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纸张脱酸是档案、图书保护技术工作者研究的主要课题之一,正在进行研究和开发。当前,修裱技术在各级档案馆非常普及,需修复的破碎纸张中许多属于酸性纸张,其纤维素成分已经发生了酸性水解与氧化反应。为了解决其脱酸与保护问题,本课题将Mg(HCO_3)_2作为修裱浆糊的稀释剂,利用平衡反应:Mg(HCO_3)_2MgCO_3↓+CO_2↑+H_2O使MgCO_3方解石晶体微粒沉积在档案纸张、托纸与浆糊中间,起到对酸的缓冲作用。据有关资料介绍,氧化纤维素在碱性条件下可继续降解,镁盐可与氧化纤维素形成稳定的螯合物,使在旧纸张中含量较高的氧化纤维素得以保护,使其在脱酸后不致继续降解。  相似文献   

将混合保护液浸润过的碳素材料作为纸质文献的收藏环境,使其长久保存。样品经干热老化、湿热老化、臭氧老化及几种酸性气体侵蚀后,用耐折度、抗张强度、撕裂度等性能指标,对其内置纸张进行耐久性评价。结果表明,该收藏环境内置纸样的机械强度强于对照纸样,即该收藏环境对纸质文献能起到更好的保护作用,有效延长其寿命。  相似文献   

以草酸/乙醇—氢氧化钡/甲醇保护液、水性氟碳乳液和明胶—甘油溶液三种加固材料为研究对象,采用中性纸、宣纸为载体材料,墨汁、碳素墨水为字迹材料,分别对加固前后纸张的耐折度、色差变化以及字迹材料的耐干热老化、耐紫外老化、耐酸碱和耐氧化等性能进行综合分析比较,进而探讨三种加固材料对纸质档案纸张和字迹材料耐久性的综合影响。实验结果表明:三种加固材料均能提高纸张和字迹材料的耐久性。其中,水性氟碳乳液加固效果最佳,草酸/乙醇—氢氧化钡/甲醇保护液最差。水性氟碳乳液对宣纸和墨汁的加固效果较中性纸和碳素墨水更为理想。  相似文献   

以羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)为纳米氢氧化钙的稳定剂和纸质档案的加固剂,制备HPMC稳定的纳米Ca(OH)2醇水分散液(H-C分散液),用于纸张脱酸加固处理。利用X射线衍射仪、激光粒度仪、紫外—可见分光光度计对H-C分散液进行表征,考察HPMC对纳米Ca(OH)2醇水分散液稳定性的影响;采用扫描电镜、pH计、万能材料试验机、耐折度仪等表征H-C分散液对纸张的脱酸加固作用。结果表明,HPMC可长时间稳定纳米Ca(OH)2醇水分散液;对纳米Ca(OH)2具有裹覆作用,提高其在纸张上的均匀分散并减少纳米Ca(OH)2与纸张直接接触,减轻纳米Ca(OH)2对纸张的影响。H-C分散液在提高纸张pH的同时增强纸张的机械性能,并为纸张提供了一定的碱储量。  相似文献   

图书纸张的含水量是否正常,是图书保护的一个关键。图书纸张的含水量过大,会使图书受潮发霉、互相粘连;过小会使纸张纤维素失去韧性,强度降低而变脆。所以图书纸张的含水量与寿命关系很大。一般图书纸张的含水量为6—20%。但是图书纸张的含水量与所处环境的温度、湿度、时间(某一温度、湿度所持续的时间)等因素的关系较为复杂。不易掌握。如库内相对湿度85%,温度摄氏25°,图书纸张的含水量为18%。当开动去  相似文献   

纸张无损检测法是人们近年来运用的一项重要的、最先进的保护技术。传统的有损检测法,都会对纸张有一定的破坏作用。以医疗卫生行业为例,传统的医疗卫生行业都是以纸质文书档案为主,往往在保管与保护上都有相当大的不便利,但随着人口发展的扩大化,人们对医疗与时俱进的需求也逐渐扩大,并且在病人的诊断信息方面也需要进行一定的保护。如果采用保护手段不正确的话,会使一些医院文书档案受到一定的损失。所以纸张无损检测法在一定程度上对医院文书档案的保护程度也大大提高,目前由于我国对纸张无损检测技术研究还是属于相对应的开发阶段,如何更好地完善则是现在所要解决的问题。  相似文献   

纸张酸度过高会对图书档案寿命造成影响。从20世纪50年代以来,致力于图书档案保护工作的各国学者经过不懈努力,发明创造了很多纸张去酸技术,其中的很多都在实际中得到了应用,使图书和档案的使用寿命延长了几倍,为保护珍贵图书文献作出了不可磨灭的贡献。这其中有很多著名方法,在很多国家地区得到了广泛应用,本文就不作赘述了,现介绍几种还未用于大批量脱酸及尚需优化完善的去酸技术,以期能为我国纸张实用去酸技术的研究有所借鉴。  相似文献   

纸张在保护和管理过程中需了解纸张保存现状和保存寿命。由于纸张检测方法大多要毁损纸张,因此,实际工作中很难开展档案图书纸张性能的检测和寿命的预测。本文介绍了目前国内外开展的纸张无损检测方法,分析各检测方法的优缺点和具体应用途径,通过纸张无损检测,来判断纸张保存现状,估计纸张的寿命,这对于降低纸张性能的下降速度,提高保护水平,改善保管环境有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

在纸质档案保护工作中,作为载体材料的纸张的保护极其重要,纸张保护的核心就是延缓其老化速度,延长其保存年限。相信大多数档案工作者会有这样的体会:有些纸张脆性大一些,有些纸张脆性小一些;老化明显的纸张脆性较大;  相似文献   

微生物对馆藏图书的危害机理及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以纸张为载体的文献资料,由于受到细菌、真菌等微生物的危害,使其在无声无息中劣化、霉烂.因此,采取积极有效措施保护藏书是图书馆工作者的重要职责之一.介绍了危害馆藏图书的主要微生物,阐述了微生物对图书中胶粘剂和纸张中纤维素的分解机理,提出对危害馆藏图书微生物的防治措施.  相似文献   


As the great majority of photographic prints have a paper support, their conservation has been based on conservation treatments traditionally used by paper conservators. It cannot be assumed, however, that these standard treatments, that are employed on paper without any problem, will give comparable results on photographic prints. The effects of mechanical cleaning, solvent cleaning, wet cleaning, bleaching and deacidification on salted papers, cyanotypes and platinotypes are investigated and discussed. The treatments were separated into those that gave clearly negative results and should be rejected, and those that should be studied in depth before accepting them as suitable. It was shown that the use of some types of bleaching and deacidification agents can be very dangerous in the case of plain paper prints. Cyanotypes proved to be the most sensitive to any treatment method and platinotypes the most resistant.  相似文献   


Absorbent materials such as wood, paper and cotton stabilize the atmosphere of show-cases against the relative humidity changes caused by temperature variation and by exchange of air with the surroundings.

There are several exchange processes between the air in the case and the outside air: diffusion through porous COllstruction materials, air flow caused by temperature and pressure changes and airflow by convection in a show-case whose relative humidity differsfrom that of its environment. The air changes about once a day in show-cases made by conventional joinery techniques. The rate of exchange can be reduced to less than five volumes a year by sealing a show-case so that only one small hole is left for pressure equalization. A dust and sulphur dioxide filter can then be fitted to maintain a pure atmosphere within.

In heated rooms without air-conditioning the RH may fall dangerously low in winter. A static method of RH control for a show-case is described. This is a saturated solution of sodium bromide covered by a silicone rubber membrane.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(24):269-287
Term paper counseling has emerged as the library's solution to the instructional limitations and constraints of the reference desk and the bibliographic instruction classroom. Term paper counseling uses the tutorial method of instruction to provide students with individualized assistance. Paralleling the four major tutoring structures, term paper counseling has been provided as standalone tutoring, course tutoring, emergency tutoring, and structured tutoring. This paper details tutoring as an instructional method, term paper counseling as tutorial, and successful models for term paper counseling.  相似文献   

微生物防治是纸质档案保护的重要内容,但防治过程中对环境的污染和人体的危害一直困扰着档案保护工作者。本文选择绿色无危害抑菌剂对纸质档案进行实验,首先通过抑菌活性筛选出抑菌剂,其中接触型抑菌剂抑菌效果匹马霉素>PHMB>ε-PL>蒜氨酸,空间型抑菌剂抑菌效果香芹酚>香茅醛>2-苯乙醇;其次进行了联合抑菌实验,确定了PHMB(125mg/L)与匹马霉素(3.906mg/L)配伍的接触型抑菌剂、香芹酚(15.62mg/L)与香茅醛(31.25mg/L)配伍的空间型抑菌剂性能最好;最后对上述两组抑菌剂处理过的纸张进行安全性能检测,结果显示两种抑菌剂组合对纸张拉力无显著影响,但有显著的脱酸和抗老化效果,对处理后的纸张ΔE最大值不超过1.5。本研究为研制安全高效的纸质档案抑菌剂提供实践基础。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]论文被引频次只能反映论文的宏观影响力,无法揭示论文在他人研究中的具体作用和影响,因此,本文提出从引用内容的主题和功能两方面对论文的影响力进行分析。[方法/过程]以2014年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者J.O'Keefe的高被引论文为实例,首先,采用文献计量学方法对引用内容主题进行分析;对其,影响范围及领域进行可视化分析;其次,从引用性质和功能角度,将引用内容分成正面引用、负面引用和中性引用;最后,将中性引用进一步划分为3类,分别是研究背景介绍、理论基础和实验基础。[结果/结论]结果表明,共词分析可以很好地表达论文影响的主题领域;引用内容的分类可以提供一篇论文被引用的多方面原因。在本实验中没有负面引用,多于10%的引用为正面引用,大约50%的中性引用都是作者在研究背景章节中介绍与施引文献相关的研究工作。  相似文献   

基于C-value与TF-IDF的文献簇主题识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引文分析是科技情报分析的一种重要方法和技术,特别是建立在共耦合和共被引基础上的引文聚类分析逐渐发展成为科技情报分析中最活跃的研究领域之一.引文聚类分析形成一系列由科技文献组成的文献簇,并不能直接体现出文献簇的主题,因此需要识别这些文献簇的内容特征.本文分析了引文分析中文献簇主题识别的典型方法及局限,提出了结合C-value和TF-IDF算法的文献簇主题识别方法.实验表明,该方法可以充分地利用C-value和TF-IDF算法的优点,对C-value和TF-IDF算法中不合理的地方予以了改进,从而可以更好地应用于引文分析中文献簇的主题识别.  相似文献   

硫酸纸底图档案是一类重要的文化遗产,真实记录了早期机械制造、建筑设计的发展历程,具有很高的历史和科学价值。本文对我国一家档案馆收藏的20世纪初期硫酸纸底图档案进行了调查研究和分析测试,调研结果表明,这批硫酸纸底图档案出现了严重的酸化、卷曲、发脆、断裂、破损等病害现象,亟待修复保护。在调查研究的基础上,本文提出了相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]历史修复遗存是古籍的组成部分,是新的古籍修复周期处理的对象,研究古籍历史修复遗存不仅能丰富古籍修复技术,更能提高古籍修复质量.[方法/过程]分别运用归纳法和案例法研究古籍历史修复遗存的形式及处理措施.[结果/结论]古籍历史修复遗存形式包括修复材料、修复方法及其印记等.古籍历史修复遗存处理应依据具体情况分...  相似文献   


Oil paints dry by polymerization. This 'drying' process may be substantially complete and the surface of the paint film dry to the touch within weeks, but measurable changes continue for years. Other, slower processes also continue, primarily hydrolysis of glyceride esters. This produces carboxylic acid groups as either free fatty acids (in the case of acid groups that have not reacted otherwise) or acid groups bound to the crosslinked oil matrix (in the case of acid groups that have engaged in polymerization reactions). These may react with pigments to form carboxylate salts (called soaps in the case of a fatty acid). These changes affect the physical properties of the paint and the way that conservation treatments affect it. This paper examines the extent of hydrolysis and soap formation in some naturally aged drying oil and paint films, the extractability of these materials in organic solvents, and measured and predicted changes over time in the physical properties of naturally aged paint films. Long-term physical and mechanical changes due to aging are minor compared to those produced by overcleaning or excessive exposure to heat.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to discuss the role of food preservation science and technology in the conservation of complex food-based installations. By introducing the principles of food science and food preservation into the decision-making process for the conservation of contemporary art, more insight on conservation and presentation possibilities was created. Considering the installation Piece in Ghent (P.I.G.) by Jason Rhoades, which contains French fries, the principles of food preservation science were evaluated. The preservation of the original foods was discussed against the potential of a reproduction of the foods. The context for conservation was determined by analysing the artist's intention, the production method of the artwork, and the degradation processes of the food materials. From the results obtained, guidelines to preserve the ‘original’ foods were proposed, as well as guidelines to reproduce foods that can last longer. The study demonstrated that food preservation science contributed to the development of effective strategies for the conservation of contemporary food-based art.  相似文献   

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