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由新加坡义安理工学院、新加坡理工学院和英国纽卡斯尔大学联合开办的海洋工程学荣誉学位课程日前开课。今后,新加坡理工学院海洋工程学和义安理工学院海洋及岸外工程学的毕业生将有机会在新加坡本地深造并考取纽卡斯尔大学的文凭。  相似文献   

<正>据《参考消息》2017年2月13日报道,近日,中国企业家马云通过马云公益基金会,向澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学捐赠2600万澳元(约合1.37亿元人民币),设立马-莫利奖学金计划。这是纽卡斯尔大学有史以来收到的最大一笔捐款,也是马云公益基金会在海外捐资设立的第一个奖学金。对此,悉尼大学一位负责人说,联邦政府拨付给大学的经费连年减少,大学必须积极开拓新资金渠道,  相似文献   

当前 ,对医学本科生课程中医学人文学科的作用正在引起人们的关注 ,但是 ,医学生对此有什么看法 ,或者医学生的学习习惯如何却知之甚少。为此 ,英格兰纽卡斯尔大学医学院学生 Hodgson和该院的流行病学与公共卫生学系教授 Thomson曾在该院的医学生中进行了一次调查 ,其目的是探索医学生的学习习惯 ,以及他们对文学作品和将人文学科引进医学课程的态度。该调查以纽卡斯尔大学和医学院的学生为对象 ,包括一年级、二年级和三年级全体医学本科生 3 84名 ,生物系全体学生 1 51名 ,随机抽样的法学院学生 1 3 7名。作者分别向被调查者发放一份由本…  相似文献   

近日.赣南医学院率先建立了一套系统全面的毕业生质量评价信息系统,启动毕业生质量社会评价工作。这是该院加强人才培养工作及学生就业指导工作推出的新举措。  相似文献   

凌朝霞 《中国德育》2006,1(11):91-93
悉尼大学是澳大利亚的第一所大学,是澳大利亚“八大高校集团”的成员之一,也是一所享有盛名的综合性研究型大学。她的声誉来自于她所培养的杰出学生。悉尼大学的毕业生中涌现了三位诺贝尔奖得主,四位澳大利亚总理等一大批优秀人才。这些杰出人才不仅仅是各领域的专家,更是有思想、有德行的人。悉尼大学的德育有其独特之处。一、向全体教职员工和学生提出明确的道德品质要求  相似文献   

4月4日至11日青海省2006年普通大中专毕业生就业双向选择洽谈会顺利举行。 在青海师范大学现场,记看到有84家单位参加他们的洽谈会,全省各州(地、市)教育局、西宁市各中学、保育院均参会招录毕业生,师范类毕业生就业形势较好。在青海大学医学院现场,吸引来了青海大学医学院、青海省卫生职业技术学院近1600多名学生,参加招聘会用人单位共51家,洽谈会共投出求职自荐书530份,毕业生与用人单位签订意向性协议189份。  相似文献   

坚持改革锐意进取争创一流院校山西职工医学院几年来,在省教委、省卫生厅各级领导的指导关怀下,山西职工医学院坚持全面贯彻党的教育方针和卫生工作方针,突出成人高等医学教育特点,坚持教学改革,提高了教学质量。5年共培养各类毕业生3661人,培训在职人员211...  相似文献   

2009年9月至11月,我赴澳大利亚悉尼大学医学院附属皇家阿尔弗雷德王子医院(Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,RPAH)进行交流学习。8周的工作时间里,我被安排在医院麻醉科参与每天的手术麻醉。两个月的异国之行,我不仅在专业知识上收获颇多,还领略到了悉尼特有的风情,深深感受到了悉尼的精神与内涵。  相似文献   

本文通过对医学院校毕业生就业现状分析,以徐州医学院麻醉学院就业工作为例,探索针对新形势下医学院校毕业生就业工作特点的有效方法。  相似文献   

以问题为基础的学习(PBL)在英国医学教育中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在过去几十年中,美国、加拿大、荷兰、澳大利亚等国的部分革新型医学院先后试行了PBL教学法,诸如荷兰林堡大学、加拿大麦克玛斯特大学、澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学、美国哈佛大学、新墨西哥大学、南伊利诺斯大学、拉什大学的医学院实施以PBL为内容的教改实践,《国外医学医学教育分册》曾分别予以介绍.在上述各医学院教改实践的推动下,自1990年代开始,英国的部分医学院也进行了以PBL为内容的课程改革试验.为进一步推广PBL在课程改革中的应用,英国皇  相似文献   

This article describes one institution's use of the College Outcome Measures Project (COMP) in comparing outcomes for graduates of traditional and non-traditional programs. The study was designed to answer three questions concerning the use of COMP in evaluating traditional and non-traditional programs. Results obtained in a study of 96 University of Minnesota graduating seniors suggest greater potential usefulness in distinguishing among institutions than in comparing outcomes of programs within an institution. The authors conclude that as new approaches and instruments for measuring college outcomes become available, criteria for instrument selection need to be shared among individuals charged with conducting outcome studies.  相似文献   

本文探讨传统专业中外联合培养模式,就同济大学工程力学专业与悉尼大学航空工程专业联合培养进行了可行性论证,通过对两专业的培养计划及各课程教学大纲等进行剖析与对比,提出满足双方专业要求的2.5 2双专业双文凭双学位模式及其具体实施方法。同济大学教学注重基础和基本理论训练,而悉尼大学注重批判性思维、团队工作和领导能力的培养,双方联合优势互补,有利于培养国内外就业市场需要的或进一步深造的高质量复合型国际化人才。  相似文献   


With more graduates, degree outcomes have a renewed significance for high-achieving students to stand out in a graduate crowd. In the United Kingdom, over a quarter of undergraduates now leave university with the highest grade – a ‘first-class’ degree – although students from non-traditional and underprivileged backgrounds are the least likely. This article explores the experiences of high-achieving non-traditional (HANT) university students. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 30 final-year students who are on course to achieve a first-class degree from working-class, minority ethnic and/or mature backgrounds, we examine their pathways to academic success through identity works and negotiations. We argue that early successes are crucial for students to re-evaluate their self-expectations as students who can achieve in higher education, while self-esteem, pride or fear can prevent students from maximising their available resources and opportunities. Implications for practice and policy are discussed, including the reflective advice from HANT students towards academic success.  相似文献   

本研究利用2003年- 2009年北京大学实施的全国高校毕业生调查数据,考察高校学生毕业后发展路径选择的变化趋势及其影响因素.研究发现:(1)随着就业竞争加剧和金融危机所带来的冲击效应,高校学生的毕业后发展路径选择呈现多元化格局,其中继续升学和非传统型就业群体比例增加;(2)高校毕业生中有超过四分之一的群体在毕业后陷入失业困境,其中女性,来自农村地区、家庭社经地位和文化资本积累不足等先致性因素导致毕业生陷入失业困境的概率增高;(3)高校学生毕业后发展路径受到个体特征、所属高等院校特征、劳动力市场发展状况以及宏观社会经济发展环境等多层面因素的影响.  相似文献   

以东北大学2009届一2011届生物医学工程专业本科毕业生为研究对象,采取访谈与查询档案相结合的方法,对毕业生就业情况进行了较为深入的调查,发现该专业毕业生存在被动升学率高、就业供需矛盾等问题。在深入分析产生问题原因的基础上,提出以市场为导向,开展学生实践创新能力建设、教学课程体系建设、实训中心、实习基地建设和教师人才...  相似文献   

The introduction of a new standards-based secondary school assessment system, the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), necessitated significant changes to the admissions processes for New Zealand universities, particularly for competitive-entry programmes such as medicine, engineering and pharmacy. Selection to such programmes was traditionally based on marks or grades in designated science subjects. Under NCEA, the emphasis changed to the number of credits obtained. This article uses the case of pharmacy at The University of Auckland to examine whether the admission criteria under NCEA are ‘fit for purpose’ in terms of academic progression during the degree. The negative consequences of students having to repeat courses are both academic and financial. Using data from six cohorts of NCEA entrants to the Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm) degree, the findings of this study clearly suggest that the best predictor of course success, measured by not failing courses, is the NCEA Grade Point Average. This is at variance with the current practice for admission to pharmacy and other limited-entry degrees which rely on prerequisite courses and the number of NCEA Credits gained. These results suggest that a reappraisal of admissions processes for pharmacy and similar programmes is required.  相似文献   

630 students at a medical school evaluated 18 lecturers who had previously been nominated as ‘most effective’ or ‘least effective’ by over 50 per cent of a sample of 212 graduates from the same school. Lecturers rated as ‘effective’ by the graduates received significantly higher mean scores on each of the dimensions of the teacher rating form (TRF) than did those rated as ‘ineffective’. These results are taken as suggestive evidence that students can distinguish between effective and ineffective lecturers. Whether they will in fact do so under different circumstances is a matter for further research.  相似文献   


An investigation to determine if on the basis of behavioral trait “classroom teacher” could Identify students who would later quit school. Two groups were established from Ss entering: the ninth grade during: a two-year period (N = 96). One group graduated four years later. The second group left school prematurely. Ratings were obtained from 506 teachers on Ss in seven areas of behavior. The findings Indicated that male dropouts were rated significantly less favorably on all criteria when compared with male graduates. Similar findings were obtained with female dropouts and graduates. Teacher evaluations of student behavior were reliable predictors of future school attendance and reflective of pupil adjustment.  相似文献   

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) serves a large majority of socioeconomically disadvantaged students who are struggling academically and are underprepared for high school graduation and college. This article describes the partnership between LAUSD and the Los Angeles Education Research Institute, and how this collaboration endeavors to produce accessible and high-quality research to inform pressing problems of practice. The article also presents findings from an ongoing partnership research project analyzing a district policy focused on improving college readiness by aligning high school graduation and college-eligibility requirements. In a cohort that went through high school before the policy became mandatory for all students, less than 1/5 of all students (and 30% of graduates) met the college eligibility criteria. Our findings indicate that academic and behavioral indicators from 8th and 9th grade can help identify for possible intervention students who are not on track to meet these new graduation requirements.  相似文献   

The attainment and experiences of disabled students in distance education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an earlier study of disabled graduates from campus‐based institutions in the UK, students who had previously declared that they had an unseen disability were less likely to obtain good degrees (with first‐class or upper second‐class honours). The present study investigated the role of disability as a factor in the attainment and experiences of 2351 distance‐learning students awarded first degrees by the UK’s Open University in 2002–2003. In contrast to the earlier study, students who had previously declared that they were dyslexic, were deaf or hard of hearing, or had multiple disabilities were also less likely to obtain good degrees. In a self‐report questionnaire, graduates with multiple disabilities provided lower ratings of the quality of their courses and their personal development. Nevertheless, the attainment and overall experience of graduates who reported disabilities that they had not previously declared to the University were similar to those of graduates with no disability.  相似文献   

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