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陈燕君 《学语文》2003,(5):28-29
话题作文是一种开放性的作文题型 ,但它不是全方位开放 ,而是有所限制。所以 ,把握好作文题的限制仍是关键。话题作文就给出的材料来看 ,我们不妨把它分为三类 :1.启发性话题作文 ;2.隐性限制性话题作文 ;3.限定立意性话题作文。下面就来谈谈这三类话题作文的审题立意。一、启发性话题作文的审题。这类作文题给出一个启发思维的材料作引言 ,这个材料的作用是帮助学生开拓思维 ,给学生提供许多侯选角度 ,或让学生由侯选角度类推一个新角度来行文。这类作文的限制比较宽松 ,审题一般可从给出的话题上下功夫 ,仔细审好题目。例如2001年高考作文…  相似文献   

话题作文是一种用一段导引材料启发思考 ,激发想象 ,用话题限定写作范围的作文题型。 1 998年高考突破一般材料作文的窠臼后 ,它在1 999年高考卷 (以“假如记忆可以移植”为作文内容的范围 )中端倪渐显 ,在 2 0 0 0年高考卷 (以“答案是丰富多彩的”为话题 )中逐渐张扬 ,2 0 0  相似文献   

作文题型可以分为两类:命题与非命题作文,后者变化尤多。 话题作文,它与材料作文略有区别:后者多强调准确提炼材料(或文字,或图画照片)的主题(或叫中心思想),并根据主题下笔;前者的要求则宽泛许多,只要围绕材料提供的话题,自定主题下笔便可。在实际操作中,有些“话题作文”,规定围绕的所谓“话题”。实际上是某个“事物”、某个“题材”,于是“题材作文”也就应运而生了。它只要求根据提供的题材下笔,也无主题的限定。主题、话题、题材,也就是三者的差别吧。  相似文献   

我们所说的新材料作文,是在材料作文基础上发展起来的一种新的作文命题形式。从本质上讲,它属于材料作文;从表现形式上看,又与话题作文类似。它给定材料,但不确定话题,要求不像传统材料作文那样“过死”,也不像话题作文那样“过宽”。传统的材料作文一般都要限定文体,而新材料作文是文体不限;传统材料作文总有最佳立意,新材料作文可以有多个立意,且不存在最佳立意。  相似文献   

话题作文是高考中经常出现的题目类型。从所给的话题来看一般有两种,即单向型话题作文和关系型话题作文。对于单向型话题作文,学生往往都有话可说,但对于关系型话题作文,学生在碰到时往往头大如斗,不知如何下手。有的搜肠刮肚也不知从何说起,有的只偏说一方忽视另一方,有的有意无意地去改变话题,有的甚至直接抛开话题另起锅灶。那么在考场上如何写好关系型话题作文呢?本文试以"平凡与自豪"为例,谈谈关系型话题作文写作要点。  相似文献   

陈晓彦 《教师》2014,(30):21-22
正一、新材料作文概述新材料作文也称后话题作文或者题意作文,是一种命题人给出材料但不给话题,学生在材料范围内自选角度、自拟题目、自定文体类型的作文命题形式。就其形式而言,高中语文新材料作文可分为叙述类材料作文、评论性材料作文、语言或名言型材料作文、寓言故事以及漫画材料作文等几大类型。但无论哪种形式,审题立意是关键。"意"是一篇文章的中心与灵魂,是作文的生命所在,在审题立意过程中,要求学生认真思考、分析与推敲,能够准  相似文献   

王占英 《高中生》2012,(18):14-15
和传统材料作文及话题作文相比,新材料作文突出了文体的自选性和立意构思的可选择性,所以考生写作时容易出现以下几种误区。新材料作文通过材料对考生进行限定,以避免猜题、宿构、抄袭等现象,从而体现考试的要求。所  相似文献   

崔国明 《学语文》2003,(5):25-26
一道话题作文的题目由提示材料、话题和写作要求三部分的内容组成 ,而在这三者中 ,提示材料和话题之间存在着一种内在的和必然的联系 ,这是我们写作之前审题的重点。按照理想状态 ,话题作文中的提示性材料与所设置的话题本身应该是协调一致的。但这仅仅是一种理想状态 ,在实际操作过程中 ,由于命题的侧重点和命题人所要考查的角度不同 ,因而提示材料和话题的内涵、外延就不太可能是完全吻合的。从高考所考查的话题作文以及各种资料中所出示的一些话题作文来看 ,提示材料和话题之间存在着三种关系 ,我们图示如下。认真分析这三种关系 ,将有助…  相似文献   

作文是语文学习中的重要部分,既能够考察学生的知识储备,还能够促进学生的思维。话题作文是作文中的一种类型,通过材料来引出话题,让学生围绕话题来进行写作。学生在话题作文中若是没有理解话题意思,在写作的过程中非常容易跑题。教师要给学生传授一些写作的技巧,既不会让学生跑题,又能够提高学生的写作水平,本文主要研究了初中语文话题写作的技巧。  相似文献   

一、材料型作文的特点2006年全国统一高考语文卷舍弃了延用6年之久的话题作文,采用材料型作文的形式,此外,山东、湖北卷也采用了材料型作文形式。材料型作文能避免命题作文猜题、押题的弊端,避免话题作文泛泛而写  相似文献   

对照新旧两套国家普通话水平测试用话题,新话题记叙类难度略有提高,但维度关照稍显不足,议论类话题权重还应加大,以使整体布局更趋合理;新话题人文性更强,更容易上口,但对社会生活的关注不够,避谈政治,不利于引导人们关心国家大事,应增加此类话题,以培养参政、议政的公民意识;新话题口语色彩更加明显,但它们只是对话题范围的规定,缺少具体明确的口语化暗示,各地在培训时,还应注意多拟口语色彩浓的子话题,以加强其口语引导性。  相似文献   

This paper studies the teacher perceived applicability of historical topics for interpretational history teaching and the criteria teachers use to evaluate this applicability. For this study, 15 expert history teachers in the Netherlands striving for interpretational history teaching were purposefully selected. Teachers were asked to mention historical topics using a ranking task technique to rank topics in order of applicability and to elaborate on how the topics were ranked. The results showed a large variation in perceived applicability among topics, both within and between teachers. Eight different topic-applicability criteria were discerned in the teachers’ elaborations: (1) topic knowledge; (2) topic affinity; (3) topic constructedness; (4) topic deconstructability; (5) topic abstractedness; (6) topic sensitivity; (7) topic materials; and (8) topic inclusion in the history curriculum. We found that teachers tended to judge topics as applicable for interpretational history teaching partly depending on the degree of ‘canonised interpretativity’ in lesson materials and the curriculum, and to the degree to which they belonged to ‘cold’ (morally neutral) or ‘hot’ (morally sensitive) history. A theoretical implication of the findings is that interpretational history teaching is topic-dependent. Teachers can be supported to teach history as interpretation by structured pedagogies.  相似文献   

研究性学习的首要问题是研究性学习专题的选择和确定.职高<机械基础>学科研究性学习的专题设计,要在分析学科性质的基础上,遵循问题探究、多元开放、学用结合、循序渐进和长短结合等原则,通过实证教材内容结论、教材内容的拓展延伸和实用机械设计三类专题的设计和整合,逐步构建和完善学科研究性学习的有效载体.  相似文献   

Many topics that are taught in supply chain management (SCM) programs include elements of variability and risk. With quantitative tools in particular, it is assumed that the decision makers using the tools are risk neutral, which is typically not the case in real-life decision situations. The topic of an individual's attitude toward risk has received limited attention in SCM literature and is not a high-profile topic in SCM textbooks. The teaching exercise presented in this paper uses two games—roulette and a SCM simulation—to provide students with an assessment of their own attitude toward risk, and in doing so, facilitates a classroom discussion of risk and risk attitude. These games were developed by the authors and can be played either within Excel or a web application.  相似文献   

Croatian 1st‐year and 3rd‐year high‐school students (N = 170) completed a conceptual physics test. Students were evaluated with regard to two physics topics: Newtonian dynamics and simple DC circuits. Students answered test items and also indicated their confidence in each answer. Rasch analysis facilitated the calculation of three linear measures: (a) an item‐difficulty measure based upon all responses, (b) an item‐confidence measure based upon correct student answers, and (c) an item‐confidence measure based upon incorrect student answers. Comparisons were made with regard to item difficulty and item confidence. The results suggest that Newtonian dynamics is a topic with stronger students' alternative conceptions than the topic of DC circuits, which is characterized by much lower students' confidence on both correct and incorrect answers. A systematic and significant difference between mean student confidence on Newtonian dynamics and DC circuits items was found in both student groups. Findings suggest some steps for physics instruction in Croatia as well as areas of further research for those in science education interested in additional techniques of exploring alternative conceptions. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 43: 150–171, 2006  相似文献   

The primary objective was to investigate the effect of an important motivational variable — interest ∶ on sixth-grade children’s performance on a writing task. Because our previous research showed that prior knowledge has an inordinate effect on writing, we augmented the children’s knowledge of the topics they were to write about. Students studied one of four texts (two high-interest/moderate-knowledge and two low-interest/high-knowledge) and then were assigned to either a tutorial condition, in which they studied and wrote about the same topic, or a control condition, in which they studied one topic and wrote about a companion topic at the same interest and knowledge level. Our general expectation, that children writing with tutorial support on high-interest topics would do better than all other groups because of the motivational effect, was not supported. The results unexpectedly showed that low-interest topics supported by tutorials resulted in longer productions. In addition high interest topics facilitated only better quality ideas, but not qualitatively better writing. These results indicate that the motivational power of generally interesting topics in writing is confounded with the role of prior knowledge. It is further suggested that attentional factors may explain why topic interest has a limited effect on children’s writing performance.  相似文献   

本文通过对102篇博士论文选题的统计分析,提出博士论文选题应遵循前沿性、应用性、创新性、挑战性和可行性五大原则,以及以选题为指南的博士生招生改革思路。  相似文献   

To determine the effects on test performance and test validity of releasing essay topics before a writing examination, researchers asked 300 prospective graduate students to write 2 essays, 1 on a previously unseen topic and 1 on a topic that was made available about 2 weeks before the test. Although for each of the 4 essay topics studied, performance was slightly better when a topic had been disclosed, overall analyses did not reveal any statistically significant effect of disclosure on test performance. Consequently, there was no detectable effect of disclosure on the relation of test performance to several independent indicators of writing skill. Limitations of the study are discussed in terms of its generalizability to a high-stakes testing situation and the extent to which it addressed both the positive and the negative effects of disclosure.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the importance of measurement literacy and some issues encountered in teaching introductory measurement courses. We present results from a survey of introductory measurement instructors, including information about the topics included in such courses and the amount of time spent on each. Topics that were included by the largest percentages of respondents were: validity, reliability, item analysis, item development, norms, standardized scores, classical test theory, instrument interpretation, and the history of testing, each of which was covered by at least 50% of respondents. Respondents were also asked the number of class sessions spent on each topic, and were asked to rate the importance of each. Responses to these questions closely paralleled those regarding the percentages of respondents who included these topics in their courses. We also report suggestions for class activities, arguing that those teaching introductory measurement courses should emphasize the relevance of measurement concepts to students’ lives and future careers. To this end, we provide suggestions for activities that might help to accomplish this goal.  相似文献   

汉水民歌源远流长,是我国民间艺术的瑰宝.它产生于商周时期,在流传过程中又接受了三秦、湖广民歌的影响.汉水民歌形式多样,内容丰富,大体可分为劳动歌、生活歌、情歌、仪式歌四类.劳动歌包括劳动号子与山歌两种;生活歌包括控诉阶级压迫、反抗黑暗社会、揭露封建礼教三种;情歌中既有倾诉热烈情意的,又有赞美情人优秀品质的,还有反映劳动与爱情密切关系的等等;仪式歌良莠交杂,精华与糟粕并存.  相似文献   

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