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郑春华 《海外英语》2012,(15):207-209,226
Wallace Stevens is a distinguished American modern poet.He come up with the idea of Supreme Fiction,in which he holds poetry as the union of reality and imagination,brings power,order,and wisdom to the world,which features his work with philosophy and poetic wisdom.Stevens’s perspectives on poetry writing and the needs of spiritual enrichment share some similarities with Friedrich Nietzsche on art and aesthetics-Art is the final form of sublimation of the souls of human beings.  相似文献   

张奇 《海外英语》2014,(11):211-212,228
A Künstlerroman is a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood, and in which character change is thus extremely important. A portrait of the artist as a young man as a Künstlerroman also shows the growth process of the protagonist from childhood to youth. The paper aims to point out the growth process of the protagonist focusing on the text. Especially, from the two aspects: content and form. The content and the form together reflect the growth process of the protagonist and the development of his personality, so we also see the protagonist was destined to be mature and at last decided to escape his home, exile himself and began his new life with the purpose of art.  相似文献   

Classical poetry is a kind of special classical literature with highly concise language,rich emotion,profound implication and certain rhythm.The development of poetry translation is related to the spread of Chinese classical culture.There are many opinions about translatability and Untranslatability of poetry translation.The translation of meaning is relatively easy,while the rhetoric technique closely related to the form of expression is more difficult,which is the key to express the poet's feelings.There?fore,this paper aims to explore the untranslatability of onomatopoeia in poetry by combining with the Book of Songs.  相似文献   

王珺 《海外英语》2011,(10):292-293
William Blake(1757-1827) is a renowned British poet in the 18th centrury. His lyric poems displays the characteristics of romantic spirit, and he is regarded as the forefather of the British Romanticism. His London is a well-known lyric poetry, which is thought to be the best versicle in the West. Now let’s analyse this poem in terms of its theme, image and form and then draw a brief conclusion for the Characteristics of William Blake’s poem.  相似文献   

张梅 《海外英语》2012,(7):222-224
Emily Dickinson,one of the most celebrated American poets,writes nearly 1800 poems during her lifetime.Her poetry,a flower rooted in Puritanism,expresses the poetess’s love for life,mediation on nature and religion,and longing for beauty and truth.Along with Walt Whitman,Dickinson is regarded as the pioneer of American modernistic poetry.However,studies on such a great poet are mainly from the perspective of literary criticism,and few of them are from the linguistic approach.This thesis will give a detailed analysis of one of her poems in the perspective of deviation,so as to reveal her unique stylistic features.  相似文献   

薛才佳 《海外英语》2011,(11):193-196
Chinese poetry has a very long and remarkable history.It is one of the most important representatives of China’s ancient civilization of 5000 years.Chinese poetry utilizes quite a large number of methods in order to be more melodious and charming.Reduplicated words,as a figure of speech,are one of the most frequently used form among them.Reduplicated words as an active rhetorical device can add more flavor and taste to poems.They have the advantages of expressing the stylistic beauty effectively in form,sound and sense,thus push the article to its topmost aesthetic beauty.This paper,from a stylistic perspective,first discusses and argues the translatability of reduplicated words and then the importance to maintain the style of reduplicated words.After that it tries hard to put forward some favorable ways of dealing with the translation of reduplicated words so that reduplicated words in classical Chinese poetry can be appropriately translated without damage to the original style and flavor.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on climate comfort degree evaluated from relationships between spatial characteristics and behaviors of a winter city.It is demonstrated that the influences of climatic factors on human comfort are remarkably different for different spatial characteristics and functions of the sites.An evaluation method of climatic comfort is propsed,in which attaining comfort is an adaptation process,and the dynamic changes in the process are according to the user’s subjective tendency to the variations of the spatial characteristics and functions of the space.The evaluation criteria are based on both physical and psychological hierarchy needs of a person,which include the spatial form for microclimatic conditions as well as the spatial social-economic characteristics of a site.To improve the local environment of a winter city by planning measurements,the Harbin Central Pedestrian Street is taken as an example in the application of the evaluation method,and different planning optimizing strategies are proposed accordingly.The results show that the pattern of climate comfort is characterized by reflecting the socialeconomic value and individual behavior characteristics.  相似文献   

邓雪莹 《海外英语》2013,(13):237-239
For Chinese poetry to be effectively translated into English,one should take many factors into account,such as the translation of images,the conveyance of the general mood,and cultural transmission.Therefore,poetry translation has long been regarded as a significant part of literature translation,which arouses much discussion on translation strategies and methodologies.As a representative of post-colonial theorists,Homi K.Bhabha proposes the notion of"Hybridity",which sheds lights on the strategies and processes of translation.From the perspective of Hybridity,this paper makes a tentative analysis of two English versions of the Chinese Qu poem Tian-Jing-Sha-Qiusi,emphasizing the hybrid of different cultures as an important approach to poetry translation.  相似文献   

程相利 《海外英语》2013,(1):222-223
Plato and Aristotle are both great philosophers in Greek,and Plato is the teacher of Aristotle.But their attitudes to the philosophy and art are quite different from each other.In Plato’s point of view,all poets should be rebelled out of his republic as they will lead the ordinary people to a wrong way;but to Aristotle,poets and the poetry they write should be admired because they will make good effects on the people and the society.This paper is going to discuss about their different attitudes to the so cial function of the poetry in three aspects:the content and the effect of the poetry;the nature of poetry.  相似文献   

潘晨扬 《海外英语》2014,(17):265-267,270
AAVE is a form of American English spoken primarily by African Americans. Although an AAVE speaker’s dialect may exhibit regional variation,there are still many salient features. The relationship between Black Music and Standard American English is a reflection of the special situation of the mutual influence and infiltration of the African-American sub-culture and the main-stream American culture. African-American sub-culture is shaped under pressure from the main-stream culture,and affected the latter to so great an extent that African-American sub-culture has been identified as one of the most important feature of American culture. The origin and development of Black Music are closely related to the cultural life of the Blacks. Because of its innate cultural connotation and the musical feature such as lively rhythm,fast talking,omission of pronunciation,full of obscene language and rhyme,all the features mentioned above help to have a great effect on the development of the AAVE.  相似文献   

十四行诗是西方文学中常见的诗歌形式之一,最早起源于13世纪的意大利,后传入欧美各国,尤其在英国流传甚广,并形成许多变体,无论在诗歌形式上还是在题材内容上都有所创新,为英国诗歌的革新和发展产生了不可低估的影响。十四行诗在国内的翻译实践证明:虽然在诗歌翻译中存在着不可译因素,但尽量减少不可译因素在译文中的比例还是可以做到的。  相似文献   

熊毅 《怀化学院学报》2006,25(4):117-118
17时期英国玄学派代表诗人约翰.多恩的诗歌跳出了彼特拉克诗歌传统,从语言、情感以及音响层面上看,它标新立异,奏出了一组和谐的变奏曲。着重从多恩诗对彼式诗解构的角度来探讨多恩诗歌的主要特色及其艺术表现手段。  相似文献   

意英十四行诗发展变化与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了十四行诗从诞生于意大利到 16世纪传入英国直至 2 0世纪发展变化的全过程 ,并对意大利十四行诗 (彼特拉克体 )和英国十四行诗 (莎士比亚式 )的异同进行了比较。十四行诗在英国经历了时代的变迁 ,继莎士比亚式之后出现了密尔顿式 ,传到 19世纪浪漫主义大诗人手中在内容和形式上得以创新 ,产生了变体十四行诗。 2 0世纪一些现代诗人继续沿用变体十四行诗进行创作并在形式上有新的突破  相似文献   

多媒体技术在英语教学中的应用愈来愈广泛,许多教师误以为多媒体教学只是适合于英语的听说课,妨碍了以计算机网络为主的多媒体技术优势的进一步发挥。本文试以英诗课程的多媒体教学为例,以实证分析手段说明多媒体教学适合各类英语课程,旨在更深入、更有质量地推广多媒体教学。  相似文献   

白雪 《海外英语》2014,(10):189-190
Shakespeare is a great poet in the history of English literature,and Sonnet 18 is just a most famous poem that wins universal praise.This paper is to study his magic art of language in this sonnet from a perspective of Formalism: how the literariness of Sonnet 18 is realized,i.e.the defamiliarization,at the phonological,lexical and grammatical level of the form of language respectively.  相似文献   

诗是最讲究形式技巧和文体范式的语言艺术,诗形不但是构成诗的文体范式的基础,还能够呈现诗人的诗艺水平.英语诗歌诗体的不稳定性使英语诗人有更多的文体自由,英语图像诗的历史悠久.现代图像诗运动正是自由诗革命的一部分,一些具像诗堪称极端的自由诗.图像诗既有增加美感的形式价值,也有使诗意增值的内容价值.图像诗创作具有特殊的文体革命意义,图像诗具有特殊的文本价值、文体价值及诗体价值.  相似文献   

在众多国内译者将该莎士比亚的第18首十四行诗中的“summer”译作夏天后,有学者提出“summer”在中古英语中兼指春夏,因此在结合诗篇中出现的其他词汇后,主张将其译为“春日”,并认为了解英语语言史和英国诗歌传统是更好地理解这首诗的钥匙.在翻译中,对单个词汇语言层面的理解和相应意象的塑造固然重要,但也应结合诗人所要突出的意象的特点和语篇的整体意图予以理解.该诗中“summer”究竟翻译成“春日”还是“夏天”,不仅体现对词汇本意的了解和尊重,更是对所诗歌文本的语篇语境和文本语境的重视.  相似文献   

通过对英诗汉译中形式和语词质料的分析,发现翻译中外部视域是变异的,但这并不能否定汉译诗歌作品存在,因为汉译后变异的语词质料由目的语中特有的形式重新开启,同样可以建立一个生存世界,这个新的生存世界是英诗汉译作品的内在视域,这种内在视域超越了语言的界限,是对人类生命情感的保存,它才是英诗汉译成功的关键。翻译完成之后,汉译作品还没有实现其作品存在,而最终实现需要接受者充分发挥其想象力,进入译作的内在视域,领会存在的意义。  相似文献   

诗歌翻译:诗形、诗味、诗魂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
诗歌在中国文学史上占有任何其他文学形式都无法比拟的重要地位,原因就在于汉语本身具有与生俱来的诗性特质。诗歌翻译不能无视诗性汉语的特点。在对汉英两种语言文字及其诗歌进行分析比较后我们发现,以普遍的翻译标准衡量性质完全不同的诗歌翻译是不切实际的。此外,本文还论述了诗歌翻译的实践性不仅需要译者具备较高的文学修养和审美能力,更需要灵活性。  相似文献   

旅游英语翻译是一种特殊的翻译,其中的诗歌翻译更是特殊中的特殊.以功能目的论为指导,以传播中国诗歌文化为目的,我们可以从诗歌的意境、诗歌的社会属性、诗歌的情感以及诗歌中的典故四个方面对旅游英语翻译中诗歌进行处理.  相似文献   

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