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增发方式选择反映上市公司再融资的动机对于上市公司而言,采取定向增发还是公开增发,取决于公司的增发动机。公开增发的主要目的出于财务融资需要募集资金;而定向增发则主要有以下几种目的:一是项目融资,改善财务状况。上市公司为新建项目融资,以解决资金瓶颈,通常向机构投资者定向增发,主  相似文献   

配股、公开发行和定向增发是企业募集权益资本的主要方式.随着我国股份全流通以及定向增发合规性以来,定向增发很快成为许多企业主要融资途径,一度成为热潮,许多学者对其产生的一些问题进行了多角度的研究.本文通过整理归纳国内外关于定向增发的研究,从定向增发的市场宣告效应、折价增发、业绩影响、大股东认购动机、盈余管理行为等方面对定向增发的研究进行了回顾,并给出了客观的评述.  相似文献   

上海梅林继10月18号公布第三季度实现净利润同比增长385.72%的重大利好后,19日又公布实际控制人光明食品集团增持的利好。值得投资者关注的是,上海梅林于9月1日公布非公开增发获得证监会审核通过,此时离非公开增发到期的  相似文献   

定向增发作为资本市场再融资的重要方式之一,已日益受到上市公司和投资者的重视.机构投资者近年来在我国资本市场迅速发展,成为上司公司定增的重要对象.本文将梳理我国机构投资者参与上市公司定增现状,并基于折价率的角度通过实证分析来探究机构投资者参与定向增发的投资行为,并对机构投资者参与定向增发提供了策略建议.  相似文献   

增发问题的本质是新股发行之后,权利在不同股东之间重新分配的问题。本文结合教学中的实例,对增发问题从不同角度进行定量分析,通过对例题的分析运算,帮助读者理顺关于增发问题的思路,掌握增发问题的分析方法,并进一步认识增发问题的本质。新股发行是股份有限公司为增资扩股,在现有注册资本的基础上再发行股份的行为。新股发行也称增资发行。有偿增资发行是一种旨在筹集资金的增资发行。公开招股是以社会公众投资者为发行对象(包括自然人和法人),由应募者认购新发行的股票。公司通过增发获得资源,而大股东通过对董事会和对经营管理层的控制最终实现对资源的控制。但是,如果控股股东每年都推出增发方案的话,最终将失去控股权。换句话说,增发可以看作是控股股东以控股权的弱化换取宝贵的资金。必须指出的是,尽管大股东的股权被稀释了,但并不影响其控股地位。实证分析的结果使我们可以得出新的结论:无论中签股数是2000股、1000股还是0股,在实际操作中只要公司推出“增发”方案,单虎的亏损是不可避免的。在不可流通股股权占主导地位的市场中,面向社会公众的有偿增资发行,是对长期持有可流通股的投资者从理念到操作方式的直接否定。  相似文献   

在发布拟发短期融资券公告的不久,又决定非公开增发股票,涉及资金不低于18.8亿元。如同染上了资金饥渴症,东方园林在短短十余天内将自己对资金的渴求展露在投资者面前。  相似文献   

随着资本市场以及公司财务理论的发展,公司融资的渠道也在不断拓宽.目前,中国上市公司有配股、增发和可转换债券等三种再融资方式.本文选取了上市公司近年来有关再融资的一系列的数据作为分析依据,就我国上市公司股利分配中存在的问题进行分析,并就此提出一系列的对策建议.  相似文献   

股份公司为骗取上市资格,或者为避免因连年亏损而丧失壳资源以及保留配股与增发资格和配合二级市场炒作,往往会采取种种手段诸如关联交易、滥用会计政策与估计以及利用地方政府支持等来进行财务造假。针对这些造假行为,广大报表使用者可通过剔除不良资产、关联交易、异常利润并结合现金流量分析的方法进行判别。  相似文献   

联化科技:分享高成长长江证券给予"推荐"评级公司公开增发已经获得证监会核准。按照目前35.60元的价格增发,公司募集6.85亿元需要增发1924万股  相似文献   

日前,长安汽车(000625)顺利完成A股增发计划,共计增发3.6亿股,募集资金总额达35.08亿元。据了解,长安汽车此次公开增发募集的资金将全部用于微车扩能技改、小排量发动机产业升级以及提升自主  相似文献   

Sequence placement logic plays a significant role in construction simulation of high arch dams and directly affects the simulation process and results. To establish a sequence logic for dam block placement, the construction scheme, real-time construction process, and random factors of the site all need to be considered in detail. There are few studies available currently that take all these factors into consideration. To address this problem, a real-time update of sequence placement logic for high arch dams based on evidence weight discount is proposed in this study. First, the subjective weight of the dam block sequence priority criteria is built using a consistent matrix method based on the construction scheme. Second, using evidence theory, dynamic objective weight of the priority criteria and basic probability assignment is built. Finally, using a weight self-adaptive adjustment method and comprehensive evidence discounting, the placing probabilities of different dam blocks are obtained. A case study indicates that this method can realize real-time update of sequence placement logic.  相似文献   

在房改过程中,依照有关法律政策规定,公民个人享有购买公有住房的权利及享有多种优惠利益,工龄折扣为其中之一。而对已故配偶的工龄折扣所涉法律问题,看法不一。依照法律政策,购房人享有房改购房权、工龄折扣权、已故配偶工龄折扣权。房改房购买权决定所购房屋的归属;工龄折扣决定工龄利益的归属。  相似文献   

随着中国私募发行的蓬勃发展,私募证券转售限制的法律缺失已威胁到公众投资者的安全,借鉴美国的做法.在促进私募发行制度发展与保护公众投资者安全之间找到平衡点,构建符合中国国情的私募转售限制制度已势在必行.  相似文献   

从人权意义上来说,文化权利是人的基本权利。公共文化服务可持续供给是公民文化权利实现的基本保障。公共文化可持续供给必须遵循公益性、公平性、可持续性、低碳性等基本原则。目前,常熟市公共文化供给中存在以下几个方面的问题:一是公共文化设施供给不足、结构不合理;二是公共文化服务供给"过剩",文化设施利用率低;三是公共文化服务供给非公平、非均衡;四是公共文化服务供给在地域上过于集中。地方政府及相关部门应建立公共文化服务可持续供给保障机制,包括完善公共文化服务供给中的公共选择机制、建立公众参与和表达制度,努力构建公共文化服务多元供给机制,合理规划,建设全覆盖、普惠式的公共文化服务体系。  相似文献   

运用金融工程方法,设计了一个专为国有股和法人股流通的过渡市场。国有法人股在对现有流通股东进行补偿后进入该市场转让;过渡市场借助于流通证(一个资产互换期权)可与现有的流通股二级市场相通,使投资可以随时将持有的国有法人股票换成现有二级市场的流通股票,国有法人股在此市场内流通转让一定时间(1-3年)获得真实定价后,通过缩股与现有流通股票成为同类股票,专设的过渡市场亦随之与现有流通市场合并。  相似文献   

进行房地产估价时还原率是一个非常重要的参数,具体体现为折现率和报酬率.现行房地产估价规范未给出折现率的具体计算方法,估价人员往往误将开发利润率或银行利率的某种函数认为是折现率.正确的计算方法是用求本利和的方法来求取折现率.运用收益还原法进行估价时,对同一估价对象,收益类型不同采用的报酬率也不相同.  相似文献   

折现率是应用收益法进行矿业权价值评估的重要参数,其选择合理与否对评估结果有着极大的影响。通过对评估实践中折现率取值的现状以及存在的问题的分析,对矿业权评估中折现率的选择提出了一些探索性的看法。  相似文献   

Existing studies examine the determinants of private university presidents’ compensation, but ignore recent earnings differentials between public and private university presidents. This paper estimates that public university presidents earn approximately 50 percent less than comparable private university presidents. This salary discount is robust to controls for institutional and individual characteristics, and estimation technique.  相似文献   

Before 1952 university education in Egypt was generally for the wealthier classes because the universities charged fees and only the richer families could pay those fees. For less wealthy families payment was more difficult, not only because of the direct cost of higher education, but also because of the high opportunity cost of sending children to study. After the 1952 revolution the Egyptian government introduced free education at all levels and encouraged those who wanted to further their education to enter universities. Thus elitism was eradicated from Egyptian higher education. This paper uses data from a sample of Egyptian university students and analyses the determinants of secondary school choice and the factors likely to affect secondary school certificate marks. In particular we are interested in the effect of family background, represented here by father's occupation.The results suggest that individuals with fathers in higher occupational categories tend to go to private schools rather than public schools. They also tend to choose general schools rather than technical or Koranic schools. In turn, high social background as well as attendance at a private school, have a positive and significant effect on examination marks. These findings are alarming because Egypt has a rate of increase in population of over 2% and the supply of university places will therefore have to be rationed. The most likely screening factor would be examination results and as a consequence Egyptian universities may in the future become elitist once more.  相似文献   

Theorists of deliberative democracy envision a citizenry engaged in collective reasoning about public issues on the merits of rival arguments. Partisanship undermines this ideal when it causes people to discount counter-attitudinal arguments, independent of their quality. Empirical deliberative theory lacks an account for what mechanism mitigates this bias in small-group settings. To close that theoretical gap, this study draws on Relational Framing Theory and identifies a relational component of the reasoning process. Participants rated the relevance of dominance/submission and affiliation/disaffiliation relational frames after a small-group deliberation. This perception influenced participants’ decisions to endorse arguments as legitimate public reasons. Implications for deliberative theory, research, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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