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邵凯 《体育科研》2020,(1):44-48
戈炳珠从1993年开始进行自由式滑雪空中技巧项目的研究,为我国自由式滑雪空中技巧科研作出了一些贡献。本文以口述史为研究方法,通过对戈炳珠进行面对面访谈,还原当时我国自由式滑雪空中技巧项目的发展历史。本次访谈中,笔者选取了戈炳珠参与自由式滑雪空中技巧项目中最为重要的几个方面进行访谈:自由式滑雪空中技巧队成立的历史发轫、成长过程、教练员跨项选拔、运动员跨地跨项选才、东北区域联办模式、科研助力冠军团队、国内"首位"国际级滑雪裁判、退休后不断耕耘于自由式滑雪的科研工作八方面的内容。通过梳理我国自由式滑雪空中技巧项目历史发展的过程以及补充必要的历史信息,为我国雪上项目的学术研究提供必要的历史资料。  相似文献   

姜跃金  董平 《冰雪运动》2010,32(3):30-33
在分析我国越野滑雪现状的基础上,指出我国在越野滑雪项目上已取得的成绩及与世界先进水平的差距。目前我国越野滑雪项目存在专业队伍较少,各地重视不足;运动员水平与世界先进水平存在差距;场地设施、器材装备及科研辅助不足等一系列问题,并针对上述问题提出将越野滑雪短距离竞速项目纳入全运会金牌榜,吸引社会参与越野滑雪;加强同高水平国家交流;加强科研服务及保障;争取器材装备赞助,加快其国产化;加大推广普及力度,开展学校教学等措施,以期为我国越野滑雪项目的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为了促进我国高山滑雪场建设的科学化、规范化,有效保护自然环境,提高经济效益,转变建设理念,本文通过文献资料、专家访谈、调查、数理统计等研究方法对国外高山滑雪场的建设模式进行研究。研究发现,国外高山滑雪场的建设模式大体包括四种:超级滑雪度假区模式、竞技模式、四季滑雪场模式和家庭滑雪场模式。不同模式的滑雪场无论是在初期规划、软硬件建设,还是后期经营等方面都有其自己的特点与优势。通过对国外高山滑雪场建设模式的研究将为我国高山滑雪场的建设及运营拓宽思路,提供可参考的借鉴案例。  相似文献   

我国北方民族滑雪史探略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘国防  刘毅 《冰雪运动》2009,31(1):72-75
滑雪最早起源于生活在寒冷多雪地区人们的狩猎活动。新疆阿勒泰地区新发现的敦德布拉克彩绘岩画是我国境内目前所知最早的与滑雪有关的考古学材料。通过对文献中我国北方少数民族的滑雪及雪上交通有关的记载进行了梳理,可以看出,从公元前3世纪开始,滑雪已在我国文献中有了明确的记载。滑雪这一狩猎方式一直被我国北方民族沿用至近代。  相似文献   

滑雪旅游已经成为黑龙江省支柱性产业,研究黑龙江省滑雪场地的布局与设施情况,对促进龙江滑雪旅游产业的健康、可持续发展具有重要作用。采用问卷调查法、文献资料法、访谈法和数理统计法等研究方法,抽取黑龙江省60家滑雪场所进行调查与分析,结果表明只有少部分滑雪场的索道、雪道、雪具等配备较合理,大部分雪场的医疗救护、环保以及雪道质量有待完善和提高,大多数雪场周边遍布村屯,外部环境较差,行车极不方便。  相似文献   

Norwegian explorers have for more than a century made a strong presence in the polar areas. One of their distinctions was their dedicated use of skis. This article examines the Norwegian affection for skiing in the polar areas. The will to quest and conquer the polar extremes, as well as the inland glaciers of Greenland, has been a part of Norwegian polar history, to such a degree that it can be termed a national characteristic. Through primary and secondary literature and other sources, the article discusses the historical background of this cultural practice, and how it has been able to survive into modern times. What is the significance of these modern expeditions which might otherwise be seen as mere repetitions of historic ventures? The article discusses polar skiing in the perspectives of modern sport, national identities and manliness.  相似文献   

The following account is an attempt to explain how skiing in Austria came to acquire its importance. The period around the First World War and the years following it form one focus, as it is at this time that skiing evolved from an elite to a popular sport. This is described as a process of collectivisation through movement and took place largely under the central aegis of the military and schools. Further focus is on the mass media representation of skiing in Austria, post-1945. The biography of the 1970s skiing hero Franz Klammer allows a cursory demonstration of how these narratives create emotionally charged opportunities for identification, which have the power to anchor themselves into the collective memory of post-war Austria.  相似文献   


The Black Forest is considered to be the cradle of skiing in Germany. In 2016, the 125th anniversary of the beginning of skiing in the Black Forest is being celebrated. Over the decades, skiing developed into a very popular sport for men and women in Germany and spread to the Alps. Presently, the German Ski Federation (Deutscher Skiverband, DSV) has over 500,000 members, about 40% being women. This paper will concentrate on the first decades of women’s skiing in the Black Forest until the First World War. To present a wider picture, in some sections, it will be necessary to relate to other parts of Germany. A special focus will be put on competitive skiing, skiing as a social event and the discourse about women’s ski clothes.  相似文献   

Skiing underwent substantial changes during the post-war years when the sport turned into a multi-billion dollar industry and a leisure activity for the masses. Despite its global nature and popularity, skiing in academic writing has not gained much recognition. This paper explores the role of knowledge transfer during the pioneering phase of post-war skiing in Australia. It describes the life of Charles William Anton, an Austrian refugee from the Anschluss who migrated to Sydney and subsequently became one of the founding fathers of Australian post-war skiing. The following pages show the multi-layered nature of skiing as a global sport by exemplifying how ideas spread from pre-war Europe to post-war Australia. The paper will also provide a case study about refugee knowledge transfer and the ‘productive process of absorption, adoption or rejection of knowledge’ that takes place once an idea has been introduced into a new environment.  相似文献   

Alpine ski racing is a popular sport in many countries and a lot of research has gone into optimising athlete performance. Two factors influence athlete performance in a ski race: speed and the chosen path between the gates. However, to date there is no objective, quantitative method to determine instantaneous skiing performance that takes both of these factors into account. The purpose of this short communication was to define a variable quantifying instantaneous skiing performance and to study how this variable depended on the skiers' speed and on their chosen path. Instantaneous skiing performance was defined as time loss per elevation difference dt/dz, which depends on the skier's speed v(z), and the distance travelled per elevation difference ds/dz. Using kinematic data collected in an earlier study, it was evaluated how these variables can be used to assess the individual performance of six ski racers in two slalom turns. The performance analysis conducted in this study might be a useful tool not only for athletes and coaches preparing for competition, but also for sports scientists investigating skiing techniques or engineers developing and testing skiing equipment.  相似文献   

黑龙江国际滑雪节的文化与经济效应   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
于杨  夏光  刘巍 《冰雪运动》2009,31(5):92-96
探究黑龙江国际滑雪节的历史、文化与经济效应,对振兴龙江经济、促进社会进步具有重要而深远的意义。提出连续举办12年的黑龙江国际滑雪节将滑雪从一项竞技体育运动发展成一个产业,已经成为黑龙江一个标志性品牌。认为黑龙江国际滑雪节塑造了特色鲜明、影响广泛和引领时尚的滑雪节文化;带来越来越广泛的滑雪消费市场,引起日益国际化的滑雪场开发与经营,形成趋于完善的滑雪产业链;使滑雪旅游成为龙江经济的新增长点,并且推动了龙江交通、餐饮等行业的快速发展,极大地促进了龙江经济和社会的全面发展。  相似文献   

雪场救护的不规范是制约雪场发展的因素之一,并且导致许多安全隐患的存在及事故的发生。为了给滑雪者提供一个安全的滑雪场所,本文通过对国内外雪场救护现状的比较和分析,根据我院高山雪场现有条件及特点,借鉴第24界大冬会雪场救护的相关经验,初步提出符合我院高山滑雪场实际情况的救护模式的思路。  相似文献   

Commercial systems utilizing data from inertial measurement units (IMUs) to analyse movement patterns have not yet been adapted to monitor daily training in cross-country (XC) skiing. The main purposes of this study are to investigate: (1) the feasibility and potential of a multi-sensor system consisting of a heart rate sensor, global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) data and seven IMUs placed at multiple locations on the body for outdoor XC skiing, and (2) the validity of employing hard decision rules based on the correlation between arms and legs for detecting sub-techniques in classical XC skiing. All sensor data were synchronously sampled and synchronized with GNSS data from a commercially available sports watch while XC skiing on varying tracks, from amateur skiers and world-class athletes. An algorithm based on the correlation of the angular velocity of arms and legs was developed to detect the three main classic sub-techniques, diagonal, double poling with a kick and double poling. Other sub-techniques were classified as miscellaneous (0–20%). The system is shown to work well outdoors on snow during different conditions, and the implemented algorithm was validated by video analyses to detect the three sub-techniques with a sensitivity of 99–100%. This study is the first to detect and link sub-techniques in XC skiing to GNSS data, thereby associating the detection and distribution of sub-techniques to different terrains. Such information gives insight into the technical and tactical aspects of skiers’ daily training and competitions, thereby providing a tool for coaches and athletes.  相似文献   

文章阐述了高山滑雪技术类项目运动的特点及运动员身体素质的要求,在此基础上,通过文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法建立了有代表性的身体素质测试指标,旨在为教练员及运动员提供理论参考,科学的制定训练计划,从而提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of ski slope grade, skiing speed, skiing ability, sex, and age on HR, RPE, and energy expenditure responses during recreational alpine skiing. Thirty-eight participants were divided by age, sex, and skiing ability. Instructor- and self-paced skiing conditions were conducted on 10° and 19.8° slopes. Skiing HR was recorded, RPE collected at the end of each run, and energy expenditure calculated. The pertinent results of this study demonstrate that the interactions of grade × speed, speed × age, and grade × age and the main effects of speed and grade significantly influenced %HRmax, mean HR, RPE, and energy expenditure during skiing. When %HRmax is taken into account, the older skiers skied at a greater relative intensity than the young skiers. The sex, age, and skiing ability main effects did not have a significant influence on mean HR, RPE, and energy expenditure. These data demonstrates that increased speed and grade results in increased physiological stress. Using mean, HR data may not be the best option for assessing physiological stress during exercise in the older athlete as it does not account for the influence of the ageing process.  相似文献   

通过系统梳理有关高山滑雪运动损伤的英文文献,对高山滑雪项目的运动损伤特征、影响因素及主要预防策略进行综合分析论证。发现:(1)高山滑雪的损伤发生率高;膝关节是最常见的损伤部位,手指、下背部、头面部等部位次之;损伤类型主要包括韧带损伤、应力性骨折、神经系统损伤/脑震荡等,在前交叉韧带(Anterior Cruciate Ligament,ACL)损伤方面无性别差异;损伤程度一般为中、重度,最严重者可致使运动员停训或中断参赛超过28天;运动员在训练与比赛中所面临的损伤风险相近。(2)影响高山滑雪运动损伤的基本因素包括两个方面,一是运动员本身的竞技水平、技术动作、性别年龄、先天遗传等相关的内部因素,它是减少和预防高山滑雪运动损伤最根本和最重要的因素;二是与竞训场地、器材、装备、气候等客观条件相关的外部因素,它们也对高山滑雪运动损伤特征产生一定影响。(3)对高山滑雪运动损伤的预防策略,可主要侧重于提高力量素质、优化技术动作、创新器材设备,并逐步加强多措并举、相互配合以产生综合效应的方向发展。本研究为加强与高山滑雪项目特征相匹配的运动损伤评价体系的构建,加大高山滑雪运动损伤的机制探究,探索新的预防手段和策略等后续研究奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

随着越野滑雪裁判队伍的逐渐壮大,我国越野滑雪裁判员在成长过程中也有一些急需解决的问题。以我国越野滑雪裁判员为研究对象,运用文献资料法、专家访谈、调查问卷、数理统计法对越野滑雪裁判员人员结构、年龄结构、文化结构等进行调查研究,找出越野滑雪裁判员不足和需要加强的方面,从而使我国越野滑雪裁判员水平得到提高,为今后发展我国越野滑雪提供人才储备,为我国裁判队伍做好培养工作。  相似文献   

黑龙江省作为我国越野滑雪项目的优势大省,加强对黑龙江省越野滑雪后备人才培养的研究,已成为保证越野滑雪项目可持续发展的重要举措。借助2022年北京市和张家口市联合举办第24届冬季奥运会的良好契机,改善黑龙江省越野滑雪运动后备人才培养现状,是一个值得深入研究和探讨的课题。通过对黑龙江省2011年~2014年经注册的越野滑雪运动员进行定量与定性分析,深入地研究黑龙江省越野滑雪后备人才的培养现状。结果表明,黑龙江省越野滑雪项目存在运动员人数小幅度萎缩,人才匮乏;青少年基础薄弱,选材困难;场地缺乏、器材昂贵等问题。提出改革越野滑雪后备人才培养体制,借鉴先进的训练模式;优化青少年选材标准,选择科学的评价指标;加快场地建设和器材国产化、量产化;加强教练员运动员队伍建设等对策。以期缩小差距,为促进黑龙江省越野滑雪运动项目的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

通过系统梳理有关高山滑雪运动损伤的英文文献,对高山滑雪项目的运动损伤特征、影响因素及主要预防策略进行综合分析论证。发现:(1)高山滑雪的损伤发生率高;膝关节是最常见的损伤部位,手指、下背部、头面部等部位次之;损伤类型主要包括韧带损伤、应力性骨折、神经系统损伤/脑震荡等,在前交叉韧带(Anterior Cruciate Ligament,ACL)损伤方面无性别差异;损伤程度一般为中、重度,最严重者可致使运动员停训或中断参赛超过28天;运动员在训练与比赛中所面临的损伤风险相近。(2)影响高山滑雪运动损伤的基本因素包括两个方面,一是运动员本身的竞技水平、技术动作、性别年龄、先天遗传等相关的内部因素,它是减少和预防高山滑雪运动损伤最根本和最重要的因素;二是与竞训场地、器材、装备、气候等客观条件相关的外部因素,它们也对高山滑雪运动损伤特征产生一定影响。(3)对高山滑雪运动损伤的预防策略,可主要侧重于提高力量素质、优化技术动作、创新器材设备,并逐步加强多措并举、相互配合以产生综合效应的方向发展。本研究为加强与高山滑雪项目特征相匹配的运动损伤评价体系的构建,加大高山滑雪运动损伤的机制探究,探索新的预防手段和策略等后续研究奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、调查法、逻辑分析法和数理统计法等研究方法,对我国滑雪运动发展现状进行系统分析与讨论,找出政策、经济发展水平和自身发展水平等影响我国滑雪运动的发展变化的因素。提出促进发展滑雪运动与环境保护的协调发展,促进滑雪运动产业化发展进一步完善竞技体育举国体制,完善滑雪运动规划管理的措施,努力实现滑雪运动科技、教育、文化的可持续发展,增进国际间的友好交往,扩大国际间的合作等发展战略,为实现滑雪运动可持续发展的国家总体发展战略目标具有决定性的意义。  相似文献   

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