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经济全球化与我国高等教育的改革   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
经济全球化是当今世界发展的趋势。中国“入世”后 也必将溶入经济全球化的进程之中。经济全球化将会对我国高等教育产生什么影响,我国的高等教育究竟应当如何改革才能适应经济全球化的要求?本文试作如下研讨。 一、经济全球化对我国高等教育的影响 中国高等教育在“入世”后,必然要受到经济全球化的影响。这种影响有直接影响与间接影响之分。 关于直接影响,首先是生源的国际流动、跨国办学和教育资源的共享,将使我国教育市场,尤其是高等教育市场面临直接被瓜分的危险。方兴未艾的各种国际教育展在我国的成功举办提前给我们传递了这一…  相似文献   

高等教育在经济全球化的不断冲击下,原来的人才质量观面临着新的挑战。特别是加入WTO以来,我国的经济全球化进程不断推进,对高等教育提出了一系列新要求,为了顺应这一历史潮流,高校也采取了一些积极的应对措施。究竟我国的高等教育在国际化背景下面临什么样的机遇和挑战?发生了哪些明显的变化?高等教育的生命线——教学质量受到怎样的冲击?我们应该采取哪些措施来保障高等教育的质量呢?本文通过对经济全球化影响下高等教育面临新情况及体现出来的新特点的分析,简要阐述了高等教育应该充分把握全球化浪潮中人才质量的新标准,逐步调整新形势下人才质量观,努力培养出适应经济全球化、多元化发展需要的高质量人才的有关问题。  相似文献   

一、中国高等教育改革应统筹公、民办高等教育发展中国高等教育改革并不是要全盘否定中国当前的高等教育,而是要否定其不合理的因素。目前有关中国高等教育体制改革有许多看法,有人提出要对大学进行改制,也有人提倡高等教育应是政府的责任,因而主张只能由政府来主办高等教育。笔者以为此两种观点均有失偏颇。人们对教育的需求也是多层次的,不断满足人们对教育的多层次需求既应该是实施教育公平的一种态度,平等的应当予以平等的对待,不平等的应当予以不平等对待,即所谓“教育机会平等的原则”也是实施教育公平的一种方式。而目前中国的公办教…  相似文献   

本文在理论上辨析社会“平等”、“公正”和“公平”概念的基础上,分析我国高等教育的平等、公正和公平。认为社会不平等是绝对的;社会公正是一种形式上的、相对的社会平等;社会公平是对社会公正的过程和结果与期望的社会平等之间差距的体验。高等教育不平等的两个关键是个体在高等教育前不平等和获取高等教育资源不平等,高等教育公正试图修饰高等教育不平等,但在实施过程中偏离了公正的初衷,最后呈现出高等教育不公平的社会集体感觉。  相似文献   

作为国际商品的知识和教育:国家共同利益的消解   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
知识和教育作为商品在国际上买卖容易使国家公共利益的价值观在这种过程中被消解 ,教育毕竟不是简单的商品 ,它承载着一个国家共同的东西 :文化、历史、民主价值观等等。因此有必要以一种平衡的视觉来对全球化进行审视。作者认为 ,知识教育的全球化使得维持一定的学术标准变得更加困难 ,“出售”的教育质量的确保也就成了未知数 ;教育市场的开放加深了高等教育领域的不平等 ,“马太效应”必然会出现于高等教育市场 ,使得发展中国家面临着被清除出局的危险。新的新殖民地主义者———跨国集团、媒介巨头和一些主要的大学销售各种各样的知识产品来垄断商业利益 ,弱势国家在全球范围内失去了知识和文化的自治。面对这种种挑战 ,作者认为在认同知识的国际化和合作以及承认国家之间高等教育不平等的现实的前提下 ,应该反对强迫落后国家受制于巨大的不平等市场 ,反对发达国家掠夺发展中国家的学术机构和学术体系在有关课程、质量标准方面的决策权。而世界贸易组织及其服务贸易总协定的介入必然会加重这种现象 ,很显然他们应有的态度是与此保持一定的距离  相似文献   

郭法奇 《中国教师》2009,(21):25-27
<正>一、问题的提出从历史上看,教学与科研成为高等教育的两大任务主要是近代的事情,但直到今天,二者的重要性问题仍然困扰着我们,一些讨论仍在进行。有人认为教学是重要的,没有教学就没有高等教育的基础;有人认为科研是重要的,没有科研就没有高等教育的创新;也有人认为二者都重要,在高校里教学和  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和一体化的兴起 ,世界高等教育特别是发展中国家的高等教育将面临着巨大的发展机遇与挑战。我国在加入 WTO后 ,国外教育产业将逐步进入国内教育市场 ,对我国高等教育产生了全面而深刻的影响  相似文献   

随着全球化的进展,高等教育不可避免地卷入其中。本文主要讨论了经济全球化和文化全球化对西方国家和边缘国家高等教育的知识、教科书和人才培养的影响,提出应从伦理学的角度对高等教育全球化进行分析。文中还讨论了“本土化的外国人”这一概念。  相似文献   

知识和教育作为商品在国际上买卖容易使国家公共利益的价值观在这种过程中被消解,教育毕竟不是简单的商品,它承载着一个国家共同的东西:文化、历史、民主价值观等等。因此有必要以一种平衡的视觉来对全球化进行审视。作者认为,知识教育的全球化使得维持一定的学术标准变得更加困难。“出售”的教育质量的确保也就成了未知数;教育市场的开放加深了高等教育领域的不平等,“马太效应”必然会出现于高等教育市场,使得发展中国家面临着被清除出局的危险。新的新殖民地主义者——跨国集团、媒介巨头和一些主要的大学销售各种各样的知识产品来垄断商业利益,弱势国家在全球范围内失去了知识和文化的自治。面对这种种挑战,作者认为在认同知识的国际化和合作以及承认国家之间高等教育不平等的现实的前提下,应该反对强迫落后国家受制于巨大的不平等市场,反对发达国家掠夺发展中国家的学术机构和学术体系在有关课程、质量标准方面的决策权。而世界贸易组织及其服务贸易总协定的介入必然会加重这种现象。很显然他们应有的态度是与此保持一定的距离。  相似文献   

任何社会都存在着一定的社会分层、社会分工及相应的职业。作为一种特殊的社会活动过程,教育在客观上对社会分层、职业选择产生着重要影响。新韦伯主义认为:教育是限制经济领域中具有优厚报酬职位的竞争者数量的筛选工具,帮助那些接受过较高层次教育的人占据这些职位。随着科学技术与生产力的飞速发展,社会个体“身份团体”地位的获得越来越取决于教育,尤其是高等教育。处于社会各个阶层的人都越来越感受到个体的职业获得与将来可能得到的权力、财富以及社会地位息息相关。我们在看到高等教育对社会分层产生着积极影响的同时,也发现了社会分层在某种程度上反作用着高等教育的发展。换言之,不同社会层级的个体,接受高等教育的机会是否平等?本文试图通过社会分层与高等教育关系的探讨,分析社会分层对目前中国高等教育公平问题的影响。  相似文献   

Globalization or Glocalization? Higher Education Reforms in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globalization and the evolution of the knowledge‐based economy have caused dramatic changes to the character and functions of higher education in most countries around the world. However, the impacts of globalization on universities are not uniform though business‐like practices have been adopted to cope with competition in the global marketplace. The pressure for restructuring and reforming higher education is mainly derived from growing expectations and demands of different stakeholders in society. In recent years, widespread concerns over widened access, funding, accountability, quality, and managerial efficiency are perceived as the prominent global trends related to university education. Because of the divergent political, social, economic, cultural and historical backgrounds, national/local governments may adopt similar strategies in response to pressures generated from globalization. Nonetheless, through a close scrutiny of the ways that national policies are made, we may find that governments around the globe, particularly in East Asia, have tried to make use of the globalization discourse to address/justify the local policy/political agendas. This paper aims to examine the latest higher education reform initiatives proposed by the Singapore Government, with particular reference to reflect upon how the Singapore Government reforms its university systems in the context of globalization. It is argued that the latest comprehensive review of public university governance and funding brings about a changing role of the government in the regulation, finance and provision of higher education in Singapore and eventually alters the state‐university relationship.  相似文献   

Globalisation and the University: Myths and Realities in an Unequal World   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Much has been said about the impactof globalisation on higher education. Some haveargued that globalisation, the Internet and thescientific community will level the playingfield in the new age of knowledgeinterdependence. Others claim thatglobalisation means both worldwide inequalityand the McDonaldisation of the university. Itis argued that all of the contemporarypressures on higher education, from thepressures of massification to the growth of theprivate sector, are the results ofglobalisation. There is a grain of truth in allof these hypotheses – and a good deal ofmisinterpretation as well. The purpose of thisessay is to ``unpack'' the realities ofglobalisation and internationalisation inhigher education and to highlight some of theways in which globalisation affects theuniversity. Of special interest here is howglobalisation is affecting higher education indeveloping countries – the nations that willexperience the bulk of higher educationexpansion in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Defining the Role of the University Mentor in Initial Teacher Education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the rush to identify the tasks of school mentors in school‐based teacher training the changes to the role of the higher education tutor have been neglected. It is argued here that the role exists in an organic relationship with school mentors and intending teachers, within evolving teacher education partnerships. A call is made for a shared understanding of that role to be circumscribed by a model of teacher education which prizes the reflective practitioner and school and university mentor roles be complementary within the implementation of this model, it is argued that the recognition of this will enhance the quality of school‐based teacher education.  相似文献   

全球化背景下的高等教育正处于一场大变革当中。通过分析"大学—社会"的辩证关系,从社会存在与社会意识的角度明晰高等教育思维方式转变的内在逻辑,并由此对大学发展历史进行再思考可知,全球化将推动大学在继续满足民族国家建构根本需要的同时,由地理封闭逐步走向全面开放。这一趋势促使我们必须转变对于高等教育的传统思维方式,这种思维方式的转变应以坚守大学根本作为底线。  相似文献   

对远程开放教育教师作用的思考与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代远程开放教育是当代教育发展的必然趋势。本文论述了教师在远程开放教育条件下角色的转变以及应发挥的作用,以迎接当今世界多极化、教育国际化、知识全球化的挑战。  相似文献   

2012年岁末安倍晋三第二次出任日本首相之后,着力推动改革在社会各领域的开展,以“教育再生”作为教育领域改革的基本政策方向。“教育再生实行会议”在成立之后的6年多时间里共提出11份有关教育改革与发展的建议书,直接指向大学改革与发展的是第三份建议书“关于大学教育的应有发展态势”和第四份建议书“高中教育与大学教育衔接及大学入学者选拔的应有方式”。以建议书为依据,日本政府先后制定了多项大学教育再生政策,一方面以项目形式推动适应全球化趋势的人才培养与科学技术创新;另一方面通过立法,以法律的形式体现政府政策,推动大学改革的深入。同时,日本政府还将“大学教育再生”与高等教育的未来发展联系起来,中央教育审议会提出了到2040年日本高等教育走向的基本设想。  相似文献   

经济全球化的“流动性”本质将逐步瓦解“定向型”高等师范教育,高等师范教育的多元化不可避免。教师教育模式将走上法制化、职业化、高层次和职前教育与职后教育一体化的轨道。地方师范院校应转变教育观念,发挥自身优势,以培养教师为主要目标的同时,不断拓宽面向,加强应用性,以应对经济全球化的挑战。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates that salient aspects of globalization have led to the emergence of trans-regional educational exchange schemes (TREES) in higher education. What sets these schemes apart from others is the proliferation of international university organizations that "go beyond region" and infiltrate other parts of the globe despite policy barriers. This article illustrates how the current globalizing efforts to establish regionalized free trade zones, as evidenced in such organizations as the European Union (EU), the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Zone (APEC) have led to processes of internationalization in which national governments, higher education institutions, and other international university organizations vie for position. It concludes with a discussion of selected strategies and issues as these affect the development of international university co-operation as a whole and the impact they may have on higher education in the future.  相似文献   


Having completed its reform of the schools and colleges of further education, government is now set to reform higher education. At issue here is higher education in Scotland, but the analysis has wider applicability. It operationalises Ritzer's concept of ‘McDonaldization’, and the latter's dimensions of efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control (both formally bureaucratic and informally fraternising). The analysis is set in relation to the government's earlier educational reforms, particularly of further education, and argues that its plans for higher education are of a piece. All this is related to current economic and cultural change: that is, to the fiscal pressures on the welfare state, and to the emergence of post‐modern culture. In conclusion, it is argued that policy for higher education will come to express what Charles Jencks has called (in relation to architecture) ‘double‐coding’: a mix of the bureaucratic form of modernity, tempered by appeals to post‐modern culture.  相似文献   

University autonomy and public policies: A system theory perspective   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This article addresses problems facing universities because of external pressures for changes in their teaching, research, and governance and management policies and practices to align them with public policies. The view is put that governments are introducing public policies in times of economic recession to achieve rationalisation of human, physical and financial resources in higher education and to foster initiatives that shape university teaching and research to serve the needs of society and assist in national economic recovery. Examples of these external pressures, which have resulted in intrusions into the autonomy of university governance and management, are provided in the context of general system theory. It is assumed that the pressure of public policies on universities will continue and that each university should have a development plan for its present and future teaching and research activities, which has the endorsement of the government higher education advisory agency so that university management can function on a secure basis. The effectiveness and efficiency of functioning at the various levels of the university system should be assessed by periodic evaluative reviews. The quality of management by academic leaders should be fostered by the establishment of national centres for the study of higher education management and policy. The relationship between government higher education advisory agencies and universities should be renegotiated so that, as interdependent and interrelated parts of the higher education system, they work in joint co-operation to ensure the most effective and appropriate development of each institution. Nevertheless, a state of equilibrium between the university system and the supra (social) system within which it exists will never fully be achieved. The fundamental role and functions of a university require that it be concerned with teaching and researching both ageless and current phenomena. Hence, a perfect equilibrium state cannot exist if external social pressures are for the main weight of university activities to be shifted to providing service for the current needs of society.  相似文献   

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