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为了评价体操游戏健身方案对幼儿下肢运动能力的影响,运用影像分析方法分析不同年龄阶段幼儿实验组和对照组立定跳远过程的运动学指标变化情况。研究结果表明体操游戏健身方案干预对立定跳远远度的影响存在统计学差异;干预期间,实验组与对照组幼儿关节角度变化幅度结果之间无显著性差异,但实验组幼儿关节角度变化无论男生女生在实验干预前后有显著性的差异;进行体操游戏健身方案后的幼儿髋、膝、踝关节的活动幅度都相对提高,干预对膝关节运动幅度的影响要强于髋关节和踝关节;随着年龄的增大,训练时间增长,年龄大的幼儿关节角度变化幅度实验组比对照组明显增加。  相似文献   

为了进一步了解和掌握我国幼儿人群游戏和体操健身活动的现状,以便为我国幼儿人群运动健身科学指导方案的制定和健身效果的评价等关键技术研究提供理论依据,采用走访调研及专家访谈等方法,对我国11省13市的31所幼儿园进行了有关我国幼儿人群游戏与健身活动开展现状的调查研究。结果表明:游戏是幼儿园幼儿的最基本活动方式,健身活动包括幼儿体操、体育课、户外活动等,幼儿的走、跑、跳、投掷、钻爬、平衡等基本动作能力训练是活动的主要内容;但也存在一些问题,如游戏的形式化、教学化,体操及体育动作还缺乏较为科学的活动理念,幼儿体质监测的缺位等,也影响了幼儿人群健身活动的科学性和有效性。  相似文献   

依据我国幼儿人群游戏与健身活动的开展现状,设计出以身体素质为基本分类、以幼儿体操与幼儿游戏运动组合为健身内容,并通过对5~6岁幼儿的游戏健身干预实践,观察幼儿体质指标中身体素质的变化,提出科学合理的评价标准体系,为我国幼儿人群运动健身科学指导与效果评价关键技术研究提供理论与实践支持。结果:幼儿体操、游戏健身运动组合对幼儿园5~6岁幼儿的身体素质指标均有明显的积极和促进作用,各身体素质指标第3-97百分位点结果均可以作为幼儿体操、游戏健身效果评价的有效指标,在评价体操、游戏健身组合干预前、后幼儿的身体素质具有可靠的应用价值。  相似文献   

根据我国幼儿人群身体特点和运动能力,设计基于身体素质提高的体操与游戏健身组合运动方案,并通过对沈阳市3~4岁幼儿的健身干预,观察幼儿身体素质指标的变化规律,建立科学的评价标准体系,为我国幼儿人群运动健身科学指导与效果评价等提供理论与实践依据.结果:体操、游戏健身组合对3~4岁幼儿的身体素质指标均有明显的积极和促进作用,依据各身体素质指标第3 ~ 97百分位点结果和第10、25、75、90百分位点结果制定的评价等级标准在评价幼儿体操、游戏健身前后身体素质等方面具有重要的创新应用价值.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实验测试法和数理统计法等研究方法,选取江苏省苏州市某幼儿园2个幼儿大班作为实验组和对照组,对实验组进行持续3个月的快乐体操干预,探讨快乐体操对5~6岁幼儿基本协调能力的影响。通过12周的快乐体操练习后,幼儿的平衡能力、节奏能力、感知判断能力、空间定向能力、肢体配合能力、肢体活动范围都得到了显著提升,即快乐体操练习对幼儿的基本协调能力提升具有积极作用。  相似文献   

目的:观察保守方式治疗慢性非特异性下腰痛的疗效。方法:将受试者分为实验组和对照组,实验组干预方案包括针刀松解、腰部斜扳法、核心肌群训练,对照组干预方案包括手法推拿、牵引床牵引及八段锦功法练习。结果:实验组和对照组的VAS评分和ODI指数实验前后的t检验均显示具有高度显著性差异(P<0.01);腰椎主动关节活动度(AROM)方面,实验组的配对t检验均无显著性差异(P>0.05);对照组实验前后的t检验,除侧屈具有显著性差异(P<0.05)外,屈伸和旋转均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:在下腰痛的干预中,实验组和对照组实验方案均可以有效改善患者的疼痛和日常生活能力;但对于改善腰椎主动关节活动度屈伸、旋转效果均不明显,对照组的实验方案在改善侧屈腰椎主动关节活动度方面优于实验组。  相似文献   

探讨幼儿足球对幼儿粗大动作发展水平的影响,为干预幼儿粗大动作发展提供依据。选取嘉兴市108名5~6岁幼儿为受试对象,以班级为单位随机分为干预组与对照组。干预组进行12周幼儿足球游戏活动教学,2次*40min/周;对照组幼儿为静态性的课堂班级活动。干预前后采用PGMQS测量幼儿位移能力、操控能力及平衡能力。采用独立样本t检验、配对样本t检验及协方差分析两组幼儿前后测结果的差异性。结果显示:①干预前,两组幼儿粗大动作发展水平无显著性差异(P>0.05);干预后,两组幼儿粗大动作发展水平存在显著性差异(P<0.05),干预组高于对照组。②干预组和对照组幼儿后测结果与前测结果间均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),后测结果高于前测。研究结果表明幼儿粗大动作发展存在延长效应,但结构化幼儿足球游戏活动明显提高了幼儿粗大动作发展水平。因此建议抓牢幼儿早期动作发展的敏感期,以动作发展为主线科学设计幼儿足球游戏活动并保证活动的顺利开展,为幼儿健康、全面发展奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、实验法等,以体操游戏创编与教学实践作为研究对象,结合幼儿基础体操和体育游戏创编要求,归纳总结了体操游戏的相关理论,创编出符合体操运动风格特色、健身效果明显、趣味性强、易于开展的体操游戏。建议重视幼儿体育理论与实践的研究,建立体操游戏学科体系,以此丰富幼儿教学手段,推动体操游戏教学的发展,促进幼儿体育教学改革。  相似文献   

目的 探讨体医融合的运动干预对大学生膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的康复效果,为前交叉韧带损伤的康复研究提供理论支撑。方法 苏州市首家体医融合运动康复中心的57例大学生前交叉韧带损伤患者随机分成实验组与对照组进行运动干预性康复训练,12周后,测试并对比两组受试者的关节功能指标。结果 干预后,关节活动度方面,与干预前相比,实验组关节的前伸度降低43.73%、后屈度提升7.19%;内收度降低70.12%、外展度提升14.02%,差异均具有统计学意义(t值分别为-4.39,-6.89,4.01,5.36,P值均<0.01)。关节力量方面,与干预前相比,实验组关节的前伸、屈膝、内收、外展力量分别提高11.74%、16.91%、10.72%、7.03%,差异均具有统计学意义(t值分别为9.22,7.30,3.86,4.16,P值均<0.01)。对照组的关节活动度、力量在干预前后的差异无统计学意义,(P值均>0.05)。结论 体医融合下的运动干预有助于改善大学生前交叉韧带损伤受试者关节的活动度,增加关节力量,对前交叉韧带损伤的康复具有明显促进作用,受试者膝关节功能恢复较好,缩短了治疗时间,...  相似文献   

在幼儿园阶段开设独立的幼儿体操课程,对增强幼儿体质、为九年义务教育的体育教育奠定基础有积极意义.以南京市3所幼儿园134名中班学生为样本,开展了为期一年的独立开设幼儿体操课程的实验研究.研究表明,实验组在肌肉本体感受器和前庭系为主的平衡感知能力、下肢力量、动作反应时、对音乐节奏的感知和柔韧性等方面与对照组相比均呈现显著差异.建议在以舞蹈、游戏、绘画、手工为主要内容的综合活动课程中增加体操类教学内容,或独立开设幼儿体操课程.  相似文献   

目的:通过水中运动疗法和常规疗法的对比,观察水中运动疗法对髌腱腱围炎患者的康复作用.方法:将符合标准的20位髌腱腱围炎患者分为实验组与对照组,每组10人.对照组进行常规疗法治疗,实验组在常规疗法基础上进行水中运动.互作疗效对比.结果:两组治疗前后膝关节功能评分均有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);治疗组相比对照组在治疗后膝关节功能评分有显著性差异(P<0.05).结论:水中运动疗法更适合膑腱腱围炎患者的功能康复.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt was made to examine the nature and persistence of bilateral transfer of a throwing skill for a large sample of male and female children. One hundred sixty children ages 6, 8, 10, and 12 years were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group with an equal number of boys and girls in each group. The experiment lasted 2 days and consisted of a pretest, a practice phase, an immediate transfer test, and a delayed transfer test. On the pretest, each participant performed 10 trials of a novel one-hand throwing task. Following the pretest, participants in the experimental group practiced the skill with the hand opposite the one used during the pretest until they had successfully reached a designated criterion for their age. Participants in the control group performed a balancing activity. Following the practice phase, all participants performed immediate (10 min later) and delayed (24 hr later) transfer tests under the same conditions as the pretest. The results revealed no group differences on the pretest but significantly higher throwing accuracy for the experimental group than the control group on both transfer tests. In addition, boys' throwing accuracy was significantly superior to the girls. It was concluded that bilateral transfer of throwing accuracy can be both a temporary and relatively persistent phenomenon for children and the superior throwing accuracy for boys is consistent with similar gender differences in throwing distance and throwing velocity (Thomas & French, 1985).  相似文献   

女子400m运动员肺通气机能的适应性变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对优秀女子 40 0m运动员和普通女子大学生递增负荷运动过程中肺通气机能变化特征的比较研究 ,结果表明 :进入工作状态阶段 ,实验组肺通气机能动员速度快于对照组 ;大负荷运动过程中 ,实验组呼吸类型呈深度性变化 ,而对照组则呈频率性变化 ,对照组RR快速增加是其TV抑制性变化的内在机制 ;递增负荷运动过程中 ,实验组TV增长速度始终大于对照组。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、教学实验等方法对软硬排结合教学在硬式排球传球教学过程中的教学效果进行研究。研究结果为:实验组和对照组男女生的立定跳远、50米跑、掷实心球三项测试成绩均无显著性差异;实验组和对照组男生传球达标和技评测试结果无显著性差异,女生传球达标和技评测试结果均有显著性差异;在软式排球向低压硬式排球过渡阶段,实验组男女生传球达标测试结果无显著性差异;在低压硬式排球向硬式排球过渡阶段,实验组男女生传球达标测试结果无显著性差异。  相似文献   


Throwing performance is vital within the sport of cricket. However, little published evidence exists regarding methods to improve throwing velocity and/or accuracy in any cricket-playing population. This study, therefore, assessed the efficacy of progressive velocity throwing training on throwing velocity and accuracy in a cricket-specific test. Eighteen sub-elite male cricket players were assessed for maximal throwing velocity and throwing accuracy at four different throwing velocities relative to maximal throwing velocity. The participants were randomly assigned to either an intervention (n=9) or control (n=9) group. Both groups performed usual pre-season activities for 8 weeks, during which the intervention group performed two additional specific throwing training sessions per week. Maximal throwing velocity was re-assessed at 4 weeks and the progressive velocity throwing programme was adjusted accordingly. The 8-week progressive velocity throwing training significantly increased peak and mean maximal throwing velocity (P = 0.01). Absolute changes in peak and mean maximal throwing velocity were negatively and significantly correlated with initial maximal throwing velocity at 4 weeks (r=?0.805, P = 0.01 and r=?0.806, P = 0.01 respectively) but not at 8 weeks. No significant difference was observed in accuracy for either group at any time. This is the first published study to describe the effectiveness of a progressive velocity throwing training programme on throwing performance in a group of sub-elite cricket players. The addition of two specific throwing training sessions per week can increase maximal throwing velocity without detriment to throwing accuracy.  相似文献   

In this study we compared the kinematic features of the throwing motion between young baseball players of different age groups. Forty-four Japanese baseball players aged 6.1 to 12.3 years who regularly played baseball, including pitchers and position players, had their throwing actions analyzed three-dimensionally using high speed videography. Of this sample, 26 players aged above 9 years of age were categorized as the senior group, while the remaining 18 were categorized as the junior group. Senior group throwers had greater height and body mass, and produced a greater ball speed than junior group throwers. The throwing arm movement of senior group throwers was similar to that of adult skilled players. However, in the junior group throwers, the shoulder horizontal adduction angle was larger during the arm acceleration phase, and the maximum angular velocities of elbow extension and shoulder internal rotation occurred later than in senior group throwers. These results indicate that players aged above 9 years can acquire a mature throwing arm movement, while players younger than that will use an immature motion. A possible reason why these differences were shown is that the official baseball is relatively heavy for junior group throwers; they would be better advised to use a lighter ball in throwing practice.  相似文献   


In this study we compared the kinematic features of the throwing motion between young baseball players of different age groups. Forty‐four Japanese baseball players aged 6.1 to 12.3 years who regularly played baseball, including pitchers and position players, had their throwing actions analyzed three‐dimensionally using high speed videography. Of this sample, 26 players aged above 9 years of age were categorized as the senior group, while the remaining 18 were categorized as the junior group. Senior group throwers had greater height and body mass, and produced a greater ball speed than junior group throwers. The throwing arm movement of senior group throwers was similar to that of adult skilled players. However, in the junior group throwers, the shoulder horizontal adduction angle was larger during the arm acceleration phase, and the maximum angular velocities of elbow extension and shoulder internal rotation occurred later than in senior group throwers. These results indicate that players aged above 9 years can acquire a mature throwing arm movement, while players younger than that will use an immature motion. A possible reason why these differences were shown is that the official baseball is relatively heavy for junior group throwers; they would be better advised to use a lighter ball in throwing practice.  相似文献   

黄芪生药对运动大鼠心肌自由基损伤的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过观察大鼠心肌自由基代谢变化,探讨灌服黄芪生药对训练大鼠心肌损害的保护作用机制。方法:选取雄性Wistar大鼠按体重灌服中药煎剂,采用游泳训练方式分别于安静、力竭即刻、力竭恢复12h状态下,取大鼠心肌组织测定MDA、SOD、GSH、GOT、PLA_2活性。结果:与对照组相比,服药组大鼠力竭时间延长,有显著性差异(P<0.01)。安静状态下服药组GSH含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05),SOD含量显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。大鼠力竭后即刻MDA含量、SOD活性、PLA_2活性与对照组有显著性差异(P<0.01)。力竭运动恢复12h后MDA含量、GSH含量、PLA_2活性与时照组有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:黄芪能够有效抑制脂质过氧化反应,提高机体在不同功能状态下的抗氧化能力,减轻心肌损伤,从而延长大鼠运动时间,推迟疲劳的发生。  相似文献   


This study examines the differences between expert and novice team-handball players in their sensitivity to instructions that emphasize speed or precision requirements. The effects of instructions on throwing speed and accuracy of a handball over arm throw and the speed–accuracy trade-off in experts and novices is revisited. An expert group (n=18) with a training experience of more than 10 years, and a novice group (n=24) without experience in team-handball, took part in the study. The participants were asked to throw to targets located at different positions following instructions emphasizing accuracy and instructions emphasizing accuracy and speed. Throwing speed was measured with a speed gun radar, and the centre of the ball when the ball entered the goal was digitalized for accuracy. Under these experimental conditions, the novice group was sensitive to instructions for reducing throwing speed and increasing accuracy when instructions emphasized accuracy. The expert group increased throwing speed when the instructions emphasized speed, but was not less accurate. The results indicate that it is advisable for experts’ speed to be close to maximum speed since it does not seem to have a significant effect on accuracy of the throw.  相似文献   

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