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The Muslim athlete, whether living in a Muslim majority country or in a non-Muslim country, face unique challenges to faithfully follow one of the pillars of their faith - Ramadan - while attempting to maintain their participation in sports training and competition. There are conflicting reports on the effects of Ramadan on fitness and physical performance in general and in football in particular. In general, the impact of a brief daytime fast has minor effects on health or factors of physical fitness. Add physical training and now a new set of barriers to both performance and the observance of Ramadan begin to interact. Practising athletes have worked out strategies to cope with the rigors of Ramadan; strategies that have both physical (training modifications, dietary habits, rest and recovery) and emotional (patience, emotional preparations) domains. Carefully blending strategies like these can help the football player be true to their faith and follow the tenants of Ramadan hopefully, with a minimum of impact on their physical performance. In this context, science can help coaches improve their training plans and educate players with respect to the challenges presented by Ramadan to all levels of sports participation.  相似文献   

Ramadan fasting, involving abstinence from fluid and food from sunrise to sundown, results in prolonged periods without nutrient intake and inflexibility with the timing of eating and drinking over the day. Dietary choices may also change due to special eating rituals. Although nutrition guidelines are specific to the sport, to the periodized training and competition calendar, and to the individual, many promote the consumption of carbohydrate and fluid before and during exercise, and consumption of protein, carbohydrate, and fluids soon after the session is completed. Failing to meet overall nutritional needs, or to provide specific nutritional support to a session of exercise, is likely to impair acute performance and reduce the effectiveness of training or recovery. Muslim athletes who fast during Ramadan should use overnight opportunities to consume foods and drinks that can supply the nutrients needed to promote performance, adaptation, and recovery in their sports. Because of the benefits of being able to consume at least some of these nutrients before, during or after an exercise session, the schedule of exercise should be shifted where possible to the beginning or end of the day, or during the evening when some nutritional support can be provided.  相似文献   

The behavioural modifications that accompany Ramadan intermittent fasting (RIF) are usually associated with some alterations in the metabolic, physiological, and psychological responses of athletes that may affect sport performance. Muslim athletes who are required to train and/or compete during the month-long, diurnal fast must adopt coping strategies that allow them to maintain physical fitness and motivation if they are to perform at the highest level. This updated review aims to present the current state of knowledge of the effects of RIF on training and performance, focusing on key-factors that contribute to the effects of Ramadan on exercise performance: energy restriction, sleep deprivation, circadian rhythm perturbation, dehydration, and alterations in the training load. The available literature contain few studies that have examined the effects of RIF on physical performance in athletes and, to date, the results are inconclusive, so the effects of RIF on competition outcomes are not at present wholly understood. The diverse findings probably indicate individual differences in the adaptability and self-generated coping strategies of athletes during fasting and training. However, the results of the small number of well-controlled studies that have examined the effects of Ramadan on athletic performance suggest that few aspects of physical fitness are negatively affected, and where decrements are observed these are usually modest. Subjective feelings of fatigue and other mood indicators are often cited as implying additional stress on the athlete throughout Ramadan, but most studies show that these factors may not result in decreases in performance and that perceived exercise intensity is unlikely to increase to any significant degree. Current evidence from good, well-controlled research supports the conclusion that athletes who maintain their total energy and macronutrient intake, training load, body composition, and sleep length and quality are unlikely to suffer any substantial decrements in performance during Ramadan. Further research is required to determine the effect of RIF on the most challenging events or exercise protocols and on elite athletes competing in extreme environments.  相似文献   

Sleep is now considered as a new frontier in performance enhancement. This article presents background content on sleep function, sleep needs and methods of sleep investigation along with data on the potential effects of Ramadan fasting on sleep in normal individuals and athletes. Accumulated sleep loss has negative impacts on cognitive function, mood, daytime sleepiness and performance. Sleep studies in athletes fasting during Ramadan are very rare. Most of them have demonstrated that during this month, sleep duration decreased and sleep timing shifted. But the direct relation between sleep changes and performance during Ramadan is not yet elucidated. Objective sleep patterns can be investigated using polysomnography, actigraphy, and standardised questionnaires and recorded in daily journals or sleep logs. The available data on sleep indicate that team doctors and coaches should consider planning sleep schedule and napping; implementing educational programmes focusing on the need for healthy sleep; and consider routine screening for sleep loss in athletes of all age groups and genders.  相似文献   

Sleep is generally regarded as a valuable resource for psychological and physiological well-being. Although the effects of sleep on athletic performance have been acknowledged in sport science, few studies have investigated the prevalence of sleep problems and their effects on elite athletes before a sport event. In this study, 632 German athletes from various sports were asked about their sleep habits during the night(s) before an important competition or game. The findings indicate that 65.8% of the athletes experienced poor sleep in the night(s) before a sports event at least once in their lives and a similarly high percentage (62.3%) had this experience at least once during the previous 12 months. Athletes of individual sports reported more sleep difficulties than athletes of team sports. The main sleep problem was not being able to fall asleep. Internal factors such as nervousness and thoughts about the competition were rated highest for causing sleep problems. Most athletes stated that disturbed sleep had no influence on their athletic performance; however, athletes also reported effects such as a bad mood the following day, increased daytime sleepiness, and worse performance in the competition or game. The differences between individual and team sports indicate that athletes in some sports need more help than those in other sports in managing sleep problems.  相似文献   

In the absence of any food or fluid intake during the hours of daylight during the month of Ramadan, a progressive loss of body water will occur over the course of each day, though these losses can be completely replaced each night. Large body water deficits will impair both physical and cognitive performance. The point at which water loss will begin to affect performance is not well defined, but it may be as little as 1-2% of body mass. For resting individuals in a temperate environment, the water loss that occurs during a day without food or fluid will typically amount to about 1% of body mass by the time of sunset. This small loss of body water is unlikely to have a major adverse effect on any aspect of physical or cognitive performance. Larger body water losses will occur, however, in hot weather or if exercise is undertaken. Performance in events lasting about 1 hour or longer may be impaired in the absence of fluid intake during the event. In weight-category sports, there may be difficulties due to the impossibility of restoring body water content between the weigh-in and competition, and athletes will require alternative strategies. Where more than one competition or training session takes place in a single day and where substantial fluid losses are incurred, recovery will be impaired by the absence of fluid intake.  相似文献   


Sleep is an essential component for athlete recovery due to its physiological and psychological restorative effects, yet few studies have explored the habitual sleep/wake behaviour of elite athletes. The aims of the present study were to investigate the habitual sleep/wake behaviour of elite athletes, and to compare the differences in sleep between athletes from individual and team sports. A total of 124 (104 male, 20 female) elite athletes (mean ± s: age 22.2 ± 3.0 years) from five individual sports and four team sports participated in this study. Participants' sleep/wake behaviour was assessed using self-report sleep diaries and wrist activity monitors for a minimum of seven nights (range 7–28 nights) during a typical training phase. Mixed-effects analyses of variances were conducted to compare the differences in the sleep/wake behaviour of athletes from two sport types (i.e. individual and team). Overall, this sample of athletes went to bed at 22:59 ± 1.3, woke up at 07:15 ± 1.2 and obtained 6.8 ± 1.1 h of sleep per night. Athletes from individual sports went to bed earlier, woke up earlier and obtained less sleep (individual vs team; 6.5 vs 7.0 h) than athletes from team sports. These data indicate that athletes obtain well below the recommended 8 h of sleep per night, with shorter sleep durations existing among athletes from individual sports.  相似文献   

Many of the socio-cultural lifestyle and dietary changes that take place during Ramadan may affect the risk of injury in athletes, but little evidence is available. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects over two consecutive years of the holy month of Ramadan on injury rates in 42 professional players of a Tunisian top-level professional soccer team. Players were retrospectively organized into fasting and non-fasting groups and monitored for 3 months: 4 weeks before Ramadan, during the month of Ramadan (4 weeks), and 4 weeks after Ramadan each year. During Ramadan, training started at 22.00 h. The circumstances (training/match) and mechanism of injury (traumatic/overuse) were recorded. No significant differences between the three periods were observed for weekly mean training load, training strain, training duration, and Hooper's Index (quality of sleep, and quantities of stress, delayed-onset muscle soreness, and fatigue). Compared with non-fasting players, fasters had a lower (P < 0.05) Hooper's Index and stress during and after Ramadan. No significant difference in injury rates was observed between fasting and non-fasting players. Nevertheless, the rates of non-contact (6.8 vs. 0.6 and 1.1) and training overuse (5.6 vs. 0.6 and 0.5) injuries were significantly higher in fasting players during the month of Ramadan than before or after Ramadan. In conclusion, Ramadan, along with the corresponding changes in nutritional habits, sleeping schedule, and socio-cultural and religious events, significantly increased overuse and non-contact injuries in fasting players despite the fact that the training load, strain, and duration were maintained.  相似文献   

Implementation of a nutrition programme for team sports involves application of scientific research together with the social skills necessary to work with a sports medicine and coaching staff. Both field and court team sports are characterized by intermittent activity requiring a heavy reliance on dietary carbohydrate sources to maintain and replenish glycogen. Energy and substrate demands are high during pre-season training and matches, and moderate during training in the competitive season. Dietary planning must include enough carbohydrate on a moderate energy budget, while also meeting protein needs. Strength and power team sports require muscle-building programmes that must be accompanied by adequate nutrition, and simple anthropometric measurements can help the nutrition practitioner monitor and assess body composition periodically. Use of a body mass scale and a urine specific gravity refractometer can help identify athletes prone to dehydration. Sports beverages and caffeine are the most common supplements, while opinion on the practical effectiveness of creatine is divided. Late-maturing adolescent athletes become concerned about gaining size and muscle, and assessment of maturity status can be carried out with anthropometric procedures. An overriding consideration is that an individual approach is needed to meet each athlete's nutritional needs.  相似文献   

为深入了解高水平运动员的组织性应激影响因素,从组织层面更好地关注运动队和运动员的健康可持续发展,降低组织性应激对高水平运动员操作成绩的影响,运用质性研究方法,通过对16名高水平运动员在训练比赛过程中出现的组织性应激反应进行深度访谈,使用内容分析软件QSR NViovo 11.0对采录的运动员谈话内容进行分析。结果显示:高水平运动员组织性应激影响因素可分为环境因素、个人因素、领导因素和团队因素等4类;其中领导因素(116)是运动员组织性应激的最大应激源,其次是团队因素(114)和环境因素(112),个人因素(58)最小;在二级指标中,教练员因素(96)对运动员组织性应激影响最大,其次是团队氛围(50)和选拔机制(43)。因此,呼吁运动队管理者、教练员等重视组织层面给运动员带来的困惑和压力,建议运动心理工作者就运动队组织性应激问题进行深入研究,加大对运动员组织性应激的关注和调节,促进我国高水平运动队和运动员的健康发展。  相似文献   

普通高校高水平运动员学习管理的若干问题综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了高水平运动员的“学训”定位问题、学分制问题、运动员文化底子差问题、过程管理问题,并提出在“以人为本”的教育观念下,普通高校办高水平运动队应有自己的特色,考虑国家和高校利益的整合,从育人的角度出发,规范高校的入学途径。学分制的实施尚待进一步完善,同时应加强过程管理,以保障运动员文化学习的系统性和完整性。  相似文献   

半月板损伤是很多接触性运动项目中损伤率较高的一种,这种损伤虽然不会导致结束运动生涯,但对运动训练的连续和运动寿命的延长有一定的影响。特别是教练员在制定训练计划时很难有连续性,队伍的整体配合也受到了制约,所以半月板损伤确实是运动队教训员运动员很难解决的问题,文章对武术运动员膝关节半月板损伤的预防诊断与分析进行了分析研究,以使常见的损伤逐渐减少见或不再发生。  相似文献   

最佳比赛心理状态是指运动员在比赛的外环境和身心综合状态的内环境下,竞技心理能力最大程度的发挥状态。"破釜沉舟""背水一战""置之死地而后生"……这些耳熟能详的成语和源于实践的经验都说明:优秀运动员参加重大比赛的最佳竞技心理状态是可以被挖掘的,即潜能是被"逼"出来的。那么,如何有效培养优秀运动员参加重大比赛的最佳心理状态呢?一、为何要"逼"出比赛最佳心理状态一般来讲,运动员参加奥运会等重大比赛的社会关注、重要他人期望及自我重视程度都非同寻常。赛前,运动员将  相似文献   

Winter sports are played in cold conditions on ice or snow and often at moderate to high altitude. The most important nutritional challenges for winter sport athletes exposed to environmental extremes include increased energy expenditure, accelerated muscle and liver glycogen utilization, exacerbated fluid loss, and increased iron turnover. Winter sports, however, vary greatly regarding their nutritional requirements due to variable physiological and physique characteristics, energy and substrate demands, and environmental training and competition conditions. What most winter sport athletes have in common is a relatively lean physique and high-intensity training periods, thus they require greater energy and nutrient intakes, along with adequate food and fluid before, during, and after training. Event fuelling is most challenging for cross-country skiers competing in long events, ski jumpers aiming to reduce their body weight, and those winter sport athletes incurring repeated qualification rounds and heats. These athletes need to ensure carbohydrate availability throughout competition. Finally, winter sport athletes may benefit from dietary and sport supplements; however, attention should be paid to safety and efficacy if supplementation is considered.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家谈访法、问卷调查法、观察法和数理统计法等,对辽宁省古典式摔跤队42名运动员的损伤情况进行调查分析,从易发部位、常见损伤及损伤原因等方面探讨运动员运动损伤对训练水平的影响,并提出预防和减少运动损伤的建议,为古典式摔跤运动员更好的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

Ramadan results in a number of behavioural alterations in individuals when compared to their normal habits outside of this holy month. These changes in behaviour could impact upon the effectiveness of the activity of an elite athlete who has high daily activity levels and energy expenditures. Understanding the true impact of Ramadan on human physiology will also require an awareness of the key aspects of circadian rhythms. This article will present theoretical background content on circadian rhythms along with data on the potential influence of circadian variation on soccer performance. It will also attempt to provide an insight into the problems of partial sleep deprivation and travel for the elite player. The contents will suggest that there is a basis for the within-day variation in physiological and psychological function to impact soccer performance if games are played early in the day or very late at night. As competitive fixtures are uncommon at these times these influences may be more relevant to the timing and organisation of training sessions. It is also likely that a lack of sleep and excessive travel will provide conditions that are not conducive to optimal performance. This would indicate that teams should think carefully about their preparation strategies for important tournaments and games.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、调查访问等方法,对我国运动员培养模式进行研究。分析我国"优秀运动队"模式、"三位一体"模式、"体教结合"模式和"俱乐部"模式的优势和不足,研究认为:"三位一体"模式、"体教结合"模式较"优秀运动队"模式、"俱乐部"模式有所改进,进一步考虑了运动员的全面发展,既考虑眼前利益,又兼顾了运动员长远发展的要求。在此基础上,提出我国运动员人才培养结构要进一步开放、投资渠道要拓宽、管理结构要完善的建议。  相似文献   

通过对高校高水平运动队对学校发展的社会影响力的分析,探索并建立符合我国基本国情、校情的高校高水平运动队,科学发展高校高水平运动队,从而为推动高校体教结合的教育改革的不断深入、大学生体育运动的发展以及高水平运动队竞技体育人才培养和运动队运行的可持续和谐发展起到添砖加瓦的作用.  相似文献   

随着健身气功进入高校教育,对转变体育人才培养方式,传承和发扬中华民族传统文化具有重要的意义。文章对四川高校高水平健身气功运动队竞赛实力、建设管理与教学训练等方面进行研究,研究结果表明:开展高水平健身气功运动训练,有利于大学生的知识技能学习成长,以强化训练运动员,拓宽育人选培空间和实施运动队经费结构多元化运作模式,推动队伍建设可持续发展,促进教学目标实现。  相似文献   

The goal of training is to prepare the distance athlete to perform at his or her best during major competitions. Whatever the event, nutrition plays a major role in the achievement of various factors that will see a runner or walker take the starting line in the best possible form. Everyday eating patterns must supply fuel and nutrients needed to optimize their performance during training sessions and to recover quickly afterwards. Carbohydrate and fluid intake before, during, and after a workout may help to reduce fatigue and enhance performance. Recovery eating should also consider issues for adaptation and the immune system that may involve intakes of protein and some micronutrients. Race preparation strategies should include preparation of adequate fuel stores, including carbohydrate loading for prolonged events such as the marathon or 50-km walk. Fluid and carbohydrate intake during races lasting an hour or more should also be considered. Sports foods and supplements of value to distance athletes include sports drinks and liquid meal supplements to allow nutrition goals to be achieved when normal foods are not practical. While caffeine is an ergogenic aid of possible value to distance athletes, most other supplements are of minimal benefit.  相似文献   

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