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刘云英 《晋图学刊》2011,(4):45-47,63
拓展高校图书馆社会服务职能是社会发展的需要,也是其自身可持续性发展的需要。通过对高校图书馆向社会开放的条件分析,简述向社会拓展服务职能的途径,强调以馆地、馆企合作和提供深层次信息服务为主的原则。  相似文献   

公共档案馆职能拓展的“过程逻辑范式”及要义分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张锐 《档案学研究》2009,23(5):22-24
强化信息资源开发与利用服务能力、拓展公共档案馆的职能是现代社会发展的必然要求.公共档案馆的管理与服务特点决定了其职能拓展的过程性.本文针对该过程所具有的逻辑架构及基本要义进行了系统剖析,目的在于明晰公共档案馆职能拓展的方向,保障提升公共档案馆社会信息服务水平的需要.  相似文献   

做好档案工作服务职能的目标定位,对从根本上搞活档案工作,推进档案工作向新领域拓展,向深层次延伸具有重要作用。文章从服务方向、服务形式、服务人员3个方面对档案工作服务职能的目标定位加以阐述。  相似文献   

在我国进入社会转型期后,形成于计划经济时代的档案馆管理体制并未随社会的发展变化做出重大调整,其运行机制处于低效率的状况。档案馆社会化服务的提出为改变这一被动局面提供了发展方向。本文从档案馆的社会职能定位入手,阐述了档案馆社会化服务的基本含义,在此基础上探讨了档案馆社会职能拓展的一个新视角。  相似文献   

公共图书馆延伸服务探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高文学 《晋图学刊》2010,(3):95-96,104
本文从公共图书馆的基本职能出发,结合当前社会发展新形势,对公共图书馆延伸服务的必要性进行了分析,并指出公共图书馆延伸服务的方向:服务理念向知识服务延伸;服务手段向网络技术延伸;服务空间向农村、向基层延伸;服务对象向弱势群体延伸;服务形式向多样化延伸。  相似文献   

近年来。随着档案事业的发展,档案工作在广度和深度上发生了深刻的变化,这就为档案工作履行服务职能提出了新的要求。因此.做好档案工作服务职能的目标定位.对从根本上搞活档案工作,推进档案工作向新领域拓展.向深层次延伸具有重要作用。一、服务方向的政治定位档案工作具有鲜明的阶级性,服务职能的履行必须要有坚定正确的政治方向。因此,新时期档案工作必须坚持以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导.坚持以科学发展观为统领。坚持辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的世界观.坚持以社会利益为最高利益原则,深入开展档案利用工作.  相似文献   

高校图书馆服务职能的现实对接   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为迎接信息社会及知识经济对传统图书馆职能的挑战,高校图书馆必须由传统型向现代化图书馆转型。只有转变服务观念,更新服务内容,拓展服务领域,提高工作人员素质,才能实现高校图书馆服务职能的现实对接。  相似文献   

高校图书馆向社会开放服务是大势所趋,而社会服务能力却略显不足。高校图书馆需要通过重塑公共服务精神、明确双重职能定位、优化人力资源结构、拓展公共服务领域、完善公共服务体系来实现社会服务能力的再造,并要积极为政府、企业和社会大众提供个性化、深层次的服务,在社会化服务中实现智库价值、经济价值、社会价值和文化价值。  相似文献   

公共文化服务体系建设正在改变着档案馆所面临的社会环境,文章运用SWOT方法分析其作为公共文化空间的内部要素和外部环境,认为其要想有想作为并体现其存在价值,应该多组织公共文化活动凸显档案馆传统优势文化价值;发挥信息技术力量使档案馆文化职能向虚拟化拓展;借助相关行业力量创新服务形式使档案馆文化向社会文化发展,使其成为一个合格且有影响力的公共文化空间。  相似文献   

一、拓展档案馆公共服务功能的必要性 拓展综合档案馆服务功能,是实现档案馆事业跨越式发展的必由之路。其重要性、必要性在于:一是拓展档案馆公共服务功能,以适应政府行政管理改革的需要。行政管理领域的一项重大改革是,政府从管理型政府向服务型政府的转变,强化公共服务理念,更加注重社会管理及公共服务职能的运用,实现在服务中实施管理,在管理中体现服务。综合档案馆作为政府的文化性机构,应适应政府行政管理改革的要求,  相似文献   

People communicate differently based on their willingness to communicate, along with their feelings of solidarity with the receivers (McCroskey & Richmond, 1987). People who are high in their willingness to communicate and feel close to their receivers would seemingly communicate more frequently and intimately. This study investigated this proposition by considering the late adolescent sibling relationship. College students were asked to complete a questionnaire focusing on the frequency, breadth, and depth of their communication with their siblings. Participants also completed measures of their trait willingness to communicate, their willingness to communicate with their siblings, and their solidarity with their siblings. People's willingness to communicate and willingness to communicate with their siblings was positively related to their frequency, breadth, and depth of communication with their siblings. Solidarity was also found to be positively related to frequency, breadth, and depth of communication.  相似文献   

Employees (n=40) at a fast-food restaurant were surveyed about characteristics of their position and their level of satisfaction. Employees were then asked to report with whom they regularly communicated inside and outside the workplace and to indicate how close they were to employees with whom they were linked. Employee turnover was measured after three months had elapsed. A goal of the research was to replicate a model of employee turnover that predicts employees more central in their social network to be less likely to leave, and to test a social support explanation of the centrality model. The results indicated that employees who reported a greater number of out-degree links with friends were less likely to leave. The number of in-degree links with friends did not significantly predict turnover, and neither did network links with peers. Friendship prestige, measured by the number of in-degree links, was strongly correlated with relational closeness and amount of time spent with employees outside the workplace.  相似文献   

Predicting Employee Turnover from Friendship Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Employees (n=40) at a fast-food restaurant were surveyed about characteristics of their position and their level of satisfaction. Employees were then asked to report with whom they regularly communicated inside and outside the workplace and to indicate how close they were to employees with whom they were linked. Employee turnover was measured after three months had elapsed. A goal of the research was to replicate a model of employee turnover that predicts employees more central in their social network to be less likely to leave, and to test a social support explanation of the centrality model. The results indicated that employees who reported a greater number of out-degree links with friends were less likely to leave. The number of in-degree links with friends did not significantly predict turnover, and neither did network links with peers. Friendship prestige, measured by the number of in-degree links, was strongly correlated with relational closeness and amount of time spent with employees outside the workplace.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Obama administration issued the Open Government Initiative that directed Executive agencies to improve transparency, openness in government, and public participation with government. The Obama administration views transparency and openness in government as a cost-effective and efficient process capable of improving public participation with government and public access to government information. To address the initiative in part, many agencies adopt social media as the means to disseminate information out to the public and to increase public participation with agency website content and activities. This exploratory study examines Executive agency use of social media and public participation with the media. Findings indicate that most agencies reviewed do use social media. The public does interact with the media and some agencies experience high overall participation levels; however, there are some issues with agency use of social media and public participation with the media.  相似文献   

学术期刊编辑思维定式的误区   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
当代一些学术期刊编辑受传统思维模式的影响和制约,形成了重整体、重综合、崇尚圣贤经典的价值取向,使办刊过程中产生了许多误区,刊物平庸无奇,缺少个性与生机.认为期刊要发展、要同世界接轨,必须调整和革新编辑的思维模式与价值取向.  相似文献   

宋姝娴 《大观周刊》2011,(23):5-5,7
与会议口译相比,社区口译是一种互动性更强的口译模式,因而给予译员更多的与讲者澄清信息的机会。社区译员应当知晓在什么情况下以及如何切当的打断讲者并澄清信息,以达到促进交流的目的。当社区译员遇到陌生的专业词汇、模糊信息、应客户要求或察觉讲话者明显口误时,应与讲者及时交流,避免造成进一步的信息混淆。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为了能够准确发现满足用户信息需求的有用在线评论,对在线评论按照有用性进行排序,帮助用户进行消费决策。[方法/过程] 首先通过文献调研和专家咨询,结合移动O2O用户在线评论的特点,选取影响移动O2O在线评论有用性的8项指标,采用模糊层次分析法进行指标赋权,然后利用定量方法进行指标量化,使用加权灰色关联分析方法进行有用性计算和排序,构建有用性排序模型。最后获取美团商品的在线评论数据进行应用研究,采用与美团原始评论排序结果对比分析的方法,检验方法的可行性和科学性。[结果/结论] 实验结果表明,采用移动O2O在线评论有用性排序模型进行排序,排名靠前的在线评论信息量大,包含产品或服务的维度较多,能够较好地满足用户的个性化信息需求,为用户消费决策提供更大的参考价值。  相似文献   

In autumn 2012, the University of Birmingham launched FindIt@Bham, a Primo-based Resource Discovery Service, after a series of focus groups with students and staff to help determine its initial configuration and customization. This article presents the results from a large-scale online survey and focus groups that were conducted to poll users’ attitudes to the service over twelve months later, adding to a small body of research on user satisfaction with established resource discovery services. From the survey the overall level of appreciation was high with 71.13% rating FindIt@Bham to be “Good” or “Very Good.” The level of appreciation was compared across undergraduates, postgraduates (taught and research), and academic staff which revealed that undergraduates are the group of users most happy with the service with academic staff being least satisfied. The reasons for this discrepancy are considered, along with users’ behavior and a discussion of their perceptions of individual functional areas. The survey results led to focus group activities tailored to extract deeper information on system usage and satisfaction. From these combined activities, future customizations and developments to FindIt@Bham such as tuning of result relevancy, improved online help, and additional functionality can be prioritized.  相似文献   

探索高校专利价值评估模型,快速锁定存在权利转移价值和失效风险的专利,有利于提升高校科技成果管理效率,加快高校科技成果向产业界转移,进一步激发高校科研人员的创新潜力。文章结合已有研究中的专利评估指标,从指标易获取性角度出发,选取11个指标形成专利评估体系;以云计算为技术领域,创建专利分析资源库;进而结合主成分分析与分类算法,构建专利价值评估模型;基于评估模型,对云计算领域中的高校专利进行识别,借鉴标准十分评估方法,对专利的权利转移概率进行划分,明确高校中具有权利转移价值和失效风险的专利。研究表明,结合主成分分析法,确定评估指标的有效性,使用十折交叉验证选取人工神经网络算法构建评估模型,分析发现高校存在权利转移价值的专利呈二次多项式分布,10.68%专利具有较高的权利转移价值,22.64%专利存在失效风险。文章构建的专利价值评估模型能够为高校科技成果管理人员进行专利运营,以及企业探寻高校核心技术提供决策支持。  相似文献   

When considering the role of local journalism in a networked media environment, it is crucial to examine how audiences attribute news with the power to define social knowledge. In particular, television news programs need to appeal to audiences by reinforcing a sense of local journalistic authority to assert the parameters of who and what is worthy of coverage. This article presents the findings from interviews with a range of commercial television news viewers in Sydney, Australia. It positions viewership in the context of people’s wider engagement with news, and in relation to their interpersonal and digital social interactions. The paper argues that local audiences have conflicting attitudes to the role of television news, both contesting and re-inscribing the programs with the power to demarcate social, political, and cultural knowledge. It traces how local audiences challenge the ability of news to convey boundaries within the community through processes of exclusion, connecting the contestations to the lived experiences of the individuals. It identifies that television news programs nurture journalistic authority in terms of their local relevance, and it contributes insights on the significance of local news by engaging with the means by which audiences themselves attach social power to journalism.  相似文献   

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