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In the second half of the nineteenth century, sport and tourism developed simultaneously under British inspiration. The models of the Alpine Club and the Touring Club set examples which were emulated in France, thus benefiting the development of physical activities and the planning of places of interest. While private commercial initiatives were only slowly emerging, the French Alpine Club and Canoe Club, effectively assisted by the Touring Club de France, promoted tourist expansion. This paper shows how the cooperation orchestrated between the sports and tourist societies played a driving role in the development of the tourist economy in France. To support this project, this case study uses the comparative analysis of two tourist areas: the banks of the River Marne, taken over by Parisian water sport enthusiasts, and the Dauphiné Alps, favoured by English mountaineers as early as the 1860s. Comparing two different geographical areas and two different activities allows us to highlight the common process which accounts for the joint development of sports and tourist activities. Our analyses, which are based on a precise chronology and a detailed cartography, underline the progressive structuring of sports sites and development of tourist infrastructures needed to accommodate sportsmen and -women. This work is founded on an analysis of the archives and publications of the above-mentioned organizations. The tourist development of these areas is identified through cadastral maps and tourist guides.  相似文献   

This contribution aims at examining the reasons underlying the creation of the French Alpine club (Club Alpin Français or 'CAF' for short). The creation of this mountaineering association has often been associated with the developme nt of leisure activities by the bourgeoisie. To these established ideas (Hoibian 1997, Lejeune 1988), we add here that the geopolitical context of the era following the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian war is a major factor in the creation of the conditions that led to the constitution of this new club. The detection of a threat from Italy, manifested by the creation of Italian mountaineering troops, is just as important a parameter as the bourgeois and patriotic one. Consequently, drawing from the analysis of the archives of the CAF and those of the historical division of the French Armed Forces (Service Historique de l'Armée de Terre), we examine the philosophy of the founding members with a view to determining the reasons underlying the creation of this Alpine climbing club.  相似文献   


The link between sport and tourism is closely related in outdoor sports and it is worth considering the development of these physical activities in conjunction with the tourist infrastructures that facilitate access to the activity areas. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the major role played by the Touring Club de France (TCF) in the launching of winter sports in France through its promotion of tourist infrastructures and support of the related activities. The TCF played an innovating and most efficient part through its action on three essential aspects: equipping sites for tourists; developing the manufacture of winter sports equipment; and promoting winter sports, thus bringing new life to mountain resorts. In taking into account the crucial role of the TCF in this study, the main sources used are related to the club itself: its archives and the monthly review from 1908 to 1914. On a larger scale, an explanation on how the TCF acted as a lever to generate dynamics beneficial to local development of the mountain areas will also be provided.  相似文献   

This study attempts to analyse the means by which winter sports were spread in France. I look more specifically at the political factors that promoted the development of skiing, within the context of international tension that prevailed during the years prior to World War I. My analysis strives to demonstrate the importance of discourse and actions centred on patriotism, and to point out the factors that brought skiing into people's everyday lives and helped them acquire a sense of national affiliation. My approach consists of analysing the justifications given for the promotion of skiing on France's mountain ranges, particularly those aimed at its mountain populations. The forms of legitimacy used to justify the development of skiing, its close-knit relations with the army, the institutional framework selected under the influence of the French Alpine Club, the staging of practices and forms of sociability maintained for each targeted population – all of these phenomena help grasp the ways in which new norms dictating social behaviours were disseminated and internalised in the mountains of France.  相似文献   

In France, there is a growing enthusiasm for outdoor sports and recreation. In the meantime, the risk of both severe and frequent injury associated with active pursuits in mountain areas is acknowledged. This paper tackles accidents related to mountain sports, with a focus on three critical activities: hiking, mountaineering and ski touring. The aim consists of estimating the actual number of accidents (whether they entailed deaths or injuries) in the three above-mentioned activities. In order to align the information collected, then provide estimations based on the reasoned crossing of these secondary data, we consulted and summarised all the databases available on the French territory. Results address the trauma-related mortality in absolute values, and a comparison with the death rate of other sports. The calculation of a mortality index, including secondary mortality, is then provided. Elements of mountain sports accidentality are also presented, intending to clarify how many casualities occur each year in the French mountains. Last, a focus on the particularities of each mountain sport is provided.  相似文献   

关于我国体育旅游保险问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张明科 《体育与科学》2006,27(6):46-48,30
体育旅游保险是我国保险业的重要组成部分。体育旅游保险按被保险人可以划分旅行社责任险和体育旅游意外险。前者是指旅行社根据保险合同的约定,向保险公司支付保险费,保险公司在旅行社从事体育旅游业务经营活动中,致使游客人身、财产遭受损害,应由旅行社承担责任时,赔偿保险金责任的行为;而后者是指旅行者根据保险合同的约定,向保险公司支付保险费,保险公司对体育旅游游客在外出旅游的过程中,遭受到非本意的、外来的和突然的伤害时,赔偿保险的行为。本文将结合以上两个方面,就如何发展我国体育旅游保险业的问题及对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

姚路嘉  曹莉 《中国体育科技》2020,(4):77-80,F0003
齐鲁登山活动是极具地方特色的传统民俗事项和历史文化遗产,研究通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法探究齐鲁登山活动的历史发展脉络和蕴含的齐鲁文化特色,并结合当前山东登山行业发展,分析齐鲁登山文化遗产的当代价值。研究认为,古代齐鲁登山活动孕育于“仁者乐山,智者乐水”的儒家审美观念中,汉末魏晋时期,社会环境的变迁和山水审美哲学的积累催生出山水游览,在唐宋获得进一步发展,使得登山活动开始逐步拥有了独立的价值。明清时代随着崇山文化的下移,齐鲁登山活动更趋娱乐化、世俗化和专门化,出现了围绕登山进行的各种商业经营和文化创作。研究认为,齐鲁登山活动的世俗化取向、刚健奋发的攀登精神与重民贵生、求新进取的齐鲁文化传统息息相关。齐鲁登山文化遗产的当代价值主要体现在其传承提倡的“仁智之乐”,为当代山岳旅游与登山户外运动的开展,提供了良好的价值导向,同时齐鲁登山活动在历史发展中已然将山岳营造成为承载康养休闲、文旅观光、节庆赛会等多重文化意象的空间,这将为新时期登山业实现转型发展提供良好的依托。  相似文献   

湛晓东  龚志恺 《当代体育科技》2020,(10):203-204,206
登山运动是和平年代探索、拼搏精神展现最具象征意义的体育运动。通过文献资料法、专家访谈法对我国登山运动进行研究,发现登山运动在继承和发扬中华传统文化中的不畏艰险、顽强拼搏、团结协作精神有重要作用;对开展登山运动的部分高校进行研究,发现登山运动能够提升学校知名度,培养学生能力,发扬学校校训,扩大学校的社会影响力;弘扬中华体育精神,以发展登山运动为契机,普及全民健身运动,为大众提供登山健身服务,发扬登山运动提升责任感、锤炼优良品质方面的作用,达到强健体魄、身心健康的目的。对我国的登山运动的历史文化进行研究,能够挖掘登山运动的时代内涵,推动休闲社会的形成与发展,更好地服务社会主义建设,共建体育强国梦。  相似文献   

高校体育教学俱乐部与社区体育的互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校体育教学俱乐部是高等学校体育的重要组成部分,也是高校体育改革具有标志性的课题,高校体育教学俱乐部有课外体育俱乐部、课内体育俱乐部、课内外结合的俱乐部,本文通过对高校体育教学俱乐部与社区体育互动作用,高校体育教学俱乐部与社区体育互动的必要性分析,指出高校体育俱乐部从长远的发展思路上对社区体育活动的影响都是巨大。  相似文献   

Following the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1885, mountaineers began to explore the Rocky Mountains. Prominent British climbers included Green, Outram and Collie. Taking issue with Sandford's interpretation, the appeal of the Rockies for British Alpinists is examined. The Rockies were compared with the Alps, viewed as an Alpine playground, and represented as an authentic wilderness. Superficial manifestations of imperialism need contextualizing within a shared mountaineering ethos that nevertheless accommodated differences of emphasis. Close organizational links between the Alpine Club and the Alpine Club of Canada culminated in the affiliation of the latter to the former in 1920.  相似文献   

《Sport in Society》2012,15(1):103-116
Gendered and exotic representations of French Polynesians continue to be produced, resisted and reappropriated in this postcolonial territory. This article analyses the colonial origins and the contemporary role of beauty pageants and traditional sport competitions in the (re)production of gendered ethnicities. The methodology includes analysis of brochures, media and entertainment emanating from the tourist industry, conjugated with a theoretical framework pertaining to the (re)production of social identities through social performance. While the role of marketed performances is to gain territorial celebrity and economic benefits, they rely on gendered and ethicized bodies to present the nation and culture as exotic objects of tourist consumption. Specific bodies are exalted as gendered ethnic ideals through a competitive sports model; gendered competitions are set on stage in order to designate an exemplary corporal performance. Through these mechanisms, territorial marketing participates in large-scale production, reappopriation and renewed confirmation of gendered ethnicities.  相似文献   

随着全民健身热潮的推进,人们对登山健身运动的需求不断增长,由此为民众构建更加安全,设施完善,路线合理,风景优美的国家登山健身步道已成为全民健身及户外体育发展的必然趋势。采用文献资料、专家访谈、实地考察的比较研究等方法,对陕西秦岭构建国家登山健身步道的必要性、可行性及其构建规划进行研究,为陕西的公共体育事业的发展提供理论基础。  相似文献   

笔者通过问卷调查法、访谈法,以湖南郴州、吉首两地城区群众性登山的现状作为研究对象,解析我国群众性登山运动日渐升温的原因。结果显示:效费比高、锻炼者无需运动技能、受工作时间、气候、场地影响小、无需结伴也能进行以及锻炼场所空气清新是群众性登山运动日渐被大众接收的原因。对以山为主体的风景区、公园实施年卡制有利于解决登山运动辐射范围小的弱点,并有利于体育弱势群体向体育人口的转变。  相似文献   

朱爱民  孙辉 《湖北体育科技》2009,28(3):265-266,268
俱乐部作为现代体育的基本组织形式,在职业体育的发展中扮演着重要的角色。市场经济是法制经济,随着改革的深入,体育俱乐部越来越多地涉及到法律问题,由于法律意识的淡漠和缺乏监督机制.体育俱乐部存在着权责不明、关系不顺、管理混乱以及无形资产缺乏保护等问题。我国职业体育俱乐部要健康的发展下去,必须走法制化之路。结合我国体育俱乐部自身发展过程中所面临的一部分法律缺失,阐述我国体育俱乐部自身发展过程中的产权、责权、以及无形资产的保护等问题。  相似文献   

Recent changes in the sports industry – derived from increasing financial pressures – have led to the update of existing business models. Particularly in football, the dominant clubs develop new business models based on the spectators’ commitment to the sport. Packed stadiums attract more people who consume both the matches and the many other associated goods and services. In an experience economy, the lever is the tapping of their emotions by an increasingly sophisticated value proposal. Groups of passionate supporters lead the way to the establishment of communities with a common interest in the club. Following a qualitative methodology (interviews and other texts’ analysis) our study of the Real Madrid Football Club (RM) business model suggests that one of the biggest football clubs in the world is creating a business model based on the emotions of its supporters. This finding could be useful for other clubs in many different countries.  相似文献   

我国体育旅游市场的区域发展特征及其制约因素   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
制约我国东部经济发达地区体育旅游市场发展的因素有:1)体育赛事水平不高;2)市场开发与经营力度不够;3)对体育旅游产业市场的培育不够。制约我国西部经济欠发达地区、民族区域体育旅游市场发展的因素有:1)地区经济落后,硬件基础设施陈旧;2)体育旅游产品质量不高;3)开发体育旅游资源的理念落后;4)缺乏专业的体育旅游人才。  相似文献   

美国职业体育管理体制初探   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
美国职业体育的起源,从地缘上看是移植了英国的赛马俱乐部模式,从根源上看是资本主义制度的建立以及自身的不断调整,带动了世界经济的持续增长,从文化上看缺少英国的贵族阶层的捐赠,从管理上看是联盟体制的建立和完善,从内容上看是有效地协调了观众、球员、职业运动队、联盟、媒体、赞助商和政府之间的利益关系,从制度上看是美国完善的市场法规给予了这种体制以有效运行的保障.  相似文献   

运用SWOT分析方法,对天水体育旅游的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行了分析,认为其优势主要集中在自然和人文资源优势、区位优势和政策优势,发展的劣势主要集中在天水经济水平偏低、体育旅游产业规划滞后,没有形成旅游品牌、亮点和规模以及体育旅游专业人才匮乏3方面,其发展的机遇为:1)后奥运时代带来的机遇;2)关一天经济发展区域的带动;3)麦积山风景区评为国家5A级旅游景点带来的契机。发展的威胁主要集中在如何构建绿色体育旅游、生态体育旅游的焦点上,在此基础上提出相应发展对策,以期为相关决策部门提供参考。  相似文献   


Founded in 1906, the Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) was a key proponent of mountain adventure and advocacy. This paper examines the club’s annual camps, physical culture, and conservation involvement as indicators to understand the integration of mountaineering and parks in Canada in the twentieth century. It surveys the club’s origins and highlights its shifting agendas. The ACC mountaineering camps and classic alpine ascents invented a tradition for middle-class sport and tourism in mountain parks, particularly in the Rockies and Columbia Mountains. The club advocated for climbers but also for conservation in wild places. It participated in contested debates on parks and resource use as a stakeholder on public lands. The paper argues the ACC was a leading proponent of mountain pursuits, conservation, and tourism in a complex political ecology of engaged land use for sport and recreation intertwined with physical spaces and the social production of mountain parks in Canada. Adventure and advocacy were its legacy as well as education on the land. Based on archives, alpine journals, and other published sources, the paper illustrates an integration of people and places in landscapes of sport as well as contemporary mountain adventure, tourism, and conservation issues in Canada and internationally.  相似文献   

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