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发展性评价是《语文课程标准》的一个重要理念。发展性评价对改进语-文教学,促进学生全面发展将起到重要作用。在教学实践中,我们要改变以成绩评价学生的单一模式,一方面要注意学生知识的掌握,另一方面还注重学生情感、态度、价值观的养成.促进学生全面健康地发展。  相似文献   

对学生进行发展性评价是新课程改革的重要组成部分,其目的是发挥评价的发展性功能,关注学生成长的过程与个体差异.如何对学生进行发展性评价?教学实践表明,对学生进行发展性评价应注意六项要求. 一、发展是核心 发展性评价是以发展为目的,面向未来,面向全体学生的一种新型学生评价制度.因此,在评价过程中,我们要用发展的观点,以发展为本的指导思想去评价学生.  相似文献   

语文课程中的发展性学生评价以促进学生全面发展为根本目的,体现了语文新课程理念。我们应明确语文课程的评价内容,在实施中坚持发展性、全面性和合作性的评价原则。发展性学生评价的方法要灵活多样,采取教师评价、自我评价、同伴评价、家长评价等不同方式。发展性评价对当前语文考试改革具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

在新课改的召唤下,广大教师开始思索评价的问题.新的课程标准要求我们改变以往“一把尺子”的评价方式,重视发展性评价。发展性评价就是要发挥教学评价.促进学生发展的功能,并把评价渗透于整个课程实施过程中,这就要求我们广大教师在日常教学中要利用课堂、作业、活动等多种渠道来及时地、适当地评价学生的行为、学习效果、情感态度等。本将就如何利用作业来实施发展性学生评价谈点体会。  相似文献   

我们在实施科学课学生发展性评价的过程中,要用辩证的、发展的眼光评价学生,善于捕捉学生学习活动中出现的有教育价值的细节.将评价融于细节,在激励性的评价中促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

文华莉 《云南教育》2005,(20):36-37
新课改背景下的学生评价应该是一种发展性学生评价。发展性学生评价为学生身心的健康发展提供诚挚帮助,以学生素质的全面提高为目的。发展性评价的核心是重过程,重视对象在过程中的转变。  相似文献   

对发展性学生评价本质的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
“发展性”是本次课程改革中学生评价的基调。但是由于对发展性评价的本质认识不清,导致发展性学生评价在实践中出现了许多误区。发展性评价的本质属性至少有3个方面:它是新型师生关系的建构,是评价与发展过程的自然融合,其终极目标是促进学生的自主发展。  相似文献   

发展性评价主张把过程性评价与终结性评价结合起来。我们对学生学习的评价既要注重考查学生学习的过程.又要看学生学习的结果.这样才能够对学生的学习情况做出一个相对全面、真实、准确的评价结论.对学生的发展也确实很有动力,很有好处。具体结合的办法很多.笔者在思想品德课教学中设计思想品德评价卡。将发展性评价同思想品德课合理结合,收效甚好.  相似文献   

小学数学学习发展性评价是实现新课程改革的发展目标,发挥评价促进学生发展的功能,对学生数学学习进行全面的评价理念。基于这样的理解我们在数学教学实践中积极展开了发展性评价的研究,  相似文献   

在分层教学中实施学生发展性评价是高职学生全面发展、专业发展、个性化发展的需要。分层教学条件下,实施学生发展性评价先要制定高职学生全面发展评价目标、专业发展评价目标和个性化发展评价目标。在分层教学过程中实施学生发展性评价的本质是促进学生的发展,培养学生终身发展的能力。在分层教学过程中实施学生发展性评价应注重日常评价,突出表现性评价,强调学生自我评价。  相似文献   

中学生数学归纳推理的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
发展学生的归纳推理能力是数学课程的重要目标.初中生数学归纳推理的发展状况为:信息表征的类型随着知识量的增加而增加;归纳猜想随年级的升高而呈现缓慢增长趋势;假设检验随年级的增长并不显著;归纳推理与演绎推理在各年级中的发展不均衡.因此,在教学中加强归纳推理的教育与心理研究是十分必要也是刻不容缓的.  相似文献   

积极构建发展性教学评价体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现行教学评价的众多弊端对学生的发展有多方面的危害,亟需进行教学评价改革。我们应以建构主义为基础,树立新的教学评价理念,灵活运用各类评价方式,构建发展性教学评价体系。  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges instructors face is getting students to connect with the subject in a manner that encourages them to learn. In this essay, we describe the redesign of our Developmental Biology course to foster a deeper connection between students and the field of developmental biology. In our approach, we created a community of scientific practice focused on the investigation of environmental impacts on embryonic development and informed by popular and scientific media, the students' own questions, and the instructor. Our goals were to engage students in meaningful ways with the material, to develop students' science process skills, and to enhance students' understanding of broad principles of developmental biology. Though significant challenges arose during implementation, assessments indicate using this approach to teach undergraduate developmental biology was successful.  相似文献   

This article discusses the interaction of attachment processes and stages of social work student development within the field supervisory relationship and suggests ways supervisors can modify interactions with students. Attachment theory and research provide a framework for understanding innate capacities of students and the relational dynamics of supervision. Developmental stages of learning explain how students mature and the supervisory relationship changes over time. Scenarios from the beginning and ending of the field practicum are used to illustrate how to differentiate attachment traits from developmental states in assessing student affect and behavior. Recommendations are made for training and future supervision research.  相似文献   

During the lesson block in a Waldorf sixth-grade classroom studying mediaeval history, the teacher presented content in a variety of ways, such as oral story-telling, creative writing, drawing, music, singing, and group-recitation. The teacher based her selection of forms of representation on the children's stage of development. According to the philosophical foundation of Waldorf education, anthroposophy, students in the sixth-grade are in the stage of middle-childhood, when feeling, imagination, and experience are the strongest factors in learning. The variety of forms of representation the teacher selected to present content to this group of students created multiple layers of experience intended to reflect these developmental and philosophical beliefs.  相似文献   

本文针对高师英语教学法课测试性评价偏重考察学生对知识的认知情况,缺乏对学生在学习过程中的情感态度、应用能力形成性的价值判断,导致学生不能及时地反思和调整自己的学习状态,非智力因素和后继学习的潜能得不到有效地开发等问题展开研究。重点探讨如何运用发展性评价的原则、方法和工具对学生在英语教学法课学习过程中的认知能力、情感态度和动作技能进行科学、全面地评价,旨在证实发展性评价对促进英语师范生综合能力全面提高的良好效应。  相似文献   

以素养发展为本的发展性学习发生于学生能动参与的活动之中。发展性学习的过程是学生借助能动改造外部客观世界而能动改造内部主观世界的过程。发展性学习的过程属性集中体现为,学习活动的主体归属是学生,而不是学生之外的他人,学生在学习过程中的主体性具体表现为学习的能动性、独立性和亲历性。发展性学习所特有的过程及其属性,既决定了教师教导的必要性,也决定了教师教导的基本特征。教师教导是使学生成为学习主体并表现学习能动性、独立性和亲历性的条件;为引起和促进学生能动、独立地学习,教师教导在机制、功能及具体方式等方面必须实现相应的转变。发展性学习的过程属性及由其决定的教导过程的特征共同要求,应建立一种以学习为中心的教学结构或教学形态。在学习中心教学中,教师的教导作用主要聚焦于使学生学习成为一种能动、独立的学习,并使这种状态的学习占据教学过程的主要时间和内容空间。  相似文献   

Biology education, like education in any other discipline, strives to make students familiar with the knowledge, activities, and ways of thinking of the community of biologists. We produced a curriculum in developmental biology based on learning through primary literature, in an attempt to develop biological literacy among highschool students. Here we characterize the way in which two high‐school biology students read a research article in developmental biology. Mere reading resulted in superficial comprehension. In contrast, when the students answered questions about the text, deeper comprehension evolved. The students could overcome readingcomprehension problems by applying well‐established reading strategies, but encountered difficulties resulting from the classical structure of research articles. We hope that our characterization of the learning process of research articles by high‐school students will enable the use of these complex texts in high‐school biology classrooms.  相似文献   

Two studies were used to examine developmental and task effects in estimation problems. Time to solution data were collected on students' performance to describe their efficiency in processing information. Study One demonstrated developmental differences in speed of processing between younger students (first grade) and older students (third and sixth grade), with younger students performing at a slower rate. Study Two demonstrated that the amount of feedback information present influenced speed of processing. Results were discussed in terms of student and task characteristics and the implications of such variables for an information processing model of learning. Implications for science teaching were also discussed in terms of diagnosing learning problems and designing science curriculum.  相似文献   


Poor completion outcomes in community colleges’ developmental education programs have spurred reforms in developmental education policies and practices in order to increase students’ chances of success. In the case of developmental math, the focus of this article, such changes include revisions to testing and placement policies, amendments to the intended curriculum, and restructuring of the format and sequencing of courses. However, the measures that have highlighted the inadequacies of developmental math are, in themselves, insufficient for assessing the effectiveness of reforms to developmental math. Drawing on interview data from a classroom-level study of a community college’s pilot reform initiative in developmental math, we explore the learning goals articulated by the instructors and a sample of students across four pre-algebra classrooms. Through our analysis of their goals, as well as the extent to which students reported accomplishing those goals, our research underscores the important distinction between course completion and learning. This study highlights the need to assess the effectiveness of developmental math coursework in ways that extend beyond completion rates.  相似文献   

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