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王松 《科研管理》2008,29(2):44-51
本文着重研究企业获取与技术创新相关的知识和信息的外部联系制度。以创新系统理论和技术/产品生命周期理论为出发点,研究随着技术/产品生命周期的变化,工业企业创新的外部联系制度所发生的变化。对英国中部的处于技术/产品生命周期的成长期的信息/电子企业以及处于成熟期的汽车制造/工程企业进行了比较研究,发现它们创新的外部联系制度的组织和构成发生了显著变化,如处于成长期的企业对创新的外部联系制度的依赖更大,发生联系的外部知识/信息源的种类更多样化等。同时,两类企业在联系方式、特点以及获取知识的用途等方面也具备一些相似性。  相似文献   

大学及公共研究机构的成果商业化越来越受到重视。为了更有效的转化其基础科研成果,一种新的基于科学的企业随之诞生。这类企业与基础科学研究紧密相连,以商业化大学和公共研究机构中的成果为目的,并试图从中获取财务回报。本文选取国内著名高校成果转化的成功案例,从“知识转移与吸收”的视角研究了大学与公共研究机构的成果转化,本文的研究表明:(1)对于综合复杂性基础科研成果,成立“基于科学的企业”是实现成果转化的有效途径;(2)科学家的深度参与商业化是实现隐性知识转移的有效方式;(3)基于科学的企业与大学或研究机构建立长期合作与反哺机制,有利于企业培养知识吸收能力并形成企业的持续创新能力;(4)政府多手段的支持降低了企业风险,为企业提供良好的创新环境。  相似文献   

The shift toward more open and interconnected innovation activities has been a major topic in recent academic and practitioner discussions. Firms must connect their in-house R&D activities with external partners, such as leading customers or universities, to increase the effectiveness of their innovation activities. Hence, management needs to define where to search for valuable knowledge in its environment. In this paper we argue that knowledge search has to reflect the heterogeneity of various knowledge sources with regard to the knowledge they can provide and how these sources can be activated. We hypothesize that search strategies driven by science, suppliers and the product market will contribute differently to innovation success with new-to-market versus imitated products. Moreover, we explore the effect of these types of knowledge search within different sectoral patterns of innovation. Our empirical analysis rests on a sample of almost 5000 firms from five Western European countries. The results support our hypotheses and highlight the potentials and shortcomings of different types of knowledge search.  相似文献   

This explorative paper investigates how firms in the global data-processing industry that seek patent protection for their innovations in Europe have coped with the patentability requirements of the European Patent Office. Starting from a continuous research spectrum with basic research on the one extreme and development on the other, the main hypothesis is as follows: firms that carry out more basic research are more successful in passing the patent office than firms that focus more on development. Basic research explores more novel and unknown technical paths, while development aims more at modifying and redesigning existing products. Therefore, the results from more basic-oriented research are expected to fulfill the patentability requirements relatively more often than the results from development. This hypothesis is tested and largely confirmed for the global data-processing industry (with a sample of 44 firms) in the period 1986–1990, using indirect variables for basic research and development.  相似文献   

如何提升研发项目群人员创新行为成为理论界和产业界关注的焦点。本文以研发项目群人员为研究对象,探索了研发项目群人员创新效能感、协调性胜任力和创新行为之间的相互关系,以及不同知识能力下创新效能感对创新行为影响的差异。通过问卷调查,采用多元回归方法进行实证研究,结果表明:研发项目群人员创新效能感对创新行为具有正向影响,并能够在协调性胜任力影响创新行为的过程中起到正向调节作用;知识能力对创新效能感作用的发挥具有重要影响:研发项目群人员学历水平和工作年限越高,创新效能感对创新行为的正向影响越大,创新效能感的调节作用也越强。本文深化了创新效能感和创新行为的理论研究,并对研发项目群人员创新行为提升具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates domestic and foreign innovating firms’ determinants of R&D collaboration with domestic universities and public knowledge institutes in Finland and the Netherlands. We put particular emphasis on the impact of incoming academic spillovers on the probability to co-operate with these public R&D institutes.Based on data from Community Innovation Surveys we find that foreign firms in the Netherlands are less likely to co-operate with domestic public knowledge institutions than domestic firms, while in Finland no significant difference can be detected. Another result is that incoming knowledge spillovers are an important determinant for R&D collaboration with domestic public knowledge institutions in both countries. In case of foreign firms in Finland, incoming knowledge spillovers affect the probability to co-operate with public knowledge institutions more positively compared to domestic firms. For the Netherlands no substantial difference could be found in this respect. Further, innovating firms in Finland that require academic or basic knowledge do not co-operate significantly more with public knowledge institutions than those that need applied knowledge. At the same time they are willing to share knowledge with public R&D partners. In the Netherlands innovating firms that require relatively more basic than applied knowledge, increase the probability of co-operation with Dutch universities and public knowledge institutions but there is reluctance to share proprietary knowledge with public R&D partners. For both countries no significant difference between foreign and domestic firms with regard to academic knowledge requirements could be found. This raises the issue whether Finnish innovation policies with a strong focus on R&D co-operation provide incentives for strategic behaviour by domestic public partners to put more emphasis on applied research.  相似文献   

为给"卡脖子"领域提供发展启示,利用情报学方法开展科研产出数据挖掘分析并建立"卡脖子"问题的情报学研究模式,按"情报学分析→‘卡脖子’领域发展特征→多层面启示"的路径进行:采用文献计量、共现与聚类方法,将分析出的发文量、主体排名、聚类和密度等文献特征与科研产出时序、科研地位、机构合作和领域技术等领域发展特征进行映射关联,从而归纳出"卡脖子"领域总体发展方向、未来趋势走向、竞争合作倾向和技术布局导向等启示。将此研究模式应用于芯片光刻领域的研究表明:光刻领域技术发展与S曲线基本吻合,目前科研产出处在衰退阶段;发文量美国排名第一、中国排名第三,中国科学院排名全球机构第一,但中国与美、日、韩、欧等的影响力差距甚远,且西方各合作集团的国际合作远少于其国内共同研究,技术壁垒依国界划分明显;研究热点包括辐照、光刻胶薄膜、硅、阵列、纳米、自组装以及光刻聚合物等方面,研究体系庞大、分支领域纷繁复杂。基于研究发现,提出我国在光刻领域应当基础研究与应用开发两手抓,并聚焦国内合作,在宏观、中观、微观层面形成政产学研合力;同时抓住技术转型机遇期,敏锐捕捉技术革新方向以提前布局。  相似文献   

《知识学研究》系统全面地将知识学的相关内容进行了整理和阐述。基础理论上,梳理了讨论的焦点和可能的视角以及研究趋势,系统综合地介绍了知识学的理论体系,将已有的研究成果进行综合整理,为知识学各个主题的研究发展提供了基本框架;创新性问题讨论方面,该书对知识环境、技术、组织等创新型的问题进行进一步的研究和探讨,将知识环境作为知识学研究的一个领域,将知识技术和知识工程纳入知识学的体系,进一步加强了知识技术和知识工程的理论性,知识组织论作为知识学研究的重要内容,丰富了知识学的研究范围。实践与应用方面,该书在之前的理论体系基础上主要介绍了知识学的实际应用内容,注重对实践的探讨。该书按照从理论到实践的思路,从基础理论问题出发,理清讨论的焦点和可能的视角,为知识学各个主题的发展提供了一个基本框架。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of basic and applied research on innovation in two industries. Whereas innovation in the pharmaceutical industry is closely tied to both basic and applied research, innovation in the semiconductor industry depends mainly upon applied research. Surprisingly, many firms perform little basic research, but they produce many innovations. Within each industry, firms pursue different R&D strategies: firms that emphasize basic research absorb more basic scientific knowledge than those that emphasize applied research. These findings suggest that future research must carefully consider how industry context and the composition of R&D mediate the relationship between research and innovation.  相似文献   

In the last decade, there has been increasing pressure on academic laboratories to produce practical results. The last 10 years also have seen a growing interest in knowledge management, a management discipline believed to enhance organizations’ innovative capability by the sharing and creation of knowledge. While most knowledge management cases refer to the business setting, we believe that the introduction of these practices can also enhance knowledge creation and knowledge sharing within and among research units. This paper focuses on a pilot study being conducted at a Japanese public graduate university – JAIST – under a Center of Excellence (COE) program that was established to bring the performance of research laboratories up to a world class level in productivity by applying the theories and tools of knowledge science. This study is a cooperative effort between the School of Knowledge Science, doing research on knowledge management and systems, and two research laboratories in the School of Materials Science, doing basic and applied research on materials science. The goal of this project is to enhance materials science students’ capabilities so that they become successful creators of new scientific knowledge. A group of seven graduate research students volunteered for the study. As one of the first steps, we introduced a formal and periodic written reporting system that motivates students to think strategically about their experiments, helps them to improve their communications skills, and enables students to self-evaluate their skills and supervisors to evaluate the students’ skills as well as monitor their progress and developments in a formalized way. Since the project is relatively new, these preliminary results are associated with a generalized awareness and participation of the students in the project. However, we are expecting to obtain more concrete results, that is, quantifiable improvements in scientific production, in the near future.  相似文献   

胡贝贝  张秀峰  杨斌 《科学学研究》2020,38(12):2228-2235
本研究以中关村科技园区15位典型创新型创业人才为对象,通过非结构化深度访谈,应用扎根理论和方法探究了创新型创业人才基础素质与专业能力特征,以及二者的关系和转化机制。研究结果显示,在基础素质层面,创新型创业人才具有感性与理性复合的人格特质、理论知识与实践经验贯通的知识基础,以及高智力和充沛精力体力复合的生理素质。在创新型创业活动开展层面,具有创新型创业机会的识别/创造能力、开发能力,以及创新型企业的运营能力。其开展创新型创业的专业能力是其基础素质在特定契机刺激与创新创业意识驱动下,围绕创新型创业主题的聚合转化和显现。其专业能力的生成机制模型为:基础素质-(创业契机+创新创业意识)-专业能力转化。本文的研究结论为创新型创业人才培养和评价提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

海外并购一直被产业界作为进入东道国市场、或者获取战略资本的重要手段,尤其是近年来,中国企业越来越多的通过海外并购的方式对发达国家进行反向资本输入,其目的既为了获取海外市场,近年来更多的是为了获取先进的技术。同时,海归人才的回流也反向技术溢出的一个渠道。文章选取了深沪股市中81家上市公司从2005-2014年的海外并购数据作为样本,并收集了这些公司并购的专利申请数目,以及这些企业高管团队的信息建立模型。结果发现,对于新兴市场的企业而言,海外并购可以促进其技术创新绩效的显著提高,而且其拥有海外任职经历的高管团队能够显著促进企业海外并购后更好地将海外先进技术转移和融合,从而提升新兴企业在海外并购后的技术创新能力。  相似文献   

在创新环境转向开放创新的新时代,基础研究创新特征发生变化,传统的基础研究评估模式已无法适应创新环境与创新模式变化对基础研究评估实践提出的新要求,探索面向开放创新的基础研究评估模式已成为新形势下激发基础研究潜能、推动创新发展所面临的重大命题。通过分析传统创新环境下基础研究评估模式存在的问题,结合开放创新时代基础研究的创新特征变化,创新性提出面向开放创新的基础研究评估新模式即知识创新效应评估,并从基础研究创新过程及产出成果流向的角度出发,构建了知识创新效应评估的理论模型,该理论模型包含三个要素维度即知识创造、知识交流和知识扩散,为后续进一步研究构建面向开放创新的国家基础研究评估指标体系奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

当前,科学技术与公共政策的紧密结合对发挥科普咨政建言作用提出了时代呼唤,建设高端科普智库成为新发展阶段的必然要求。从服务科学决策、团结引领社会公众参与民主决策、强化舆论引导等方面探讨了建设高端科普智库的重要意义,界定了高端科普智库的内涵,从目标、内容、对象、动力等方面剖析了高端科普智库的基本特征。探讨了当前高端科普智库建设面临的问题和困境。从治理体系、产品生产、影响力三个维度构建了高端科普智库建设路径的分析框架,并对国内外13家高端智库和科技智库的建设经验进行了比较分析,基于此总结提出高端科普智库的建设路径,包括建立科学的智库治理体系、优化智库产品生产机制、提升智库决策影响力等。  相似文献   

基于项目特征和风险投资家的双重视角,建立了创业企业项目的两阶段融资序列模型,分析了联合风险投资结构下风险投资家的努力水平决策及其均衡解,研究了项目复杂性、联合风险投资结构与项目成功率的关系,研究表明:联合风险投资这种契约结构使得高成本的风险投资家提供低水平的努力,低成本的风险投资家提供高水平的努力;项目复杂性越低,所需要的异质性专长就越少,越有可能采取单独投资。项目复杂性越高,所需要的异质性专长就越多,越有可能采取联合风险投资;联合风险投资结构与风险投资家的努力水平交互影响项目成功率。  相似文献   

文章基于对手机制造行业三家公司的案例分析,探索了企业如何利用创新网络提高创新活动的绩效。文章研究发现:企业网络能力的强弱会显著影响其创新网络的实力水平,企业可以通过网络能力来改变自己在网络中的地位并提升创新网络的实力,并积极利用创新网络中的创新资源以提升自身的创新绩效。同时,文章还发现:短期来看企业创新网络实力和其技术能力有相互替代作用;但长期来看,企业技术能力才是取得良好创新绩效的保证。文章在网络能力影响创新绩效的路径方面扩展了已有研究。  相似文献   

在构建以国内大循环为主体,国内国际双循环相互促进的新格局中,大力提升企业自主创新能力,形成国家战略科技力量,是跑出创新发展“加速度”的当务之急。在实现科技自立自强与强化国家战略科技力量的双轮驱动下,企业创新质量成为理论界与实务界的关注焦点。在影响企业创新质量的众多因素中,CEO职能经历丰富度至关重要。基于此,本文融合高阶理论、管家理论与知识管理理论,收集整理了2010—2017年深沪A股上市公司CEO个体职能经历数据,对CEO职能经历丰富度与企业创新质量的内在关联进行了实证检验,对CEO职能经历作用于企业创新质量的内在传导机理进行深度解析。研究结果表明:CEO职能经历丰富度与企业创新质量显著正相关;职能经历丰富度高的CEO以降低融资约束、提升内部控制质量为传导中介,推动企业创新质量提升。本文拓展了创新质量的前因研究,丰富了高阶理论在中国情境下的应用实践,为高端创新人才的培养与创新资源的科学配置提供了新思路与新见解。  相似文献   

王宗军  蒋振宇 《科研管理》2006,41(1):274-284
通过对257家新兴企业中高层管理者和研发人员的调查数据,本文研究了员工信息素养对外部知识效应的影响,重点分析了员工信息素养对外部知识获取与内部创新能力之间关系的调节效应,并运用模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA)技术探讨了企业规模对员工信息素养的制约效应。结果表明:员工信息素养对技术知识和市场知识的吸收效果均有促进作用;此外,企业规模越大,员工信息素养对技术知识与创新能力之间关系的促进作用越小。本研究结论不仅丰富了员工素养与企业创新等领域的理论空间,同时也为战略性新兴产业企业在开放式创新环境下有效提高员工信息素养、增强外部知识吸收、提升创新能力和创新绩效提供了实践指导。  相似文献   

This paper examines the scientific work of the Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh from its foundation in 1887 to 1920. It looks in particular at the pivotal role of clinical cases in the work of the Laboratory, using the concept of 'triangulation' to analyse how cases served both as objects of scientific knowledge and as sites for articulating and aligning the concerns of medical practitioners and career scientists. It goes on to propose a general model for thinking about the role of cases in scientific knowledge production, based on a rereading of Kuhn as seen through the lens of the sociology of scientific knowledge. It concludes with some general reflections on how this analysis of the work of the Laboratory helps us to rethink the relations between basic and applied medical science in the period before the emergence of modern biomedicine.  相似文献   

On the basis of a knowledge management perspective, this paper expands the literature on new ventures’ capabilities by considering how these firms fill knowledge gaps and develop the technological, marketing, management, and ICT capabilities they need to compete. In particular, this paper investigates the role of networks in these dynamics. Although new technology-based firms have great potential to introduce innovative products into the market, they might suffer from more critical knowledge gaps and capability weaknesses than established firms. The results of a quantitative investigation of an original data set of more than 400 Italian new ventures specializing in high-tech industries show that these firms acquire knowledge to support their capability growth mainly through the management of intense relations with multiple external sources of knowledge. In addition, capability development is supported by the variety of founders’ industry experience and the presence of young graduates among the founding team.  相似文献   

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