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Behavioral and mental health issues challenge institutions of higher education with difficult decisions around response. Interests of the individual and safety of the community must be constantly considered and balanced. A primary way institutions of higher education are responding to these challenges is through the formation of campus assessment teams. This article will address the legal and ethical issues relevant to these teams, and different models for structuring them. Reviewed are potential team names, models, missions, review procedures, documentation, dispositions, group dynamics, and messages to campus. The article concludes with recommendations about the threat assessment process and key concepts relevant to these teams.  相似文献   


Institutions of higher education and their counseling centers are under intense pressure to prevent student suicide. This article proposes that routinely using threat assessment and management teams in working with suicidal students would add value to existing suicide prevention efforts. The unique features of threat assessment and management provide several advantages over traditional clinical intervention. First and foremost, the majority of students who die of suicide do not seek services from campus counseling centers. These students may, nonetheless, come to the attention of campus constituents in a number of ways and may readily be referred to a threat assessment and management team. For students who are clients of the counseling center, a campus should still activate a threat assessment and management process. In this way, threat assessment and management may be useful for students who refuse to seek help as well as in providing assistance when students are engaged in treatment. Nonetheless, higher education in general and counseling centers in particular have not engaged in a standard practice of involving threat assessment and management teams with students who present at risk for suicide. Limitations to clinical approaches for suicide prevention are reviewed in contrast with the complementary advantages of threat assessment and management as applied to suicidal students. Regularly including threat assessment and management in working with suicidal students in higher education may provide synergy in improving the likelihood of desirable outcomes in preventing suicides.  相似文献   

Legislative change, ethical dilemmas, and client management issues were all faced by social work students in a recent effort to impact guardianship in the State of Texas. Since the mid-1990s, Texas had been without a statewide system to provide guardianship services. In 2004 a group of social work students, law students, faculty, guardianship professionals, and judges from across Texas came together to create new laws and solve the significant gaps in services. Guardianship is at once a legal and social issue. It is mandated by the courts but generally managed by social workers. In this paper, the authors offer a model for student involvement that both changed the laws in this state and offers significant hands-on education in both research and community organization.  相似文献   

This article considers the methods and difficulties of establishing, sharing and applying assessment standards within module teams working in a business school. Against a background of increasing reliance on explicit knowledge to establish standards in the HE sector the study looks at ways in which staff within module teams attempted to reach a common view of assessment standards through sharing tacit knowledge in order to make consistent judgements about student work. In so doing it identifies and questions the assumptions, myths and beliefs that bolster the culture around standard setting and marking/grading. The paper questions whether academic communities of practice provide an adequate framework to support the sharing of assessment standards. In particular it argues that the scholarship of assessment would support the development of a specialist assessment and assessment standards discourse within communities that could, in turn, support the sharing of assessment standards.  相似文献   

民法的法典化条件已经成熟,似乎成为学界在探讨民法典制定时共同的理论假设。因此,学界对民法法典化的条件问题或避而不谈,或谈之甚少且不深入,难以让人信服。目前学界将绝大部分精力放在关注民法典的体系设计及具体制度的创设等内容上,并希望在1800年前后的《法国民法典》和1900年前后的《德国民法典》的大陆法系上,于2000年前后制定一部引领21世纪潮流的最先进的《中国民法典》。本文通过对当前社会背景、民法学理论积淀以及民法实践等方面的考察,得出当前并不存在孕育民法法典化的成熟土壤的结论,进而提出民法界应当戒急勿躁,深入民间调查,厚实民法理论,为最终民法典的实现做出实在而有益的工作。  相似文献   

在市场经济体制下,随着我国高等学校人事制度改革的不断深入,高等院校逐步推行教师聘任制。鉴于我国现行法律、法规对高等学校的法律地位和性质。高校与教师之间的法律关系没有清晰的界定,理论界对教师聘任合同的性质存在不同认识,难以有效解决高校与教师之间的纠纷,不利于高校的健康发展。文章对高校教师的法律地位进行思考,以此明确教师与高校之间的法律关系,规范教师聘任行为,顺利推进高校人事制度改革。  相似文献   

教育法制与高校学生管理有着密切的联系。确认高校与学生之间的法律关系是高校对学生依法管理的基础;完善的教育立法是高校对学生依法管理的前提;依法治教是高校对学生依法管理的关键。  相似文献   

在以往研究的基础上,结合中美两国学生管理最新发展动态,从管理手段的视角考察中美两国学生管理的差异,发现在法律手段、行政手段和专业手段3个维度上中美两国学生管理手段差异性比较明显,美国学生事务管理手段体现出法治化、专业化的特点,而我国学生管理手段更多地表现出行政特色。造成这些差异的主要因素在于两国的学生管理观的不同。在此基础上对完善我国高校学生管理提出3条建议,即转变学生管理理念,变"管制"学生为"服务"学生;完善学生管理的法律法规,提高法制意识,弱化行政导向;学习美国学生事务管理的专业化手段。  相似文献   

张明征 《德州学院学报》2006,22(6):57-59,65
依法行政、依法治校,实现教育法治化,是高校学生管理的必然趋势.高校在学生管理中必须以尊重和保护学生的权益为核心,依法建章,保证各项校规校纪的科学性和合法性.建立合法的处罚程序,完善救济制度.进一步培养和增强管理人员的法律意识,提高依法管理水平,实现学生管理的法治化.  相似文献   

In this qualitative study, heterosexual professionals with an interest in lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) issues were surveyed about their ally work with LGB people. Data were analyzed to describe participants' experiences. Results are discussed in terms of implications for counseling and student affairs professionals who engage in LGB‐affirmative work.  相似文献   

While teams are common in business school classrooms, scholars note that few instructors provide teamwork-related instruction. The consequent negative experiences may explain the reported cynicism about teamwork among students. This article reports findings from a study that examined the link between a teaching strategy designed to help students function more effectively in teams and its impact on student perceptions of their ability to work collaboratively with others and on their perceptions of their team's effectiveness. The study found evidence to suggest that a teaching strategy designed to help students reach the multiple stages of team development such as high levels of at-stakeness and transparency positively impacts their perceptions and that these stages effectively mediate the link between the strategy and key outcomes.  相似文献   

湘西自治州文化资源丰富,文化产业发展迅速,但由于本地区存在的文化管理体制不活、文化市场运行不畅、文化产业相关人才缺乏、文化产业法律保障制度不到位等问题在一定程度上限制了其自身文化产业的发展。强化民族自治地方立法意识,加强和完善民族经济法律制度中的财政管理法律制度、投资法律制度、市场管理法律制度等将保障和促进本地区文化产业的发展。  相似文献   

Student voice and pupil empowerment projects are common in many mainstream schools. However, such initiatives are more challenging to implement in provision for students experiencing (social), emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD). As a consequence, they are less frequently attempted. This article reports one such attempt at an SEBD special school, where a student research group was formed to evaluate the school's behaviour policy. The students' views remind professionals of the need for consistency, positive relationships and communication underpinning behaviour management strategies. The article also reflects on a number of issues to consider when implementing such projects in special education contexts.  相似文献   

我国现行的民事法律规范体系规定了民事活动中期间的正常计算的问题,即期间的顺算问题,但是期间逆算的问题在现行法律中规定得不是十分清楚。而在实践中有大量的民事活动需要对期间进行逆算,因此出现了对期间计算问题上的不同的理解和适用法律上的困难。在现有法律规定不是十分完善的情况下,应当运用法律方法来解决这个问题。本文拟从涉及期间逆算的一起案件分析入手,探讨法律方法在法官、律师等法律职业者认识、判断、处理和解决具体的法律问题中的作用。  相似文献   

职校学生文化基础差,行为习惯差,班级管理难度大。班主任需健全"法制",着力进行强有力的"法制"体系建设,做到"有法可依""执法必严""违法必究",以"法"治班,发挥管理的主体效应。  相似文献   

法治建设事业需要坚实的法律信仰基础。从法律认知、法律评价和情感、法律行为表现等方面进行的实证调查为我们揭示了法律信仰的一些实际情况,这是理论推演难以完成的。法科学生法治意识增强的正面表现昭示了法治建设和法学教育的希望。同时现行法律实践所带来的负面影响及对法律应"信仰"或是"工具"模糊认识是法律信仰树立的重重障碍。针对这一状况,法学教育应从强化法律知识学习、认清法律实践和法律信仰的关系、确立学生的主体地位三方面进行改进。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of a special issue of Psychology in the Schools that critically examines issues related to the appraisal of the risk for violence among students. It is argued that school psychologists can assume the important role of informing communities about the limitations of school violence screening and assessment procedures and can implement student‐appraisal techniques that focus on long‐term student development. They can also work toward more accurate measurement of general school violence trends and intervention needs. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

"医师体"现象并不鲜见,病患对其苦不堪言的同时,也带来了一些法学理论上的讨论和司法实务中的问题。本文从该现象入手进行分析,剖析了"医疗病历"这一常见文书所具有的的法律特征,着重解释了"医师体"现象所反应出的法律问题,并对我国医疗现状进行了相关思考。  相似文献   

目前高校学生表现出价值观多元化,思维活动的独立性、选择性、差异性日益增强,主体意识和维权意识较强而团队精神、集体观念相对比较淡薄,功利主义色彩比较浓厚,对网络信息的真伪辨别能力有限等特点。这客观上要求我们构建一个权责明确、公开透明、程序科学、救济充分的依法管理模式。  相似文献   

Threat assessment is a violence prevention strategy used to investigate and respond to threats to harm others. In 2013, Virginia mandated the use of threat assessment teams for threats to self and to others, effectively subsuming suicide assessment with threat assessment and raising questions about the distinction between the two practices. In a statewide sample of 2,861 cases from 926 schools, there were more threats to self (60%) than others (35%), with only 5% involving threats to both self and others. Threats to self were more likely to be made by females (odds ratio [OR] = 3.38) and students with fewer prior disciplinary actions (OR = 0.48). Threats to self were much less likely to involve a weapon (OR = 0.07), but more likely to be attempted (OR = 1.50) and result in mental health services (OR = 2.96). They were much less likely to result in out‐of‐school suspensions (OR = 0.07), legal action (OR = 0.17), and/or changes in placement (OR = 0.53). Overall, these findings support a clear distinction between suicide and threat assessment.  相似文献   

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