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《FQOL-2006》是测量残疾儿童家庭生活质量的有效量表之一,研究者对使用该量表测量智障儿童家庭生活质量的研究文献进行梳理,从研究对象、研究方法、研究结果三方面概述了目前关于智力障碍儿童家庭生活质量研究的现状,在此基础上建议提高研究的针对性、完善研究的多角度、基于研究结果改善支持服务。  相似文献   

听觉障碍儿童的家庭应对和以家庭为中心的早期干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童的听觉障碍不仅是儿童的,也是家庭的,它会影响家庭所有的成员和家庭生活的各个方面.本文本着支持儿童必须从支持家庭开始的理念,综述了西方国家近年来有关听觉障碍儿童家庭应对以及以家庭为中心早期干预的研究和研究结果,总结了家庭应对儿童听觉障碍的困难、策略,介绍了以家庭为中心早期干预的主要特点,旨在从理论上和实践上对我国听觉障碍儿童的早期干预和家庭支持提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

残疾人是特殊群体,又是弱势群体。近年来,随着经济社会的飞速发展,人们的生活幸福指数均有明显提升。但残疾人由于自身因素与社会环境的共同影响,生活中面临的困难与障碍明显多于正常人。生活质量低是影响残疾人家庭生活幸福指数的直接原因。本文从影响残疾人生活质量的因素入手,对如何提高残疾人家庭生活幸福指数提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

家庭韧性是一种优势视角处理不利处境的资源与能力,帮助特殊儿童家长在面对障碍时进行自我心理调适,缓解压力,及时对特殊儿童进行早期干预。家庭韧性的内涵体现在内在特征、问题解决能力及社会支持三个方面;家庭韧性的评估和干预对于特殊儿童家庭有重要作用。  相似文献   

发展性计算障碍的诊断与矫治   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
发展性计算障碍的发生率大约为 5 % - 6% ,有些国家甚至更高。患有发展性计算障碍的儿童在学习、生活和以后的工作中都会遇到很多的困难 ,关于发展性计算障碍的研究应该引起人们的重视。本文从诊断、矫治两个方面对已有研究进行了综述。发展性计算障碍的诊断是进行此类研究需要首先解决的问题 ,矫正障碍则是这方面研究的最终目的 ,本文对发展性计算障碍的矫正进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

家庭是儿童接触最早的环境,也是接触最多的环境,父母是孩子人生的第一位老师,因此家庭环境对每个儿童的影响是根深蒂固的。许多研究都发现家庭环境对学习障碍儿童有影响,文章从家庭物质环境和家庭精神环境来论述其对学习障碍儿童的影响及建议。  相似文献   

家庭韧性是一种优势视角处理不利处境的资源与能力,帮助特殊儿童家长在面对障碍时进行自我心理调适,缓解家长的压力。家庭韧性的评估和干预对于特殊儿童家庭有重要作用,研究随机选取10名特殊儿童家长展开团体辅导活动,发现以绘本读书会为载体的团体辅导活动在内在特征与能力、问题解决能力和社会支持三个方面对特殊儿童家庭韧性具有积极影响。  相似文献   

目前,我国大陆缺乏孤独症儿童家庭社会支持量表,本研究改编并检验适用于大陆孤独症儿童家庭社会支持量表,使修订后的孤独症儿童家庭社会支持量表具有良好的信效度,且条目表述适用于评估大陆孤独症儿童家庭的社会支持水平.通过对中国特殊儿童评估与干预平台(ALSOLIFE)上注册的650名自闭症患儿父母,在知情、同意且确定其儿童被确诊为孤独症谱系障碍的前提下施测,并以亲职愁苦量表和照顾者积极感受量表作为校标,检验其校标效度.在2周后,对样本中的60名孤独症儿童家长再次施测该量表,以评估量表的重测信度.结果显示修订后的孤独症儿童家庭社会支持量表符合心理测量学的要求,可作为评估中国大陆孤独症儿童家庭社会支持的有效工具.  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)是一种常见的儿童行为障碍,主要表现为注意力分散、活动过多和冲动行为。本文基于家庭动力学理论,对ADHD的病因、治疗和干预研究现状以及家庭开展的干预措施进行总结,为今后注意缺陷多动障碍儿童在家庭治疗和干预方面提供依据。  相似文献   

随着1986年《义务教育法》的颁行,特别是1990年《残疾人保障法》和1994年《残疾人教育条例》的实施,特殊教育已成为我国义务教育的一个重要组成部分,为了更好地为我国特殊教育服务,特殊教育教学中的各个环节也受到特殊教育专家及研究者的重视,而特殊儿童家庭康复训练计划的制定与完成,甚至检查与反馈都是特殊教育教学中的重要环节。本文通过叙述一例特殊儿童家庭康复训练计划的设计与完成的实践过程,来论述特殊儿童家庭康复训练的理论研究。  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解北京市0-7岁残疾儿童家庭康复需求的状况,为政府部门建构残疾儿童康复服务支持体系提供参考建议,对133名北京市智力残疾、听力残疾、肢体残疾、精神残疾、多重残疾共5类残疾儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果发现残疾儿童家长对咨讯支持、经济支持和专业支持需求强烈,对服务支持和精神支持也有较强需求。残疾孩子的母亲对咨讯支持需求显著高于残疾孩子的父亲,40岁以上的被试对精神支持需求显著高于40岁以下的被试,残疾程度为重度(一级)的家庭对精神支持需求显著高于其他残疾程度儿童家庭。研究者认为北京市0-7岁残疾儿童家庭康复需求强烈,相关部门和机构应适时给予残疾儿童及其家庭适当的支持服务。  相似文献   

Many culturally diverse families and their young children with disabilities or delays are not provided appropriate early intervention/early childhood special education services, especially not in a culturally sensitive and meaningful context. Families with diverse backgrounds often feel helpless and stressful because their values are not respected, concerns are not identified, and therefore their needs are not met due to the lack of support from appropriate resources. The purpose of this article is to provide a positive strategy to empower families of young children with special needs and who are from culturally diverse backgrounds through a family-centered, strength-focused family system model: Double ABCX model. Procedures of implementing the double ABCX model was described and discussed. Supported by previous research and the current case studies, the double ABCX family adaptation model has found to be an effective approach to serving diverse families of children with disabilities.  相似文献   

为了解北京市0~6岁残疾儿童家长教育需求的状况及其影响因素,本文采用问卷调查法对313名北京籍智力残疾、听力残疾、肢体残疾、精神残疾、多重残疾共5类残疾儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果发现:北京市0~6岁残疾儿童家长教育需求广泛而迫切,在各维度都呈现出高需求。其中,残疾儿童家长对法律政策需求、专业指导与专业合作需求显著高于其他教育需求。填表人身份、家长文化程度、家庭收入、儿童残疾程度和接受康复训练情况对家长教育需求有显著影响。建议尽快建立残疾儿童家庭服务支持体系,多形式、多渠道满足0~6岁残疾儿童家庭的需求,开展有效家长教育服务。  相似文献   

In the 1990s, the developing field of early intervention with young children with disabilities and their families adopted family‐centred practice as its philosophical foundation. Family‐centred practice includes three key elements: (1) an emphasis on strengths, not deficits; (2) promoting family choice and control over desired resources; and (3) the development of a collaborative relationship between parents and professionals. During the last two decades, the field of early childhood disability has successfully defined the working principles of family‐centred practice for practitioners. Although research has acknowledged that the paradigm shift to family‐centred practice is neither simple nor easy, a substantive body of evidence demonstrates that (a) family‐centred practice can be linked to a wide range of demonstrated benefits for both children and families, and (b) families are more satisfied and find family‐centred practice to be more helpful than other models of practice.  相似文献   

Australian education service provision includes the delivery of quality educational programmes to rural and remote living children. However, according to their parents, many children with developmental disabilities (such as Down Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorders) who are living in rural country areas in New South Wales (NSW) still do not have access to an acceptable education programme. This study aimed to use quality of life factors via a family quality of life scale to explore 51 parents’ experience of educational service provision for their children with developmental disabilities in rural NSW. The results indicated that successful engagement with the school system is strongly affected by the views, assumptions, expertise and prejudices of teaching and care professionals. Further research into how local educational service providers may assist rural Australian families with a child with IDD in rural and remote locations is warranted.  相似文献   

随着农民工群体规模的不断扩大,跟随父母流向城市的学前儿童的数量也在与日俱增。研究者以北京市一个农民工家庭为个案,通过观察与访谈收集了其在家庭教育资源、家庭教养方式、家庭教育关注等方面的质性材料,分析了影响农民工家庭学前儿童身心发展与入学准备的一些重要问题,并在此基础上,呼吁政府对社会处境不利儿童实施补偿性学前教育的国家行动。  相似文献   

曾拓 《嘉应学院学报》2000,18(5):108-110
本文对学习不良儿童的主要特征及有关这方面的研究状况进行了综述。认为 ,教育指导学习不良儿童的着力点在于其家庭资源的优化配置 ,并提出了优化配置的措施。  相似文献   

A dramatic rise in the survival rates of children born with disabilities (particularly those born prematurely) has been reported in the last decade. The nature of their disabilities is, at times, significantly different from that previously reported, posing problems for the families attempting to nurture the development of these children. Barry Carpenter, Chief Executive of Sunfield, considers the needs of the self-defining family, the implications for interdisciplinary practice, and the changing pattern of early childhood disability. He asks a fundamental question: 'How can professionals sustain the family of a child with disabilities?'  相似文献   

Grandparents are important sources of support to children with disabilities and their families. However, there has been very little published research concerned with grandparents’ roles and experiences in relation to their grandchild with disabilities. Existing research is reviewed in the present paper. Although both parents and grandparents themselves report a wide range of supportive activities and increased involvement with the child with disabilities, grandparents may also be an additional burden to families. In particular, parents may find it difficult to deal with grandparents’ immediate and longer term emotional responses to their grandchild's disability. Clinical, educational, and other professionals have an important role to play working with grandparents and facilitating their role as a resource for families of children with disabilities. The implications of the review for research on grandparents are also discussed.  相似文献   

Although there is a widespread belief that increasing the hours of early intervention services for children with disabilities will result in increased benefits for the participating children and their families, there is little research evidence to support this point of view. In this study, young children with disabilities were randomly assigned to receive either one hour per week of early intervention services, or three hours per week. Measures of child and family outcomes over the subsequent five-year period demonstrated no consistent benefits associated with increasing the hours of intervention. Possible reasons for the lack of benefits are discussed in the context of previous research.  相似文献   

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