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[目的/意义] 随着国际组织、国家和科研及基金资助机构对开放获取(OA)运动的支持力度进一步加强,开放获取政策不仅在数量上不断增加,其强制力度也在加深,促进了全球科研交流的发展。总结梳理强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策的实践进展,可为我国相关政策主体制定与改进相应的OA政策提供借鉴和参考。[方法/过程] 首先通过文献调研及网站调研强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策的制定现状,分别概括基金资助机构与科研机构的此类政策所包含的激励措施的特点;其次,以科研机构为例,利用机构WOS论文在机构指定的存储库中的存储情况来反映机构OA政策的执行效果,对比分析此类政策与未制定激励措施的强制性OA政策、鼓励性OA政策实施效果的差异。[结果/结论] 目前制定强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策的机构较少,基金资助机构主要采取削减项目资助资金或取消受资助者再次申请基金资格的惩罚性措施来督促科研人员遵守其OA政策,科研机构则将科研人员遵守OA政策的情况与其绩效评估相挂钩,借以激励机构成员实现研究产出的开放获取;实证分析发现强制性且带有激励措施的OA政策相比于另外两类OA政策执行力度更强、实施效果更好。  相似文献   

The Florida Legislature created the Joint Committee on Information Technology Resources for the purpose of, in part, analyzing the impact of advances in information technology on the Florida Public Records Law. In responding to the U.S. Information Industry Association's recently promulgated access principles for state and local government, the author found that although Florida does not actively encourage a diversity of information sources, such diversity is an indirect result of the state's long tradition of open access. The public's right of access is now guaranteed in Florida by a new constitutional amendment that guarantees every person the right to inspect or copy the public records of all three branches of Florida government.Florida's law is silent about an agency's obligation to provide a public record in a particular medium. However, the Joint Committee has proposed legislation that would require an agency to provide a copy of a public record in the medium requested. Additionally, the proposed legislation would allow a reasonable fee for costs for the labor and overhead associated with duplicating or copying a computer database; current law allows only the actual cost of duplication. In an effort to insure equal and timely access, this legislation also contains a provision that requires agencies to consider public access and redaction of exempt information in the design and development of all electronic recordkeeping systems.In an attempt to avoid monopoly control over public information, the author sponsored legislation last year that would have repealed Florida's law allowing the copyright of agency-created software. The Joint Committee's proposed legislation has a provision that would assure meaningful access to data controlled by proprietary software and would also preclude an agency from entering into any contract that would impair the right of the public to inspect and copy public records.  相似文献   

State and Local governments must develop an overarching legal foundation to manage critical service delivery in an electronic environment. Prior to establishing a foundation, decision-makers must first adopt a philosophy that focuses and harnesses expressions of law and public policy. The research and development community must supports the nation’s efforts with programs designed to aid in the risk assessment process. These programs must focus on identifying better ways to quantify risk, understanding infrastructure interdependency, and measuring cascading damages flowing from service outages. Finally, State and Local leaders should adopt security guidelines for industry and government service providers. Guidelines involve ten well-defined process requirements, all of which must be implemented to provide services online and in a safe and secure manner.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以国家自然科学基金基础知识库建设为例,为国内资助与研究机构建设开放获取知识库提供参考经验。[方法/过程] 全面调研国内外开放获取知识库平台技术、功能、服务与发展,详细介绍项目建设平台选型、架构设计、关键技术实现、界面设计、元数据标准、数据清洗、运行情况等研究成果与实践经验。[结果/结论] 总结项目建设经验,为资助与研究机构建设开放获取知识库提供有价值的研究与建设参考经验,推动公共资助机构投资所产生的知识普惠社会,促进社会创新发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]公众科学是指非传统意义上的科研人员、普通民众参与到科学研究过程的全新科研范式,是新型开放创新模式。分析公众科学的发展趋势与挑战,对我国开展公众科学具有一定的借鉴意义。[方法/过程]通过文献调研、典型案例分析、对比分析等方法分析公众科学的发展、典型公众科学项目、面临问题的基础上,提出发展公众科学的政策建议。[结果/结论]公众科学是一种新型开放创新模式,有助于推动开放科学发展,有益于公民科学素养的提高,有利于公众参与政府决策。应充分认识公众科学的巨大潜力,从政策层面推动公众科学的进步。  相似文献   

2014年国际开放获取实践进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的/意义]开放获取的发展得到了各方的普遍关注,了解世界范围内主要参与者的发展动态,有助于图书馆把握开放获取的发展趋势和开放获取所带来的机遇,参与开放获取,应对挑战.[方法/过程]跟踪2014年世界重要政府机构、科研资助机构、科研机构、出版商、国际组织的开放获取政策、研究报告、项目计划和动态消息,在此基础上进行归纳总结.从开放存储、开放出版以及开放资源的组织和利用形式等方面总结2014年国际开放获取实践的具体进展和发展趋势.[结果/结论]2014年开放存储整合趋势增强、转向开放数据存储,开放出版从试验走向政策支持,开放资源的组织和利用不断深化、由目录揭示转向资源集成.在开放获取发展的历史浪潮中,图书馆是不可或缺的中坚力量.  相似文献   

Public libraries serve as valuable assets in meeting a community's strategic goals. This article investigates strategies for the development of public libraries in Lagos State, Nigeria. Observation and questionnaire methods were used as research tools. The population of the study consists of librarians and users of public libraries in Lagos State. The eleven public libraries and twenty local government libraries in the state were surveyed. The major findings were that public libraries in Lagos State were not adequately funded and that the parent body has yet to meet the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) standard of public library establishment. The study highlighted the challenges facing public libraries in Lagos and offered some remedies.  相似文献   

University‐based natural history museums are specialized cultural institutions that serve diverse constituencies. On one hand, these museums promote scientific research and collections through the work of curators and students and must advance the universities' missions. On the other hand, they must provide exhibition and public programs for the local community, or if they are a state museum, serve the citizens of the entire state through these activities. The challenge for university‐based natural history museums is to achieve a balance among their activities and services, given available resources. In the twenty‐first century, university natural history museums must further adapt by promoting social awareness of topics such as biodiversity and fostering learning in informal and formal settings. The Florida Museum of Natural History, an official State museum located at the University of Florida, is a prime example of a comprehensive university museum with a broad spectrum of programs that promote and enhance learning activities.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 分析科研众包项目的协作模式,为我国在开放环境下开展协作研究提供理论指导和行动指南。[方法/过程] 通过分析Crowd Research项目的协作过程,从公众科研人员招募、研究过程协作、结果提交、成果产出4方面入手,详细说明各部分的关键步骤,总结Crowd Research对我国发展科研众包项目的启示。[结果/结论] 研究发现,Crowd Research基于众包思想,发展了一种新型的科研协作模式,公众科研人员在专业科研人员的带领下可以协作参与研究过程,包括自主选择里程碑、同行评估提交内容、互相分配贡献值、合作发表学术论文等。  相似文献   

《我国基本公共文化服务标准化与均等化研究》是柯平先生国家社科基金重大项目"促进我国基本公共文化服务标准化与均等化研究"的研究成果。该著作是立足国家战略、深入探索我国基本公共文化服务的经典之作,也是紧扣"法治""公平""效益"原则,持续推进我国公共文化服务改革发展的应时之作。著作的问世得益于柯平先生丰富的专业积淀、开阔的学术视野和勤勉的实践调研。著作集实证研究、理论建构、标准研究于一体,兼学术性、政策性、实证性、实用性于一身。著作体现中国特色,探析服务内涵,引领服务实践,推动服务进展,对我国基本公共文化服务迈向普惠均等的高质量发展,彰显以人为本的精神情怀,具有深刻的现实意义和指导价值。  相似文献   

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and facilitated by the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) through the Museums Connect program, Identities: Understanding Islam in a Cross‐cultural Context is an exercise of community development and public inclusion from the perspective of cultural diplomacy. The 2009–10 project was a cooperative endeavor between the Museum of History and Holocaust Education (MHHE) at Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA and the Ben M'sik Community Museum, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco. Drawing on interviews conducted with the AAM managers and project participants, as well as relevant literature, the discussion considers the more important mechanisms of American museum missions and practices as means of achieving American foreign‐policy objectives.  相似文献   

陈美 《情报资料工作》2020,41(2):99-105
[目的/意义]从隐私风险防控的角度,调查法国政府开放数据的隐私保护实践,为我国政府开放数据和隐私保护提供参考。[方法/过程]利用文献调研和案例分析的研究方法,以法国为例,通过对文献资料和网站内容的调查,获取一手资料阐述法国政府开放数据中隐私风险防控的经验,对政府开放数据中个人隐私的评判标准、隐私影响评估(PIA)框架和运行逻辑、隐私风险应对的数据处理规范与机构进行分析和概况。[结果/结论]建立相应机构来推动开放数据和个人隐私保护,培育开放数据文化,完善政府开放数据平台隐私政策。  相似文献   

探索政府开放资料在台湾的发展现况:研究发现政府机关在其信息公开发展已经成熟之际,更持续地进一步施行更为全面的政府资料开放,相关主管机关已经在法制层面开始规划研拟,以逐步完成政府开放资料环境之整备;实证数据显示,政府开放数据实行对于政府信息增值有直接的影响,可以协助公众更有效率地获取政府数据与信息以从事增值应用,并减少公众在使用政府信息增值时所面对的困难;研究建议政府从法令规范、开放数据平台、开放数据面向、技术与格式标准、开放数据的推广与授权使用机制之6个方面,推动政府开放数据政策的落实。  相似文献   

This article revisits discussion from “The Florida State Libraries Resource Sharing Initiative: Unity Among a Disparate Group” (Schmidt & Smith, 2012) on the implementation of a new resource sharing program within the Florida State University Libraries called UBorrow. The program and its effects are assessed after 2 years with comparison to the project launch's original predictions.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]开放科学环境对研究型图书馆资源建设与服务提出新的要求,分析在开放科学环境下研究型图书馆--美国国立医学图书馆转型现状,有助于为国内研究型图书馆转型提供借鉴。[方法/过程]在分析开放科学构成要素的基础上,从图书馆发展战略、图书馆资源建设和图书馆服务3个角度,总结美国国立医学图书馆为应对开放科学的发展要求而做出的战略层面的演变,并重点分析其资源建设实践(开放资源建设、数据中心建设、资源语义化组织和软件工具开发等)和服务实践(科学信息开放共享服务、公共信息服务、数据管理服务、开放教育服务、新媒体及移动服务等)。[结果/结论]美国国立医学图书馆从政策引导、资源基础、平台支撑、服务方式、服务途径5个角度很好地践行了开放科学的发展要求。研究型图书馆应逐渐由信息资源中心向数据中心转变,从战略决策、开放获取平台建设、数据中心建设、软件工具开发等角度来推动开放科学发展。  相似文献   

The University of Florida GeoPlan Center has been organizing, standardizing, and distributing geospatial data since 1998 through the Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL), a collection of Florida geospatial data from various agencies, as well as data developed in-house. With funding from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), FGDL serves as a public distribution mechanism for hundreds of Florida geospatial data layers. Since 2004, FGDL layers have formed the data foundation for FDOT's interagency application known as efficient transportation decision making (ETDM), which facilitates the review and permitting process for proposed transportation projects. Data layers are standardized and inspected to ensure that the data are adequate for use in analysis and decision making. To efficiently manage the geospatial data and workflows, a quality assurance/quality control (QAQC) process and relational database schema was developed to track the standardization procedures, lineage, versioning, and archiving of the data layers. This article details the history of the Florida Geographic Data Library, challenges of managing a large geospatial data repository, development of a QAQC process and database schema, and lessons learned.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]大数据时代背景下,政府数据开放共享成为必然趋势。政策作为政府数据开放共享进程中的"助推剂",发挥着至关重要的作用。对我国城市群政府数据开放政策进行研究,分析城市群政府数据开放政策的特点及不足,为城市群政府数据开放政策提供改进建议,促进政策的协同执行。[方法/过程]从政策工具、政策目标、政策力度3个维度构建分析框架,以23项成渝城市群政府数据开放政策(218条政策细则)为样本,对每个政策进行文本编码,统计描述样本编码结果。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,成渝城市群政府数据开放政策的结构特征表现为命令型、激励型政策工具使用偏多,能力建设型和系统变化型政策工具使用偏少;政策目标着重于数据层面的政务数据开放共享和大数据应用,对于智慧政府建设目标重视程度不够;政策力度总体与政府数据开放趋势变化较为一致,但有待加强。因此,政府数据开放政策需要全面综合运用4种政策工具,同时协调政策目标的结构,加强政策力度,推动政府数据开放的系统发展。  相似文献   

As a rural state, Ohio has a vital interest in addressing rural health and information needs. NetWellness is a Web-based consumer health information service that focuses on the needs of the residents of Ohio. Health sciences faculty from the state's three Carnegie Research I universities--University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and The Ohio State University--create and evaluate content and provide Ask an Expert service to all visitors. Through partnerships at the state and local levels, involving public, private, commercial, and noncommercial organizations, NetWellness has grown from a regional demonstration project in 1995 to a key statewide service. Collaboration with public libraries, complemented by alliances with kindergarten through twelfth grade agencies, makes NetWellness Ohio's essential health information resource.  相似文献   

Organizational communication scholars are increasingly called upon to use theoretical knowledge to address problematic processes in public institutions. This article reports a process improvement project focused on a university conflict of interest (COI) policy as an example of how scholars can engage theory to improve ongoing policy processes. The project team included communication scholars and research administration staff who designed, implemented, and evaluated the mixed-methods project guided by structurating activity theory. Baseline survey results were used to design the process improvement project. Results of the follow-up survey indicate that researchers who participated in some aspect of the process improvement project (i.e. attending a policy café, using the redesigned website, or reading the new Quick Reference Guide) reported higher levels of policy communication and knowledge and more positive attitudes toward the COI policy than researchers who had not engaged with process improvement efforts. We offer theoretical and practical implications of results for organizational communication scholars and practitioners.  相似文献   

为实现图书馆在数字时代的有效转型,提高图书馆主动知识服务的价值,提出依托图书馆平台建设知识生态系统的目标,利用互联网的高连接性优势,通过开发“知联网”、“人联网”、“务联网”等未来互联网应用支柱技术,完成面向服务目标的知识组织和资源整合,并利用云计算技术实现能面向广众的支持按需知识获取的“知识云服务”,使互联网的应用价值从原先的信息高速公路进一步提升为“知识高速公路”,成为建设智慧城市和国家的重要软基础设施。为此,还提出“群体知识工程方法学”,利用可支持广泛参与的公共生态平台,实现开放创新与众包共创,设计方案已实际应用于舟山海洋数字图书馆建设,有望将图书馆生态系统建成名符其实的经济发展和创新驱动引擎。  相似文献   

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