根本出路在于大力改革与发展教育事业。用人制度的变革、考试制度的变革等举措能配合抑制“应试教育”现象。  相似文献   

Moral education can be received from the film Beverly Hills Chihuahua.In the modern time,moral education is believed to be in the first place on all-around education in schools.Family education is the key factor that have an effect on the quality of one’s moral ed ucation.Responsibility education and gratitude education are believed to be helpful in moral education Setback education for the youth is also emphasized in our time.The environment is very important for the moral development.  相似文献   

普通高中教育的健康发展,在内在质量上应体现为普通高中教育性质的充分体现与使命的全面落实。在多维度认识视野中,当代普通高中教育是再生产"普通人"的普通教育,是为"未完成人"终身发展奠基的高层次基础教育,是九年义务教育后移进程中的大众教育,是主动适应受教育者升学与就业需要的预备教育,也是基于准成年人身心特征的多样化选择性教育。当代普通高中教育的上述性质与使命集中指向素质教育。全力推进素质教育是提升普通高中教育质量与文化品位的惟一正确选择。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代初,爱的教育就作为一种新型而有效的教育形式开始在学校里推行。爱的教育在我国全社会推行就需要学校、家庭、社会、社区的共同努力,因为,教育是全人类共同的活动,它同每个人都息息相关,是全人类都应承担的义务。  相似文献   

Globally, neoliberal education policy touts youth entrepreneurship education as a solution for staggering youth unemployment, a means to bolster economically depressed regions, and solution to the ill-defined changing marketplace. Many jurisdictions have emphasized a need for K-12 entrepreneurial education for the general population, and targeted to youth labeled ‘at risk’. The Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative’s Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship Program (AYEP) has been enacted across Canada. This paper applies critical discourse analysis to a corpus of texts, exposing how colonial practices, deficit discourse, and discursive neoliberalism are embedded and perpetuated though entrepreneurial education targeted at Aboriginal students via AYEP.  相似文献   

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